I have 100 virtual users, and 3 script. I need to assign 20 users to 1 script, 30 users to 2nd script and 50 users to 3rd script …
How to Add 3 Scenarios(Scripts) to single Test Plan?
How to assign load Distribution to 3 scripts (assign 20 users to 1 script, 30 users to 2nd script and 50 users to 3rd script)
Use Include Controller to use your scripts (read the doc and use Test Fragment in included scripts)
To assign load distribution just use Throughput Controller and use percentage for example to distribute load accross all users.
Each Throughput Controller will contain the Include Controller for 1 script.
I have a single thread group for 100 users and I need to distribute the load as below 100 users will navigate to login>> homepage. After that 60 users navigate to buy shoes and the remaining 40 users will check their balance and 100 users log out. How can we achieve this in JMeter?
I am trying If controller to achieve this but cannot do so.
Take a look at Throughput Controller, it allows you to specify either percentage or exact number of executions of its children.
If you will have more distribution options Weighted Switch Controller might be a more convenient option:
The Weighted Switch Controller can be installed using JMeter Plugins Manager
I have scenario where I want to run load test for 250 users.
Ramp up time is 10 mins for 250 users and run test for 50 min duration.
Question 1 : Is it recommended to do login and login out as part of set and tear down .. as the dev team does not measure login and log out .?
Question 2 : How do i keep the the other thread group in loops during the 50 min duration . ?
I wouldn't go for it as normally different thread groups should represent the different groups of virtual users, setUp thread group is for accomplishing the pre-conditions for the test and tearDown thread group is for cleaning everything up. If you perform the login in the setup thread group - there will be negative consequences like having to pass login context (tokens, headers, cache, etc.) to other thread groups. So I would rather move login to be the integral part of the main thread group and if needed remove login/logout via Filter Results Tool (not part of vanilla JMeter, can be installed using JMeter Plugins Manager)
It can be done on either on Thread Group level like this:
or you can "loop" the arbitrary part of the test by putting it under the Runtime Controller:
I need to perform tests on hundreds of HTTP links one after the other.
That means i want to, for instance, perform a 3 minute test with 5 users on 1 link and after that's done, do the same for the next link.
1 way to do this is to create a ThreadGroups for each link, each having a HTTPsampler and just have all of the run consecutively. But i read that that would create memory problems for the testing machine.
So what is the correct way of doing this? I really don't feel like creating and manualy running a separate TestPlan for every link.
You can use only one HTTP Request sampler, the suggested Test Plan structure:
Thread Group with the number of threads (virtual users) you want to simulate
CSV Data Set Config containing the list of URLs
Runtime Controller configured to last 180 seconds
HTTP Request sampler configured to hit the URL:
This way you will hit 1st URL for 180 seconds then 2nd URL for 180 seconds, etc.
For the problem you have mentioned you can create single test plan instead of multiple test plans and add multiple thread groups inside it and make sure that run thread consecutively is checked.
In each thread group mention the thread count and test duration as mentioned in the example below.
Requirement: Load for a total of 100 users within an hour. Each user hits 3 different services different number of times at the same time.
for example: user 1 is going to hit service1- 3 times, service2- 5 times and service3 - 4 times at the same time. Same will be repeated for 100 users over 1 hour.
I have a thread with users-100, rampup time -60 (min). and then I am using parallel plugin and within that plugin created those 3 different sample requests. But I don't know how to configure the number of times, each of those service will be called per user at the same time.
Your test scenario doesn't make sense, normally 1 thread (virtual user) can hit only one endpoint at a time. The use when user executes 3 same requests to the same endpoint looks very suspicious as well. So I would recommend reconsidering your scenario and implement distribution using one of the following approaches:
Use different Thread Groups for different requests
Use Throughput Controller
Use Switch Controller
Use Weighted Switch Controller
If however I'm wrong and you're trying to implement some form of AJAX testing when requests are being triggered at the same time and in parallel - example test plan would be something like:
I have made some PHP scripts and I want to test the response time for simultaneous users in JMeter. This scripts are run in a very short time (50 miliseconds).
What I would like to do is to simulate a load test from 1 to 50 of users where each user (thread) repeats the request for an unlimited period. So first we will have 1 user, after 2 simultaneous users, after 3 ... and so on.
I am trying to do it but with I have is response times where it is evident that there is no simultaneous request.
With HP loaddrunner we can define number of iterations for each thread, is this possible in JMeter?
You can possibly use these 2 thread group implementations
Stepping Thread Group
Ultimate Thread Group
from Jmeter Plugins package, that let you set load-increase for you scenario as you want.
As well you can also look onto Synchronizing Timer if you want "better" concurrency - but this is rather stress-testcase than load one.