I am trying to find some sample examples for modeshape-bom-remote-client. There are many projects available in GitHub with modeshape-bom-embedded, but I did not find any examples or sample code with modeshape-bom-remote-client. The only documentation that is available is how to add it as a pom entry.
Any links where I can find the same.
On ModeShape Github, you can find some examples in Unit Tests for Rest :
ModeShapeRestClient client = new ModeShapeRestClient(
"http://localhost:8090/modeshape/repo/default", "test", "password");
Repositories repositories = client.getRepositories();
and for JDBC Driver :
I am writing a gradle plugin. One of the functions is to query dependencies details. But I have to intergrate different APIs from different repositories.
For example, I can find details for org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:1.7.20 with sonatype sonatype maven REST API. But I can find androidx.compose.compiler with that it because it is from Google maven. And there are others from gradle portal.
What I want to know is, is there a single API that can query from different repositories without needing myself to implement it?
I'm comparing some features of different software repository solutions
I would like to know if there is any expected delay between my CI tool publishes a new version of a lib to a remote maven repository like mavenrepository.com, maven central, Google's Maven Repository or any other similar and the time that new version is fully available to be consumed.
I couldn't find any specific documentation mentioned something like that.
In my spring cloud contract test I have already some remote stubs like after I followed the spring cloud contract docs https://cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-contract/2.0.x/multi/multi__spring_cloud_contract_stub_runner.html
#AutoConfigureStubRunner(repositoryRoot = StubRunnerRepositoryRoot.URL, stubsMode =
StubsMode.REMOTE, ids = {
However, I would also like to have some local stubs
stubsMode = StubsMode.LOCAL
So basically having some remote stubs and some local ones? Is that possible? Having multiple AutoConfigureStubRunner? It doesn't seem to work?
If you want to do local only, you need to ensure that you have them in your local m2. It will be enough for you to add that stubs JAR as a dependency in your project and it will be downloaded to your local .m2 upon building of the project. Then you can use LOCAL and it will work cause you have just downloaded the jar.
I am using below link for downloading spring jars.
I am confused with so many links.
Which link should i use to download the jar?
I am using a Windows machine and create a project directly through New Java Project.
Please refer this url http://repo.spring.io/release/org/springframework/spring/ and Choose the which version Spring Jars you want.
Choose the spring-framework-X.X.X.RELEASE-dist.zip
You should be using this link to download spring jars. Other links in there are for checksum or documentation.
Important points to understand in all the spring related repo is that it contains 3 zip files .
spring-framework-{version}-dist.zip : contains all the spring
related jars.
spring-framework-{verison}-docs.zip : contains all the standard documents in HTML format for spring and related java api documents. It is similar to Oracle API Documentation.
**Note : Inside all the folders you will find and index.html file. U can consume it typing the folder path till index.html in web browser.
spring-framework-{version}-schema.zip*: contains all the spring modules based standard xsd for xml based spring development.
I hit the same issue and I followed Brian Clozel advice above.
Create a new Maven project in eclipse.
Edit the pom.xml and add the Spring dependencies as follows -
When you build the project in eclipse,it hits the maven repo and downloads the requisite spring jars for you. The indirect dependencies should also be downloaded automatically.
Hope this helps.
Step 1) Place this URL in browser
Step 2) Scroll down & select latest version. Example : 5.3.9/
Step 3) Click on the file similar to "spring-5.3.9-dist.zip" to download
Step 4) Hence JAR files of latest spring is downloaded in zip format.
Apart from the maven-changes-plugin,
does it exist a Maven plugin for Mantis integration ?
The idea would be to connect to the Mantis SOAP API to provide more interaction with MantisBT.
For example you could :
create an issue
create a project
create a version of a project
A Java API already exist to provide a client web service with Mantis : biz.futureware.mantis:mantis-axis-soap-client.
Other ways which provide Mantis Integration.
I eventually started to develop a plugin, named mantis-maven-plugin, hosted on GitHub.
This plugin connects Maven to the Mantis SOAP API.
Up to now, this plugin enables to :
add-project-version : Create a project's version
display-project-versions : Displays the versions of a project
display-version : Displays the version of Mantis server
If someone wants to contribute, don't hesitate to clone the project : https://github.com/ghusta/mantis-maven-plugin.