NoClassDefFoundError: when sending push? - android-support-library

Im using PushBots to manage my push notifications for my app, I have been using this amazing platform for lots of apps and its the first time I have a problem like this.
Sometimes, when I launch the app, I get this error, but always when receiving a push (within or whitout the app opened).
07-12 01:20:00.844: E/AndroidRuntime(12140): FATAL EXCEPTION: IntentService[GCMIntentService-326*****5*9-1]
07-12 01:20:00.844: E/AndroidRuntime(12140): Process:***, PID: 12140
07-12 01:20:00.844: E/AndroidRuntime(12140): java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
> //This is just the beginning of the log, there's more with some
> Pushbots handler info and stuff.... Let me know if I need to post it,
> its a lot.
Im pretty sure this is about the android support v4, this is my current build path:
*Sometimes when I uncheck the Private Libraries clean and re-check this option again the app works (but not lucky with notifications).
The support v4 jar is in the libs folder, the route is the correct (MyApp/libs)
Im about to release an update, my app is already working/running with pushbots servers (with registered devices and all) so I would like to solve this to release my update. Thanks.

As explained in these questions: NotificationManagerCompat Can't be resolved - Android Wear and Android studio unable to import WearableExtender NotificationManagerCompat and RemoteInput. It seems that you are not using the last version of the compatibility support library. You have two options to solve that:
Download the newest libraries manually, and add them to your project.
It seems that you are using eclipse, I recommend that you now use Android Studio so you can add the dependency and let gladle handle the libraries, like this
dependencies {
compile ''

check mark the following jars in build path or property ,it will work
1. android-support-v4.jar(appcombat/ibs)


Is the AgoraRTMWrapper in XCode necessary?

I have been dealing with the same issue for a few days now. I'm unable to upload any app store connect files due to the libAgoraRTMWrapper file. To be clear, this entire app has been built through Unity using agora SDK. The reason for failure, according to XCode, is that the wrapper "doesn't have the correct file type for this location". Invalid Swift support.
This leads me to wonder if the libagoraRTMWrapper is even necessary. Yes, I would like to keep using RTM but not at the expense of several build failures.
As a sidenote, XCode does mention that the build is being made for iOS but the wrapper was built for iOS + iOS simulator. I don't remember ever specifying that but it could just be the way the SDK was initially imported.
this library is necessary for RTM to work. Do you have a custom build setting for the project? It is verified that the included SDK Demo works on iOS builds. Perhaps you can build that and compare the build setting to yours to find out what went wrong?

React Native assembleRelease app::bundleReleaseJsAndAssets never progress

I'm trying to generate release version of my app using React-native :
./gradlew assembleRelease
It's progress until app::bundleReleaseJsAndAssets gets stuck at 93% and never progress. I dont have any error on terminal.
About OS I'm on Mac OS.
issue reported
If you are using realm, please consider that comment:
:app:bundleReleaseJsAndAssets was trying to bundle the default.realm* in the root folder generated from the tests in jest... So it was hanging there.
It couldn't decompile them or whatever. So i just deleted them and it worked again
I used to have realm in my project but removed it. I still had files not tracked by git, hanging around. I simply removed everything related to realm and it worked again
If you are building the react native app in android studio and you are stuck at
app::bundleReleaseJsAndAssets never progress
It could be the issue with "CMD" in the android studio. Please Make sure you install the plugin.
I'm able to resolve the issue.

Run New Relic in Xamarin Android application

I am trying to figure out how to run NewRelic mobile on xamarin forms android application. I found this repository. It is pretty old, but i tried o put latest .jar file and native library builds just fine. After i connect compiled dll to client project, i cant find a way to initialize newrelic, b/c there is no NewRelicHelper class, though it was declared in binidng metadata. Can you help and tell me how to find class that i need and initialize newrelic? Here is repo where you can reproduce issue.
I got it at least a step further, but it is still not working 100%
If you right click the csproj in visual studio and go to properties, in the Application Tab change the Android Class Parser to "class-parse" and the NewRelicHelper will now be in the dll, but the withApplicationToken method is not there.

Xcode Server Bot integration fails to export archive with Assertion fail: exportArchive: ipatool failed with an exception

I have a build server setup with Xcode 7.2 and Server 5.0.15 so we can have CI. I'm able to create an Xcode Bot that creates an archive, but it's not able to finish the last step, which is exporting the ipa archive to the Server so it can be downloaded via ad hoc builds.
I'm able to create an archive from a local machine, but whenever I run a build bot using Distribution as the scheme, I get this error...
Bot Issue for TEST-BUILD-BOT-3 (build service warning)
Integration #8 of TEST-BUILD-BOT-3
Open in Xcode: xcbot://(null)/botID/fa5f2ef869edbde2181109e01843e862/integrationID/fa5f2ef869edbde2181109e01847dbb0
Assertion: exportArchive: ipatool failed with an exception: #<Errno::EEXIST: File exists - /var/folders/3x/8t3j9vnj48530fxd4g4djp14000087/T/ipatool20160318-45875-5xq2zz/MachOs/iphoneos/armv7/(dylibs)/libswiftContacts.dylib>
File: (null):(null)
Full logs for this integration are attached.
For one thing, I'm not sure where the full logs are attached (this error is shown in the Xcode build bot window).
Some information on my project:
The project consists of an app with three extensions (share photo, share safari and watch).
I'm using Cocoapods with some swift frameworks, so I'm using the use_frameworks! keyword in my podfile.
I've tried the following:
Made sure all targets (including pods) were using the Distribution certificate.
Tried w/ and w/o Bitcode enabled.
The worst part about trying to fix this issue is that the build bot takes 20-30 minutes each time I want to test some changes I made.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated!
I had the same error, in the watchapp and watchapp extension targets, i changed the setting, under Build Settings
Embedded Content Contains Swift Code No
And the error was gone
I found this technical post from apple that says any embedded content needs to be set to No to prevent multiple copies of the swift library being added. I interpreted that as a watch target would be embedded content, (not sure if thats what they meant)

Glassware build errors with ADT on Mac ; project crashes in Console before running

Whenever I try to run my glass app I get these weird errors in the console after I run my Glassware project onto Glass Hardware:
- Dex Loader] Unable to execute dex: java.nio.BufferOverflowException. Check the Eclipse log for stack trace.
- $myproject] Conversion to Dalvik format failed: Unable to execute dex: java.nio.BufferOverflowException. Check the Eclipse log for stack trace.
Note: ($myproject is the name of my project)
Anyone know how to fix these? I find it really really really hard to use ADT compared to Xcode. Where is a good resource to get familiar with ADT and get answers on ADT dev environment for Glass?
Can you please post what Build Tools and SDK versions you are using on the current project?
You need Android SDK Build Tools 19.0.1 and Android SDK needs 4.0.3 which are not the most current releases. In order to Install these, use SDK Manager.
See this StackOverflow post with similar error message.
How to launch a regular activity on google glass
