#Autowired dependencies are null in compile time weaving of #Aspect class [duplicate] - spring

I have the following spring configuration:
<context:component-scan base-package="uk.co.mysite.googlecontactsync.aop"/>
<bean name="simpleEmailSender" class="uk.co.mysite.util.email.simple.SimpleEmailSenderImplementation"/>
Then I have an aspect:
public class SyncLoggingAspect {
private SimpleEmailSender simpleEmailSender
#AfterReturning(value="execution(* uk.co.mysite.datasync.polling.Poller+.doPoll())", returning="pusher")
public void afterPoll(Pusher pusher) {
simpleEmailSender.send(new PusherEmail(pusher));
This aspect works (I can hit a breakpoint on afterPoll) but simpleEmailSender is null. Unfortunately I cannot find clear documentation on why this is. (For the record, my simpleEmailSender bean exists and is correctly wired into other classes) The following things confuse me:
Is context:component-scan supposed to be picking up #Aspect? If it is then surely it would be a spring managed bean, thus autowired should work?
If context:component-scan isn't for creating aspects, how is my aspect being created? I thought aop:aspectj-autoproxy just creates a beanPostProcessor to proxy my #Aspect class? How would it do this if it isn't a spring managed bean?
Obviously you can tell I don't have an understanding of how things should be working from the ground up.

The aspect is a singleton object and is created outside the Spring container. A solution with XML configuration is to use Spring's factory method to retrieve the aspect.
<bean id="syncLoggingAspect" class="uk.co.demo.SyncLoggingAspect"
factory-method="aspectOf" />
With this configuration the aspect will be treated as any other Spring bean and the autowiring will work as normal.
You have to use the factory-method also on Enum objects and other objects without a constructor or objects that are created outside the Spring container.

For Spring Boot to use #Autowired with AspectJ I have found the following method.
In configuration class add your aspect:
public class AspectConfig {
public EmailAspect theAspect() {
EmailAspect aspect = Aspects.aspectOf(EmailAspect.class);
return aspect;
Then you can successfully autowire your services in your aspect class:
public class EmailAspect {
EmailService emailService;

Another option is to add #Configurable to your aspect class instead of messing around with XML.

Configuring #Autowired with java config only (so no XML based configuration) requires a bit of extra work than just adding #Configuration to the class, as it also needs the aspectOf method.
What worked for me was creating a new class:
public class SpringApplicationContextHolder implements ApplicationContextAware {
private static ApplicationContext applicationContext = null;
public static ApplicationContext getApplicationContext() {
return applicationContext;
public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) throws BeansException {
this.applicationContext = applicationContext;
And then use that in you aspect in conjunction with using #DependsOn #Configured and #Autowired:
public class SomeAspect {
private SomeBean someBean;
public static SomeAspect aspectOf() {
return SpringApplicationContextHolder.getApplicationContext().getBean(SomeAspect.class);
The #DependsOn is needed because spring can't determine the dependency because the bean is used staticly.

I dont have 50 rep to comment on a question so here is another answer relating to #
Jitendra Vispute answer.
The official Spring doc mentions:
You may register aspect classes as regular beans in your Spring XML configuration, or autodetect them through classpath scanning - just like any other Spring-managed bean. However, note that the #Aspect annotation is not sufficient for autodetection in the classpath: For that purpose, you need to add a separate #Component annotation (or alternatively a custom stereotype annotation that qualifies, as per the rules of Spring’s component scanner).Source: Spring '4.1.7.Release' documentation.
This would mean that adding a #Component annotation and adding the #ComponentScan on your Configuration would make #Jitendra Vispute's example work. For the spring boot aop sample it worked, though I did not mess around with context refreshing.Spring boot aop sample:
package sample.aop;
public class SampleAopApplication implements CommandLineRunner {
// Simple example shows how an application can spy on itself with AOP
private HelloWorldService helloWorldService;
public void run(String... args) {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
SpringApplication.run(SampleAopApplication.class, args);
The application should also run as plain Spring Framework application with the following annotations instead of #SpringBootApplication:
and an AnnotationConfigApplicationContext instead of SpringApplication.
package sample.aop.service;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
public class HelloWorldService {
private String name;
public String getHelloMessage() {
return "Hello " + this.name;
Monitor Aspect:
package sample.aop.monitor;
import org.aspectj.lang.JoinPoint;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.AfterReturning;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Aspect;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
public class ServiceMonitor {
#AfterReturning("execution(* sample..*Service.*(..))")
public void logServiceAccess(JoinPoint joinPoint) {
System.out.println("Completed: " + joinPoint);

This blog post explains it really well. Due to the fact that aspect singleton is created outside spring container you'd need to use factory-method=”aspectOf” that is only available after it is woven in by AspectJ ( not Spring AOP ) :
Notice factory-method=”aspectOf” that tells Spring to use a real
AspectJ ( not Spring AOP ) aspect to create this bean. So that after
the aspect is woven in it has an
“aspectOf” method.
So that :
No matching factory method found: factory method 'aspectOf()' - That
would mean that the aspect was not woven by AspectJ weaver.
From my experience with spring 3.1, if I don't use #Autowired but traditional setter for dependency injection, it gets injected and works as expected without aspectJ weaver. Although I'm encountering problems with the aspect being singleton... It results in 'perthis' instantiation model.

Add #Component to aspect class and your dependencies should get injected automatically.
and add context:component-scan for package where your aspect is in spring context file.
public class SomeAspect {
/* following dependency should get injected */
SomeTask someTask;
/* rest of code */

Use compile time weaving, see for plugin example at: https://github.com/avner-levy/minimal_spring_hibernate_maven_setup/blob/master/pom.xml
The following combination of annotation and Spring config works for me thanks to notes above by Tobias/Willie/Eric:
package com.abc
public class MyAspect {
protected SomeType someAutoWiredField;
<context:spring-configured />
<context:component-scan base-package="com.abc" />

#Configurable(autowire = Autowire.BY_TYPE)
Add this annotation to your Aspectj class. Then it will be handled by Spring IOC.

For Spring Boot using #Autowired in #Aspect,
my way is using spring.factories configuration file
create a file named spring.factories in src/main/resources
the file content is as following


How can I solve this "Class Not Found" Exception in Spring?

I have an error in my Spring program: "Class Not Found Exception." How can I solve it?
package com.app.sathya.test;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext;
import com.app.sathya.bean.EmpService;
import com.app.sathya.config.AppConfig;
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
AnnotationConfigApplicationContext ac=
new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(AppConfig.class);
EmpService E=ac.getBean("empService",EmpService.class);
This is because EmpService is not defined.like #service or #component or it's not in components scope.
So basically here you need to understand what's the difference between Java bean vs Spring bean.
Spring bean is an object that is instantiated, configured and managed by a Spring Framework container. So in order to mark any class as Spring bean you can annotate it with certain annotation like #service, #component or #repository, this will let spring to recognise that it needs to manage life cycle of that object.
Try annotating EmpService class with #service annotation, that should resolve the problem.

Spring Java Config: configure already existing bean

I want to configure in my #Configuration class bean which is already created by other library's autoconfiguration. I just need to change some fields in that class after it's being initialized.
But I can't find a proper way how to provide code block in #Configuration class and not using #Bean annotation. Is there an ideomatic way to do so in spring?
One way to do this:
class TestConfig {
private SomeBean someBean;
private void initSomeBean() {
// someBean.setProperty("qwe");
#PostConstruct annotation defines init-method, which is getting called after SomeBean is autowired. In this method you can adjust your bean
Do you want to import one Config in AnotherConfig on? It can be done via annotation placed on AnotherConfig:
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Import;
#Import(value = {Config.class})
public class AnotherConfig ... {}

EJB injected to #Controller

I am trying to inject EJB into spring #Controller (spring boot), each time I receive null pointer on stetelessBean.tt();
public interface IStetelessBean {
void tt();
public class StetelesBean implements IStetelessBean {
public void tt(){
public class PersonService {
IStetelessBean stetelessBean;
public void test(){
Any idea? I am not sure what is wrong.
Spring can only inject beans, it knows about. By default, EJBs are not registered as Spring Beans. Also the #EJB annotation is not recognised by Spring. The only examples in the Spring documentation use XML configuration, so far i could not find any example for Java configuration. You might be better off with changing your EJB into a Spring component, if that's possible.

Spring automagic, #Autowired

Environment env;
private String jdbcConnectionString;
The above works automagically in certain classes, however is null in similar classes in same package and with same annotations #Configuration/#Component.
I am trying to find out the proper approach to understand what spring does when while configuring various artifacts.
I am able to run stuff every now and then but any good resource to understand the magic is well appreciated.
PS. I am only interested in java-config based approach now.
Working :
package a.b.c;
public class AppConfig {
Environment env;
package a.b.d;
public class JobConfiguration {
private Environment env;
package a.b.L;
public class BatchJobListener implements Ordered, JobExecutionListener {
public Environment env;
Not working inside
package a.b.u
Tried to annotate classes with #Component/#Configuration
In order to autowire a bean, you need first to defined it in a Context.
public class ConfigOne {
public String myBean(){
return "my bean";
The bean that you want to inject and the bean where the bean will be injected need to be in the same context. You can do it with:
JavaConfigApplicationContext context =
new JavaConfigApplicationContext(ConfigOne.class, ConfigTwo.class);
Or you can use #import to import one configuration class into another.
public class ConfigOne {
What I meant was that probably you're not making the configuration in the ringht way. So all your beans where you're injecting the enviroment are not in the same context.
However, if you have configured well everything, it's possible that some classes are loading before enviroment. In this case you can use EnvironmentAware
public class MyConfiguration implements EnvironmentAware {
private Environment environment;
public void setEnvironment(final Environment environment) {
this.environment = environment;
public void myMethod() {
final String myPropertyValue = environment.getProperty("myProperty");
// ...
In your main class where you are initializing the spring boot application, do you have similar configuration:
#ComponentScan("a.b") //Note that this scans the components where you have configured spring container backed objects
public class Main{
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(Main.class, args);
What this basically does is, it tells spring that this is a configuration class, and indicates this configuration class that it also triggers auto-configuration and component scanning (scan only these specific packages (a.b) and check if there are any annotations present for automatic bean detection, like: #Component, #Service, #Controller, #Repository). On detecting any class which have these stereotypes spring would create object(s) depending on the configuration. On creating these objects one may have autowired some objects or one could refer to some property defined in properties file. The config #PropertySource does this.
The package declaration in #ComponentScan should be the base package.

Spring : autowiring inside non spring class

I have this HTTP listener subclass
public class MigificSessionListener implements HttpSessionListener {
private NotificationThread notificationThread;
public void sessionDestroyed(HttpSessionEvent hse) {
// here notificationThread value is null
Value of notificationThread inside sessionDestroyed() is null.
How can i autowire sessionDestroyed inside this class ?
Your MigificSessionListener in not in your spring conext, spring even do not know it exists.
You can use WebApplicationContextUtils to get your spring context from ServletContext
You can enable Spring AOP with #EnableSpringConfigured and annotate your class with #Configurable. This let spring manage instances which are created outside the spring context with new. You will also need to enable either load-time weaving or compile-time weaving. This is documented in 9.8.1 Using AspectJ to dependency inject domain objects with Spring.
public class AppConfig {
public class MigificSessionListener implements HttpSessionListener {
private NotificationThread notificationThread;
Convert your non-Spring managed class MigificSessionListener into a Spring-managed one by annotating it with #Configurable.
For this annotation to be recognised you need <context:spring-configured/> in your Spring XML config or #EnableSpringConfigured if you are using Spring Java config.
The #Autowired or injection of other dependencies will then succeed.
