When to choose a remote queue design versus local queue for get/put activities - ibm-mq

I'm trying to figure out under what conditions I would want to implement a remote queue versus a local one for 2 endpoint applications.
Consider this scenario: App A on Server A needs to send messages to App B on Server B via MQServer1.
It seems like the simplest configuration would be to create a single local queue on MQServer1 and configure AppA to put messages to the local queue while configuring AppB to get messages from the same local queue. Both AppA and AppB would connect to the same Queue Manager but execute different commands.
What sort of circumstances would require the need to install another MQ server (e.g. MQServer2) and configure a remote queue on MQServer1 which instead sends the messages from AppA over a channel to a local queue on MQServer2 to be consumed by AppB?
I believe I understand the benefit of remote queuing but I'm not sure when it's best used over a more simpler design.

Here are some problems with what you call the simpler design that you don't have with remote queuing:-
Time Independance - Server1 has to be available all the time, whereas with a remote queue, once the messages have been moved to Server B, Server A and Server 1 don't need to be online when App B wants to get its messages.
Network Efficiency - with two client applications putting or getting from a central queue, you have two inefficient network hops, instead of one efficient channel batched network connection from Server A to Server B (no need for Server 1 in the middle)
Network Problems - No network, no messages. Whereas when they are stored locally, any that have already arrived can be processed even while the network is down. Likewise, the application putting messages is also not held up by a network problem, the messages sit on the transmit queue easy to be moved, and the application can get on with the next thing.
Of course your applications should be written so that they aren't even aware of the difference, and it's just configuration changes that switch you from one design to the other.

Here we can have separate Queue Manager for both the application.Application A will send the message on to the queue defined on local Queue Manager, which in turn transmit it to the Transmission queue via defined channels (Need to do configuration for that in the QueueManager) which in turn send it to the Local queue of the Application B.


How to deal with WebSocket on multiple servers?

I have WebSocket implemented in a real-time application, where connected clients get all server updates without page refresh. That's fine and it's working very well. The problem is as follows:
Lets say I use two servers (server1 and server2) to serve client requests. If a client on server1 updates the database, all clients connected to server1 will get the updates, as expected, because server1 is aware of all connected clients. However, clients connected to server2 do not get any updates because they are being served by server2 who is not aware of the database updates (the updates were done by a client on server1)!
Is there a standard way of handling this? Also assume I have many servers.
If this has been addressed before, I'd also appreciate a pointer to it. Thanks
Handling the DB values, changes should be the responsibility of each instance connected to the DB. Whereas sharing updates (requires DB change or not)across various clients should be the responsibility of the handler. For websocket usually such updates are handles by writing it to a pub/sub channel/queue such as reddis and all instances subscribed to appropriate channel. Whenever any instance wants all clients to receive an update it puts it on that queue and all the instances are able to receive and broadcast it

Intended use of Transmission Queue

This is very basic question about IBM WebSphere MQ V7.
Regarding the Transmission Queue, my understanding is it is only used with remote queue that resides in the same queue manager. Therefore, if I want to put message to the queue, I need to put it to remote queue.
It is like this.
App --> Remote queue --> Transmission Queue
My question is:
Is it possible to put the message directly into transmission queue like this?
App --> Transmission Queue
--Modified on 2014.03.17 --
I found a way to put message directly into transmission queue. I do not know this is a common use, but in order to do that I needed to prepend MQXQH to the message. I tried and confirmed it works. See the Infocenter reference here.
Do not ever put directly to a transmission queue. It is dangerous if you do not know what you are doing.
You should put your message to a remote queue. A remote queue is not the same as a local queue. A remote queue is simply a pointer to a queue on another queue manager.
Although it is possible to put messages directly on the XMitQ, there is considerable risk in allowing that to occur so most admins will prevent applications from directly accessing that queue. As you have found, it is possible to construct a message with the transmission queue header and behind that a normal message with the MQMD and payload. (This is, in fact, excatly how the MCA works.)
The problem here is that the QMgr does not check the values in the MQMD residing in the payload so you can put mqm as the MQMD.UserID and then address the message to the remote command queue and grant yourself admin access to that remote QMgr.
Security-conscious administrators typically use two security controls to prevent this. First, they disallow direct access to the XMitQ. That helps for outbound messages. More importantly, they set the MCAUSER of their RCVR/RQSTR/CLUSRCVR channels to a non-admin user ID that is not authorized to put messages onto any sensitive queues.
The other issue is, of course, that what you describe completely defeats WMQ's name resolution. By embedding routing into the app, you prevent the administrator from adjusting channel weights, cluster settings, failover and load distribution at the network level. Need to redistribute traffic? Redeploy the code. Not a good plan.
So for security reasons and because you paid a lot of money to get WMQ's reliability - much of which comes from dynamic addressing and name resolution features - coding apps to write directly to the XMitQ is strongly discouraged.
You should not directly be using the transmission queue. Its used by the message channel agent (MCA) as temporary storage when sending messages across to a remote queue manager.
This is distributed queuing - i.e you publish a message to Queue Manager A, and want it routed to a local queue on Queue Manager B. So you define a reference on QM-A referring to the local queue on QM-B. This reference is the 'remote queue definition'.
The remote queue definition specifies the transmission queue name. The transmission queue is bound to the MCA, which in turn knows about the remote QM.

All JMSs Message from Distributed Queue across the Cluster

Currently using WebLogic and Distributed Queues. And I know from the documentation that Distributed Queues allow you to retrieve a connection to any of the Queues across a cluster by using the Global JNDI name. It seems one of the main pieces of functionality Distributed Queue gives you is load balanced connections across multiple managed servers. So we have 4 Managed Servers (two on each physical, that communicate over multicast), and each Managed Server has an individual JMS Server which is configured to it's own Data Store.
I am 99% certain I already know the answer to this, but it appears that if you wanted to do a Consume a message off of a Queue, and that Queue exists on each Mgd Server in the Cluster, you cannot technically pull a Message off of any of the Queues (you can only pull the Message off the Queue to which you are connected to). So if I have a Message on Mgd Server 4, and I connect to Mgd Server 1, I won't see the messages on the Queue from Mgd Server 4.
So is there a way in Java EE or WLS to consume a message from all the nodes of a Queue (across the Cluster). Like a view into every instance of the Queue on each Mgd Server? It doesn't appear so and the documentation makes it seem like this is not possible, as well as this video (around minute 5):
No you cannot consumer a message that is delivered to one managed server when your client is connected to another managed server of the same cluster.
Here's how it works.
When using UDT, wls provides a JNDI name that resolves internally into 4 distinct JNDI names for each of the managed server, the JMS servers on each of the managed servers are distinct.
When using the UDQ JNDI name when you post a message, it gets to one of the 4 managed servers using the algorithm you chose and other configuration done in your connection factory.
When a message consumer listens to the UDQ it gets pinned to the JMS server on one of the managed servers. It has no visibility about messages in the other servers.
Usually UDQ is used in scenarios where you want the message to be consumed concurrently by more than one managed server. You would normally deploy a MDB to the cluster, meaning the MDB will be deployed to each of the managed server and each of these will be able to consume the messages from their local JMS server.
I believe you can if your message store is config'd to use a database. If so, then I would think removing an item from the queue would remove it from the shared db table. I.e. all JMS servers are pointing to the same db instance and table. That should be pretty easy to test, too.

Build durable architecture with Websphere MQ clients

How can you create a durable architecture environment using MQ Client and server if the clients don't allow you to persist messages nor do they allow for assured delivery?
Just trying to figure out how you can build a salable / durable architecture if the clients don't appear to contain any of the necessary components required to persist data.
Middleware messaging was born of the need to persist data locally to mitigate the effects of failures of the remote node or of the network. The idea at the time was that the queue manager was installed locally on the box where the application lives and was treated as part of the transport stack. For instance you might install TCP and WMQ as a transport and some apps would use TCP while others used WMQ.
In the intervening 20 years, the original problems that led to the creation of MQSeries (Now WebSphere MQ) have largely been solved. The networks have improved by several nines of availability and high availability hardware and software clustering have provided options to keep the different components available 24x7.
So the practices in widespread use today to address your question follow two basic approaches. Either make the components highly available so that the client can always find a messaging server, or put a QMgr where the application lives in order to provide local queueing.
The default operation of MQ is that when a message is sent (MQPUT or in JMS terms producer.send), the application does not get a response back on the MQPUT call until the message has reached a queue on a queue manager. i.e. MQPUT is a synchronous call, and if you get a completion code of OK, that means that the queue manager to which the client application is connected has received the message successfully. It may not yet have reached its ultimate destination, but it has reached the protection of an MQ Server, and therefore you can rely on MQ to look after the message and forward it on to where it needs to get to.
Whether client connected, or locally bound to the queue manager, applications sending messages are responsible for their data until an MQPUT call returns successfully. Similarly, receiving applications are responsible for their data once they get it from a successful MQGET (or JMS consumer.receive) call.
There are multiple levels of message protection are available.
If you are using non-persistent messages and asynchronous PUTs, then you are effectively saying it doesn't matter too much whether the messages reach their destination (although they generally will).
If you want MQ to really look after your messages, use synchronous PUTs as described above, persistent messages, and perform your PUTs and GETs within transactions (aka syncpoint) so you have full application control over the commit points.
If you have very unreliable networks such that you expect to regularly fail to get the messages to a server, and expect to need regular retries such that you need client-side message protection, one option you could investigate is MQ Telemetry (e.g. in WebSphere MQ V7.1) which is designed for low bandwidth and/or unreliable network communications, as a route into the wider MQ.

How to send a message from Server A to Server B using MSMQ?

How do I setup a message queue that automatically sends all it's messages to another server?
I'm working on a proof of concept for a system that needs to run on multiple servers, writing to local message queues, then have a central service on another server running that reads its local queue to pick up all the messages from the other servers.
From what I've read I believe this is possible, but I'm not seeing how to set it up...
When your application send a message to a remote computer, the msmq service actually write the message to a local queue ( temporary outgoing queue). So practically the behaver of msmq is exactly what you want. Can you elaborate more about your scenario?
Update to comment: There is one problem. You can't create a remote queue.
