How to do the uninstall process by using UI dialog box? - installation

i.e. If i click the uninstall button in UI dialog box It should process uninstall for my msi file. what things i need to add to the wix coding and is that custom action need for this?

There is no need for a custom action.
You will have to include one of the Wix provided dialog sets as part of your installer source code.
Your requirement can very well be met by making use of the WixUI_Minimal dialog set.
For an example of how to include a built in dialog set to your installer, please see the following URL:
Hope this helps.


WIx Installer: is there any way to auto close installer shield after successful installation

I want to auto close installer window on successful installation without pressing final close button.
Using wix installer can we able to achieve it.
Installation Result: This dialog is generally there to show whether the installation completed successfully or not - hence it is not a good idea to remove it. In fact there are usually several such exit dialogs: FatalError, UserExit and ExitDialog - depending on how the setup ended. Use Orca and go to: Tools => Dialog Preview to see what the dialogs look like.
Customize GUI: You can, however, remove the dialog from the sequence by customizing the standard WiX dialog set to be as you want it yourself. You can also remove all dialogs from an MSI, but not adding a default dialog set, but that is not recommended.
Some pointers on WiX GUI
Here is a sample on customizing WiX dialogs:
Here is a standard WiX GUI dialog set in use: (you can remove the dialogs by commenting out this line - then your setup has no dialogs except system dialogs).

WiX uninstall GUI

I'm creating an installer using wix for my project. For the installation of the project, wix uses a GUI
based on WIXUI_Mondo. When the application is uninstalled from control panel, the user just sees a small box with a progress bar. But i want to add a window asking the user if he made a backup of the configuration file for future use. In that window i also want to add two buttons one to proceed the uninstallation and another to abort the uninstall process.
I can't find anything on google about this, so do you guys know if this is possible and how i can achieve this?
Thanks in advance
You should be able to achieve this by setting the ARPNOREMOVE property. This will disable the Remove button so users have to run the Modify button to activate uninstall.
As far as I know there is no UI during uninstalling. The only way is a custom action (e.g. from DLL) with a dialog window.

How can I add an optional UI to WiX toolset

I have already made a quiet installer (without the need to click any buttons but some progress bar is shown while installation is in progress) for a project deployment. This time I wish to add an optional graphical user interface.
By default, the installer should just run without clicking anything, when a parameter is given, let's say, the msiexec parameter: /qf, the installer would pop up an interface that can be interacted with.
I've already added the required UI dll to the project reference, but given msiexec /i C:\Setup.msi /qf, it doesn't work. How can I get it to work?
Did you try the procedure described in this well known Wix tutorial?
At its simplest level, this means that you essentially just add this to the Wix source file and you get a default GUI:
<UIRef Id="WixUI_Minimal" />
You can also try the other "defaults":
WixUI_Mondo (normal)
A search turned up a similar answer, and one talking about extending the default gui.
Just modify the WixUI_Minimal.wxs file:
How to build a minimal WiX installer UI without a license page?
WiX toolset WixUI_Minimal Dialog Set
Customised UI's for WiX
Then use properties to condition the dialogs to show or hide as you launch the MSI via msiexec.exe.

Displaying a message after successful uninstall in a VS2010 deployment project?

My VS2010 setup project works OK, but the uninstall process is completely non-interactive. It displays a progress window like the one below, then it vanishes with no feedback to the user. The user interface editor in VS2010 has only trees for "Install" and "Administrative Install", not for "Uninstall".
How can I display a MsgBox saying "[Product] has been successfully uninstalled" after the uninstall is completed?
A simple solution is to add a Commit custom action and condition it with:
Another approach is to set the ARPNOREMOVE property in your MSI. In this case the Control Panel Programs and Features applet will show only the Change option, which uses full UI. The Uninstall option which uses basic UI will not be visible.

Customizing Repair option in MSI

I have a Visual Studio Setup Project that is very basic except for one modification. I have two different libraries that I would like installed based on the user's selection. I added a checkbox screen and conditions to the files. They can install either component or both components. This all works fine.
Now for my requirement. Let's say that the user installed the MSI and selected only one component. Now, they need to install the second component from the same MSI. If they run the MSI again, I get the option to repair or remove. Repair will only fix the component that was installed originally. How can I give them the option to install the other components by showing the checkbox screen again?
If this functionality isn't available in a VS Setup Project, is there something else where it is? WiX perhaps?
I don't think VS Setup projects support this. Wix or MSI's created from other tools like Installshield can support this. The usual way to handle this would be to create separate features and assign the different components to each feature. Then if the MSI is built using WiX or some other tool, from add/remove there will be the Change button/option through which you can get the option to repair, modify, or uninstall. Modify then lets you change your feature selections without doing a reinstall.
You need to use the free MSI editors like ORCA or SuperORCA. Microsoft use to provide ORCA tool in their service pack. Not sure if they are continuing so. SuperORCA tool you can find at Now when I had similar task to achieve following was my approach. I used SuperOrca to open my MSI file.
1] On repair/remove MSI dialog screen, add one more radiobutton for "Modify" - In SuperOrca-->Under RadioButton table --> Add entry for Modify radiobutton
2] Rename BackButton's text to "Reinstall" from its original "Back" --> In SuperOrca-->under Control table --> change Text property to rename Back to Reinstall
3] On selection of Repair/Remove radio button enable Finish button and disable Reinstall button. On select of modify radio button enable Reinstall button and disable Finish button - In SuperOrca--> Under ControlCondition table --> add entries for enable/disable "Reinstall" and "Finish" buttons for each comibinations for repair/remove screen (In my case dialog form name is "MaintananceForm")
4] Now from SuperOrca tools ControlEvent table find out conrol name for BackButton, In my case it is "PreviousButton". Now modify its Event, Argument & Condition entries from the table. And the values for these properties must be the same for the "Next" button properties from the Welcome screen of MSI file which redirects user to show installation options to choose.
Note: This is working fine for me. But when you re-select installation options again and click Next, somehow it does not forced for installing the selected option. Instead it repairs the MSI. I tried deleting entries from Windows\Installer folder so that MSI will not pick cashed installed version but no luck. If anybody is having answer on how to forced MSI to re-install through MSI setup wizard please let me know.
