Can't get joomla update notification even after perge cache action - joomla

i wasn't getting any updates notifications of joomla update as my current version is 2.5.x and i want to update to 3.x at least. But after doing purge cache action as according to this solution states.
But after this i get to see this (How can this say the lower version to new version?)
Is there any other way i can get to notify to update to joomla version 3.x ?

Go to options of the Joomla update manager and switch from Long Term Support to Short Term Support.

This way you can update Joomla 2.5.x only to Joomla 2.5.28 (which is the last release of 2.5 series). If you want to have Joomla 3, then you must do a migration, like that:

If you want to upgrade your Joomla to latest version then Just Go to Extension manager and install the following stable package.
Download Joomla Update package


Joomla 2.5 (3.x) extension manager not finding update of extensions

I have an issue with Joomla 2.5 extensions updates.
I've released a new version for a plugin made by myself and installed into my site. I have made the xml update server but inclusive other extensions that has a lot of updates aren't detected.
What could be the issue for this?
I previously found there was an issue with the version numbers: I had to use a 4-level version number ( ) to get the automatic update to work. You could try that...
Good, 1 year later I could see the issue (for my extensions): on update server xml the tag element had a typo (minimum typo) and Joomla update manager were not able to find the updates to my extension.
the value for element tag had a plugin_name value (look at the underscore) but plugin is pluginname
for third party extensions, was a Joomla bug and I update the site to the current Joomla version.

Migrating Joomla 1.5 + Virtuemart 1.1.9 + Custom Code --TO-- Joomla 2.5 + VirtueMart 2.0

I am working on upgrading this site that has Joomla 1.5 and Old Virtuemart along with some custom code(mostly in VirtueMart). I need to upgrade this config to Joomla 2.5 and Virtuemart 2.0.24.
I searched on internet and could only find how to upgrade Joomla 1.5 to Joomla 2.5.
Please provide a series of steps that I should follow to upgrade.
Also, what are the precautions that I should take and How can I keep the custom code intact.
First you will need to upgrade Joomla 1.5 to 2.5. You might consider going to 3.5 since the LTS is due out soon, but it's not totally necessary.
Once you have that upgraded, you will need to copy all of the VM tables from your old DB to the new one. Make sure to update the table prefixes so they match the new install. Once you have moved the tables, then you install VM2.0. Next, in your new VM install, go to Tools > Tools & Migration > Migration and run the migration for everything.
That's the easy part. The custom code is probably not going to be of much use to you. The entire templating system has been upgraded to work with typical Joomla overrides and the rest of the component was rewritten from scratch as a true Joomla MVC component. You will have to find all of the customization and reapply that to the new component by hand.

Will upgrading PHP break JOOMLA?

I have a client who has JOOMLA! V1.5.1, and it currently is running on PHP 4.4.9. Does anyone know if upgrading to PHP5 break my site? Will upgrading to a newer JOOMLA! version break my site?
Thanks a lot
There might be a few functions on Joomla 1.5.1 that won't work if you upgrade to PHP 5.3+. Therefore you should also upgrade Joomla to 1.5.26 to ensure maximum security and stability for that particular version. Once both PHP and Joomla have been upgraded, everything will work smoothly.
To upgrade your PHP version, you will need to talk to your host, and why he is still running his servers on PHP 4.49 I do not know.
To update Joomla to the latest version, I would recommend download this package:
Joomla 1.5.0 to 1.5.26
I know its not the update for 1.5.1, but it will still work.
As for upgrading to Joomla 2.5, this doesnt have to be done. It is entirely up to you. Just be sure that all your etension will be compatible.
Hope this helps.
Nothing must change if you just upgrade PHP. Is there custom PHP build used or installed from packes (like .rpm or .deb)?
If you have simple wibsite and will follow guidelines on upgrading Joomla ( listed here: ) then process must go smoothly.
But if there are any extensions which do not have their Joomla 2.5 versions, you'll get in trouble because old ones wimply won't work after upgrade.
Use akeeba backup to backup your site before upgrade and try to backup/restore at separate place to just have a proctice. I confgure it to use zip format because it does not require any extra software to restore site, but that's up to you.

Upgrading Joomla Version 1.5.20 to Joomla Version 2.5.4

I'm trying to upgrade Joomla Version 1.5.20 to Joomla Version 2.5.4.
I've upgraded other CMS's in the past, but Joomla seems to be a little different. Does anyone have any advice as to the best way to upgrade?
So far I've:
Downloaded the entire site
Exported the database via phpMyAdmin
I've installed MAMP and Joomla locally and I'm trying to replicate their site on my machine in attempt to upgrade locally before doing it live. I've loaded the template, but haven't been able to load the content yet.
There seems to be a lot of versions between 1.5.20 and 2.5.4, and it's making me a bit nervous.
You can't directly upgrade from a Joomla! 1.5.x version to the 2.5.x line, it's a migration.
As the 2.5 line is a big change to Joomla! you will have to find 2.5 versions of:
the template you're using
any custom extensions (ie. components, plug-ins, modules etc)
Version 2.5 has new technical requirements so you will need to check that your server meets those.
Once you've got all that resolved.
First thing you should do is upgrade a backup of your 1.5.x site to the latest version ie. 1.5.26 as it fixes some security issues, and the recent versions included 1 or 2 bugs that help with the migration.
Once you have that working you will need to use a migration tool as discussed in this document. Please note that while this document references JUpgrade, you would probably be better off looking at one of the other conversion tools, especially the commercial products (which aren't expensive at all).
We're about half way through migrating over 200 client websites and while we started out with the free 'recommended' component we now use the commercial SP Upgrade (I have no affiliation with this product other than purchasing it and using it happily).
To upgrade joomla the plugin JUpgrade is one of the options. its quite easy tool.
updation can only required some clicks.
Here is steps.
Step 1
The very first thing you need to do is update your Joomla 1.5 website to the latest security update (1.5.25 at the time of writing). Click here for the tutorial on how to update your site.
Step 2
create a backup of your website.
Step 3
We are going to use jUpgrade to migrate our website. You can download jUpgrade from above link.
Step 4
Once you have downloaded jUpgrade, install it in existing joomla using the extension manager (Extensions -> Install / Uninstall).
Make sure that you have loggedin with Super Administrator. ( It required super administrator rights to migrate database and media.)
Step 5
You need to enable the System - Mootools Upgrade plugin before you can use jUpgrade so navigate to extensions then plugin manager, do a search for the plugin and enable it. (Extensions -> Plugin Manager)
Step 6
Click on Start Upgrade, It will now upgrading automatically as below till completion Popup.
Now click on administrator, you will see Joomla newer version Login page and make sure that all content transferred successfully ( It will transfer only contents that will supported in new Joomla version)
JUpgrade will create new directory. Download & install Joomla newer version to new directory and transfer media and contents in newer one.
click here = to read More.

Upgrading Joomla! 1.7.2 Stable to 2.5

I need to upgrade Joomla! 1.7.2 Stable to 2.5 (Its a live site)
Some of my doubts are
Does the design changes back to the original default one.If so how can i recover it back?
Are there any good blog to refer its step by step process?
Are there any extension manager to do it with less error and quickly?
Jomsocial 2.4 is installed in it, does upgrading Joomla 2.5 will affect the files in
Jomsocial,because I have done some updations in these files(in components/com_community
and components/com_users)
Please see the below link to get more information
