I have recently configured an existing playframework project on my eclipse but I am getting a compile time exception classes like
import controllers.playtemplate.security.SecuredUser;
import controllers.playtemplate.security.WebsealSecure;
Can you please let me know what maven dependency would be required for this module of playframework so that i can get the code compiled?
I was able to resolve this issue by running the following command
play run -DrunEnv=local
When I import Spring Framework source code into Intellij Idea, gradle build task run successfully. But I find build.gralde file in Intellij Idea show some error like bellow. Why String class can not resolved, the Test Unit can run successfully. How can I fix this.
I am trying to run a spring-boot Kotlin project.
When running mvn clean install I am getting this error:
A required class was missing while executing org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-maven-plugin:1.4.10:compile: org/jetbrains/kotlin/cli/common/messages/MessageCollector
Good to mention that I do not have a folder named cli under .m2/repository/org/jetbrains/kotlin/
I tried to delete the repository folder and build again but that didn’t help.
I am using maven 3.6.3, JDK 11 and Kotlin compiler 1.4 which match with the config of the project.
If someone could help, it would be much appreciated.
The Kotlin compiler jar was broken for some reason. Downloading it from here and replacing it fixed the problem, in case somebody faces the same problem in the future! :)
I need to use a java class from project A in Project B. I believe I wrote the package and import successfully but I still get a message when compiling (./gradlew clean build) saying:
java:3: `error: package x.x.x.x.x.common.api.filter does not exist`
Next, I tried to create a module dependency within IntelliJ, by importing the new package as a Module and rewriting the package and import statement to reflect the imported package (module dependency) but I am still seeing the same error.
java:3: error: package x.x.x.x.x.common.api.filter does not exist
Would this be an issue with the build.gradle file? Or my setting up of the module dependency?
How can I resolve?
The problem is with build.gradle configuration and is not related to the IDE.
You should define the dependencies between the projects as described in Gradle documentation.
Another possible solution is Composite Builds.
I created a Spring Boot Groovy app to be deployed on Heroku. I was able to successfully do that, but in running it I came across an error in a Spring Jar (spring-social-facebook-web). I downloaded the code from github, added some logging to a class and rebuilt the module.
Then I commented out the reference to the Jar from the dependencies section and added a reference to my version of the Jar file:
compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: '*.jar')
The built app has the new Jar file included in it and it builds fine locally. But when I upload it to Heroku, I get compilation errors that the classes contained in the customized Jar aren't being found - each import is marked as unable to resolve class ... .
Any idea what is going wrong? I've posted a question to Heroku support but haven't heard anything yet.
Thanks in advance.
First time using Heroku and got into the same basic pattern. Unfortunately I didn't store the debug jar I was creating in the git repository. Funny how things start to work when all the pieces are present.
Can someone let me know how to fix the same?.I tried to create a new maven project and it fails for some reason
Description Resource Path Location Type
Execution default-resources of goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:2.5:resources failed: A required class was missing while executing org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:2.5:resources: Lorg/sonatype/plexus/build/incremental/BuildContext;
Have updated the maven-resource-plugin to version 2.6. It works fine with M2Eclipse integration v1.3 milestone.
My experience with eclipse and maven is not good I have been working for a long time with both and they don't integrate properly. The best way to make them work together for me was to use command line to build, package and install the projects and eclipse to edit.
To import the projects into eclipse I just use mvn eclipse:eclipse and it will generate the files needed to import the project into eclipse.