Flexible width button not taking all available space - macos

I'm trying to make modifications to layout of TrackMix app as shown in Creating Your First Mac App.
I wanted the "Mute" button to take 160px or less. The equivalent CSS rule would be width: 100%; max-width: 160px; margin: 0 auto;. I'm not sure how to achieve this in Interface Builder or in code. Here's what I have so far
While 71 pixels is indeed less than 160px. Is there a way to make the button take all available space?

This is working for me:
I have also added a center constraint + leading and tailing edge constraint to parent container. I've set the leading/tailing constraint priority to 250 because they need to be breakable.


How to change the VMware Clarity Design System brand icon size

I'm playing around with the VMware Clarity Design System UI (https://vmware.github.io/clarity/) and am running their seed application. I'm trying to replace their brand icon with my own, but it's a different size. I'm noticing that the icon appears to be hard-coded to 36px x 36px. If I try setting a new size in CSS, it still renders as 36px x 36px. Is this hard-coded?
That was it. I was thinking I needed to add the size to the image, not to the .clr-icon class. This works:
.header .branding .clr-icon {
height: 13px;
width: 73.9px;
&.clr-dell-logo {
background-image: url(../images/DellLogoWht.png);
Your answer is correct for when you want to set size with css (I up-voted yours to reflect that). You can also set an icon size with the size attribute on the clr-icon element:
<clr-icon shape="info" size="48"></clr-icon>
We do have an example using the size attribute here, Clarity Icons Documentation
It's about 1/2 way down the page or search for Setting the icon size. FYI - we are in the process of updating the docs for Clarity Icons.

Why is my font-face adding space at the baseline?

My font is doing something weird. There seems to be space being added below the font (Not the margin) that is pushing it up above the line-height. If I adjust the height it seems to be anchored to the bottom of the line height so instead of increasing the space below it actually pushes the top of the font above the line height. Is there any way, save adding margin or padding to the top, to make sure it's anchoring to the top of the line-height or middle?
#font-face {font-family: 'AvenirLTStd-Book';src: url('/us/_media/font/2CA9EF_0_0.eot');src: url('/us/_media/font/2CA9EF_0_0.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),url('/us/_media/font/2CA9EF_0_0.woff2') format('woff2'),url('/us/_media/font/2CA9EF_0_0.woff') format('woff'),url('/us/_media/font/2CA9EF_0_0.ttf') format('truetype');}
#font-face {font-family: 'AvenirLTStd-Black';src: url('/us/_media/font/2CA9EF_1_0.eot');src: url('/us/_media/font/2CA9EF_1_0.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),url('/us/_media/font/2CA9EF_1_0.woff2') format('woff2'),url('/us/_media/font/2CA9EF_1_0.woff') format('woff'),url('/us/_media/font/2CA9EF_1_0.ttf') format('truetype');}
h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 {
font-family:'AvenirLTStd-Black', Arial, sans-serif;
margin-top: 0;
font-weight: normal;
line-height: 1em;
color: inherit;
text-rendering: optimizelegibility;
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
I know this is old, but I thought I'd leave a comment for others Googling this issue.
It looks like you are using Avenir from MyFonts.com, which allows you to 'tweak' your webfont package.
I had the same issue as above, changing the Line Height Adjustments to use Bounding Box (Match the bounding box of the glyphs, line gap will always be 0) fixed the issue
I used the settings in the screenshot below:
[link to screenshot is down]
The idea is to increase line-height to decrease the space at the baseline, i.e.:
h1 {
font-size: 2rem;
line-height: 3rem;
I was on this for a while now and since I have no Myfonts.com account and the font is free font generated by FontsQuirrel or downloaded from GF I had to experiment. In PS my font looks correct by comparison,
Montserrat vs Open Sans
But webfont is completely off.
I was than forced to test several font editing software. First I tested FontForge and could simply not figure out the proper metrics, than i got trial FontCreator that has this great feature that auto calculates the metrics which when entered in FontForge fix the issue.
But paying $79.00 min to just fix this and never use the software again did not seem feasible and I also did not want to go back and forth between the two to get the metrics. I continued to play with FontForge and finally found the solution. You must reset all values to 0 in Element -> Font Info -> OS/2 -> Metrics and than uncheck the "Is Offset"
Instead another image here is short video that shows how to fix this
Note that for some fonts it is better to uncheck the Really use Typo metrics which helped in my case.
The attribute you have missed out is 'vertical-align' and it is probably causing all of the trouble
This tells the browser where to align the text
It has the following values (not all are listed):
To find out more click here

z-index doesn't seem to work normally at smaller sizes

I have some fairly complex stacking arrangements going on in a site I'm working on. With a background image on a div being a gradient that overlays an image within it with a lower zindex. Like this:
So, this works fine at larger widths. When the width is smaller the image appears over the gradient background, like this:
Something's happening and I can't figure out what. I'm using twitter Bootstrap 2.3.0 as a framework. Link: http://www.osullivans-pubs.com/draft
EDIT: I'm pretty sure the problem is something to do with having a negative z-index on the image (#back img). But having the z-index at zero means the image appears above the gradient...
UPDATE: I worked it out. It's not really possible to have an element with a background image overlap a child element. So I created an absolutely positioned element before (and seperate from) the container and applied the appropriate zindex to that. That fixed it.
you have to add a z-index in liquid-slider.css file below is the code...
.liquid-slider-wrapper {
margin: 0 auto;
clear: both;
overflow: auto;
position: relative;
width: 1110px !important;
z-index: 20;

CSS max-height and overflow auto always displays vertical scroll

I have a div class set up with the following CSS style:
border: 1px solid black;
max-width: 300px;
max-height: 200px;
overflow: auto;
The problem is, when the text inside doesn't force the DIV to reach the maximum height of 200px, the vertical scroll bar still shows up. I can click on the up and down arrows but it only moves the contents up and down by about a pixel or two.
This is occuring in Google Chrome (version 18.0) and Iceweasel 11.
As it turns out, another CSS style was causing the issue:
line-height: 1;
Anyone interested in learning about how and why this would cause an issue, can read about the line-height property here
I was having an issue with this, and I found that having position: relative on the child elements was causing the problem. Obviously this can't be the solution for everyone, especially if position: absolute is being used, but for me it worked.
Just to put in evidence the #Kuba Orlik's solution (he posted as comment on the accepted answer) that's the only one that worked for me.
Add this on inside elements:
line-height: normal;
Note: Explicitly normal not 1 because it's different
I have encounter this problem.But I solved this use the following css style:
If the container was higher than max-height,the vertical scrollbar will show.
I had this problem when trying to wrap a list (flex column) of react components in a div, I resolved it by changing margin of elements within each list item to be 0.
The approach to troubleshoot this for me was to inspect the list items (perhaps each <li> in OP) and see what styles were making the div think each list item was larger than what was visible to the human eye.
Here is an example of inspecting a rogue margin on an icon within a list item in my project:
Solution is to set the style of that icon to have a vertical margin of 0, though in my application I just made all the margin 0 and added some padding-right.
I also had this problem using Bootstrap and nav. It occurred because bootstrap definds the li in nav-tabs as: .nav-tabs > li { margin-bottom:-1px; }. To counteract this, you must also do:
.nav-tabs > li:last-child {
Without setting the last-child, the following example would always show scroll, no matter how much content is in the list:
<ul class="navs nav-tabs nav-stacked" style="max-height:80px;overflow:auto;">
I came across this bug earlier today. In my case a list of child elements had display: inline-block instead of display: block. Switching to display: block for my list of child elements in the truncated div fixed the issue for me.
In my case, the problem was with the font. We use font-family: Galano Grotesque. Apparently, this font is rendered higher than the computed height.
<p>some text</p>
So even without max-height, when the inner p and the outer div were both computed as 20px height, there was still a scroll bar (with overflow: auto) because the font was about 1px higher than expected.
So the solution can be any one of:
Use a different font.
Add padding to the outer div. This way it will be large enough to cover the extra pixel that comes from the font. In my case, adding one pixel of padding to the bottom and one to the top solved the problem.
Set line-height to a bit larger value (in my case, from 1.25 to 1.4), so it won't interfere with the font.
Set line-height to normal because then the actual value will be influenced by the font. However, according to Mozilla, this is not the preferred way.
The reason for the vertical scroll is obvious: the scrolled content is higher than scrolling area. But when you observe their heights, they are equal!
The causes are multiple but all come down to a common one: an element inside the scrolled content overflows it and makes the result taller.
How to fix this?
find the guilty element by looking near the bottom edge of the scrolled element (or to the right if you're scrolling horizontally), because they are the most likely to overflow. You should observe a height larger that their parent's.
see what makes them overflow, be larger than their container. As other answers suggest, it can be line-height, some margin, etc. Change those properties to make them fit, or as an alternative, set overflow-y: hidden to their immediate parent.

Is there a way automatically to resize MediaWiki images depending on screen size?

MediaWiki pictures can be set to a certain size with simple formatting.
However, tables will resize on the fly depending on the browser / screen size.
Can images be made to resize like tables?
(Images inside tables does not work!)
I had the same question and saw from the answers above (now they are below) that you cannot have several pics with different relative sizes. So I wrote a mediawiki extension allowing this: http://mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:AdaptiveThumb
Dynamic resizing as the browser is resized:
Put the next line at the begining of the css file: .\skins\common\shared.css
img { max-width: 100%; height: auto; width: auto\9; /* ie8 */ }
Each resizable image will be placed inside a <div></div>
Read more here: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help_talk:Images
You could set up a CSS hack.
Mediawiki allows you to include some variables like alt-text, including in that variable a special string such as w100 or resizeable will allow you to target the element with CSS:
img[alt=~w100] { width: 100% !important; height: auto !important; }
Do note that since you are using alt for things it's not meant to be used and !important in the CSS (because MW sets the size as an element style), this is to be avoided as much as possible and meant to be used as last resort.
In short, no, there is no easy way to do this. It could conceivably be done with a bunch of fiddly Javascript, but I'm not aware of anybody having tried this and the implementation would not be trivial.
The short answer is no. The long answer is that you would have to write JavaScript that can determine the user's screen resolution and store it in a cookie.. This would have to be done most likely in common.js so that with the exception of the one in a billion user that has never been to the site and manages to navigate directly to the page with the dynamically sized image (I hope you're not going to put something like that on your main page), that information will already be there when they get to the page. The page could then use those variables to set the size to be {{#expr:(File height * % of screen you want it to take)*(screen height)}}x{{#expr:(File width * % of screen you want it to take)*(screen width)}}px. The host of my wiki says he is in the process of writing a new extension that may be able to do that as part of a request for a <div style="overflow-x: scroll; width: {{#expr:(File width * % of screen you want it to take)*(screen width)}}px;"> section I want to make. If you find something else before me, please update this post so I can see it. Thanks. :D
