How to stop Jmeter test after specified number of threads failed - jmeter

I have one Transaction controller which has one http request in my Jmeter test plan. Transaction name and url comes from CSV file. At the end total execution is divided into 5 different transactions.
-Thread Group
- User defined variable
Total sample execution will be 8000-10000. Now what i want, if total sample failures reached to 100, my JMeter test should stop test execution.
I have added User defined variable name "thread" and with value "0". I have added below code in Beanshell Post-Processor
int count= Integer.parseInt(vars.get("thread"));
if (prev.getErrorCount()==1){
if (count==100){
System.out.println("Reached to max number of errors in load test, stopping test"); ("Reached to max number of errors in load test, stopping test");
Somehow code is not working as expected. When error count reach to 100, Jmeter test is not getting stopped. Test is stopped when error count reached to 130. I am not sure who to fix above code.
Can someone please let me know what is issue in above code?

Variables are specific to 1 thread while Properties are shared by all threads.
Ensure you synchronize access
Another option is to use a custom java class as a Singleton and increment its value.
Here an example implementation using Beanshell (Prefer JSR223 + Groovy for performances):
setupThreadGroup that resets the counter on test start:
BeanshellPostProcessor that updates counter:
Note that as you call setStopTestNow, test threads are interrupted but do not stop exactly at this time unless you have some timer (which is usually the case)


I'm executing the script for 1 hr but it is running for 10 min

I'm executing the script for 1 hour but it is running for 10 minutes , i also check loop forever, test data is also proper, all the script is running properly without any error , I run the script thrice validate all the things but im not getting why it is happening
How to overwrite the issues and how to run a the script for 1 hour
Normally you can find the reason for termination of a thread or test in jmeter.log file. If it is not there or it's vague - you can increase JMeter logging level to something more verbose
The most common reasons for premature end of the test are:
Not enough loops to cover the anticipated duration of the test in the Thread Group
Not enough test data if CSV Data Set Config is configured to stop thread on EOF
Thread group is configured to stop the thread/test on a sampler error
There is Flow Control Action sampler somewhere configured to stop thread/test
There is a runtime error like OutOfMemoryError or StackOverFlowError

JMeter - Disable/Ignore assertion only for first request

I have a Thread Group with 10+ requests in same hierarchy.
I added Duration Assertion for all and it's working fine, except in 1 case:
If server is upload before test, first request failed due long duration caused by a server startup delay.
How can I ignore assertion in first request on the first execution?
You can add a JSR223 Listener to your Test Plan and use the code like:
if (prev.getSampleLabel().equals('First Sampler') && vars.getIteration() == 1) {
It will mark the sampler with label of First Sampler as successful if it fails during first Thread Group iteration.
prev stands for SampleResult class instance, check out JavaDoc for available functions and properties. For example you might be interested in getAssertionResults()

Stopping Jmeter test when all users in user.csv are done

I am working on a test plan in Jmeter.
I am using a concurrency Thread Group for my test and I am using a user.csv file to pass my users through it. I have set the Recycle on EOF as "False" and Stop thread on EOF as "True" as I want all the users to work only once. I set some time on "Hold Target Rate Time".
My problem is sometimes all the users are done and leaves but test doesnt stop and keeps going on as the time I have set on "Hold Target Rate Time" is more then the actual time all users took and I keep getting the this message in log file "INFO o.a.j.t.JMeterThread: Stop Thread seen for thread bzm - Concurrency Thread Group 1-8480, reason: org.apache.jorphan.util.JMeterStopThreadException: End of file:user.csv detected for CSV DataSet:users configured with stopThread:true, recycle:false
I want to stop the test as soon as all users are done. How should I do it.
I am using a Beanshell sampler with this code:
if(${__threadNum} == 0)
But its not helping.
Any suggestion?
Configure your CSV Data Set to be like:
Add If Controller to your Test Plan and put the following expression into "Condition" area:
Add JSR223 Sampler as a child of the If Controller and put the following code into "Script" area:
I simply added a JSR223 PreProcessor and added following code.
if(("${LOGIN}" == "END")) //Login is defined in USER.csv
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); //fetch starting time
while((System.currentTimeMillis()-startTime)<7200000) //Defining sometime to
wait let threads end gracefully.
// Waiting for the Defined time.
//println("---Stopping---"); // // Testing Purpose

Beanshell script launched once (start and end of test plan) in JMeter

Good afternoon !
I will try to explain you clearly my problem.
The context
I have a JMeter TestPlan which send HTTP requests to a server. I have a Beanshell script to assert each different case of error returned.
302 response code -> OK
200 response code -> ?
In each error 200, I check the response data string to see if it is an error or a correct case. (User error like User don't have correct rights is OK, but Server is unavailable is ERROR and both have 200 as response code.)
Here is my test plan :
The goal
As I have several errors returned by only one assertion script, I am not able to differenciate each error, except by uncollaspe the assertion in a ViewResultTree. But I disable it when launching my test, and I will launch my TestPlan remotely.
I had the idea to manually count each error. All my samples goes in my Assertion script, and goes to the correct if block according to their content. I increment some variables ( in fact) in each block.
int test = Integer.parseInt(props.getProperty("302"));
props.setProperty("302", ""+test);
I want to display all those variables in a JFrame at the end of my testplan like this :
The problem
My problem is that I don't know how to launch a Beanshell script before and after the TestPlan.
I want a first script to be started before any sample is send, just to initialize all my properties variables to 0 (else, they keep the value of the last TestPlan).
And, I want a second one to display my Frame with all the variables after the test plan is finished. (Currently it is a JFrame but it will not stay like this.)
Tested solutions
1) For my first script, I set a Counter (JMeter > Config Element > Counter) in the beginning of my test plan to 0.
I use it to check if my test already started of not with an If Controller :
I have a Pre-Processor Beanshell with props.set("302","0"); where "302" is my property to count all 302 response code.
It correctly works but I want to know if there is a proper way to do this.
2) Then, for my second script, I tried to use ${JMeterThread.last_sample_ok} in an If Controller aswell but it doesn't work like I expected. If I put it after my sample, it start after all OK assertion, and if I put it at the end of the test plan, it is never called.
How can I run my beanshell script once, after all my threads are stopped (i.e. all sample finished) ?
Thank you in advance, I hope you understood everything !
JMeter SetUp thread group and TearDown thread group are meant for exactly this.
Add your beanshell component to the setUp thread group to do some setup activities before your actual test starts. Similarly the tearDown thread group runs after your test execution is complete.

Stop JMeter test execution only after n assertion errors

I am modelling stress tests in JMeter 2.13. My idea of it is to stop the test after certain response time cap is reached, which I test with Duration Assertion node.
I do not want, however, to stop the test execution after first such fail - it could be a single event in otherwise stable situation. I would like the execution to fail after n such assertion errors, so I can be relatively sure the system got stressed and the average response should be around what I defined as a cap, which is where I want to stop the whole thing.
What I tried
I am using Stepping Thread Group from JMeter plugins. There I could use a checkbox to stop the test after an error, but it does that on first occasion. I found no other node in documentation that could model it, so I'm guessing there's a workaround I'm not seeing right now.
I would recommend switching to Beanshell Assertion as it is more flexible and allows you to put some custom code in there.
For instance you have 3 User Defined Variables:
threshold - maximum sampler execution time. Any value exceeding the threshold will be counted
maxErrors - maximum amount of errors, test will be stopped if reached and/or exceeded
failures - variable holding assertion failure count. Should be zero in the beginning.
Example Assertion code:
long elapsed = SampleResult.getTime();
long threshold = Long.parseLong(vars.get("threshold"));
if (elapsed > threshold) {
int failureCount = Integer.parseInt(vars.get("failures"));
int maxErrors = Integer.parseInt(vars.get("maxErrors"));
if (failureCount >= maxErrors) {
SampleResult.setResponseMessage(failureCount + " requests failed to finish in " + threshold + " ms");
} else {
vars.put("failures", String.valueOf(failureCount));
Example assertion work:
See How to use BeanShell: JMeter's favorite built-in component guide to learn more about extending your JMeter tests with scripting.
Close but not exactly what you're asking for: The Auto-Stop Jmeter plugin. See the documentation here. You can configure it to stop your test if there are n% failures in a certain amount of time.
If you want a specific number of errors, you can use a test-action sampler, combined with an if-controller - if (errorCount = n) test-action stop test
