Neo4j: how to query by intermediate date when given date range - time

Neo4J TimeTree is an efficient way of modelling time in a graph. However, I'm interested in how best to model/query for an object with a defined start and end time.
For instance, a ticket might be validFrom and validTo given dates, which may be separated by many days. A user may have many tickets.
For a given date, what is the most efficient way of querying for valid tickets?
When entering the data, I suppose I could create lots of validOn relationships between a ticket and the intermediate days between the start and end, but this seems inefficient. Can anyone think of a better way of querying the data?
I can start from a user and find all tickets for that user whose validFrom is <= and validTo is >= the date. However, what happens if I need to start from a date? I.e. match all tickets that are valid on a given date?

You only link the ticket to the validFrom and validTo dates with dedicated relationships.
For any given day, you query backwards for tickets that have their :START relationship before that date but the :END relationship after that date, something like this:
MATCH path = (t:Ticket)-[:START]->(before:Day)-[:NEXT*0..30]->(day:Day {date:{date}})
WHERE (t)-[:END]->(:Day)<-[:NEXT*1..30]-(day)


Laravel: How to deal with dates in different timezones

A lot of questions have been asked about this subject. The best answer that I found is this one: How to set local timezone in laravel
So the main rule is to keep all database entries in the same timezone.
But I have a specific case where this answer does not work for me. For some models, I have only a date (no datestamp). Example: suppose that I only store the date of when this question was asked (= 2018-01-25). However in Europe it is already 2018-01-26. Someone has a solution for this?
Changing my date field to a datestamp? What with existing dates?
You can use this library jamesmills/laravel-timezone
If you need custom configuration:
Configure your app timezone to UTC.
'timezone' => 'UTC',
You can store different timezones in database column.
When outputting/displaying dates, just format it to use that timezone.
$timezone = 'America/Vancouver';
created_at and updated_at are automatically converted to carbon instances, which makes this easier. If you have other dates that you're using, add them to the protected $dates array on the model and laravel will convert them to carbon instance too. Then you can use carbons setTimezone() to change the date/time to the timezone.
If you're only talking about a date, then there is no time component and thus time zones are irrelevant. For this reason, most platforms do not have a separate date-with-zone type.
You're correct that not every time zone experiences the same date at all times, and that the start of a date and the end of the date occur at different times in different time zones. However, did you notice that in the prior sentence that I had to use the word "time" to rationalize about these points? :-)
Because date and time zone don't come together without time, there's no purpose in keeping them in the same field. Instead, keep two fields in your model - one for the date, and one for the time zone. In many cases, you may even find they belong in two different models.
As a use case example, consider birthdays. Mine is 1976-08-27. That's all it is - just a date. The time zone of my birth is irrelevant, and so is the time zone I'm located in - until I want to evaluate whether it's currently my birthday (or how long until my birthday, etc.) For those operations, my current time zone is important, and so is the start time-of-day and end time-of-day of that time zone. Thus - two different fields.

Building a matrix with columns == days of month when recordset cannot return all days of month

I'm trying to put together an attendance report for a school that tracks student attendance codes for that student for every day on the calendar month in a DynamicsCRM system being used as a managed service (that is to say, I build queries using FetchXML and cannot use SQL). The format for the report requires that a column for every day in the month be listed for the report. My student table that tracks this attendance however only contains records for days where an attendance value is recorded, and I do not have an object available that can return every day in a month for me.
I am looking for a solution other than hardcoding 31 columns and using conditionals to control the display of the last three day columns. Ideally, I'd like a conditional in my matrix column grouping that would look at the date value for the previously generated column and determine if the next date record from my resultset is sequentially the next day of that month, and if not, create the next sequential date, move to the next column and perform the check again until it is true. Is there a way I can do this, or another means to accomplish my goal that does not involve hard-coding day columns into a table or matrix? Right now, I have nothing; I can barely imagine how I think this should look.
What I did to solve the same issue has been to create a scheduled process each day to create a record and deactivate it.
I have then been able to distinguish actual records (the active ones) from these 'placeholders' (inactive ones) in my querying.

A store has n customers and anyone can visit them any time throughout the year

A store has n customers and anyone can visit them any time throughout the year. Data is stored in a file. Design a data structure to find if a given person visited on a date or not.
Could anyone suggest data structure I shall use in this case?
I'd suggest this: Every customer is stored in one line while you include the customer name first and then the date. You can split them with commas or something.
These are some examples
Name, Date
Name | Date
Just choose something that will be the easiest for you to use and to retrieve the information correctly with using string .split or .substring.
The problem statement does not state whether or not a customer may visit the store numerous times during the year so assuming that they can I would use a Map data-structure, where the key is the name of the customer and the value is the set of dates the customer visited the store. The data can be stored in the file using XML.

Query that discards duplicate keys with SDK?

I'm researching how to implement leaderboards for my game with the SDK, my plan is to submit a score for the user every time they finish a level, attached to a "parent" leaderboard. I need to submit all scores because I need to retrieve leaderboards within time ranges (eg "all time", "last week", "last month", etc). The problem is, there'll be multiple scores for each user on the same leaderboard, and I only need to highest one. Is there a way to drop duplicate keys from a query? Is this the correct strategy? Everything else (sorting, paging, etc) seems to be in place.
You just need a table with 'User_id', 'Score', 'Level', and 'Date' (or whatever you need). Each time that a player finishes a level, you put the score into the table.
Then you have to calculate each (all time, last week, etc) in the query.
10 Highs of the day:
SELECT TOP 10 User_id, Score, Date FROM Scores
WHERE Date = getdate()
I don't know if I understood the question. Let me know if I didn't.
Hope it helps.
As far as I understand from your question you want to retrieve data from Parse class. At the same time you want to eliminate the duplicate entry because user has multiple scores in different days. So to get the highest one, you have to query the class via query (based on SDK Android,iOS) and order by descending(based on your criteria), then obtain the first item in the result.
Or you can get the user all scores and create a structure where you can store the user scores as array list day by day. Based on day you can get the latest max or min scores. I hope I understand your question.
Hope this helps.Regards

Querying a List of objects to find the the day of the week with the most items

There's got to be a better way!
I have a bunch of log records stored in a List. Each log record has a CreateDate field and what I'm trying to do is find an efficient way to query the List object to find the day of the week with the most log records (Monday, Tuesday, etc...).
I'm thinking that this can be done using Linq but I don't know Linq well enough. It may be that I'll have to do this the long way by getting a count for each specific day and then comparing them against each other to find the day with the most logs but I'm hoping that someone will be able to show me a cool way to do it.
Loglist.GroupBy(log => log.CreateDate)
.Select(list => new { DayOfWeek = list.Key.DayOfWeek, Count = list.Count()})
This will return a list of (DayOfWeek, Count) in Descending Order. If you need only the largest count dayofweek, apply .First() at the end of the above list.
