Connecting to cntlm running on remote machine - proxy

I have a PC running cntlm. I am trying to use this cntlm as proxy from another machine. But cntlm listens on local proxy only.
Is there a way, it can work as proxy to external clients too?
The port is open on firewall. I can connect to the machine, which runs on another port, using telnet.

Actually CNTLM doesn't care if it's local computer or a remote one who wants to connect.
You just have to configure is properly.
I suggest you implement this answer: How to configure CNTLM properly


How to get WSL2 to route traffic through ProxyCap ssh tunnel

I'm trying to get WSL2 to use the tunnel present in my windows environment but I'm struggling with getting it to work properly.
In order to access our company servers I've set up ProxyCap to open a ssh connection to a proxy server. The only thing I did was point it to our jump server and then set up the following rule.
Now this works flawlessly in Windows and I'm able to ping a machine inside our company network by doing a simple ping x.x.x.x:pppp. However once I start my WSL2 environment and try pinging the same ip and port the only thing I get back is ping: ping x.x.x.x:pppp: Name or service not known.
My initial guess is that this is due to the network in WSL2 being different from the network in Windows. Is there any way to make WSL2 utilize the proxy tunnel running in my Windows environment?
I've also tried running sshuttle inside WSL2 to see if I could access the server that way and not have to go through Windows (I'm using the same command I use on my Linux machine where it works) but I get the same problem this way.

Connect to remote Docker Swarm from Windows

I would like to connect to a remote Docker Swarm (Ubuntu) from a Windows box.
In Linux it seams that you need to update the daemon.json file.
How do you achieve this in Windows?
The Docker engine has two parts, the daemon service (dockerd) that's running on your Ubuntu box, we'll call it the "server". Then the docker cli is what you can run from that server (docker) or from anything like your Windows machine (docker.exe). We'll call this the "client".
The client can talk to the server over two main ways, the socket, and a TCP port. The socket is usually reserved for local connections (SSH into the server and the docker client defaults to using the socket file to talk to the local server) or SSH tunnels, which are not something that works out of the box on Windows (maybe if you try the Windows Subsystem for Linux on Windows 10).
The other connection option is TCP, which isn't enabled on the server out of the box for security reasons. It has no authentication when enabled, so you'll want to use TLS to authenticate remotely, so Docker has steps for that. It's not a 3 min solution, so many look for an easier route to solve this problem.
The easier option for enabling TLS and the TCP port on the server is to use Docker Cloud with the "Bring Your Own Swarm" feature, which manages the certificates and security for you.

Browser Proxy Connection Over VPN

I have a VPN (pptpd) server configured and a client connected. In the same machine of VPN server, I have a proxy server (port 3128)(squid) running with authentication enabled. When I use the proxy in my firefox browser it works fine. However, when I conect my notebook to my VPN server I can't navigate using firefox + proxy. Just to remember Proxy server and VPN server running in same machine (a VPS). I'm using UFW firewall.
Is there some tips in configuration files (pptpd or squid) to get this problem fixed?
Best Regards!
use squid's access.log to make sure: squid doesn't receive requests from your notebook; check the routing availability between internal IP network of VPN server and proxy address, it must be accessible (pingable). you may use port address translation (PAT) as a simple fix.

Can't access squid proxy from remote machine

I have set up a squid proxy on a Ubuntu machine, and I'd like to do some testing by accessing the proxy from another computer (NOT on the same lan). But I seem to be unable to connect to the squid proxy server.
I've tried several different ways to connect: by setting the proxy in my web browser, and by using the unix program "curl" to issue http requests from a command line. But I just can't connect.
I've tried setting the acl in the configuration file squid.conf to allow access from the remote machine. So I don't know what's going on. If I try to access the internet from the same machine that the squid proxy is on, it works correctly.
The lines in squid.conf that I added to allow access from the remote machine are:
acl my_machine src
http_access allow my_machine
Is there anything else that needs to be done to allow the remote machine to access the squid proxy?
got the same problem. ec2 instance with fedora 19 os and squid 3.2.9. also created a security group incoming rule for port 3128. wont work if i connect from a remote pc. think there is a restriction in the aws-cloud.

Tunnel to heroku database?

I've got a django project on heroku and it uses postgre database on heroku (ec2). It all works fine, but on one computer I don't have access to postger port 5432 so I need to setup a tunnel from my computer to there. Is that possible?
You will need to have some sort of access to an intermediate host to make it possible. Heroku does not support it out of the box.
Corkscrew does SSH over HTTP proxy. Then you can open a transparent proxy like tsocks. This way you don't necessarily have to know about the firewall.
This all applies to Linux and possibly Mac. On Windows you can pipe your connection through Putty.
