Matching trajectories of whiskers - image

I am performing a whisker-tracking experiments. I have high-speed videos (500fps) of rats whisking against objects. In each such video I tracked the shape of the rat's snout and whiskers. Since tracking is noisy, the number of whiskers in each frame may be different (see 2 consecutive frames in attached image, notice the yellow false-positive whisker appearing in the left frame but not the right one).
See example 1:
As an end result of tracking, I get, for each frame, a varying number of variable-length vectors; each vector corresponding to a single whisker. At this point I would like to match the whiskers between frames. I have tried using Matlab's sample align to do this, but it works only somewhat properly. Its results are attached below (in attached image showing basepoint of all whiskers over 227 frames).
See example 2:
I would like to run some algorithm to cluster the whiskers correctly, such that each whisker is recognized as itself and separated from other over the course of many frames. In other words, I would like each slightly sinusoidal trajectory in the second image to be recognized as one trajectory. Whatever sorting algorithm I use should take into account that whiskers may disappear and reappear between consecutive frames. Unfortunately, I'm all out of ideas...
Any help?
Once again, keep in mind that for each point in attached image 2, I have many data points, since this is only a plot of whisker basepoint, while in actuality I have data for the entire whisker length.

This is how I would deal with the problem. Assuming that data vectors of different size are in a cell type called dataVectors, and knowing the number of whiskers (nSignals), I would try to extend the data to a second dimension derived from the original data and then perform k-means on two dimensions.
So, first I would get the maximum size of the vectors in order to convert the data to a matrix and do NaN-padding.
maxSize = -Inf;
for k = 1:nSignals
if length(dataVectors{k}.data) > maxSize
maxSize = length(dataVectors{k}.data);
Now, I would make the data 2D by elevating it to power of two (or three, your choice). This is just a very simple transformation. But you could alternatively use kernel methods here and project each vector against the rest; however, I don't think this is necessary, and if your data is really big, it could be inefficient. For now, raising the data to the power of two should do the trick. The result is stored in a second dimension.
projDegree = 2;
projData = zeros(nSignals, maxSize, 2).*NaN;
for k = 1:nSignals
vecSize = length(dataVectors{k}.data);
projData(k, 1:vecSize, 1) = dataVectors{k}.data;
projData(k, 1:vecSize, 2) = dataVectors{k}.data.*projDegree;
projData = reshape(projData, [], 2);
Here, projData will have in row 1 and column 1, the original data of the first whisker (or signal as I call it here), and column 2 will have the new dimension. Let's suppose that you have 8 whiskers in total, then, projData will have the data of the first whisker in row 1, 9, 17, and so on. The data of the second whisker in row 2, 10, 18, and so forth. That is important if you want to work your way back to the original data. Also, you can try with different projDegrees but I doubt it will make a lot of difference.
Now we perform k-means on the 2D data; however, we provide the initial points instead of letting it determine them with k-means++. The initial points, as I propose here, are the first data point of each vector for each whisker. In this manner, k-means will depart from there and will move to clusters means accordingly. We save the results in idxK.
idxK = kmeans(projData,nSignals, 'Start', projData(1:nSignals, :));
And there you have it. The variable idxK will tell you which data point belongs to what cluster.
Below is a working example of my proposed solution. The first part is simply trying to produce data that looks like your data, you can skip it.
rng(9, 'twister')
nSignals = 8; % number of whiskers
n = 1000; % number of data points
allData = zeros(nSignals, n); % all the data will be stored here
% this loop will just generate some data that looks like yours
for k = 1:nSignals
x = sort(rand(1,n));
nPeriods = round(rand*9)+1; % the sin can have between 1-10 periods
nShiftAmount = round(randn*30); % shift between ~ -100 to +100
y = sin(x*2*pi*nPeriods) + (randn(1,n).*0.5);
y = y + nShiftAmount;
allData(k, :) = y;
nanIdx = round(rand(1, round(n*0.05)*nSignals).*((n*nSignals)-1))+1;
allData(nanIdx) = NaN; % about 5% of the data is now missing
for k = 1:nSignals
nanIdx = ~isnan(allData(k, :));
dataVectors{k}.data = allData(k, nanIdx);
plot(dataVectors{k}.data, 'kx'), hold on;
% determine the max size
maxSize = -Inf;
for k = 1:nSignals
if length(dataVectors{k}.data) > maxSize
maxSize = length(dataVectors{k}.data);
% making the data now into two dimensions and NaN pad
projDegree = 2;
projData = zeros(nSignals, maxSize, 2).*NaN;
for k = 1:nSignals
vecSize = length(dataVectors{k}.data);
projData(k, 1:vecSize, 1) = dataVectors{k}.data;
projData(k, 1:vecSize, 2) = dataVectors{k}.data.*projDegree;
projData = reshape(projData, [], 2);
figure(2); plot(projData(:,1), projData(:,2), 'kx');
% run k-means using the first points of all measure as the initial points
idxK = kmeans(projData,nSignals, 'Start', projData(1:nSignals, :));
liColors = [{'yx'},{'mx'},{'cx'},{'bx'},{'kx'},{'gx'},{'rx'},{'gd'}];
for k = 1:nSignals
plot(projData(idxK==k,1), projData(idxK==k,2), liColors{k}), hold on;
% plot results on original data
for k = 1:nSignals
plot(projData(idxK==k,1), liColors{k}), hold on;
Let me know if this helps.


Automatically choose x locations of scatter plot in front of bar graph

I'd like an algorithm to organize a 2D cloud of points in front of a bar graph so that a viewer could easily see the spread of the data. The y location of the point needs to be equal/scaled/proportional to the value of the data, but the x location doesn't matter and would be determined by the algorithm. I imagine a good strategy would be to minimize overlap among the points and center the points.
Here is an example of such a plot without organizing the points:
I generate my bar graphs with points in front of it with MATLAB, but I'm interested just in the best way to choose the x location values of the points.
I have been organizing the points by hand afterwards in Adobe Illustrator, which is time-consuming. Any recommendations? Is this a sub-problem of an already solved problem? What is this kind of plot called?
For high sample sizes, I imagine something like the following would be better than a cloud of points.
I think, mathematically, starting with some array of y-values, it would maximize the sum of the difference between every element from every other element, inversely scaled by the distance between the elements, by rearranging the order of the elements in the array.
Here is the MATLAB code I used to generate the graph:
y = zeros(20,6);
yMean = zeros(1,6);
for i=1:6
y(:,i) = 5 + (8-5).*rand(20,1);
yMean(i) = mean(y(:,i));
hold on
for i=1:6
x = linspace(i-0.3,i+0.3,20);
Here is one way that determines x-locations based on grouping into (histogram) bins. The result is similar to e.g. the plot in, but retains the original y-values. For convenience the points are sorted, but they could be displayed in order of appearance using the bin_index. Whether this is "the best way" of choosing the x-coordinates depends on what you are trying to achieve.
% Create some dummy data
dummy_data_y = 1+0.1*randn(10,3);
% Create bar plot (assuming you are interested in the mean)
bar_obj = bar(mean(dummy_data_y));
% Obtain data size info
n = size(dummy_data_y, 2);
% Algorithm that creates an x vector for each data column
sorted_data_y = sort(dummy_data_y, 'ascend'); % for convenience
number_of_bins = 5;
for j=1:n
% Get histogram information
[bin_count, ~, bin_index] = histcounts(sorted_data_y(:, j), number_of_bins);
% Create x-location data for current column
xj = [];
for k = 1:number_of_bins
xj = [xj 0:bin_count(k)-1];
% Collect x locations per column, scale and translate
sorted_data_x(:, j) = j + (xj-(bin_count(bin_index)-1)/2)'/...
% Plot the individual data points
line(sorted_data_x, sorted_data_y, 'linestyle', 'none', 'marker', '.', 'color', 'r')
Whether this is a good way to display your data remains open to discussion.

How to create a mask or detect image section based on the intensity value?

I have a matrix named figmat from which I obtain the following pcolor plot (Matlab-Version R 2016b).
Basically I only want to extract the bottom red high intensity line from this plot.
I thought of doing it in some way of extracting the maximum values from the matrix and creating some sort of mask on the main matrix. But I'm not understanding a possible way to achieve this. Can it be accomplished with the help of any edge/image detection algorithms?
I was trying something like this with the following code to create a mask
But this gives only the boundary of maximum values. I also need the entire red color band.
Okay, I assume that the red line is linear and its values can uniquely be separated from the rest of the picture. Let's generate some test data...
[x,y] = meshgrid(-5:.2:5, -5:.2:5);
n = size(x,1)*size(x,2);
z = -0.2*(y-(0.2*x+1)).^2 + 5 + randn(size(x))*0.1;
This script generates a surface function. Its set of maximum values (x,y) can be described by a linear function y = 0.2*x+1. I added a bit of noise to it to make it a bit more realistic.
We now select all points where z is smaller than, let's say, 95 % of the maximum value. Therefore find can be used. Later, we want to use one-dimensional data, so we reshape everything.
thresh = min(min(z)) + (max(max(z))-min(min(z)))*0.95;
mask = reshape(z > thresh,1,n);
idx = find(mask>0);
xvec = reshape(x,1,n);
yvec = reshape(y,1,n);
xvec and yvec now contain the coordinates of all values > thresh.
The last step is to do some linear polynomial over all points.
pp = polyfit(xvec(idx),yvec(idx),1)
pp =
0.1946 1.0134
Obviously these are roughly the coefficients of y = 0.2*x+1 as it should be.
I do not know, if this also works with your data, since I made some assumptions. The threshold level must be chosen carefully. Maybe some preprocessing must be done to dynamically detect this level if you really want to process your images automatically. There might also be a simpler way to do it... but for me this one was straight forward without the need of any toolboxes.
By assuming:
There is only one band to extract.
It always has the maximum values.
It is linear.
I can adopt my previous answer to this case as well, with few minor changes:
First, we get the distribution of the values in the matrix and look for a population in the top values, that can be distinguished from the smaller values. This is done by finding the maximum value x(i) on the histogram that:
Is a local maximum (its bin is higher than that of x(i+1) and x(i-1))
Has more values above it than within it (the sum of the height of bins x(i+1) to x(end) < the height of bin x):
This is how it is done:
[h,x] = histcounts(figmat); % get the distribution of intesities
d = diff(fliplr(h)); % The diffrence in bin height from large x to small x
band_min_ind = find(cumsum(d)>size(figmat,2) & d<0, 1); % 1st bin that fit the conditions
flp_val = fliplr(x); % the value of x from large to small
band_min = flp_val(band_min_ind); % the value of x that fit the conditions
Now we continue as before. Mask all the unwanted values, interpolate the linear line:
mA = figmat>band_min; % mask all values below the top value mode
[y1,x1] = find(mA,1); % find the first nonzero row
[y2,x2] = find(mA,1,'last'); % find the last nonzero row
m = (y1-y2)/(x1-x2); % the line slope
n = y1-m*x1; % the intercept
f_line = #(x) m.*x+n; % the line function
And if we plot it we can see the red line where the band for detection was:
Next, we can make this line thicker for a better representation of this line:
thick = max(sum(mA)); % mode thickness of the line
tmp = (1:thick)-ceil(thick/2); % helper vector for expanding
rows = bsxfun(#plus,tmp.',floor(f_line(1:size(A,2)))); % all the rows for each column
rows(rows<1) = 1; % make sure to not get out of range
rows(rows>size(A,1)) = size(A,1); % make sure to not get out of range
inds = sub2ind(size(A),rows,repmat(1:size(A,2),thick,1)); % convert to linear indecies
mA(inds) = true; % add the interpolation to the mask
result = figmat.*mA; % apply the mask on figmat
Finally, we can plot that result after masking, excluding the unwanted areas:

Histogram of an image but without considering the first k pixels

I would like to create a histogram of an image but without considering the first k pixels.
Eg: 50x70 image and k = 40, the histogram is calculated on the last 3460 pixels. The first 40 pixels of the image are ignored.
The order to scan the k pixels is a raster scan order (starting from the top left and proceeds by lines).
Another example is this, where k=3:
Obviously I can't assign a value to those k pixels otherwise the histogram would be incorrect.
Honestly I have no idea how to start.
How can I do that?
Thanks so much
The vectorized solution to your problem would be
function [trimmedHist]=histKtoEnd(image,k)
imageVec=reshape(image.',[],1); % Transform the image into a vector. Note that the image has to be transposed in order to achieve the correct order for your counting
imageWithoutKPixels=imageVec(k+1:end); % Create vector without first k pixels
trimmedHist=accumarray(imageWithoutKPixels,1); % Create the histogram using accumarray
If you got that function on your workingdirectory you can use
to try it.
EDIT: If you just need the plot you can also use histogram(imageWithoutKPixels) in the 4th row of the function I wrote
One of the way can be this:
histogram = zeros(1,256);
skipcount = 0;
for i = 1:size(image,1)
for j = 1:size(image,2)
skipcount = skipcount + 1;
if (skipcount > 40)
histogram(1,image(i,j)+1) = histogram(1,image(i,j)+1) + 1;
If you need to skip some exact number of top lines, then you can skip the costly conditional check and just start the outer loop from appropriate index.
Vec = image(:).';
Vec = Vec(k+1:end);
Hist = zeros(1, 256);
for i=0:255
grayI = (Vec == i);
Hist(1, i+1) = sum(grayI(:));
First two lines drop the first k pixels so they are not considered in the computation.
Then you check how many 0's you have and save it in the array. The same for all gray levels.
In the hist vector, in the i-th cell you will have the number of occurance of gray level (i-1).

How to resize an image by adding extra pixels using matlab

I would like to resize a 512X512 image into 363X762 image which will be larger than the original image(of size 512X512). Those extra pixel values must be different values in the range of 0-255.
I tried the following code:
I=imread('photo.jpg'); %photo.jpg is a 512X512 image
But I think this is a lengthy one and the output is also not as desired. Could anyone suggest me with a better piece of code to perform this. Thank you in advance.
I think that the code you have is actually pretty close to ideal except that you have a lot of hard-coded values in there. Those should really be computed on the fly. We can do that using numel to count the number of elements in B.
B = zeros(363, 726);
%// Assign the first 262144 elements of B to the values in I
%// all of the rest will remain as 0
B(1:numel(I)) = I;
This flexibility is important and the importance is actually demonstrated via the typo in your last line:
%// Should be
Also, you don't need these extra assignments to zero at the end because you initialize the matrix to be all zeros in the first place.
A Side Note
It looks like you are spreading the original image data for each column across multiple columns. I'm guessing this isn't what you want. You probably only want to grab the first 363 rows of I to be placed into B. You can do that this way:
B = zeros(363, 726);
B(1:size(B, 1), 1:size(I, 2)) = I(1:size(B, 1), :);
If you want the other values to be something other than zero, you can initialize your matrix to be that value instead.
value = 2;
B = zeros(363, 726) + value;
B(1:numel(I)) = I;
If you want them to be random integers between 0 and 255, use randi to initialize the matrix.
B = randi([0 255], 363, 726);
B(1:numel(I)) = I;

Sparse matrix plot matlab

I have a 5000 *5000 sparse matrix with 4 different values. I want to visualise the nonzero elements with 4 different colors such that I can recognise the ratio of this values and the relationships between them,I use imagesc but I can not recognise very well among different values, especially the values with smaller ratio.I think if I use some symboles for each value , it works but I don't know how is it in Matlab. Any suggestion? The result of Dan code is in figure below.
You could reform the matrix to be a set of [X, Y, F] coordinates (re-using my answer from Resampling Matrix and restoring in one single Matrix):
Assuming your matrix is M
[X, Y] = meshgrid(1:size(M,1), 1:size(M,2));
Mf = M(:); %used again later, hence stored
V = [X(:), Y(:), Mf];
get rid of the zero elements
V(Mf == 0, :) = [];
At this point, if you have access to the statistics toolbox you can just go gscatter(V(:,1), V(:,2), V(:,3)) to get the correct plot otherwise continue with the following if you don't have the toolbox:
Find a list of the unique values in M
Vu = unique(V(:,3));
For each such value, plot the points as an xy scatter plot, note hold all makes sure the colour changes each time a new plot is added i.e. each new iteration of the loop
hold all;
for g = 1:length(Vu)
Vg = V(V(:,3)==Vu(g),:)
plot(Vg(:,1), Vg(:,2), '*');
Example M:
M = zeros(1000);
M(200,30) = 7;
M(100, 900) = 10;
M(150, 901) = 13;
M(600, 600) = 13;
Now i can answer the first part of the question. I suppose you need to do something like
sum(histc(A, unique(A)),2)
to count the number of unique values in the matrix.
temp = histc(A, unique(A)) "is a matrix of column histogram counts." So you get the counts of all values of unique(A) as they appear in A columns.
I'm doing stat = sum(temp,2) to get counts of all values of unique(A) in the whole matrix.
Then you can use the code proposed from #Dan to visualize the result.
hold all;
for i = 1:length(stat)
plot(u(i), stat(i)/max(stat), '*');
Please clarify what kind of relationship between the values do you mean?
