How to find all non-binary text files (with extended attributes) in a directory on OSX bash? - macos

The following command cann't work when the file name contains extended attributes.
cd ~/Library/Containers
find . -type f -name "*.xml"
It returned nothing. But
less\ Music\ Library.xmlary.xml
The xml file is there.

In order to follow the symbolic links in the directory hierarchy, you need to use the -L option to find:
find -L . -type f -name "*.xml"


How can I find directories to zip with specific path structure

I am in bash.
I have the following directories.
I am able to cd to /mydir/moredirs
and then
zip ~/ archivethis1/*.*
I want to use find as follows:
cd /mydir/moredirs
find * -type d -name "archive*" -exec zip ~/{}.zip {}/*.* \;
I receive following error:
zip warning: name not matched: zip error: Nothing to do!
Can I use find to find all directories named archive and then zip them with the same path structure as running the zip command as illustrated for a single directory. Note, this is why I am using find * vs find . and why I cd into parent directory to make that the CWD.
I prefer using /*.* vs -r flag as this does not include empty dir in zip structure.
I have to correct my suggestion
find: warning: you have specified the global option -maxdepth after
the argument -type, but global options are not positional, i.e.,
-maxdepth affects tests specified before it as well as those specified after it. Please specify global options before other arguments.
find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -name "archive*" -exec zip -r ~/"{}".zip "{}" \;

Bash Get all files containing file extension, recursively

Using Bash how would I get all file names (not paths) of files containing ".cpp", given a root folder to recursively-check?
Just use find:
find /root/folder/to/check -name '*.cpp' -printf "%P\n"
You can use for that purpose -printf option of find command with the following parameter:
%f File's name with any leading directories removed (only the last element).
so the full command may look like this:
find / -type f -name "*.cpp" -printf "%f\n"

Bash script for removing specific file from certain subdirectories

On a unix server, I'm trying to figure out how to remove a file, say "example.xls", from any subdirectories that start with v0 ("v0*").
I have tried something like:
find . -name "v0*" -type d -exec find . -name "example.xls" -type f
-exec rm {} \;
But i get errors. I have a solution but it works too well, i.e. it will delete the file in any subdirectory, regardless of it's name:
find . -type f -name "example.xls" -exec rm -f {} \;
Any ideas?
You will probably have to do it in two steps -- i.e. first find the directories, and then the files -- you can use xargs to make it in a single line, like
find . -name "v0*" -type d | \
xargs -l -I[] \
find [] -name "example.xls" -type f -exec rm {} \;
what it does, is first generating a list of viable directory name, and let xargs call the second find with the names locating the file name within that directory
find -path '*/v0*/example.xls' -delete
This matches only files named example.xls which, somewhere in its path, has a parent directory name that starts with v0.
Note that since find offers -delete as an action, it is not necessary to invoke the external executable rm.
Consider this directory structure:
$ find .
We can identify files example.xls who have one of their parent directories named v0*:
$ find -path '*/v0*/example.xls'
To delete those files:
find -path '*/v0*/example.xls' -delete
Alternative: find only those files directly under directory v0*
find -regex '.*/v0[^/]*/example.xls'
Using the above directory structure, this approach returns one file:
$ find -regex '.*/v0[^/]*/example.xls'
To delete such files:
find -regex '.*/v0[^/]*/example.xls' -delete
Although my tests were performed with GNU find, both -regex and -path are required by POSIX and also supported by OSX.

Exclude specified directory when using `find` command

I have a directory which contains a number of files (no subdirectories). I wish to find these files. The following gets me close:
$ find docs
I don't want the directory itself to be listed. I could do this instead:
$ find docs -type f
Using a wildcard seems to do the trick as well:
$ find docs/*
My understanding is that these work in different ways: with -type, we're providing a single path to find, whereas in the latter case we're using wildcard expansion to pass several paths to find. Is there a reason to favour one approach over the other?
You have a UNIX tag, and you example has a *. Some versions of find have a problem with that.
If the directory has no subdirectories.
Generally the first parms to find has to be a directory or a list of directories
find /dir1 /dir2 -print
Find is recursive - so it will follow each directory down listing every thing, symlinks, directories, pipes, and regular files. This can be confusing. -type delimits your search
find /dir1 /dir2 -type f -print
You can also have find do extra output example: have it rm files older than 30 days for example:
find /dir1 /dir2 -type f -mtime +30 -exec rm {} \;
Or give complete infomation
find /dir1 /dir2 -type f -mtime +30 -exec ls -l {} \;
find /dir1 /dir2 -type f -mtime +30 -ls # works on some systems
To answer your question: because find can be dangerous ALWAYS fully specify each directory , file type ,etc., when you are using a nasty command like rm. You might have forgotten your favorite directory is also in there. Or the one used to generate your paycheck. Using a wildcard is ok for just looking around.
Using *
find /path/to/files -type f -name 'foo*'
-- tics or quotes around strings with a star in them in some UNIX systems.
find docs -type f
will get you a listing of every non-directory file of every subdirectory of docs
find docs/*
will get you a listing of every file AND every subdirectory of docs

What does this bash script means

I've found the following line of code in a script. Could someone explain me what does this following line of code means?
Basically, the purpose of this line is find a set of files to archive. Since I am not familiar with bash scripts, it is difficult for me to understand this line of code.
_filelist=`cd ${_path}; find . -type f -mtime ${ARCHIVE_DELAY} -name "${_filename}" -not -name "${_ignore_filename}" -not -name "${_ignore_filename2}"`
Let's break it down:
cd ${_path} : changes to the directory stored in the ${_path} variable
find is used to find files based on the following criteria:
. : look in the current directory and recurse through all
-type f: look for regular files only (not directories)
-mtime ${ARCHIVE_DELAY} : look for files last modified
${ARCHIVE_DELAY}*24 hours ago
-name "${_filename}": look for files which have name matching ${_filename}
-not -name "${_ignore_filename}" : do not find files which have
name matching ${_ignore_filename}
-not -name "${_ignore_filename2}" : do not find files which have
name matching ${_ignore_filename2}
All the files found are stored in a variable called _filelist.
The backtick (`) symbol assigns to the variable the output of the command.
Your script is assigning to $_filelist what you get by:
Changing directory to $_path
Finding in the current directory (.) files (-type f) where
Name is $_filename (a pattern, I suppose)
Name is not $_ignore_filename or $_ignore_filename2
I think you could as well change that to find ${_path} ... without the cd, but please try it out.
makes the variable _filelist contain the output of the command somecode.
Somecode, in this case, is mostly a find command, which searches recursively for files.
find . -type f -mtime ${ARCHIVE_DELAY} -name "${_filename}" -not -name "${_ignore_filename}" -not -name "${_ignore_filename2}"
find .
searches the current dir, but this was just before changed to be _path.
-type f
only searches in ordinary files (not dirs, sockets, ...)
specifies the modification time of that files, to be the same as ${ARCHIVE_DELAY}
-name explains
itself, has to be "${_filename}"
-not name
explains itself too, I guess.
So the whole part sets the variable filelist to files, found by some criterias: name, age, and type.
