Simple diff/patch script for sorted unique file - shell

How could I write a simple diff resp. patch script for applying additions and deletions to a list of lines in a file?
This could be a original file (it is sorted and each line is unique):
a simple patch file could look like this (or somehow as simple):
+ c
+ e
- b
The resulting file should look like (or in any other order, since sort could be applied anyways):
The normal patch formats can not be used since they include context, which might alter in this case.

Bash alternatives that read input files only once:
To generate patch you can:
comm -3 a.txt b.txt | sed 's/^\t/+ /;t;s/^/- /'
Because comm delimeters outputs from different files using tab, we can use that tab to detect if line should be added or removed.
To apply patch you can:
{ <patch.txt tee >(grep '^+ ' | cut -c3- >&5) |
grep '^- ' | cut -c3- | comm -13 - a.txt; } 5> >(cat)
The tee splits the input, that is the patch file, into two streams. The first part has + filtered and is outputted to file descriptor 5. The file descriptor 5 is opened to just >(cat) so it is just outputted on stdout. The second part has the minus - filtered and it is joined with a.txt and outputted. Because output should be line buffered, it should work.

A shell solution using comm, awk, and grep to apply such a patch would be:
A=a.txt B=b.txt P=patch.txt; { grep '^-' $P | cut -c 3- | comm -23 $A - ; grep '^+' $P | cut -c 3- } | sort -u > $B
to generate the patch file would be:
A=a.txt B=b.txt P=patch.txt; { comm -13 $A $B | awk '{print "+ " $0}' ; comm -23 $A $B | awk '{print "- " $0}' } > $P

Since nobody could give me an answer, I've created a small python script, which does exactly this job.
To apply such a patch call it with (where outfile.txt is generated)
./ -m patch -i infile.txt -p patchfile.txt -o outfile.txt
To generate a patch/diff call it with (where patchfile.txt is generated)
./ -m diff -i infile.txt -o outfile.txt -p patchfile.txt


How can I merge output from cat with existing file using sort command?

I currently have two files: anotherFile and myFile, which is being merged together to a result file, which is sorted. All this is 3 steps, however I want to be able to make it to a so called "one-liner"
#(script which creates 'anotherFile')
anotherFile > result
cat ./myFile | cut -f 1,2 >> result
sort -o result{,}
I want to be able to "one-liner" this, so I don't have to refer to result file 3 times!
cat ./myFile | cut -f 1,2 | xargs -I sort -m anotherFile {} > finalFile
I know the following above will not work since the {} is not an existing file.
You can use {} to run your commands in a group, then pipe the output of that group through sort and redirect it into a file:
cut -f 1,2 ./myFile
} | sort > finalFile
If you must have it on a single line, you need some semicolons:
{ ./anotherFileScript; cut -f 1,2 ./myFile; } | sort > finalFile
Because cut can read from a file, you can eliminate the needless cat as well.
Each file is referenced once:
{ ./anotherFileScript; cut -f1,2 myfile; } | sort > result

Counting occurrences of a pattern in a file, include zero for missing patterns

I am trying to count occurrences of a pattern (listed in pattern.txt) in a file (file.txt) using:
grep -o -w -f pattern.txt file.txt | sort | uniq -c > output.txt
This works great, but I would like the output to also include 0 for patterns that do not occur in the file.
How might I accomplish this?
You could add the patterns to the sort, then substract 1 after the uniq:
grep -o -w -F -f pattern.txt file.txt |\
sort - pattern.txt |\
uniq -c |\
awk '{ $1 = sprintf("%7d", $1-1) } 1' > output.txt
Note that this only makes sense if the patterns are fixed strings, so I have added the -F option to grep.
Also, this particular awk script will compact whitespace in the patterns. You'll need more complicated code to avoid that.
Let's face it, what are you doing?
You are looking in a file for some patterns. If they are present, you show them. Afterwards you count the whole thing.
Now you say that for the ones that are not present, you want the number also to be visible.
As a one-liner, I'm afraid this makes no sense.
Therefore I opt for another way of working: grep contains a switch (-v) for patterns which are NOT present. You can add yourself the number 0 in front of these patterns and append those to your list.
As a starting point: grep -v -f pattern.txt file.txt (not tested).
Assuming patterns do not contain white space ...
$ cat pattern.txt
$ cat file.txt
line 1 no match
line 2 one abc match
line 3 two ghi matches abc
OP's current code:
$ grep -o -w -f pattern.txt file.txt | sort | uniq -c
2 abc
1 ghi
One idea using join and OP's current grep/sort/uniq:
join -1 1 -2 2 -a 1 -e 0 -o 2.1,1.1 pattern.txt <(grep -o -w -f pattern.txt file.txt| sort | uniq -c)
-1 1 -2 2 - join on file #1 (-1 == pattern.txt) field #1 and file #2 (-2 == grep/sort/uniq) field #2
-a 1 - include all rows from file #1 even if there is no match
-e 0 - fill in empty fields with the character 0
-o 1.1,2.1 - output format: file #2.field #1 + file #1.field #1
This generates:
2 abc
0 def
1 ghi
Personally, I'd probably opt for a more robust solution based on awk, but for simple strings (with no white space) this may be sufficient, ymmv ...

Find unique URLs in a file

I have many URLs in a file, and I need to find out how many unique URLs exist.
I would like to run either a bash script or a command.
Desired Result:
Unique Urls: 4
cut -d "|" -f 2 file | cut -d "," -f 1 | sort -u | wc -l
See: man cut, man sort
An awk solution would be
awk '{sub(/^[^|]*\|/,"");gsub(/,[^,]*/,"");i+=a[$0]++?0:1}END{print i}' file
If you happen to use GNU awk then below would also give you the same result
awk '{i+=a[gensub(/.*(http[^,]*).*/,"\\1",1)]++?0:1}END{print i}' file
Or even short as pointed out in this cracker comment by #cyrus
awk -F '[|,]' '{i+=!a[$2]++} END{print i}' file
which uses awk multiple field separator functionality with more idiomatic awk.
Note: See the [ awk manual ] for more info.
Parse with sed, and since file appears to be already sorted,
(with respect to URLs), just run uniq, and count it:
echo Unique URLs: $(sed 's/^.*|\([^,]*\),.*$/\1/' file | uniq | wc -l)
Use GNU grep to extract URLs:
echo Unique URLs: $(grep -o 'ht[^|,]*' file | uniq | wc -l)
Output (either method):
Unique URLs: 4
tr , '|' < myfile.log | sort -u -t '|' -k 2,2 | wc -l
tr , '|' < myfile.log translates all commas into pipe characters
sort -u -t '|' -k 2,2 sorts unique (-u), pipe delimited (-t '|'), in the second field only (-k 2,2)
wc -l counts the unique lines

how to find matching records from 3 different files in unix

I have 3 different files.
Test1.txt , Test2.txt & Test3.txt
Test1.txt contains
Test2.txt contains
Test3.txt contains
I would like to see only matching records in these 3 files.
so the matching records in above example will be
The output should be
If you don't have duplicate lines in each file then:
$ awk '++a[$1]==3' test[1-3]
Here is an awk that has a mix of jaypal and sudo_o solution.
It will not give false positive since it test for uniqueness of the lines.
awk '!a[$1 FS FILENAME]++ && ++b[$1]==3' test*
If you have a unknown number of files, this could be an option
awk '!a[$1 FS FILENAME]++ && ++b[$1]==ARGC-1' test*
The ARGC store the number of files read by awk + 1
comm lists common lines for two files. Just find the common lines in the first two files, then pipe the output to comm again and find the common lines with the third file.
comm -12 <(sort Test1.txt) <(sort Test2.txt) | comm -12 - <(sort Test3.txt)
Here is how you'd do with awk:
awk '
FILENAME == ARGV[1] { a[$0]++ }
FILENAME == ARGV[2] && ($0 in a) { b[$0]++ }
FILENAME == ARGV[3] && ($0 in b)' file1 file2 file3
To find the common lines in two files, you can use:
sort Test1.txt Test2.txt | uniq -d
Or, if you wish to preserve the order found in Test1.txt, you may use:
while read x; do grep -w "$x" Test2.txt; done < Test1.txt
For three files, repeat this:
sort Test1.txt Test2.txt | uniq -d | sort - Test3.txt | uniq -d
cat Test1.txt |\
while read x; do grep -w "$x" Test2.txt; done |\
while read x; do grep -w "$x" Test3.txt; done
The sort method assumes that the files themselves don't have duplicate lines; if so, you may need create temporary files.
If you wish to use sed rather than grep, try sed -n "/^$x$/p".

Find multible missing lines in csv using diff

One part of my problem was solved with this answer:
, but an important part of my problem was unsolved!
After using
diff a.csv b.csv | grep -E -A1 '^[0-9]+d[0-9]+$' | grep -v '^--$' | sed -n '0~2 p' | sed -re 's,^< (.*)$,\1,g'
several times i found something left.
Sometimes multible following lines are deleted.
If only one line was deleted there are something like this found:
For multible lines it is:
So i changed the diff call to:
diff a.csv b.csv | grep -E -A1 '^[0-9]+\,*[0-9]*d[0-9]+$' | grep -v '^--$' | sed -n '0~2 p' | sed -re 's,^< (.*)$,\1,g'
This works for the first of multiple deleted lines.
My question is:
How could i get all deletet lines (maybe 5 following lines) in such a case?
What did i have to change in the diff call?
diff a.csv b.csv | sed -n '/^[0-9]\+d[0-9]*/,/^[0-9]\+[^d]*$/{/^[0-9]\+/d;s/^< //;p}'
will do that.
will find the string range which are deleted
will delete all 6842d6844,6772
s/^< //
will replace all < in the beginning of lines
and p will print the line.
