How to pretty print a 48 GB JSON? (Wikidata) - ruby

I'm working with WikiData (a cross-referencing of multiple data sources, including Wikipedia) and they provide a ~50 GB JSON file with no white space. I want to extract certain kinds of data from it, which I could do with grep if it was pretty printed. I'm running on a mac.
Some methods of reformatting, e.g.,
cat ... | python -m json.too
./jq . filename.json
Will not work on a large file. python chokes. jq dies. There was a great thread here: How can I pretty-print JSON in (unix) shell script? But I'm not sure how/if any can deal with large files.
This company uses "Akka streams" to do this very task (they claim <10 minutes to process all Wikidata), but I know nothing about it:
Wikidata has a predictable format (, and I am able to accomplish most of my goal by piping through a series of sed and tr, but it's clumsy and potentially error-prone, and I'd much prefer to be grepping on a prettyprint.
Any suggestions?

There are several libraries out there for parsing JSON streams, which I think is what you want—you can pipe the JSON in and deal with it as a stream, which saves you from having to load the whole thing into memory.
Oboe.js looks like a particularly mature project, and the docs are very good. See the "Reading from Node.js streams" and "Loading JSON trees larger than the available RAM" sections on this page:
If you'd rather use Ruby, take a look at yajl-ruby. The API isn't quite as simple as Oboe.js's, but it ought to work for you.

You could try this, it looks like it lets you just pipe in your JSON file and it will output a grep friendly file...


jq or xsltproc alternative for s-expressions?

I have a project which contains a bunch of small programs tied together using bash scripts, as per the Unix philosophy. Their exchange format originally looked like this:
meta1a:meta1b:meta1c AST1
meta2a:meta2b:meta2c AST2
Where the :-separated fields are metadata and the ASTs are s-expressions which the scripts pass along as-is. This worked fine, as I could use cut -d ' ' to split the metadata from the ASTs, and cut -d ':' to dig into the metadata. However, I then needed to add a metadata field containing spaces, which breaks this format. Since no field uses tabs, I switched to the following:
meta1a:meta1b:meta1c:meta 1 d\tAST1
meta2a:meta2b:meta2c:meta 2 d\tAST2
Since I envision more metadata fields being added in the future, I think it's time to switch to a more structured format rather than playing a game of "guess the punctuation".
Instead of delimiters and cut I could use JSON and jq, or I could use XML and xsltproc, but since I'm already using s-expressions for the ASTs, I'm wondering if there's a nice way to use them here instead?
For example, something which looks like this:
(echo '(("foo1" "bar1" "baz1" "quux 1") ast1)'
echo '(("foo2" "bar2" "baz2" "quux 2") ast2)') | sexpr 'caar'
My requirements are:
Straightforward use of stdio with minimal boilerplate, since that's where my programs read/write their data
Easily callable from shell scripts or provide a very compelling alternative to bash's process invocation and pipelining
Streaming I/O if possible; ie. I'd rather work with one AST at a time rather than consuming the whole input looking for a closing )
Fast and lightweight, especially if it's being invoked a few times; each AST is only a few KB, but they can add up to hundreds of MB
Should work on Linux at least; cross-platform would be nice
The obvious choice is to use a Lisp/Scheme interpreter, but the only one I'm experienced with is Emacs, which is far too heavyweight. Perhaps another implementation is more lightweight and suited to this?
In Haskell I've played with shelly, turtle and atto-lisp, but most of my code was spent converting between String/Text/ByteString, wrapping/unwrapping Lisps, implementing my own car, cdr, cons, etc.
I've read a little about scsh, but don't know if that would be appropriate either.
You might give Common Lisp a try.
Straightforward use of stdio with minimal boilerplate, since that's
where my programs read/write their data
(loop for (attributes ast) = (safe-read) do (print ...)
Read/write from standard input and output.
safe-read should disable execution of code at read-time. There is at least one implementation. Don't eval your AST directly unless you perfectly know what's in there.
Easily callable from shell scripts or provide a very compelling
alternative to bash's process invocation and pipelining
In the same spirit as java -jar ..., you can launch your Common Lisp executable, e.g. sbcl, with a script in argument: sbcl --load file.lisp. You can even dump a core or an executable core of your application with everything preloaded (save-lisp-and-die).
Or, use cl-launch which does the above automatically, and portably, and generates shell scripts and/or makes executable programs from your code.
Streaming I/O if possible; ie. I'd rather work with one AST at a time
rather than consuming the whole input looking for a closing )
If the whole input stream starts with a (, then read will read up-to the closing ) character, but in practice this is rarely done: source code in Common Lisp is not enclosed in one pair of parenthesis per-file, but as a sequence of forms. If your stream produces not one but many s-exps, the reader will read them one at a time.
Fast and lightweight, especially if it's being invoked a few times;
each AST is only a few KB, but they can add up to hundreds of MB
Fast it will be, especially if you save a core. Lightweight, well, it is well-known that lisp images can take some disk space (e.g. 46MB), but this is rarely an issue. Why is is important? Maybe you have another definition about what lightweight means, because this is unrelated to the size of the AST you will be parsing. There should be no problem reading those AST, though.
Should work on Linux at least; cross-platform would be nice
See Wikipedia. For example, Clozure CL (CCL) runs on Mac OS X, FreeBSD, Linux, Solaris and Windows, 32/64 bits.
Working on a slightly different task, I again found the need to process a bunch of s-expressions. This time I needed to perform some non-trivial processing of the given s-expressions (extracting lists of symbols used, etc.), rather than having the option to pass them along as opaque strings.
I gave Racket a try and was pleasantly surprised; it was much nicer than the other Lisps I've used before (Emacs Lisp and various application-specific Scheme scripts), since it has nice documentation and a batteries included standard library.
Some of the relevant points for this kind of task:
"Ports" for reading and writing data. These can be (dynamically?) scoped across an expression, and default to stdio (i.e. (current-input-port) defaults to stdin and (current-output-port) defaults to stdout). Ports make stdio and file access about as nice to use as a shell: more verbose, but fewer gnarly edge-cases.
Various conversion functions like port->string, file->lines, read, etc. make it easy to get data at the appropriate form of granularity (characters, lines, strings, expressions, etc.).
I couldn't find a "standard" way to read multiple s-expressions, since read only returns one, so iteration/recursion would be needed to do this in a streaming fashion.
If streaming isn't needed, I found it easiest to read the whole input as a string, append "(\n" and "\n)", then use (with-input-from-string my-modified-input read) to get one big list.
I found Racket's startup time to be pretty slow, so I wouldn't recommend invoking a script over and over as part of a loop if speed is a concern. It was easy enough to move my looping into Racket and have the script invoked once though.

Emulating 'named' process substitutions

Let's say I have a big gzipped file data.txt.gz, but often the ungzipped version needs to be given to a program. Of course, instead of creating a standalone unpacked data.txt, one could use the process substitution syntax:
./program <(zcat data.txt.gz)
However, depending on the situation, this can be tiresome and error-prone.
Is there a way to emulate a named process substitution? That is, to create a pseudo-file data.txt that would 'unfold' into a process substitution zcat data.txt.gz whenever it is accessed. Not unlike a symbolic link forwards a read operation to another file, but, in this case, it needs to be a temporary named pipe.
PS. Somewhat similar question
Edit (from comments) The actual use-case is having a large gzipped corpus that, besides its usage in its raw form, also sometimes needs to be processed with a series of lightweight operations (tokenized, lowercased, etc.) and then fed to some "heavier" code. Storing a preprocessed copy wastes disk space and repeated retyping the full preprocessing pipeline can introduce errors. In the same time, running the pipeline on-the-fly incurs a tiny computational overhead, hence the idea of a long-lived pseudo-file that hides the details under the hood.
As far as I know, what you are describing does not exist, although it's an intriguing idea. It would require kernel support so that opening the file would actually run an arbitrary command or script instead.
Your best bet is to just save the long command to a shell function or script to reduce the difficulty of invoking the process substitution.
There's a spectrum of options, depending on what you need and how much effort you're willing to put in.
If you need a single-use file, you can just use mkfifo to create the file, start up a redirection of your archive into the fifo, and and pass the fifo's filename to whoever needs to read from it.
If you need to repeatedly access the file (perhaps simultaneously), you can set up a socket using netcat that serves the decompressed file over and over.
With "traditional netcat" this is as simple as while true; do nc -l -p 1234 -c "zcat myfile.tar.gz"; done. With BSD netcat it's a little more annoying:
# Make a dummy FIFO
mkfifo foo
# Use the FIFO to track new connections
while true; do cat foo | zcat myfile.tar.gz | nc -l 1234 > foo; done
Anyway once the server (or file based domain socket) is up, you just do nc localhost 1234 to read the decompressed file. You can of course use nc localhost 1234 as part of a process substitution somewhere else.
It looks like this in action (image probably best viewed in separate tab):
Depending on your needs, you may want to make the bash script more sophisticated for caching etc, or just dump this thing and go for a regular web server in some scripting language you're comfortable with.
Finally, and this is probably the most "exotic" solution, you can write a FUSE filesystem that presents virtual files backed by whatever logic your heart desires. At this point you should probably have a good hard think about whether the maintainability and complexity costs of where you're going really offset someone having to call zcat a few extra times.

Storing and processing large XML files with Heroku?

I'm working on an application that needs to store a large 2GB+ XML file for processing, and I'm facing two problems:
How do I process the file? Loading the whole file into Nokogiri at once won't work. It quickly eats up memory and, as far as I can tell, the process gets nuked from orbit. Are there Heroku-compatible ways to quickly/easily read a large XML file located on a non-Heroku server in smaller chunks?
How do I store the file? The site is set up to use S3, but the data provider needs FTP access to upload the XML file nightly. S3 via FTP is apparently a no-go, and storing the file on Heroku won't work either, as it'll only be seen by the dyno that owns it and is susceptible to being randomly purged. Has anyone encountered this type of constraint before, and if so, how'd you work around it?
Most of the time we prefer parsing the entire file that has been pulled into memory because it's easier to jump back and forth, extracting this and that as our code needs. Because it's in memory, we can do random access easily, if we want.
For your need, you'll want to start at the top of the file, and read each line, looking for the tags of interest, until you get to the end of the file. For that, you want to use Nokogiri::XML::SAX and Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Parser, along with the events in Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Document. Here's a summary of what it does, from Nokogiri's site:
The basic way a SAX style parser works is by creating a parser, telling the parser about the events we’re interested in, then giving the parser some XML to process. The parser will notify you when it encounters events your said you would like to know about.
SAX is a different beast than dealing with the DOM, but it can be very fast, and is a lot easier on memory.
If you wanted to load the file in smaller chunks, you could process the XML inside an or Net::HTTP block, so you'd be getting it in TCP packet-size chunks. The problem then is that your lines could be split, because TCP doesn't guarantee reading by lines, but by blocks, which is what you'll see inside the read loop. Your code would have to peel off partial lines at the end of the buffer, and then prepend them to the read buffer so the next block read finishes the line.
You'll need a streaming parser. Have a look at
You could run your own FTP server on EC2? Or use a hosted provider such as

What is the best way to read files in an EventMachine-based app?

In order not to block the reactor I would like to read files asynchronously, but I've found no obvious way of doing it using EventMachine. I've tried a few different approaches, but none of them feels right:
Just read the file, it'll block the reactor, but what the hell, it's not that slow (unless it's a big file, and then it definitely is).
Open the file for reading and read a chunk on each tick (but how much to read? too much and it'll block the reactor, too little and reading will get slower than necessary).
EM.popen('cat some/file', FileReader) feels really weird, but works better than the alternatives above. In combination with the LineAndTextProtocol it reads lines pretty swiftly.
EM.attach, but I haven't found any examples of how to use it, and the only thing I've found on the mailing list is that it's deprecated in favour of…, which I've found no examples of how to use for reading files.
How do you read files within a EventMachine reactor loop?
EM.attach/watch cannot be used on files, as select/epoll on a disk-based file descriptor will always return readable.
Ultimately, it depends on what you're trying to do. If it's a small file, just it. If it is larger, you can read small chunks over time. For example, EM::FileStreamer does this to send large file over the network.
Another common use-case is to tail a file and read in new contents when it changes. This can be achieved using EM.watch_file:

Should I use a binary or a text file for storing protobuf messages?

Using Google protobuf, I am saving my serialized messaged data to a file - in each file there are several messages. We have both C++ and Python versions of the code, so I need to use protobuf functions that are available in both languages. I have experimented with using SerializeToArray and SerializeAsString and there seems to be the following unfortunate conditions:
SerializeToArray: As suggested in one answer, the best way to use this is to prefix each message with it's data size. This would work great for C++, but in Python it doesn't look like this is possible - am I wrong?
SerializeAsString: This generates a serialized string equivalent to it's binary counterpart - which I can save to a file, but what happens if one of the characters in the serialization result is \n - how do we find line endings, or the ending of messages for that matter?
Please allow me to rephrase slightly. As I understand it, I cannot write binary data in C++ because then our Python application cannot read the data, since it can only parse string serialized messages. Should I then instead use SerializeAsString in both C++ and Python? If yes, then is it best practice to store such data in a text file rather than a binary file? My gut feeling is binary, but as you can see this doesn't look like an option.
We have had great success base64 encoding the messages, and using a simple \n to separate messages. This will ofcoirse depend a lot on your use - we need to store the messages in "log" files. It naturally has overhead encoding/decoding this - but this has not even remotely been an issue for us.
The advantage of keeping these messages as line separated text has so far been invaluable for maintenance and debugging. Figure out how many messages are in a file ? wc -l . Find the Nth message - head ... | tail. Figure out what's wrong with a record on a remote system you need to access through 2 VPNs and a citrix solution ? copy paste the message and mail it to the programmer.
The best practice for concatenating messages in this way is to prepend each message with its size. That way you read in the size (try a 32bit int or something), then read that number of bytes into a buffer and deserialize it. Then read the next size, etc. etc.
The same goes for writing, you first write out the size of the message, then the message itself.
See Streaming Multiple Messages on the protobuf documentation for more information.
Protobuf is a binary format, so reading and writing should be done as binary, not text.
If you don't want binary format, you should consider using something other than protobuf (there are lots of textual data formats, such as XML, JSON, CSV); just using text abstractions is not enough.
