Passing parameter as hidden in wicket - wicket-1.5

Please new in wicket wants to know how to pass value from wicket java page to an input field in its html page. (like if the java page is and the html page is kachi.html).

I would suggest you to read about wicket models and PageParameters on


How to migrate to a specific part of a html page after a struts action forward?

I am using Struts 1. I wonder how I can show a particular part of a html page after mapping.findForward("success"); is returned and a jsp is processed.
For example, I can use this url to show a part of html with id="contact" even if it is way below on a page.
http: //
But how can I do it after a struts action forward?

Prevent page reloading in Struts 2

I am currently working on a small web app and this is the first time i am using Struts2. Here is what i am trying to achieve.
A Struts2 JSP page on form post, calls a struts action. Once this action completes it task, I need to return to the calling JSP with out any page reloading (avoid postback).
how can i achieve.can any one please help me?.
It is called AJAX (no kidding).
In Struts2 you can use Struts2-jQuery Plugin to achieve that pretty easily.
As AndreaLigios said, you can achieve this using struts-j query plug-in.
Create a remote page to display your result.
<sj:sbmit targets="[div_id]" />
on your main page to submit the form
Add a div to your main page to display the remote page.
<div id="[div_id]" />
In your struts.xml, just return the remote page as a result of your action.

Spring MVC and WML web page?

is it possible to contruct and use a WML page instead of a normal html page to render my views that contain a form?
i could not find any examples on how to achieve this and i could not even find the "form" tag in WML. Instead, from my understanding WML, uses cards with input tags to process a form of some sort but in Spring mvc's SimpleFormController it is used in conjunction to a html form not a WML input card.
Spring MVC's controller infrastructure doesn't care if the page is rendered in HTML or WML. Both HTML forms and WML cards end up generating HTTP requests when submitted, and the controller can't tell the difference.
However, Spring only provides an HTML form tag library, so if you want to generate WML, you'll have to do it all yourself.
Is this really something you want to get into, though? WML is obsolete, and only very old phones need it.

Need to Save HTML markup from a form element

I want to save html markup in my database for a field from an ASP.Net MVC2 application. Upon reading I found that using the [ValidateInput(false)] attribute lets you do that. But it is not working for me. The data comes from the extjs htmleditor form element.
Anyone has any ideas? Is there something else I need to do? Any setting in web.config?
see ASP.NET Request Validation Exception Even When Validation Is Disabled

Pass URL Parameter Spring Web Flow

I have this web application using Spring Web Flow framework. In my main page I have a default display of a list of employees. When I click a particular row I need to redirect to another page displaying a detailed view of the row. I was thinking of passing the "name" field in my row through URL parameter.
Is this possible or can Spring web flow support getting parameters from the URL?
You can get your request parameters from the special EL variable requestParameters. See:
