Laravel eloquent skip() limit() use - laravel

Where $tag[0]->content_list =[1,7,9,11,16,23,35,56,77,87,93]
This works properly
But I want to use something like this
This throws error

By calling find() you actually execute the query and get a collection back. Now the Illuminate\Support\Collection class has a take method, but no skip method. That's what's happening here.
Instead you should call take() and skip() before you use find():


Mockery Laravel Elequent chained queries

I have a question regarding mockery in combination with Laravel.
I have sucessfully created a mockery object to mock all the public static methods such as where and find on the elequent model instance.
$userMock = \Mockery::mock('alias:App\Models\User');
This works great, however testing chained queries like I ran into some issues:
User::where("name", "test")->first()
The only solution I could find is to use mock the demeter chain using:
So for example:
But I would like to test the arguments that are provided to the where query as well:
$userMock->shouldReceive("where")->with("slug", "test")->andReturn($user);
But that is not really working since it should return the Elequent builder, any ideas how I can test this properly?
->with("slug", "test")
Using Mockery::self you can complete the chain.

Chain eloquent query builder method to find()

Is there a way to chain an eloquent query builder method like where to method like find? For example:
Model::find($id)->where('slug', $slug);
The idea here is not to call where twice like this:
Model::where('id', $id)->where('slug', $slug);
Yes, just reverse the order
Model::where('slug', $slug)->find($id);
but it doesnt make much sense since the id is unique by itself.

What is the difference between attributesToArray() and toArray() in Laravel?

Can someone explain the difference between $model->attributesToArray() and $model->toArray() on a model?
I have an issue where a seeder is throwing an error about getCreatedAtAttribute method is not defined and it's complaining due to a toArray() method call. This is what prompted me to try and find out the difference between the two.
After switching to attributesToArray() the seeder runs fine.
attributesToArray will only fetch the attributes for the current model.
toArray calls the attributesToArray function, but also adds loaded relations to the array.

Laravel: Use the method updateOrCreate on polymorphic relation

I am trying to use the method updateOrCreate on my polymorphic relation, which is called Taggable. This is the method I use to create a new tag.
public function attachTag($attributes)
return $this->tags()->create($attributes);
If I change the create method to the update, it also works fine when it comes to updating the model. But I want to use updateOrCreate method, which is problem because I don't pass the ID in the $attributes and therefore it just doesn't know, if there's some record in the DB or not.
I made some googling and found very little about this particular case, only something like I should pass second parameter. But I'm confused which parameter should I pass as second to make it working.
Thanks in advance for any help.
2 possible solutions
in this link, you should detect which one you want by selecting the second parameter.
2- Laravel: UpdateOrCreate on Relation?
I think it is also addressing your problem.
I used to use solution #1.
Hope it helps

How to keep helper methods when using Repository pattern in Laravel 5?

When working with repository pattern we have interface and some repository classes which implement this interface. If I'm not mistaken, one of the SOLID principles says that those repository classes should return the same type of data for each interface method so that if we switch implementation of the interface nothing breaks down.
If I have an eloquent repository class, which returns an array of eloquent classes of all users, like return User::all(), I have not a simple array but an array of Eloquent models. So instead I might want to use toArray() to return simple array, so that if I switch my implementation of the interface to some other ORM (for example UserDoctrineRepository or I don't know...) everything will still work.
If I understand correctly, inside UserEloquentRepository we use an eloquent model class to help us get data using Eloquent. However, inside my model (User class) I might have some helper methods, like getFullName(). If I simple use toArray() inside UserEloquentRepository I won't get this helper method in my controller, and, eventually in my view.
In other articles I've read they keep it like return User::all(), however, it means that I'm still coupled to Eloquent as I don't get a simple array, but an eloquent objects array
What you get from User::all() or basically every Eloquent query is a Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection. The problem is that when you call toArray() on the collection it will convert all the items of the collection into an array too and you loose all the methods of your model. Instead you can call all() on the collection to get to the array of model objects:
$collection = User::all();
return $collection->all();
Yes that still means you will have Eloquent specific models in your resultset however if you don't use Eloquent features like attribute accessors you will have an easy time replacing it with another type of model.
