How to replace a color by another? - image

This is general question (between programming and math):
How to replace a color by another in a bitmap?
I assume the bitmap is a 2D-array
Example : Let's replace RGB color [234,211,23] by RGB color [234,205,10].
How to do this color replacement, such that the neighbour colors are replaced as well ? I.e. a smooth color replacement.
I assume there exists methods like linear interpolation for neighbour colors, etc.
What are the classical ways to do this?
Here is an example of how to detect color RGB 234,211,23 and its neighbour colors in a 500x500px image bitmap array x:
for i in range(500):
for j in range(500):
if abs(x[i,j][0] - 234) < TRESH and abs(x[i,j][1] - 211) < TRESH and abs(x[i,j][2] - 23) < TRESH:
x[i,j] = ... # how to set the new color in a smooth way?

I think that a good approach that you can use is to change the whole image to a new color space, I'd rather use HSV color space instead of RGB, you can find some info here: HSV color Space.
When you wish to search for a specific color, RGB model is not the best option the principal reason is the large changes between brightness and darkness of the color. The thresholds on the RGB color space are not useful in this case.
In HSV color space you have a channel to select the color of your interest and the other 2 channels are for the saturation and brightness of the color. But you can get accurate results only using the Hue channel (the first). The only thing that you need to take care about is in realize that you need to work this channel as a circular buffer because the maximum and minimum value are very similar in color, both are the red color.
Once you have the detected color you can set the new one and you can keep the saturation and brightness properties of the old color, by doing this the color changes will look like smoother.

If you wish to replace the colours of pixel in a 2D - Array you do so as following:
Array[x][y] = new value
where x and y stand for the location of the pixel, but keep in mind that images use the right-handed system thus the values of y grow bottom to top while in computers you use the left handed system so y values grow from top to bottom. The exact syntax of assigning the value of the new colour depends on the programming language you are using (the example above works in ruby). Also some programming languages already offer image manipulation functions built in so make sure to read the documentation to avoid implementing an already implemented function.

New Answer
New answer coming - now I understand that you mean the neighbours in the colour sense rather than the geometric sense...
You could calculate the vector colour distance from each pixel of your image to the colour you want to change and use that as a mask. So, if we create the same image as below... say we have a red-yellow gradient as background with a blue square on it and we wish to replace the central orange colour across the middle.
# Make red-yellow gradient with blue square within
convert -size 500x500 gradient:red-yellow -fill none -stroke blue -strokewidth 10 -draw "rectangle 100,100 400,400" image.png
Now clone that image, and fill the clone with the orange tone we want to replace, then calculate the vector colour distance from each pixel to that orange tone:
convert image.png \( +clone -fill "rgb(255,128,0)" -colorize 100% \) \
-compose difference -composite \
-evaluate Pow 2 -separate \
-evaluate-sequence Add -evaluate pow 0.5 \
-negate \
You can then use this colour_distance.png as a mask for alpha-compositing, so if we decide to replace that orangey tone with pink, we can do this:
convert image.png \
\( +clone -fill fuchsia -colorize 100% \) \
\( colour_distance.png -sigmoidal-contrast 20 \) \
-composite z.png
Note that I changed the pow 0.5 to pow 0.3 to roll off the mask more sharply.
Original Answer
Here's one way to do it. Say we have a red-yellow gradient as background with a blue square on it and we wish to replace the blue with green...
First, extract all the blue pixels onto a transparent background, then change them to green and blur them so they spread into the neighbouring pixels. Then overlay the blurred green pixels onto the original image.
I choose to do it with ImageMagick but you seem happy to adapt to other languages and libraries...
# Make red-yellow gradient with blue square within
convert -size 500x500 gradient:red-yellow -fill none -stroke blue -strokewidth 10 -draw "rectangle 100,100 400,400" image.png
# Make everything blue green, then everything else transparent, then blur the lot
convert image.png -fill green -opaque blue -fill white +opaque green -transparent white -blur x6 x.png
# Now overlay the blurred greeness onto the original after replacing blues with green
convert x.png \( image.png -fill green -opaque blue \) -compose overlay -composite result.png
x.png (the blurred, colour-replaced image)


How to change colors of an image using RGBA and more channels independently of their color

Since it is hard to me to explain what I'm trying to do, I'm gonna show you this page to show you what I'm trying to reproduce and understand:
which outputs this:
and this one outputs this:
You can modify the hexadecimal colors, basically I'm trying to reproduce something like that. Basically you modify the colors and it gives you an image at the end with the colors you used.
I've tried to make the "possible" template that could be used on the page on Photoshop which can be downloaded here, it is a .psd file, that's because of the Alpha Channel, which I'm not even sure if done correctly. But based of these RGBA channels it should be possible to change the color. Can be downloaded here:
So what I know so far is that there is a template with RGBA channel. Each channel is indepedent so it apperantly doesn't matter if it's RGBA and at the end R channel is used to turn into another color other than red, where I'm not sure about that.
I've asked the developer he told me that these channels get interpolated with the real color after that, probably the one you choose.
Basically what is happening at showCape? and its URL parameters is that, lets assume colTop got assigned to the red channel then when you put a color in colTop it will get a fixed color that it will encode or something.
So the template has 4 Channels RGBA that can be made in Photoshop, the white color 255,255,255 means basically full and the black 0,0,0 means complete black. Like that you can setup brightness scales for the template.
I just don't know how to modify the channels and I don't understand how to use the Alpha channels properly or set them up.
I'm also not sure in which programming languages it is possible to peform and if you can test the template directly in something like Photoshop. Is it possible to do it in JavaScript or something to easy setup and if not on what then, to test it fast?
Ok, so here's how you can generate that sort of thing with ImageMagick, which is included in most Linux distros and is available for macOS and Windows. Note that there are Python, PHP, node.js and other bindings available.
First, generate a red rectangle:
magick -size 200x150 xc:red red.png
Now see how to do the same thing with hex codes:
magick -size 200x150 xc:"#ff0000" red.png
Now, draw a red rectangle with a blue one on top:
magick -size 200x150 xc:red -fill blue -draw "rectangle 10,10 80,140" redandblue.png
Now make the blue transparent:
magick -size 200x150 xc:red -fill blue -draw "rectangle 10,10 80,140" -transparent blue redandtrans.png
Now make a gradient from lime green to magenta:
magick -size 200x150 gradient:lime-magenta gradient.png
Now overlay the red rectangle with transparent window onto the gradient:
magick gradient.png redandtrans.png -composite overlay.png
Now add text:
magick overlay.png -fill "#0000ff" -pointsize 16 -draw "text 90,40 'Coloured text'" result.png
And now do the whole thing again, in one go:
magick -size 200x150 gradient:lime-magenta \
\( xc:red -fill blue -draw "rectangle 10,10 80,140" -transparent blue \) \
-composite \
-fill "#0000ff" -pointsize 16 -draw "text 90,40 'Coloured text'" result.png
Now you have provided a template, I can separate out the channels with ImageMagick like this and append them side-by-side with Red channel on the left, then Green, then Blue then the alpha/transparency channel on the right. I also added a red box around each one so you can see the extent on StackOverflow's white background.
magick template.png -separate -scale 100x +append channels.png
Keywords: ImageMagick, absolute basics, tutorial, transparency, compose, overlay, command line, image processing.
this sounds like indexed colors / palette effect from the VGA days (like plasma, water and fire) Where you change the palette (in a specific way) and image changes with it.
The idea is that Your image/sprite does not contain RGB colors directly but color indexes from palette instead. Where part of the palette for your image/sprite contains a color gradient so gradients on image are also gradients on index (neighboring shades have also neighboring indexes). Many old pixelart sprites and images from the old days are done this way (sorted palette).
Now you can simply chose few colors in that part of palette and interpolate the rest of the gradient (linearly or better).
To mimic this your need:
have a indexed color pixel art with sorted palette
For example You can convert your image into BMP or GIF with palette and sort the colors.
detect the part of palette with color gradient
change/update the gradient
re-render or recolor image.

delete extra lines in image

I have an image with nearly smooth background with some extra lines on it. I want to convert the image from RGB color space to LAB color space and then average the "L" part of pixels.
But before converting I want to delete extra lines or somehow ignore lines pixels in averaging the "L" part. Is there any algorithm to do this?
Below is an example of the images I have.
An option is to compute the gradient (Sobel for instance) and avoid doing the accumulation where the gradient magnitude is significant.
Following the comment by #Paul, it will be interesting to see the influence of the threshold level on the computed average.
I am using ImageMagick like your other question.
This will give you a mask of all the pixels that differ by more than 5% from their surrounding area (it's the 0.05 in the -fx part). It works by loading the stone image, copying it and blurring the copy to remove local details. It then calculates the absolute difference between the original and the blurred copy and sets the pixel to 1 if the difference exceeds 5% else sets it to 0:
convert stone.jpg -colorspace gray \( +clone -blur x10 \) -fx "abs(u-v)>0.05?1:0" mask.png
Experiment with changing the 0.05 and see what you think.
This will tell you how many pixels in the mask are white. It relies on the mean being sum of pixel brightnesses divided by number of pixels and knowing all pixels are either 0 or 1:
convert mask.png -format "%[fx:int(mean*w*h)]" info:
This will blacken all the masked pixels. It works by loading both the stone and the mask, inverting the mask and then, at each pixel position, choosing the darker of the two images - so it will choose black everywhere the mask is white and it will choose the stone everywhere else:
convert stone.jpg \( mask.png -negate \) -compose darken -composite nolines.png
In ImageMagick, if you make the pixels to be ignored transparent, you can get the average of all non-transparent pixels using -scale 1x1!. For example, from the two images above:
So first put the mask into the alpha channel, then scale the result to one pixel, turn alpha off and get the pixel color:
convert image.jpg mask.png -alpha off -compose copy_opacity -composite -scale 1x1! -alpha off -format "%[pixel:u.p{0,0}]" info:
To check, lets make a swatch:
convert -size 100x100 xc:"srgb(231,214,198)" swatch.png
Or we can recolor the original image:
convert image.jpg -fill "srgb(231,214,198)" -colorize 100 newimage.png

Extract the image2 from image 1

I want draw boundery box around the text like this image Image 2
from this Image 1. Can anyone suggest me a good way to do this or some algorithm or turorial anything?.
As you haven't suggested a tool, I will use ImageMagick straight at the command line as it is installed on most Linux distros and is available for OSX and Windows. It also has PHP, Perl, Python and .Net bindings.
So, as your background is uniform (ish) you can just use trim to trim it off:
convert image.jpg -fuzz 20% -trim result.jpg
Now you can add a border like this:
convert result.jpg -bordercolor black -border 5 result.jpg
Except you want the other grey background to be retained so that doesn't work for you. So, instead of actually trimming, we can ask ImageMagick where it "would" trim but to not actually do it like this:
convert image.jpg -fuzz 20% -format %# info:
So, we know it would make a 81x22px box starting 1 pixel in from the left and 14 pixels down from the top, so we'll just draw a rectangle there instead of trimming it:
convert image.jpg -fill none -stroke black -draw "rectangle 1,14 82,36" result.jpg
Or, if you want the outline fatter:
convert image.jpg -fill none -stroke black -strokewidth 5 -draw "rectangle 1,14 82,36" result.jpg
For a uniform background, a simple solution would be to identify all of the pixels that do not match the background color and then find the minimum and maximum indices in each axis of those pixels to define a rectangle.
For instance, if you were using Matlab, this might resemble:
Use 'find' to identify non-background pixels (e.g. linearIndices = find(~(image1 == background)) where background is either a hard coded set of RGB values corresponding to the background pixels or a set of RGB values identified by the mode of the image.
'Find' will return linear indices rather than subscripts (i.e. bottom right corner of a 3x3 matrix is 9, not [3,3]) so use 'ind2sub' to convert to subscripts (e.g. [I,J] = ind2sub(imageSize, linearIndices)
Use 'max' and 'min' to find range in x and y (e.g. rangeX = [min(I) max(I); rangeY = [min(J) max(J)])
Change pixels along min and max indices to border color. For instance, image1 ( rangeX(1), rangeY(1):rangeY(2) ) = boxColour (where boxColour is the RGB values of the colour you want the box to be) would draw the left border of the box. Repeat this process for the three other borders and you're done.
Of course this approach only works if the background is completely uniform. It also assumes you only want to draw a border that is one pixel thick.
While the function recommendations correspond specifically to Matlab functions, the thought process behind those functions could likely be ported elsewhere.

Auto-cropping an image series as a whole (taking into account all images at once)

I have a series of images in PNG format that make up an animation.
I want to automate the process of cropping the excess transparency in the animation as a whole, so I need to find the unique smallest rectangular area such that, if every image were cropped to it, no opaque pixels would be trimmed from any image; then crop every image to this area.
IOW, the equivalent of making each PNG a layer in GIMP, doing "autocrop layer" on every layer, then "canvas size to layers", and reexporting every layer as a PNG again.
Is there a way to get mogrify or convert (or GIMP, for that matter, but I imagine in my case the number of images involved would take up too much memory to have them all as GIMP layers) to do this automatically?
If not, is there a scripting function that would return the autocrop rectangle for a given image, so I could check overlaps and find the smallest that would cover all of them, myself?
You can get the cropping box for an image like this:
convert input.png -format "%#" info:
So, in this instance it is 245px wide by 114px tall and offset [4,2] from the top-left corner.
So, to test the theory, let's make 3 images with transparent background and little red boxes to represent your content. I have added a black border just so you can see the extent on Stack Overflow's white background:
convert -size 200x100 xc:none -fill red -draw "rectangle 10,10 20,20" 1.png
convert -size 200x100 xc:none -fill red -draw "rectangle 180,20 190,30" 2.png
convert -size 200x100 xc:none -fill red -draw "rectangle 150,80 160,90" 3.png
So, I can get the cropping box for all 3 images combined like this:
convert [123].png -evaluate-sequence mean -format %# info:
And if I draw that on in blue:
convert result.png -stroke blue -fill none -draw "rectangle 10,10 191,91" -bordercolor black -border 1 result.png

Convert internal transparent pixels to white pixels

I've a number of images with transparent pixels both inside the graphics and outside. One example is:
So now I want to fill only the internal transparent pixels (the ones within the black boarder), is there any batch processing way to do it? I tried imagemagick convert tool, but didn't figure out how to the the "selective" conversion.
Thanks for any help!
there are following ways how can accomplish that (it all depends on how the image is composed):
if you know the part you want to keep transparents starts at 0x0
You start by removing all transparency with something like
and then re-add the transparency using flood-fill starting at 0x0
You have more control over whats going on by using a transparency mask:
then you start modifying the mask (which is now only black/white), by coloringusing floddfill starting wiht 0x0 (i.e. with blue), replacing the black with white and then replacing all blue pixel with black (for color replacement see
# the mask
convert original.png -alpha extract mask.png
convert mask.png -fill blue -draw 'color 0,0 floodfill' mask_blue.png
convert mask_blue.png -fill white -opaque black mask_filled_blue.png
convert mask_filled_blue.png -fill black -opaque blue mask_filled.png
# change transparent to skyblue
convert original.png -background skyblue -alpha remove -alpha off original_nontransparent.png
# apply the modified mask
convert original_nontransparent.png mask_filled.png -alpha Off -compose CopyOpacity -composite final.png
Note that this techniqe works only moderatly well with half transparent things (see ).
For better results with half-transparency you might want to use different methods to "fill" the mask. You would i.e. just draw a shape instead of the two fill operations on the mask:
convert mask.png -fill black -draw "circle 40,80 60,60" mask_filled.png
this will fill the center, but keep the half transparency intact.
if you know the "center" is always trnsparent, you could also floodfill from the center.
Hope this helps
