OpenCart extension location folder or directory - location

I want to look at the code of an existing and installed shipping extension of OpenCart Where do I find extension files? Is it supposed to be in root folder? I don't see any files related to the extension in question. Any help is appreciated.

Check catalog/model/shipping/ directory where all shipping files are stored.


Way to load locally developed magento extension

I am developing a magento extension. After getting help from stackoverflow, I am able to create a package extension which is stored in [magento]/var/connect folder. I noticed that package.xml, myextension.xml and myextension- files are created therein.
I created another magento instance locally where I want to load that package and test. It's not possible to get my extension verified by magento team and then use it quickly or is it? I copied those package files under /var/connect of the test instance but I cannot see that appear in admin-> system -> magento connect -> package extensions.
Any idea how I can do that? All I need is he ability to let my customer have my zip files(package files), then they will upload somewhere. Any help would be appreciated.
You can upload packaged Magento extension by going to:
System > Magento Connect > Magento Connect Manager
then uploading the package under the Direct package file upload section.
Furthermore, if you decide not to package your extension, just copy the working file structure of your extension to it's own folder, and you can simply drop your extension files into the working root directory of compatibility Magento installs. Just be sure your extension file structures are correct. EX: app/code/local/MyNamespace/MyExtension etc.

magento - where did theme-related files and folders inside includes/src come from?

New to Magento here, please bear with me.
I installed a theme on Magento, which has these folders: app, js, skin, which is the usual. However, when I tried to uninstall the theme, I found that there files and folders for the theme have been created inside includes/src folder. Where did they come from, when the downloaded zip file of the theme didn't contain them?
I noticed this only happens to some themes installed. I know the files are related to the theme because the folder names inside includes/src are the developer and theme names.
Any ideas?
Magento (Enterprise 1.12)
When you enable your compilation, Magento gets all the class and compiles them and puts them in includes/src directory. You can see all of your classes sitting there if you have your compilation on.
Check this in-depth details on Compilation by Alan Storm:

Move source code files to CodeIgniter folders

I am starting to work on some incomplete stuff in codeigniter. I had to install codeigniter on my machine. I have the source code files from the previous work, however I am confused how to move these files to CodeIgniter folder to access them as usual and start working on them.
I am not sure which files go to which folder in the CodeIgniter Folders available when downloaded.
Download and install Codeigniter on your machine first. Check out in which folders the controllers/models/views/configs reside.
Then you will have an idea which files reside where, if you still have some problems take a peek in the documentation.
CodeIgniter have and system a application folder.
I'd recommend a new download.
I doubt some change was made on system folder, so I think you can ignore it from your project and use the new downloaded one
The project is on the application and there you have some folders, as mentioned by gopi1410, that you need to take care, maybe there are libraries, models, controllers, configurations files, autoload, etc.
And tell us what it the version of you application. If it is a old version, there will be some problem using the new version system folder.

How do I install Magento Bitcoin currency extension?

How do I install the Magento Bitcoin currency extension on a Linux box with standard LAMP stack?
I have already searched, read the documentation, and put the files in the root Magento directory (just as the instructions say to do:
Copy files from /lib/ into your /lib/.
Then everything in /app/ into your /app/.
Make sure to upload /design/ into the correct template you are using.
Code is going into /community/, NOT core or local.
Finally, ScaleWorks_Bitcoin.xml goes into /app/etc/modules.
Verify that Magento can see the module in Admin -> Config -> Advanced. Does the module show up on that list?

How to open a CHM help file from another CHM help file

I have a homepage application, it was used to launch individual applications, and the CHM of homepage has a brief description of individual applications and links to launch other CHM help file. How can I archive it? Is there any API in CHM what I can use? Thanks in advance.
You must install the second CHM file in the same directory as the first. Then, you can create a link with href="name-of-other.chm" (i.e. just put the name of the other file into the href attribute).
If they are not in the same directories, try absolute paths and pray that users always put the files in the same place.
Besides the link Aaron mentioned, there is also something like master/slave chms, which is a deeper integration of CHMs:
