Merging sonar metrics across a maven multi-module project - maven

I've inherited an odd maven multi module project. The standard business classes and unit tests are in a module called 'code' and we've nice simple working sonar metrics for this module. The second module holds various integration style tests which run against a deployed glassfish server, these run as unit test in the integ-test module.
pom.xml // root level,
code // business code and unit tests :-)
integ-test // ;-(
I know the simplest option is to move the 'integ-test' classes into the 'code' module and refactor them as real integration tests but for the moment this isn't an option.
I've figured out a way to record the level of code coverage for the 'integ-tests' module by using the jacoco:dump goal to download the jacococ.exec to the integ-test modules.
My maven pom structure now looks like this
pom.xml // defined jacoco verify -> report goal
code // business code and unit test
target/jacoco.exec - unit test coverage
pom.xml - defines standard jacoco prepare-agent goal
integ-test //
target/jacoco.exec - really integration test coverage
pom.xml- defines jacoco dump and merge
My current approach is to merge all the jacococ.exec files in the 'integ-test' module and use the 'destFile' value to save these details the 'code' module as a jacoco-it.exec file. The standard sonar:sonar goal should then pick up this file and use it as the integration test coverage.
target/jacoco.exec - really integration test coverage modA
target/jacoco.exec - really integration test coverage modB
target/jacoco-it.exec - This should be the merged content of the two files above
My root level pom.xml defines this jacoco-maven-plugin config
<fileSet implementation="org.apache.maven.shared.model.fileset.FileSet">
I've linked the jacoco:merge goal to the maven post-integration-test phase to ensure the merge happens after the tests are run, but the 'jacoco-it.exec' file is always created within the 'integ-test' folder.
Any suggestions?

What about pointing to destFile in target directory of the master pom? Just define
in the sub-projects. All coverage data will be appended in the jacoco-it.exec file.
This file is picked up by sonarqube and you will see the coverage as IT coverage.
You can use jacoco.exec as file name as well.


Can we execute exec-maven-plugin before maven-surefire-plugin?

Is it possible to run exec-maven-plugin before maven-surefire-plugin, what I observe during my run is maven-surefire-plugin is executing first even though the sequence in tag is second. My scenario is to execute JAVA CLASS (using exec-maven-plugin ) which generates my testng.xml and can run that using (maven-surefire-plugin).
First of all, if you have an execution of the exec-maven-plugin bound to the test phase, it is normal that this execution is performed after the one of the maven-surefire-plugin. The reason is that you're likely dealing with a project of packaging jar, which has a default binding of the Surefire Plugin to the test phase. This default execution is always the first one invoked, regardless of where the plugin is declared in the POM. In the logs, you will spot this execution with an id of default-test.
There is a way to perform actions before the tests are run by leveraging the phases invoked before the phase test. In your case, your goal is to generate a test resource, the testng.xml, so it would be appropriate to use the generate-test-resources phase, whose purpose is to create resources that are needed for the tests. Therefore, you just need to specify
to the execution of the exec-maven-plugin generating the testng.xml.
Then, you can use the generated testng.xml with the suiteXmlFiles element, see Using Suite XML Files
This is how I have implemented:
I have added test script/java main class, I want to execute before Cucumber Test Suite, in following folder:
enter image description here
Added following in POM.xml in ...
<source>src/test/java/BeforeSuite</source> <!-- source folder where Before Suite scripts are saved -->
<mainClass>BeforeSuite.HelloBeforeSuiteScript</mainClass> <!-- <packagename>.<className> -->
When running mvn clean verify, before test suite script will run prior the test suite execution.
enter image description here

How to measure Code Coverage of a RestFul API

I have a maven based multi-module Jersey project which exposes few RestFul API. Project Structure is like -
--------- unit test
--------- unit test
--------- unit test
ModuleN - this module contains Integration Tests which will hit endpoints exposed by project and test the whole service like a black box
--------- unit test
I want to build this project and execute unit tests in during build phase then create a jar, deploy this jar somewhere, execute integration tests (which is present in one module of project and this will hit the REST end points) then I wanted to measure combine coverage (unit+integration tests).
I have gone though a lot of blogs and articles but everywhere we have half information. can someone point me or guide me how can I do it.
As I've answered here: You can put all the reports together in one folder (don't forget to call the different!) and use the merge mojo for that, or use a central unique file to all your reports by adding the flag "append":
[Here][2] you'll find more information about how to configure the agent.
Hope it helps!
(this is a copy of my other answer to the same problem)
As long as you were asking for different kind of execution (unit and integration) I assume you are using different plugins for the execution of your tests.
What you have to do is to prepare two JaCoCo agents and give the argLine of them to the plugin that will run your test:
Prepares the property pointing to the JaCoCo runtime agent which
is passed as VM argument when Maven the Surefire plugin is executed.
<!-- Sets the path to the file which contains the execution data. -->
Sets the name of the property containing the settings
for JaCoCo runtime agent.
Ensures that the code coverage report for unit tests is created after
unit tests have been run.
<!-- Sets the path to the file which contains the execution data. -->
<!-- Sets the output directory for the code coverage report. -->
<!-- The Executions required by unit tests are omitted. -->
Prepares the property pointing to the JaCoCo runtime agent which
is passed as VM argument when Maven the Failsafe plugin is executed.
<!-- Sets the path to the file which contains the execution data. -->
Sets the name of the property containing the settings
for JaCoCo runtime agent.
Ensures that the code coverage report for integration tests after
integration tests have been run.
<!-- Sets the path to the file which contains the execution data. -->
<!-- Sets the output directory for the code coverage report. -->
Then you have to configure your plugins (normally used failsafe and surefire) for accepting the argLine created for the JaCoCo agents:
The same for the failsafe plugin.

maven surefire exclude by directory?

I'm using maven surefire and need to exclude my integration tests. My project layout is non-standard, I have src/main/com, src/test/com and src/integration/com.
By default when I run the test goal the integration tests and unit tests are run. I would like to exclude the integration tests... I've tired:
But this results in no tests running. I then added an includes for the test, but still no tests run:
The first integration that is executed is under src/integration/com...
Also, if it matters this project is a subproject, so maybe that effects the path to exclude?
Any pointers on why I can't exclude these integration tests?
Include / Exclude path is relative on the default configuration of test 'src/test/java'.
And you can't have two sources for testing but you should use this alternative :
<version>TO DO</version>

Getting wrong coverage data with jacoco and maven

I have a project using jacoco version and maven 3.0.5. In the project I have some unit tests, and some tests created using arquillian.
To distinguish between the unit tests and integration ones, I created two junit categories: one called FastTest and another called SlowTest.
In the maven profile that I use to run all tests I have this plugins configured:
When I leave both categories in I get only the coverage for the tests annotated with SlowTest. But all the tests run. If I run only the ones annotated with FastTest I get their correct coverage too.
How can I set up jacoco to get the correct coverage when running both kinds of tests?
Small tip:
<groups> tag takes full class name. So my question: is SlowTest.class interface placed in the default package? If not you should provide full path, something like: <groups>com.mycompany.project.SlowTest</groups>
And little advice:
Good practice is to distinguish unit and integration tests - and thus run them separately. Maven accomplishes this by two plugins: maven-surefire-plugin and maven-failsafe-plugin.
First is designed to run unit tests with mvn test. Second is designed to run your integration tests with mvn failsafe:integration-test. This answer may be useful to shed some light.

Integration tests do not run under profile

I have the following directory structure for my maven project:
(note: src/i test, not src/test)
I have an appropriate set of build-helper-maven-plugin plugin declarations that tell maven to add src/itest/java and src/itest/resources via the add-test-source and add-test-resource goals.
Everything works great when I run mvn test from the command line.
The problem: when I move my plugin declarations into a separate <profile> named integration my tests refuse to run when I execute mvn test -Pintegration and I'm not sure why...
The convention tends to be use the maven-failsafe-plugin ( with configuration to include your integration tests whereever they are, even alongside your unit tests, and they should then be excluded from the unit test phase surefire plugin. As a simple example:
<!-- Include your integration test files/directories/suites here -->
And then you can remove the profile you've specified and as mentioned, only unit tests will be executed in the test phase and your integration tests will be executed in the verify phase (included before install/deploy).
Following this convention will let you get rid of all the extra plugin configuration to move files around and point at your itest directory.
