Mercurial (hg) can't access file ='FRX' - windows

On my home laptop with Windows 7 x64 (NTFS) some of mercurial repositories become stuck after unknown reason. The problem is when I try to run hg log or hg diff:
Can't access file
In same time, icoming, pull, update, push, add, commit work well.
So, last several days i live without history or diff preview on the home laptop.
I've not found any reason for such a problem, as same as what FRX means. Do you know the reason of this problem?

That's where this ='FRX' might be coming from. Look at your ~/.hgrc.

It looks like this is a file that has been created by some windows application (from "As a binary form file, the FRX file extension can be found working with Visual Basic.") probably during an execution of VB programs, and it could be possible that you do not have the read rights on this file.
If this file is not important for you, I'd suggest to remove it from the working directory, maybe using admin rights.


Cannot delete files, permissions are messed up (Windows 7)

What I did
I just started using git, and I think I accidentally initialized a bare repository (instead of a normal one) in my www folder. So when I committed everything, I noticed it started removing everything, which I didn't expect at the time. That's where I made the mistake of killing git. Now there's two files that I can't delete/move/read/write/execute.
When I knew what git was actually doing, I then cloned the git repo in my www folder to my desktop, and it looks like I got most of it back, including those two files, which are normal, and I can write and read to them.
What I'm trying to accomplish
I realize that this may seem like an elaborate scheme to learn how to hack, but that's not the case, I own these files and my goal is to delete them, not break in. I'm unable to delete them however, as killing git seems to have messed up the permissions on the file. I really desperately need to know how to delete them, otherwise git and every backup system I use keep breaking on doing anything in this directory!
Further info:
I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate x64, and Git version
Below a screenshot of the situation:
When I look at the permissions tab in the file properties, I get the message I have to have be an administrative user with permissions to view its security properties. I then clicked on continue, as I have administrative permissions (since it's my laptop). In the newly opened window I get the message I don't have permission to view its security properties. When I try setting its owner, as it suggests, I get the message "Unable to set new owner on [file]. Access denied".
I already tried using an elevated command prompt to try removing them, even forcefully.
I'm desperate, guys (and girls)!
Ok, so I wasn't able to delete the files, on Windows.. I finally did it using a linux (debian 6.whatever) live-cd, and using rm -rf logs/
So if anyone else should encounter the same thing, this is a relatively quick solution.

Cross-platform SVN issues, please explain

I am a Mac-based (10.8) web developer, trying to work with other Windows-based developers. They are using SVN, although most of them do not check out files to local repositories. They mostly edit the file on the local server via Explorer, and then use TortoiseSVN shell enhancement to right-click and "commit" what they just edited.
I cannot seem to do this, as my preferred SVN tool Versions (as well as Dreamweaver CS6) require access with the SVN, HTTP, etc. protocols. I get errors trying to use the file system.
So, I am trying the command line, navigating to the file I need to edit, open it, edit, save. I can run svn status on the directory and I see the file status as "M". If I try svn commit -m "updated" myflie.css or similar, I get an error:
svn: Unable to open an ra_local session to URL
svn: Local URL 'file://webstage-01/svn/repository/fc-dev/assets/css' contains unsupported hostname
I looked in the .svn folder "entries" file an see this:
So it looks like that's where it's getting the path from, which is not a valid MacOS or Unix path.
It sounds like the local server is already a checked out working directory that everyone is sharing. This is the completely wrong and awful way to do Subversion. In the end, you have no idea who is making the change because they're all using the same client. Plus, there's no guarantee that working clients use the same format of the working directory. If someone has a version 1.6 TortoiseSVN on their system, they could damage that working copy.
The correct way is for everyone to checkout a local copy of what's in that Subversion repository to their local machine (Windows or Mac), and then do their changes there and check it in. You won't have the issue of someone messing up that directory. You know who is making the changes. You won't have an issue of what happens if two people try to make the same changes at the same time. It's the way Subversion is suppose to work.
The Mac has the Subversion command line client. (Assuming you're using Mountain Lion -- the latest release) You need to install XCode (free from the Mac App store), and then in XCode, install the command line tools. Look at the on line Subversion manual and learn how to do the checkout in Subversion, create your own working directory, and check in from that.
There are many options if you want a Mac OS X GUI Subversion client. I highly recommend you look at Pathfinder]( It has a built in Subversion GUI client, but it also has many Finder enhancements that make it an excellent Finder replacement -- especially for power users. It's $40, but I think it's worth it just for the built in Terminal client.
I don't think you can do that. The svn folders on "local server" were created by a platform-specific tool like TortoiseSVN on Windows. Obviously it will have paths, etc. specific to Windows. You will need to checkout separately and make commits.
Also, BTW, set the EOL property to 'native' so that you do not run into cross-platform EOL issues.

Windows permissions on a directory: Mercurial - hg merge - "abort: access is denied"

Background: this is running on a Windows 2008 Server.
I'm a Mercurial newbie, and am trying to follow the advice above where it says to "Merge default into your feature as often as possible" -- and I've done this a couple of times previously today, already, with other files.
However, this newest change just won't merge.
When I do the 'hg merge default' I get the error "abort: Access is denied". After googling around, I see that some people reported actually having permissions problems on the files in question. There's nothing special about the permissions on the file in question, at least not that I can see. I'm a Linux person by training, not a Windows person, so fundamentally I don't really understand Windows file permissions. Cygwin claims that the file in question is 644 (i.e., I can write to the file), which is the same set of permissions as every other file that has previously been successfully touched by the hg merge process in the past.
I took a look at the DOS 'attrib' command and it doesn't show a 'read-only' flag next the file in question, either.
If this is less a Mercurial question than it is a Windows permissions question, I'm happy to modify the tags further as well.
I'm assuming that this "abort: Access is denied" error refers to the file in the changeset that needs to be merged, and not to one of the .hg/ files, but it's a very cryptic error message -- it doesn't say which file has an access issue (and there is only one single file in the changeset that was changed -- I purposely tried to be VERY simple with this test).
Did an 'hg rollback' and tried the same test of commands in the same order, leaving the files open, only with a completely different file (lib/blort.html instead of blah/foo.html).
The 'hg merge' worked just fine.
So there's probably something particularly hinky about the permissions on the specific file I started with (foo.html), or the directory that is its parent.
Another Edit
Definitely something off about the parent directory, as I had the same problem w/ another file in the directory, but the problem does not manifest elsewhere in the directory structure, only in this one directory.
Just checked the permissions on lib/ versus blah/ and they both seem the same in Cygwin, but that's only a vague approximation of the Windows ACLs. When examining those by right-clicking each directory and examining the 'Properties' Security tabs, they again seem the same for both directories, but I think the crux of the problem is that I really don't quite grok ACLs.
Is there some DOS command-line tool, like 'attrib' only more powerful, that, like 'ls' in linux, would give me more information than the confusing jumble of checkmarks I get in the 'Properties'?
Hopefully the final edit
How to diff Windows permissions
'iCacls' seems to be the correct tool for the job, and seems to have solved the problem, but I'd like to duplicate this before accepting/closing.
When in doubt, use --debug on your Mercurial commands. This is a little bit 'duh' now, but thanks to #lazy-badger for pointing it out.
You can fix your Server 2008 permissions using a command like icacls path /grant domain\user:(OI)(CI)F (see e.g., but be sure to do this from an escalated CMD window ('Run As Adminstrator'). Again 'duh' to Windows people, not so obvious to a Linux person (instead I went googling around for some DOS equivalent to sudo).
You may get an access denied error on Windows if some other program has the file open. You can try closing programs that might have any files in that tree open, or rebooting the computer (which would, of course, close all programs).
Just to note "Access denied" on merge can have two different roots: mentioned by #emil and wrong or nonexistent rights for user, under which credentials hg was started, to create temporary files in $TEMP folder

Easy FTP publishing for Vim (like Coda)

I've been using Vim (MacVim) exclusively for months now, and I love it. Before using Vim though, I used Coda (I'm on OSX), and the one thing I miss about Coda is the way it marks my files for publishing via FTP whenever I edit them. I can then choose to upload the modified files single files individually, or to publish all of them in one go.
Is there anything that will do this or similar in Vim?
I'm aware netrw can edit directly over FTP, but I have all my sites running locally as mirrors of the online sites, so I need to edit locally and publish files remotely as and when I need. I've Googled for solutions but can't find anything.
I'm far more productive in Vim while in the editor, but having to open up an FTP program and hunt and peck to copy across files as I edit them seperately is a real pain, and makes me less productive overall when working on websites when compared to working in Coda.
Any suggestions welcome :)
Transmit, Cyberduck and YummyFTP (the ones I know) all have their own version of "automated folder syncing" where you work locally and any modified files are uploaded on change: you setup an "observer" and never have to hit a special button or shortcut again.
If you want to only use MacVim you could write a little command that uploads the current file on save: a script that would use the current file's path to construct an scp command. But this doesn't seem very portable/practical to me. It appears some people have already written something like that: here and there.
The right way is (not only in my opinion) to:
have everything under some kind of VCS like Git, Subversion or Mercurial or whatever floats your boat
write your code in a local clone/checkout and test the hell out of it on a local server
commit only working code
push milestones to a staging server used by you and your clients to test everything, this part can be automated via a post-commit hook or something like that
deploy only validated changes on your production server.
All the aforementioned Version Control Systems can be used directly from Vim's command line with :!git commit or :!svn update… If you need more abstraction, Fugitive (Git-only) or VCSCommand (multi-VCS, my choice) are here to help.
On your loss of productivity due to uploading files: I think it's very normal because you essentially perform very different tasks with very different neurological needs. This speed bump can also be experienced when previewing a layout change in your browser, looking up a color in Photoshop or any other similar task. I don't know of a way to pilot Photoshop, Chrome's dev tools or Outlook from within Vim and I don't think such a gizmo could reallistically exist so you will probably have to bear with it.
You can try git-ftp - a git based command line ftp client. Then you can manage your project as a Git repository, and git-ftp will only upload the files marked with Git - and only if they have changed.
The downside is that you are going to have to learn Git - and that's a bit overkill for what you need.
The upside is that you are going to learn and use Git.
I have since stumbled upon a Vim plugin which works with Transmit (which I happen to use as my main FTP client) and allows me to upload the current file to the server with a simple keymap (Ctrl+U) as I edit.
This strikes a nice balance between being a very simple solution, and one that does enough of what I need to improve my productivity significantly.
Any more suggestions are still welcome!

Git checkout and reset on Windows occasionally shows random files have changed

Often when I do a checkout of a different branch, or a reset, I will get 'permission denied' errors from windows for one to a dozen files - but the particular files vary from run to run. Here's the output from a test I just did, with GIT_TRACE=1. The trace only added the one line before the error message:
$ git checkout master
trace: built-in: git 'checkout' 'master'
error: git checkout-index: unable to create file dotnet/src/myfile.cs (Permission denied)
D dotnet/src/myfile.cs
Switched to branch "master"
I'm pretty sure this is some race with a virus scanner or other indexing service on my machine. If the race persisted, I could use sysinternals to see what process has the file handle open. However, it happens very quickly, and I'm not aware of a tool that will show me this conflict. Surprisingly, I haven't found anyone describing similar behavior.
How do I make these errors stop, or diagnose the problem further?
I'm specifically looking to end the file access race by identifying whatever process is doing the simultaneous access. So suggestions for a tool that shows which process has a file locked when an edit is denied would be very helpful. I'm aware of 'unlocker' and similar tools which will show me what process holds a file locked for a period of time. This doesn't work for this issue, because the process keeps the file locked for a very short period. So the tool needs to collect the appropriate data without my intervention, as I'm too slow.
It might be the Windows Search Indexer, which tries do index files as they are created. I ran into this issue with svn checkout and had to exclude that directory from indexing before I could successfully checkout a full project.
See my post
Not git related!
Sysinternals' process monitor reveals that Windows explorer interferes with newly created files, perhaps due to some plugin or what, but it happens.
Disabling UAC Virtualization seems to have fixed the problem.
You can begin with a:
But it may not display much more than your original message regarding this file.
The usual cause is some opened editor which wants to reload the files when changed, and that can conflict with git's file manipulations.
That means: the usual strategy is to repeat your git command after having close as many other applications as you can.
I haven't found anyone describing similar behavior
See this thread for instance, ot this one, both on Cygwin.
What version of Git are you using (Git on Cygwin, or MSysGit, in a Cygwin session or a Dos session?)
You could try Filemon from sys internals
