OS X Swift Compiler Error - Segmentation Fault - macos

I am making some variable declarations in a NSViewController custom class. The declarations are:
var filterSettings: Dictionary<String, String> = ["Location": "All", "Status": "All", "PPRDate": "All", "Project Manager": "All"]
let locationFilterSettings: Set = ["All", "Newcastle", "Sydney", "ACT & Southern NSW", "Western Sydney", "Grafton"]
let statusFilterSettings: Set = ["All", "Active", "Inactive"]
var PPRDateFilterSettings: Set<NSDate> = [] // this value needs to be set programiticaly by loading up the available PPR Dates --- use PPRDateFilterSettings.insert(dateVariable)
var projectManagerFilterSettings: Set<String> = [] // this value needs to be set programatically by loading up the available PMs
When the program compiles I get one error that shows up in the issues navigator: - a compiler error is not shown against any particular line in the code.
When I go to the issue navigator it shows against this class the following error. All other classes compile correctly with no errors:
"Swift Compiler Error Command failed due to signal: Segmentation fault: 11"
I admit to not knowing how to debug this error.
I do know that if I comment out the let locationFilterSettings.. line in the code that the compiler error goes away.
I have just added this code for the variables shown above and do make any other reference to the filterSettings valuable yet. No other changes have been made to the code which was compiling and running as expected.
Any advice on where/how to debug the issue please let me know. I am not sure what to do next.
I should add that I am running the latest version of Xcode and OSX.
I have also tried playing with optional declaration as suggested in one of the answers here:-->Swift compiler segmentation fault when building but to no avail.
EDIT: Some additional information.
I deleted and re-installed Xcode. The error still occurred.
Having declared the variables within the class I wasn't actually referencing them within any functions so I tried println the variables at a few spots in the code. The error still occurred.
I moved the declarations from the global level within the class to within one of the functions. The error disappeared.
So- three above partially solved the issue for me. I wanted the variables to be available through the class so now I may need to pass them around as parameters (which seems to work). However, I still do not understand why the error was occurring and if it was a syntax thing that I was missing.

Ok - I have now been able to compile the code without an error with the properties declared at the top of the Class.
The issue was the use of the short form declaration relying on the type of item being inferred.
let propertyName: Set = ["item1", "item2"]
when I initialised the property using the following syntax
let propertyName: Set<String> = ["item1", "item2"]
it compiled without an error. The short form declaration worked when the property was declared within a function.


PyCharm debugger doesn't show objects' content: "Unable to get repr for <type 'list>"

Debugging with PyCharm (happens on multiple versions) I'm unable to correctly view some lists and dictionaries (other are presented correctly).
In the view window the object's name is presented with the message:
{list} Unable to get repr for <type 'list>
{dict} Unable to get repr for <type 'dict'>
An update:
In one of my attempts, I received the following message from the debugger (presented instead of the value of one of the list variable):
Unable to display children:Error resolving variables Traceback (most
recent call last): File "/Applications/PyCharm
CE.app/Contents/helpers/pydev/_pydevd_bundle/pydevd_comm.py", line
1004, in do_it
_typeName, valDict = pydevd_vars.resolve_compound_variable(self.thread_id, self.frame_id,
self.scope, self.attributes) TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not
I'll appreciate any idea as for what may cause this behavior?
It turned out the problem is due to usage of rpyc.py: The process I was debugging was called through rpyc and while I was debugging it, the calling process received a timeout on the rpyc connection.
I think that this caused variables, passed through rpc to lose integrity so the debugger couldn't present them correctly.
The solution was to downgrade rpyc.py to version 3.3.0 (I was on 3.4.2).
My colleague, Nurit Izraelov, correctly suggested the rpyc.py version may be the blame.
Thanks all!
It happened to me sometimes and what caused the behaviour was that some MyClass triggered an exception on its str method.
In such a case, PyCharm debugger only showed
some_object = {MyClass} Unable to get repr for <class 'my_app.models.MyClass'>
So what I did to confirm the origin was to watch repr(some_object) in the Watches section of the debugger. And there it gave me an explicit error message:
{TypeError}%d format: a number is required, not NoneType
Which helped me trace back to the origin.
I appreciate this is not a generic answer, but just a complement to Fabio's.
Probably some custom class of yours has a bad __repr__ or __str__ in it and the debugger is unable to print it.
You can probably use a shell at that point to know which elements are actually inside such a dict or list (and see which object has the faulty __repr__ or __str__).
Extending the scope of the problem rather than adding an answer - all the other suggestions are what I do normally to get this working.
Could it be a race condition?
For me it appears to be something weird. In the Variables pane I can see correct representation for theObject, repr(theObject) and even [theObject] but if I set a variable in my code thus a = theObject or b = [theObject] then I get the "Unable to get repr for <class 'list'>" message.
theObject in this case is an instance of a subclassed D lang struct wrapped with autowrap.

Why is the (PyQt5) QWidget not being added to the QBoxLayout

Right so essentially I am creating a user interface and have attempted to add a QtWidgets.QLineEdit to a QVBoxLayout as well as a QtWidgets.QLabel to a different QVBoxLayout. Unfortunately it is not working and throwing up an error:
in build_gui_adddata_device
TypeError: QBoxLayout.addwidget(QWidget; int stretch=0, Qt.Alignment alignment=0): first argument of unbound = method must have type QBoxLayout
I have defined labellayout as thus:
self.labellayout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout
"e" was printed, which is how I know that there is no issue with the definition of the layout itself.
Just for reference this is the QtWidget I was trying to add:
self.labelsupplierid = QtWidgets.QLabel("Supplier ID: ")
Again "f" was printed
This is the line that is causing the problem:
I don't understand why my code isn't working, I am honestly perplexed. My syntax seems to be correct and I have made other build_gui functions that have executed exactly the same type of code (with different widgets, might I add) that have been successful.
Please can someone enlighten me. Many Thanks.

AX2012 - Pre-Processed RecId parameter not found

I made a custom report in AX2012, to replace the WHS Shipping pick list. The custom report is RDP based. I have no trouble running it directly (with the parameters dialog), but when I try to use the controller (WHSPickListShippingController), I get an error saying "Pre-Processed RecId not found. Cannot process report. Indicates a development error."
The error is because in the class SrsReportProviderQueryBuilder (setArgs method), the map variable reportProviderParameters is empty. I have no idea why that is. The code in my Data provider runs okay. Here is my code for running the report :
WHSWorkId id = 'LAM-000052';
WHSPickListShippingController controller;
Args args;
WHSShipmentTable whsShipmentTable;
WHSWorkTable whsWorkTable;
clWHSPickListShippingContract contract; //My custom RDP Contract
whsShipmentTable = WHSShipmentTable::find(whsWorkTable.ShipmentId);
args = new Args(ssrsReportStr(WHSPickListShipping, Report));
contract = new clWHSPickListShippingContract();
controller = new WHSPickListShippingController();
controller.parmReportName(ssrsReportStr(WHSPickListShipping, Report));
I don't know if I'm clear enough... But I've been looking for a fix for hours without success, so I thought I'd ask here. Is there a reason why this variable (which comes from the method parameter AifQueryBuilderArgs) would be empty?
I'm thinking your issue is with these lines (try removing):
The style I'd expect to see with your contract would be like this:
controller = new WHSPickListShippingController();
contract = controller.getDataContractObject();
And for the DataProvider clWHSPickListShippingDP, usually if a report is using a DataProvider, you don't manually set it, but the DP extends SRSReportDataProviderBase and has an attribute SRSReportParameterAttribute(...) decorating the class declaration in this style:
class MyCustomDP extends SRSReportDataProviderBase
// Vars
You are using controller.parmReportContract().parmRdpContract(contract); wrong, as this is more for run-time modifications. It's typically used for accessing the contract for preRunModifyContract overloads.
Build your CrossReference in a development environment then right click on \Classes\SrsReportDataContract\parmRdpContract and click Add-Ins>Cross-reference>Used By to see how that is generally used.
Ok, so now I feel very stupid for spending so much time on that error, when it's such a tiny thing...
The erronous line is that one :
controller.parmReportName(ssrsReportStr(WHSPickListShipping, Report));
Because WHSPickListShipping is the name of the AX report, but I renamed my custom report clWHSPickListShipping. What confused me was that my DataProvider class was executing as wanted.

Errors when adding a wxStaticText with wxSmith

I am really new to c++ development(2 days) and everything has gone well so far, but when I add a wxStaticText through wxSmith, the auto-generated code won't compile:
error: 'StaticText1' was not declared in this scope
StaticText1 = new wxStaticText(this, ID_STATICTEXT1, _("Label"), wxPoint(8,8), wxDefaultSize, 0, _T("ID_STATICTEXT1"));
error: 'ID_STATICTEXT1' was not declared in this scope
const long dlgAbout::ID_STATICTEXT1 = wxNewId();
I also have a wxButton on the dialog, but does the exact same things and the compiler doesn't have those errors for the auto-generated button code:
btnClose = new wxButton(this, ID_BUTTON1, _("Close"), wxPoint(88,96), wxDefaultSize, 0, wxDefaultValidator, _T("ID_BUTTON1"));
const long dlgAbout::ID_BUTTON1 = wxNewId();
Full Source at http://pastebin.com/iyFF31eJ
Since the code you pasted compiles for me, it must mean that the code you pasted is not the code that your compiler is attempting, and failing, to compile. I think that you need to check that you may have a couple of versions of the dlgAbout.h file floating around and the compiler is using the wrong version, without the definition of ID_STATICTEXT1

Cache won't work in Appcelerator

Titanium SDK version: 1.6.
iPhone SDK version: 4.2
I am trying out the cache snippet found on the Appcelerator forum but I get an error: [ERROR] Script Error = Can't find variable: utils at cache.js (line 9).
I put this one (http://pastie.org/1541768) in a file called cache.js and implemented the code from this one (http://pastie.org/pastes/1541787) in the calling script, but I get the error.
What is wrong? I copied the code exactly.
Your problems is whilst the first pastie defines utils.httpcache. The variable utils is not defined outside of this function closure (because it is not defined anywhere in global namespace). As below shows.
(function() {
utils.httpcache = {
To make it all work in this instance add the following code to the top of your cache.js file.
var utils = {};
This declares the utils variable in global namespace. Then when the function closure is executed below it will add utils.httpcache to the utils object.
The problem is actually not specific to Appcelerator and is just a simple JavaScript bug. Checkout Douglas Crockfords book, JavaScript the Good Parts. Reading it will literally make you a more awesome JavaScript developer.
You can't use utils.httpcache.getFromCache(url) until you add this to your code:
var utils = {};
That's because how the author created his function, it's called JavaScript module pattern and it's generally used to structure the code.
I seem to lose this value "value.httpCacheExpire = expireTime;" when the code does the "Titanium.App.Properties.setString(key,JSON.stringify(value));" so when I get it back using the getString method, there's no longer the "value.httpCacheExpire.
Anyone else have this issue? Am I missing something to get this working?
