Cannot locate Toolbar Configurator in CKEditor 4.5+ - ckeditor

The CKEditor Documentation website states that the Toolbar Configurator "will be available in each official CKEditor installation package starting from CKEditor 4.5."!/guide/dev_toolbar
I have looked inside the most recent CKBuilder downloads I've made, but I cannot locate the configurator. Is it in 4.5+ as per the documentation site?

You can find the toolbar configurator by opening samples/index.html (and clicking "Toolbar Configurator" option in the menu. Or by navigating straight to samples/toolbarconfigurator/index.html.


Why does ckeditor right-click context menu not work in basic package?

I'm trying to figure out why ckeditor's context menu (with Paste and other options) doesn't appear when I right-click in the document body of ckeditor in an app I'm developing.
To debug, I tried downloading both the 'Basic' and 'Standard' packages (4.6.2) and running the 'Sample'.
The same issue exists in the Basic package (browser's context menu appears instead of ckeditor's) but it WORKS in the Standard package (ckeditor's context menu appears).
Can anyone explain to me what the root cause of this is? I checked the plugins folder in the Standard distribution to see if there was anything obvious, like a 'contextmenu' plugin, but didn't see anything that stood out. I also checked samples/js/samples.js but didn't see anything obvious there, either. What am I missing?
Standard and Full packages contain the contextmenu plugin which provides the editor's context menu to use instead of the browser's native menu in place. Basic package doesn't contain this plugin. You can check this with the online builder.

Linking article pages on joomla that do not exist as a menu item

How do we link an article page on Joomla without it being published as a menu item? We have tried using the ID number, but it does not work.
For example, within one of our published pages we want to link to another article page but this page does not exist as a menu item- so there is not an url to use.
Please provide step-by-step instructions.
If you prefer to NOT have to create URLs manually you can try switching the editor that Joomla uses by default (TinyMCE). Personally I find JCE Editor much more useful. With that you can quickly generate links to menu items, content or even contacts all from their 'Insert/Edit Link' modal popup. It also has a more robust image manager. JCE Editor can even be installed from the 'Install from Web' tab of the Extension Manager Install page.

Image is not inserting in CKEditor while scayt is enabled

I am using CKEditor version 4.4.2. My problem is that Image is not inserting in CKEditor while scayt is enabled by doing following steps.
Click on Source icon on toolbar,
Insert following HTML
<div>Click here!</div>
Click on Source icon on toolbar
Enable scayt from toolbar
Insert image from file (Please note that cursor position should be after “Click” text)
image is not inserting in text editor
I cannot reproduce your problem on the demo of the latest CKEditor version, so you should do the following:
Check if it works on the demo page, too (in case you missed some steps in your description).
If you cannot reproduce it either, upgrade your CKEditor installation (current version is 4.4.7).
Check your configuration and/or update your post with some more details such as your build config, custom plugins, environment, file browser used etc.

Joomla Admin Menu disappering

I have a Joomla 3.1 application, and recently, when I click on any submenu of the back-end
top menu, the root menu of that submenu disappears.
Why? How can I solve it?
Is there any plugin or extension installed by you which works on Menus?
Or you have did any customization in Joomla Core files?
Find out those and Revert them or if any plugin then un-publish that.

Add Custom Button to TinyMCE in Joomla 2.5

I am currently creating a component for Joomla 2.5.
I would like to add a custom button to the TinyMCE editor, but being in the context of a Joomla component, I can not add files or code inside the TinyMCE editor plugin...
Is someone able to tell me what I am suppose to use to do so?
Thank you
Editor buttons are built as editors-xtd plugins. You may look at the readmore button, which is only added in article context.
