Magento - header slider not rotating images - magento

summary of problem.
When multiple images are uploaded and referenced in the header slider - only the first image will appear, it will not cycle through them at all.
I am using iosslider through magento
<!-- slider container -->
<div class="iosslider"><!-- slider -->
<div class="slider"><!-- slides -->
<div class="slide"><img src="{{media url="wysiwyg/eg_mainheader.jpg"}}" alt="" data-srcx2="{{media url="wysiwyg/eg_mainheader#x2.jpg"}}" /></div>
<div class="slide"><img src="{{media url="wysiwyg/eg_mainheader_men.jpg"}}" alt="" data-srcx2="{{media url="wysiwyg/eg_mainheader_men#x2.jpg"}}" /></div>
There is my current coding for the static block.
Our URL is - it is currently displaying both images at once.
and here are the setting for the slider on magento backend
Enabled: Yes
Auto Slide: Yes
Auto Slide Timer: 5000
auto slide trans timer: 750

Please check the following:
Install firebug in firefox browser and open website in firefox.
Press f12, when firebug window is opened, click on console link.
Refresh page.
There must be some js error in console. Just fix that error and your slider will be alive again. :)


Firefox requesting content inside HTML5 template before activation

I was debugging my web app using DevTools when I noticed that Firefox is requesting url defined in src attribute of an img that is located inside a HTML5 template tag, while Chrome doesn't.
I'm using the last version (50.0).
Is this a bug?
Example below:
<template id="object-img">
<div class='object-container'>
<img src="cacaca.jpg" class="img-responsive" alt="imagem" />
It's a kind of optimization from Firefox.
The image is requested only the first time if it is not already in the browser's history / cache. Subsequent reload of the page won't trigger the request again.
The problem is that the image inside the <template> is requested before the following but normal images in the rendered DOM, which could be counterproductive in some situations. A solution is to put the <template> after the other images.
Note: the template specifications state that the elements in the template are not rendered, but they are parsed. They say nothing about preloading of referenced resources.

Ratchet nav bars not displaying on additional pages, only on iOS 8

So I have noticed this issue on iOS 8 with both mobile safari and chrome. It was previously working, but for some reason now, my other pages are not putting the new pages nav bar on top of the original nav bar. It still works on desktop browsers and when emulating, even works on Android.
Initial Page:
<header class="bar bar-nav">
<h1 class="title">Title</h1>
Second Page:
<div class="bar bar-nav">
<a id="backButton" class="icon icon-left-nav pull-left"
onclick="window.history.back()" data-
<h1 class="title">Title</h1>

How to auto refresh a page on an embedded google form submit

Note upfront: I do not have any experience using scripts but only some basic HTML and PHP skills.
I would like a page on my google site to refresh automatically as soon as the embedded google form was submitted. This to instantly display the embedded and updated google form results after the button is clicked without the visitor having to reload the page manually. (like you would have for any online poll)
My form sheet is updating perfectly but I have not yet found an example or tutorial how to make a page refresh work for the google site with an embedded google form when the submit button is clicked. I hope someone can help me by providing an example on how to make this work. Preferably I would like to use an embedded google form rather than having to create a separate PHP form loading into google forms what could be an alternative. Thanks.
Below the HTML as I can see it on my Google page. I would need a trigger I guess from these embedded forms to refresh the page on submit. I just have no idea on how to get this done.
<div style="text-align:left">
<div><img src="'%3D20'f%5Cv'a%5C%3D0'10'%3D499'0'dim'%5Cbox1'b%5CF6F6F6'fC%5CF6F6F6'eC%5C0'sk'%5C%5B%22test+int+sheet%22'%5D'a%5CV%5C%3D12'f%5C%5DV%5Cta%5C%3D10'%3D0'%3D500'%3D397'dim'%5C%3D10'%3D10'%3D500'%3D397'vdim'%5Cbox1'b%5Cva%5CF6F6F6'fC%5CC8C8C8'eC%5C'a%5C%5Do%5CLauto'f%5C&sig=5VZGSIULBu8sSdf833qiLWVDcx8" data-origsrc="1VACx4d2pJEZlvAezbO9Gnh_nX3nIPwSJ4iCNjEmCiUM" data-type="spreadsheet-form" data-props="align:center;borderTitle:test int sheet;doctype:freebird;height:400;objectTitle:test int sheet;showBorder:false;showBorderTitle:false;wrap:false;" width="500" height="400" style="display:block;margin:5px auto;text-align:center;"></div>
<div style="text-align:left"><img src="'%3D20'f%5Cv'a%5C%3D0'10'%3D499'0'dim'%5Cbox1'b%5CF6F6F6'fC%5CF6F6F6'eC%5C0'sk'%5C%5B%22Include+gadget+(iframe)%22'%5D'a%5CV%5C%3D12'f%5C%5DV%5Cta%5C%3D10'%3D0'%3D500'%3D397'dim'%5C%3D10'%3D10'%3D500'%3D397'vdim'%5Cbox1'b%5Cva%5CF6F6F6'fC%5CC8C8C8'eC%5C'a%5C%5Do%5CLauto'f%5C&sig=t6_Deqv8rgMQCB28aqz1n9MoVTU" data-igsrc="" data-type="ggs-gadget" data-props="align:center;borderTitle:Include gadget (iframe);height:400;igsrc:http#58//;mid:164;scrolling:no;showBorder:false;showBorderTitle:null;spec:http#58//;up_iframeURL:https#58//;up_scroll:no;view:default;width:100%;wrap:false;" width="500" height="400" style="display:block;margin:5px auto;text-align:center;" class="igm"></div>
<div style="text-align:left"><br>
<div style="text-align:center">
<div style="text-align:left">
<div style="text-align:center"><br>
<div style="text-align:center"><br>
I'm sorry to be the annunciator of a such bad news but that's impossible.
As your code show, you are actually using a google Site to display your google form. The line:
<img src="
IS the way google tell you there is a google form in this page when you hit the button to get the source code.
In other words: google don't let you put whatever you want in a google site. It's impossible to add some JS code that will be fired when the user submit the form.
Even if you host your form in something else than a google Site, you won't have this ability, as the form himself will be displayed in an iframe that can't be modified by external scripts.
This is an hard limitation of Google Form, the only workaround that you may use is to write to the user in the confirmation message of the form that he now need to reload the page or go to an other link.

jQuery carousel plugin, cycle2, not working in joomla 2.5 website

I'm trying to set up the jquery carousel plugin, cycle2, in joomla 2.5. I want a straightforward responsive carousel which will autostart and just run thru a series of pics on a loop on the introductory page in a joomla base website. I tried cycle2 out in a single page localhost website and it works well. But in joomla, it's not working. I've installed the 3 js files, jquery.cycle2.js, jquery.cycle2.tile.js and carousel.js in the template javascript folder and listed them in the template index.php folder, as I have done with a lot of other jquery code which running without any problems, so I'm puzzled as to why cycle2 doesn't work. Also, firebug shows that the cycle2 js files are not being loaded. I can't figure out why this is so. This is the html segment from the joomla page:
<div id="carousel">
<div class="cycle-slideshow responsive" data-cycle-timeout = "3500" data-cycle-speed = "1000 data-cycle-fx="tileBlind" data-cycle-tile-count=17>
<img src="/templates/beez_20/images/carousel/siti_rs_1.png" >
<img src="/templates/beez_20/images/carousel/siti_rs_2.png" >
<img src="/templates/beez_20/images/carousel/siti_rs_3.png" >
<img src="/templates/beez_20/images/carousel/siti_rs_4.png" >
<img src="/templates/beez_20/images/carousel/siti_rs_5.png" >
Any help would be welcome.

dojo.connect not working in IE but sometimes in chrome&firefox

I finally got some parts working here:
but when I put the code back into my project and tried to browse using internet explorer; the button onclick events do not work. Interestingly the one button onclick function to show the dialog works in firefox and chrome. I was excited to have this working in the editor but now if this does not work with all browsers, then this is just really frustrating. I am using version 1.5.1
Any help/ideas appreciated.
Ok using the compatibility mode in IE helps to get the one function working which displays the dialog box.
So as you can see here I have an borderlayout where I want a tabcontainer to be displayed in the middle with a click of a button and this works fine in jsfiddler but not from my code in the browsers;
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" region="center" splitter="true">
<div id="mainTabContainer"dojoType="dijit.layout.TabContainer"
<div id="tab1" dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane"
title="First Tab" selected="true"
closable="true">First Tab</div>
<div id="tab2" dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane"
title="Second Tab" closable="true">
Second Tab
so the display:none but when I click the button I call the following:
function showTab(){
dijit.byId("mainTabContainer") = 'block'
Also if I remove the display=none then the tabcontainer appears fine. So is these something wrong with my function call.
ok sorry guys....all my fault here...I forgot to remove the added code I had in my html in my code
<body class="claro">
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ToolkitScriptManager1" runat="server">
Once I removed the form and scriptmanager lines it works fine..Thanks for everyones efforts.
Just worried that if I were to incorporate ajax and other controls, then would dojo still work
