Three.js Problems using Boxgeometry facevertexUV when rotate the box - three.js

After look at the code I have seen how every planegeometry is created to every box face.
Faces are created to let normals be consistent. So opposite faces has a different UV behaviour.
The problem I have found: If you make a simple 90 degrers rotation the 'up' UV direction of opposite faces are different, so you have to take this situation into account.
Is there any 'recomputeUV' or similar function ?
Could it be fixed ?


Three.js: point light strange spot on the ground

Example here
I'm using PointLight in scene and ground reflects big light spot. What should I do to remove it? I only need to highlight some area on scene. So, I can decrease distance but it only decreasing size of spot. Not exactly I've expected. Should I use specific material on the ground or something like this?
Answer is very easy: set ground material's roughness to 1. I've updated example to see how roughness changes material.

Obtaining normal of the mesh face using raycaster intersectObjects - Three.js

I tried to obtain the normal of the mesh face using these:
ray = new THREE.Raycaster(x, y);
var intersection = ray.intersectObjects(objectsOptical, true);
var vector = intersection[0].face.normal;
Added intersection[0].point and intersection[0].face.normal (multiplied by constant) as one vertex and intersection[0].point as second vertex of a (gray) line. And I got this (red lines are rays and gray should be normals - but they are not):
Illustrative image
Please help me to obtain NORMALS of the mesh FACE.
Thank you.
The normals that you have plotted with red lines look like they might be correct taking into effect perspective projection.
The raycast test hits a single triangular face from your mesh. The normal you are referring to is the normal for the face object the ray hit, ie. from the original mesh.
In the source code for THREE.Raycaster the intersection calculations can be seen returning the face directly.
Elsewhere it is suggested that Ray.intersectObjects() requires face centroids. However I'm not sure about this since the source code doesn't refer to centroids.
Perhaps the normals in the original geometry weren't correct. Try this function first:

Hide Mesh Faces at RunTime in Three.js

I am using the version THREE.js57. I want to hide selected face at run time. Is this possible in three.js
Thanks & Regards
Indeed this is possible, you'll want to look into the Raycaster library, here's the high level steps
unproject your mouse click coordinates into the 3D scene.
cast rays into your scene and return an intersected array of collided objects
this intersected object will have the affected face and faceIndex as parameters
on collision turn the face # faceIndex transparency to 0
Have a look at these doc pages:
And this example for a start:
Alright, well to then hide the face you can have a peak at this other SO post:
Can I hide faces of a mesh in three.js?
The gist is you have a multimaterial object, the first material is your default, and a second material that's fully opaque. Then when you intersect you set the face to use the second materialIndex. Anyway, the above link should do the job. Off to up vote that response. :)

Getting coordinates of the mouse in relation to 3D space in THREE.js

I have struggled for the past 3 weeks trying to figure this out. If anyone could help me I would appreciate it so much.
I'm developing a game similar to Geometry Wars in where I have a triangle in the middle of the screen which you can move around.
The problem is I need the triangle to rotate and face toward the direction of the mouse curser. I don't need to worry about the z-axis per-say as I always have the camera in a fixed position (z=500) and I am treating the scene as a "2D scene" - all the action occurs on the z=0 plane.
Calculating the angle between the triangle and the mouse is elementary:
targetAngle = Math.atan2(mouseCoord.y-this.position.y, mouseCoord.x-this.position.x)
where this is the mesh.
The problem is that the mouseCoords are in standed Dom window format whilst the position of the triangle is in Three.js format.
Q) How would I convert the mouse coords to represent the coords on the z=0 plane where the triangle is?
I have tryed so many ways including ray intersection but nothing works ;(
Thank you all for your help and thank you so much for an amazing framework!!!!
I don't actually see the problem. use the THREE.vector3 with the z coord in 0. then use something like triangle.rotate(THREE.vector3(targetAngle,0,0) or something
I suspect your intersection isn't working because of a CSS offset by your canvas within the DOM.
If you need the triangle to look at something specific, you should simply be able to use the "lookAt" method of the triangle.
To have it look at the camera for example:

Working with Three.js

Context: trying to take THREE.js and use it to display conic sections.
Method: creating a mesh of vertices and then connect face4's to all of them. Used two faces to produce a front and back side so that when the conic section rotates it won't matter from which angle the camera views it.
Problems encountered: 1. Trying to find a good way to create a intuitive mouse rotation scheme. If you think in spherical coordinates, then it feels like just making up/down change phi and left/right change phi would work. But that requires that you can move the camera. As far as I can tell, there is no way to change actively change the rotation of anything besides the objects. Does anyone know how to change the rotation of the camera or scene? 2. Is there a way to graph functions that is better than creating a mesh? If the mesh has many points then it is too slow, and if the mesh has few points then you cannot easily make out the shape of the conic sections.
Any sort of help would be most excellent.
I'm still starting to learn Three.js, so I'm not sure about the second part of your question.
For the first part, to change the camera, there is a very good way, which could also include zooming and moving the scene: the trackball camera.
For the exact code and how to use it, you can view:
At the botton of this page ( you can see the example in action (the globe in the third row from the bottom).
There is an orbit control script for the three.js camera.
I'm not sure if I understand the rotation bit. You do want to rotate an object, but you are correct, the rotation is relative.
When you rotate or move your camera, a matrix is calculated for that position/rotation, and it does indeed rotate the scene while keeping the camera static.
This is irrelevant though, because you work in model/world space, and you position your camera in it, the engine takes care of the rotations under the hood.
What you probably want is to set up an object, hook up your rotation with spherical coordinates, and link your camera as a child to this object. The translation along the cameras Z axis relative to the object should mimic your dolly (zoom is FOV change).
You can rotate the camera by changing its position. See the code I pasted here:
As others are saying OrbitControls.js is an intuitive way for users to manage the camera.
I tackled many of the same issues when building I used Morphing Geometries since I found mapping 3d math functions to a UV surface to require v little code and it allowed an easy way to implement different coordinate systems (Cartesian, spherical, cylindrical).
You could use particles instead of a mesh I suppose but a mesh seems best. The lattice material is not too useful if you're trying to understand a surface mathematically. At this point I'm thinking of drawing my own X,Y lines on the surface (or phi, theta lines etc) to better demonstrate cross-sections.
Hope that helps.
You can use trackball controls by which you can zoom in and out of an object,rotate the object,pan it.In trackball controls you are moving the camera around the object.Object still rotates with respect to the screen or renderer centre (0,0,0).
