Laravel Request::secure() function return false - laravel

I'm using Laravel 4.2 and I'm using a Flexible SSL from Cloudflare.
I have this code on filters.php for example:
if (Request::secure())
return 'False';
and when I try to run this on my secured server, I get the False Response.
Did I do something wrong here?

The reason the secure() function returns false is because the site doesn't really have an SSL Certificate, CloudFlare has. so when the clients connect to the site, the actually connect to CloudFlare (SSL) and CloudFlare connects to the site (Not SSL). So in conclusion, the Request between CloudFlare and the Site is not secured.

Did I do something wrong here?
Yes. You’re returning a string rather than a boolean. Try this instead:
if (Request::secure())
return false;
I’m not sure what you’re trying to achieve, though? If you want to enforce access via SSL, then redirect to the HTTPS version. Returning false will just give the user a blank page.


Is there a potential data leak when redirecting from http to https?

I have the following code in my Fastify server hosted on Heroku:
this.server.addHook('preHandler', async(req, reply) => {
const isHttps = req.headers['x-forwarded-proto'] === 'https';
if (isHttps) {
const {
} = req;
if (method && ['GET', 'HEAD'].includes(method)) {
const host = || req.hostname;
reply.redirect(301, `https://${host}${url}`);
The idea is to prevent access to the server through HTTP and force redirection to HTTPS at the application-level, since it is not possible otherwise on Heroku.
My question is: if the first request to the server via HTTP (before the redirection happens) contains sensitive information such as a username/password, wouldn't that still be "dangerous" or compromising somehow?
You have probably mis-configured something on Heroku.
Heroku domains ( are by default HTTPS enabled. The same page has a guide for custom domain SSL setup guide. Since you are talking about (username + password), I am going to assume this is a website. All you need to do is setup CORS with fastify-cors. Your website should ALWAYS be served over HTTPS.
Also you should not use the logic above. Fastify isn't meant to be used as a proxy server. The docs strongly suggest using a front-facing proxy server like nginx. With Heroku you don't need all these. It already handles this for you.
In the future you could also use Cloudflare as a "proxy server" outside Heroku.

Google APIs OAuth refresh token url return 401 on http redirect uri?

I had implemented the code to received authorization code as described in this step:
We deployed this code to one server that has "https://..." domain and this works well. We can get the access_token, refresh_token...
But now we need to deploy the same code to a dev server that has no "https".
I created a new OAuth client id with redirect uri using the dev server (no https, the rest /api/v1/... is the same as the previous working server)
Now anytime I tried to go to this url and Allow access
I got 401 Unauthorized.
I'm not sure why, but the only difference I can see is "https" vs "http".
Any idea why?
Thank you very much.
Actually I forgot to update the corresponding values in my code
const oauth2Client = new OAuth2(
config.googleApi.redirectUri // <= Especially this value
These values need to be updated to (beside values on google console).

check if secure connection can be established before redirect

Might be a similar question than others but so far I couldn't find anything that answered my question.
Situation: a user is on my website I am about to redirect him to another of my sites:
Before the redirect happens, I want to check if the client is actually able to successfully establish a secure connection. (either server-side during the redirect or maybe with an AJAX request prior to redirection or anything that serves the purpose).
Is that possible at all, and how would it be done? Any preference on how to do it?
If the browser can't securely connect to it will not.
You can always make an AJAX request but it success or failure will not indicate much about the success of the real request. (And because it's cross domain you will have to add CORS headers).
But your current configuration is by design insecure: because your first page use http, an attacker can replace your link to your secure page by anything he wants.
If you add https to your first page, then you have nothing else to do, the browser will do all secure check for you.
You should look into HSTS too, to improve the security.
To redirect to https if possible, on the beginning of the http webpage, include a javascript file with an https url, containing the redirection to the https website: users will be redirected only if they support https. (And you can use HSTS with that method too)
Try something like this:
if(empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) || $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == "off"){
$redirect = 'https://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
header('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently');
header('Location: ' . $redirect);

ngrok not working correctly to test HTTPs

I downloaded ngrok so i can test my site for http and https requests (if someone is trying to get in my site specific url and it will be a simple http request, i will deny it),
first, my localhost is working in 8080 port
I start ngrok, it gives me the following:
both at the same port, it's a problem i think, because if i do such simple route configuration in laravel:
Route::filter('force.ssl', function()
if( ! Request::secure())
return 'unsecured';
and i have this route:
Route::get('survey/payment/secured', array('before' => 'force.ssl', function(){
return 'secured!';
and i do the following request:
it thinks it unsecured and returns 'unsecured', how can i fix this?
Request::secure() relies on $_SERVER['HTTPS']. As the HTTPS is being provided by the proxy, not your webserver, Laravel doesn't know it's being served as HTTPS.
ngrok does pass the X-Forwarded-Proto header, but Laravel doesn't trust it by default. You can use the trusted proxy middleware to trust it.

Cross Domain Websocket connection causing a NS_ERROR_DOM_SECURITY_ERR

I am trying to connect to a websocket on from
"[Exception... "Security error" code: "1000" nsresult: "0x805303e8 (NS_ERROR_DOM_SECURITY_ERR)" location: " Line: 454"]"
when I am trying to make a WebSocket Connection:
try {
if (window['MozWebSocket'] !== undefined) {
socket = new MozWebSocket('ws://');
} else {
socket = new WebSocket('ws://');
trails = 0;
} catch(err){
This happens by Browsers that is applying security policy that prevents of use any access to external domain that the page is hosted it self.
This occurs in scenarios when you are trying to get important connections from SSL area to non SSL and another domain (don't know if same domain will solve the problem) - that is your case. But there is more of possible scenarios of this.
This is browser related error, and it is browser who throw this error, and there is no problem with connection it self.
You have to host your WebSockets server under same domain as the http server. If that is not possible, there is few ways you can go:
If software is for inhouse use and settings in browsers can be done for use, then you can disable cross-domain security policies:
Firefox, under "about:config" set s"ecurity.fileuri.strict_origin _policy" to "false".
Chrome, run with flag "--allow-file-access-from-files"
If you have access to DNS settings of your domain, you can create sub forwarder and it will look like you are connecting to the same domain. Not sure about this option on practice, but it looks well.
