Non-directed graph algorithm to find lowest cost path - algorithm

I know a few algorithms that are able to find the lowest cost path for directed graph (just as Dijkstra and Floyd).
Is there any algorithm that works for non-directed graphs?
My problem is: I need to find the lowest cost path from a to b passing through all vertexes (undirected graph).

My problem is: I need to find the lowest cost path from a to b passing
through all vertexes (non-oriented graph)
This is the Traveling Salesman Problem, which is NP-Hard, so there is no known efficient solution to it.
However, if the graph is fairly small, there are some techniques to solve it optimally (in exponential time), like Dynamic Programming.
In general, changing an undirected graph to a directed one is fairly easy and is done by changing an undirected edge {u,v} to two directed edges (u,v) and (v,u)

Provided you have nonnegative edge values, you could consider every edge in an undirected graph as two edges in a directed graph, one pointed to and from connected vertices. Then you could use one of many algorithms including the ones you listed.


Transforming Weighted to Unweighted Graph for BFS/DFS

Are there any general or simple algorithms that convert a weighted graph into a non-weighted graph (where each edge has the same weight)?
I know an algorithm called Djikstra's algorithm that works very similar to BFS on a weighted graph when finding the shortest distance between any two vertices in a graph.
But I would like to change the question a little that takes in any weighted graph where each edge is in the set of weights {1,2,3,4,...,n} where each number in the set is a weight of an edge. That way, if every edge is the same weight, I can apply BFS or DFS to it directly.
I want to find a way to modify the graph so that each edge in the modified graph has the same weight (meaning preferably each edge in the modified graph has weight 1). I know that I may have to delete or add edges and add intermediate vertices or delete any vertices to/from the original graph to satisfy this.
Is there a general idea on how to accomplish this? I've never seen a post on StackOverflow that goes over this.
Note: There is nothing about a weighted graph that prevents you from using BFS/DFS.
With that being said you certainly can convert a weighted graph to an unweighted graph by just adding a bunch of intermediate notes. However, I would not recommend that you do this because there are already algorithms like dijkstra's, bellman ford, floyd warshall ... that can compute shortest paths on weighted graphs. Additionally, I would assume that it would be very difficult to represent a weighted graph with negative edges using an unweighted graph.

longest path in undirected vs directed graph

I need to solve a longest path problem for graphs that are both directed and non-directed (unweighted in both cases).
For directed graph, it is pretty easy to find dynamic programming algorithms that are able to solve the problem in pseudopolynomial time, starting at some node, and calculating the longest path for subproblems until every problem has been looked at.
Can I do a similar thing for at non-directed graph? I cant seem to find any litterature about it?
Every directed graph algorithm works on undirected graphs. Simply treat each edge as two directed edges with the same weight.

Given undirected weighted connected graph, s,t. Find path from s to t that its most weighted edge is low as possible

Given: undirected weighted connected graph. s,t are vertices.
Question: Find an algorithm as efficient as possible that returns a path from s to t. In that path, the edge that has the highest weight, will has the least weight as possible. So if we have 5 paths from s,t and for every path we have the heaviest edge, so the minimum edge of these 5.
What I've tried:
Use some algorithm to find the shortest path between s and t.
Delete all the edges that are not part of the shortest paths we've found
Use BFS with some modification, We run BFS depending on the number of paths from s to t. Every time we find a maximum edge and store it in an array, then we find the minimum of the array.
I'm struggling to find an algorithm that can be ran in (1), Bellman ford won't work - because it has to be directed graph. Dijkstra won't work because we don't know if it has negative circles or negative edges. And Prim is for finding MST which I'm not aware of how it can help us in finding the shortest path. Any ideas?
And other from that, If you have an algorithm in mind that can solve this question, would be much appreciated.
You can solve this with Kruskal's algorithm. Add edges as usual and stop as soon as s and t are in the same cluster.
The idea is that at each stage of the algorithm we have effectively added all edges below a certain weight threshold. Therefore, if s and t are in the same cluster then there is a route between them consisting entirely of edges with weight less than the threshold.
You can solve it by converting into a MST problem, basically the path from s to t in the MST would be the path which has the least possible maximum weight
find the most negative edge in the graph
add that (weight+1) to every edge.
Now all edge are positive so you can apply Dijkstra's algorithm
you can get the shortest_path between source and destination
Now count the number of edges between source and destination (say x)
Real shortest path will be: shortest_path - x * (weight+1)

Find the shortest path between a given source and a set of destinations

You are given a weighted connected graph (20 nodes) with all edges having positive weight. We have a robot that starts at point A and it must pass at points B, D and E for example. The idea is to find the shortest path that connects all these 4 points. The robot also has a limited battery, but it can be recharged in some points.
After researching on the internet I have two algorithms in mind: Dijkstra's and TSP. Dijkstra's will find the shortest path between a node and every other node and TSP will find the shortest path that connects all points. Is there any variant of the TSP that only finds the shortest path between a set of nodes? After all, in the TSP all nodes are labeled "must-pass". I'm still not taking in account the battery constraint.
Thanks in advance!
You can reduce your graph to a TSP and then invoke a TSP algorithm on it:
Use Floyd-Warshall algorithm to find the distance u,v for ALL pairs of vertices u and v.
Create a new graph, containing only the "desired" vertices, and set the weight between two such vertices u and v as the distance found by Floyd-Warshall.
Run TSP Solver on the modified graph to get the path in the modified graph, and switch each edge in the modified graph with a shortest path from the original graph.
The above is optimal, because assume there is a shorter path.
Di->...->D{i+1} has at least the weight of FloydWarshall(Di,D{i+1}) (correctness of Floyd-Warshall), and thus the edges (D0,D1),(D1,D2),...,(Dk,D{k+1) exist in the modified graph with a weight smaller/equal the weight in the given path.
Thus, from correctness of your TSP-Solver, by using D0->D1->...->Dk->D{k+1}, you get a path that is at least as good as the candidate optimal path.
You might also want to look into the generalized traveling salesman problem (GTSP): The nodes are partitioned into subsets, and the problem is to find the minimum-length route that visits exactly one node in each subset. The model is allowed to choose whichever node it wants from each subset. If there are nodes that must be visited, you can put them in a subset all by themselves.

Modifying shortest path to get a min-cost path

If we modify the shortest path problem such that the cost of a path between two vertices is the maximum of the costs of the edges on it, then for any pair of vertices u and v,
the path between them that follows a minimum-cost spanning tree is a min-cost path.
How can I prove this approach is true? It makes sense but I am not sure. Does anyone know if this algorithm exists in the literature? Is there a name for it?
The approach you mentioned is discussed in detail in literatures that discuss the relationship between Prim's algorithm and Dijkstra's algorithm, as usual wikipedia is a good place to start your research:
The process that underlies Dijkstra's algorithm is similar to the greedy process used in Prim's algorithm. Prim's purpose is to find a minimum spanning tree that connects all nodes in the graph; Dijkstra is concerned with only the lowest cost path beteen two nodes.
You can use some basic facts of MST (that are usually discussed in the correctness proof for Prim's & Kruskal's algorithms). The one that matters now is that
Lema 1:
Given a graph cut (a partitioning of the vertices into two
disjoint sets) the edge in the MST connecting the two parts will be
the cheapest of the edges connecting the two parts.
(The proof is straighfoward, if there were a cheaper edge we would be able to easily contruct a cheaper spanning tree)
We can now prove that the paths in a MST are all min-cost paths if you consider the maximum-cost:
Take any two vertices s and t in G and the path p that connects them in a MST of G. Now let uv be the most expensive edge in this path. We can describe a graph cut over this edge, with one partition with the vertices on the u side of the MST and the other partition with the vertices on the v side. We know that any path connecting s and t must pass this cut, therefore we can determine that the cost of any path from s to t must be at least the cost of the cheapest edge on this cut. But Lemma 1 tells us that uv is the cheapest edge on this cut so p must be a min-cost path.
