Can't create projects with Composer on Windows 7 - laravel

I'm trying to install Laravel with composer on Windows 7 and am running into an error. This is the command I'm running:
composer global require "laravel/installer=~1.1"
This is the error I get:
file_put_contents(C:\Users\myUser\AppData\Roaming\Composer/vendor/composer/installed.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
It's correct to say that the installed.json file does not exist, there's not even a composer folder inside the vendor folder. Not sure why that would be missing. I installed composer using the Windows installer.
Seems to be a composer related issue rather than laravel. I just tried installing yii and am getting a similar error running this:
composer create-project --prefer-dist yiisoft/yii2-app-basic MyApp
For this one, I get this after it successfully creates the folder and seems to load most files:
file_put_contents(C:\wwwroot\MyApp/vendor/composer/installed.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
Seems like the problem is that I never have a composer folder in my vendor folder.
I was able to get laravel to install globally by adding the COMPOSER_HOME environment variable. But I still run into a similar error when setting up a Laravel project after that
Some additional info, when I use the Windows Installer, composer gets installed in c:\ProgramData\ComposerSetup\bin. If I set the COMPOSER_HOME environment variable to this, laravel can get installed globally. But trying to install a project using the "laravel new MyApp" throws the following error:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'class' (T_CLASS), expecting identifier (T_STRING) or variable (T_VARIABLE) or '{' or '$' in C:\wwwroot\MyApp\artisan on line 31
I suspect that's because I have PHP 5.4 and the latest version of laravel is 5.6 and above, but I want to install 5.0, which is 5.4 and above. I tried doing it using "composer create-project laravel/laravel MyApp 5.0 --prefer-dist" instead. I get the following error:
file_put_contents(c:\wwwroot\MyApp/vendor/composer/installed.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
Seems there's just something weird going on with paths that I can't quite figure out.
I've now uninstalled composer and re-installed it manually per the instructions provided on the composer site. I'm now trying to create a project using the following command from c:\wwwroot:
composer create-project laravel/laravel c:\wwwroot\MyApp --prefer-dist
It does manage to install some stuff, but seems I get this error before any package it tries to install:
Installing laravel/laravel (v5.1.4)
Loading from cache
Failed to download laravel/laravel from dist: RecursiveDirectoryIterator::__construct(C:\wwwroot/vendor/composer/,C:\wwwroot/vendor/composer/): The system cannot find the path specified. (code: 3)
Again, seems like it can't create a directory for vendor/composer for some reason. I tried running the same command, but from inside an empty c:\wwroot\MyApp folder, same result except the path in the error changes accordingly.
I found the following:
But I checked my registry and I have none of these entries. So still no clue.

It seems that your composer is not globally accessible. Try to add C:\Users{UserName}\AppData\Roaming\Composer\vendor\bin to your environment variable then restart your Shell or Command-Prompt so that updated Path variables is loaded. Now try to install laravel again.
Here is the detailed instruction:
Go to Control Panel > Systems ans Security > System > Advanced system settings then navigate to envirinment variables then scroll down and locate the PATH then add a semi colon (;) at the end of the PATH string. This means you are declaring a new variable. Then paste the C:\Users{UserName}\AppData\Roaming\Composer\vendor\bin after (;) you have added, restart the command prompt and try to install laravel again.

Uninstall composer and install it again, but this time do enable shell menu. Right click on the location (directory) where you want to create the project, select "use composer here", then "composer create-project laravel/laravel projectName --prefer-dist" should create your laravel project, default to latest version (5.1).
To specify your prefer version:
"composer create-project laravel/laravel 4.2 projectName --prefer-dist"

I will suggest you to install Homestead ( and do all the heavylifting there.
You just need to do homestead ssh to actually connect to your machine and then perform all your operations.
Windows is pretty unpredictable in that kind of situations and in web development in general.


Laravel command not found. Tried to add to PATH but it's not working

I'm trying to install and run Laravel on my Mac machine, but my command line doesn't recognize laravel and responds to all laravel commands with "bash: laravel: command not found". I know that the composer bin folder needs to be added to the $PATH, so I went to my home folder and, since none of the profile files I was told to look for were present, I created a .bash_profile file and added the line "export PATH = $HOME/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH" to it. However, after saving this and restarting my terminal, laravel is still not recognized. Does anyone see what I'm doing wrong here?
I assume you are trying to do laravel new blog. To work you should call composer global require laravel/installer.
In case this doesn't work for you use composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog

Install Laravel using Composer

I'm trying to install Laravel using Composer, but after running the following command
composer create-project laravel/laravel cmsLaravel 5.2
pointing to my c/xampp/htddocs directory, I get the error below:
C:\xampp\htdocs\laravelCMS\bootstrap/../vendor/autoload.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\xampp\htdocs\laravelCMS\bootstrap\autoload.php on line 17
To install Laravel using composer, all you need to do is to run in your terminal is:
composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog
Where: blog is the name of the folder containing your new Laravel instance.
To install Laravel directly within your chosen directory (not in a folder within it as demonstrated above), simply run the same command but this time without a folder name as in:
composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel
Remember to run the command within your desired directory for the project; in your case, for C:\xampp\htdocs\, then, run either the first or second command as above base on your needs.
This assumes you already have Composer properly installed as recommended on their website.
Before you try addressing your failed to open stream: error, do avoid having folder names with space(s) as in your command above (obviously not the source of the error).
Make sure you have the correct Server Requirements for Laravel
the failed to open stream: error usually occur when the OpenSSL PHP Extension not enabled.
PHP >= 5.6.4
OpenSSL PHP Extension
PDO PHP Extension
Mbstring PHP Extension
Tokenizer PHP Extension
XML PHP Extension
After enabling the required extension(s), do remember to restart your server, then run the following command:
composer update
Follow the steps below;
Download and install Composer.
Go inside the folder C:\xampp\htdocs>(if you are using xampp) or C:\wamp\www>(if you are using wamp) and open cmd/PoweShell & run the following commands:
composer global require "laravel/installer"
composer create-project laravel/laravel (after running this command a folder having name Laravel will be created there)
Now go inside Laravel folder and run php artisan serve command.
After executing the last cmd, it will show an URL:; access the URL in a browser, which should reflect the will see the default webpage of Laravel.
Download and install composer
Run composer global require "laravel/installer"
Open terminal inside C:\xampp\htdocs and run laravel new my_folder_name
You can just run
composer install
and it will process the required files to load the laravel in web browser
After seeing your comment, you should go to your laravel directory in your cmd.
cd C:\xampp\htdocs\laravelCMS
and run the command
composer install
Change your command to this:
composer create-project laravel/laravel cmsLaravel 5.2.*
This mean any sub version of laravel 5.2.
Check your index.php and Change the path as per your project directory
Register The Auto Loader
require __DIR__.'/cmsLaravel /vendor/autoload.php';
$app =require_once __DIR__.'/cmsLaravel /bootstrap/app.php';
composer create-project laravel/laravel 6.0
composer is a tool for dependency management in PHP
create-project is command to create a new laravel project
laravel/laravel is for the skeleton application you get when creating a new project. It provides a default structure that's recommended (you're not forced to use it). The repository contains default config files, controllers, routes, etc. As well as code responsible for bootstrapping the application.
Link Laravel/laravel
6.0 Version in laravel
just run your command line as admin
it worked for me
Please follow this step and try it
step 1
composer create-project laravel/laravel example-app
step 2
composer global require laravel/installer
laravel new example-app
step 3
cd example-app
php artisan serve
Else I will Recommend You To Go in to laravel offical page
Clik Here

Laravel Installer method

Normally I do install Laravel 5.1 by following this command regarding to documentation:
composer create-project laravel/laravel --prefer-dist
It works fine.
But I read in the documentation under "Via Laravel Installer" also it is possible to install via Laravel Installer, which is much faster than installing via Composer:
laravel new blog
But to use this method I need to run following command once:
composer global require "laravel/installer=~1.1"
When I do run it I get following errors many times
Deprecation Notice: Composer\Package\Version\VersionParser::parseLinks
is deprecated. Use \Composer\Package\Loader\ArrayLoader::parseLinks()
instead in
after many line of same error ./composer.json has been updated appears and it continues with the same line of errors, it ends with following
Loading composer repositories with package information Updating
dependencies (including require-dev) Nothing to install or update
Generating autoload files
What is wrong with it? Any idea or solution.
My environment: Windows 10, GitBash and cmder console.
Update of composer, I did ran composer self-update also
Snapshot of console
Note, I can confirm after solving the issue that the installation via Laravel Installer method is faster than composer.
The Composer Assets Plugin you've installed locally is using a deprecated method of Composer. The plugin is already fixed, so run composer global update to get the latest versions with the bug fix. After it, you should be able to run the command succesfully.
If this doesn't work (as you might get the same error running the previous command), try removing the global vendor directory. When running any global Composer command, it outputs something like "Changed current directory to XXX". Remove the XXX/vendor directory and then try running the command.
In addition to #WouterJ answer.
Worst case if the steps provided by #WouterJ did not work, you could manage to uninstall and reinstall composer for windows.
When done, run composer global update to be sure to get latest updates, if there was.
Then run composer global require "laravel/installer=~1.1" and it should works.
Remember to update your windows environment path C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Composer\vendor\bin

Using Laravel "Warning:require(C:\wamp\www\laravel\bootstrap/../vendor/autoload.php): failed to open stream: No such

I am new to laravel, composer, and windows terminal. I am trying to setup laravel on my local host. I currently have wamp installed and I have used it before to create basic websites. However, I am now doing a bigger project that needs a framework so I decided to learn Laravel. I installed composer as indicated in the directions, but when i run the command
"C:\wamp\www>composer create-project laravel/laravel laravel"
i generate an error message that says
"[InvalidArgumentException] Project directory laravel/ is not empty."
When I open a browser and navigate to "localhost/laravel/public" I encounter the error message from the title of this thread:
"Warning:require(C:\wamp\www\laravel\bootstrap/../vendor/autoload.php): failed to open stream: No such
I have also added the appropriate environment variables from the composer instructions.
I am really lost at this point, and I have spent the past 4 hours trying to debug this.
I am running Windows 8 x64.
I tried running composer install in C:\wamp\www and received an error message
Composer could not find the config file:
C:\ProgramData]ComposerSetup\bin Ti initialize a project, please
create a composer.json file as described in the "Getting Started" section "
The dependencies for your project are not installed. Just download composer from and install it on your Windows Machine. Then navigate to your project root, you will see a composer.json file there. That file specifies all the dependencies of the project. Run composer update in that directory. Composer will then update or install all required dependencies and your application won't show the error then.
cd \wamp\www\yourproject
composer update
"C:\wamp\www>composer create-project laravel/laravel laravel"
"[InvalidArgumentException] Project directory laravel/ is not empty."
This means C:\wamp\www\laravel already existed when you attempted to run the command. Remove the folder, or change the create-project command to use a different folder name for your new project.
"Warning:require(C:\wamp\www\laravel\bootstrap/../vendor/autoload.php): failed to open stream: No such
You need to do a composer install from C:\wamp\www\laravel.
I figured it out! I was missing a folder called "vendor" and a file inside bootstrap called "compiled.php" Sorry for the inconvenience, and thank you for trying!
use the following command to get vendor folder in your project
composer install --no-scripts
i had the same problem but i just ran this command
composer install
to install all the dependencies

Laravel 4 Installation Problems on WAMP/Windows

First,I use wamp on my Window7.I open php-openssl,and I git pull the laravel from,and then I put laravel on my d:/wamp/www/, I change the c:/windows/system32.But when I open the url
I see this question.
I am a newbie on laravel,and without install on Ubuntu.Where is my wrong, without no pear,or something else? Thank you!
You need to run composer install in a command prompt.
If you do not have composer, download the phar file from their website.
Place the file you just downloaded into the laravel directory.
Then, make sure that the absolute path to php.exe is added to your PATH environment variable.
Then, you can hold down shift, and right click anywhere inside the laravel directory, and open up a command prompt window. Then, run php composer.phar install. The process may take some time, depending on the speed of your internet connection.
Instead of using the above method, you can download the Composer installer for Windows, install it, and just run composer install.
Note that you only need to do this in order to put the Laravel components together. You do not need to run it on a live server.
Please consult the Laravel Docs for installation and other instructions:
Try This :
Installing Laravel 4 on WAMP
1. Enable OpenSSL
OpenSSL must be enabled in the PHP configuration.
Edit php.ini in your WAMP’s PHP folder, e.g.:
Note: This is not the php.ini in C:\wamp\bin\apache\Apache2.4.4\bin.
Find the following line and remove the semicolon save it:
;extension=php_openssl.dll changed to extension=php_openssl.dll
2. Install Composer
(i).Download the Composer Windows installer from
(ii). Run the installer.
(iii). When it asks for the location of php.exe, point it to the executable in your WAMP’s PHP folder, e.g.:
(iv). Finish the installation.
(v). Open a command-line interface (cmd) and type:
It should return a list of options. If you get an error, restart your computer and try again.
Composer has now been installed and added to your PATH environment variable. This means you can run it from any directory using the command-line interface.
Now we need to install Composer. This is a dependency manager that will download the latest release of Laravel and specific versions of Laravel’s dependencies, such as Doctrine and Symfony.
3.Install Laravel
Now that Composer has been installed, Composer can download and install Laravel onto your system.
(i). Open a command-line interface (cmd).
(ii). Go to the directory in which you want to install Laravel. This is usually your development directory. In this tutorial, we’ll use C:\wamp\www\laravel
(iii). Instruct Composer to install Laravel into a project directory. we use project name myproject.
composer create-project laravel/laravel myproject --prefer-dist
Note: This will install Laravel in a subdirectory myproject of the current working directory.
Three type of installation to be completed
Now your project was running directory like
After completed put tick mark and increase the point....
Do php composer.phar dump-autoload or php artisan dump-autoload
