Telnet - EventMachine, Theaded? - ruby

I have a project where I need to update multiple thousands of devices with a series of commands via telnet. The commands will not brick or cause the device to go offline (login, apply commands, logout).
I use snmp4em extensively where SNMP is applicable. A blocking approach here would take forever.
I am not well versed with Threading, EventMachine (at its core), etc., to attempt to approach this from scratch.
I have been looking at em-simple_telnet. It appears to have the functionality I need, my problem is the error coding. If a host isn't reachable or fails login, it throws an error at the top-most level of the code ( do), which I've found difficult to rescue.
Maybe I'm having a blond-moment but I'm not seeing the solution. The following code works as long as there is no failure.
require 'em-simple_telnet'
File.delete('/tmp/telnetDebug.log') if File.exists?('/tmp/telnetDebug.log')
begin do
['device1', 'device2_will_fail', 'device3'].each do |h|
opts = {
host: h,
username: "user",
password: "pass",
binmode: true,
telnetmode: true,
login_prompt: /[$%#:>]\s\z/n,
password_prompt: /[$%#:>]\s\z/n,
prompt: /[$%#:>]\s?\z/n,
output_log: "/tmp/telnetDebug.log",
} do |host|
# already logged in
puts "Connected"
puts host.cmd('cmd1') { |c| puts c }
puts host.cmd('cmd2') { |c| puts c }
puts host.cmd("exit") { |c| puts c }
rescue Exception => e
puts e.inspect
me#WorkStation:~/ruby_workspace/modem_updates$ ruby modem_update_em.rb
#<EventMachine::Protocols::SimpleTelnet::LoginFailed: Timed out while expecting some kind of prompt.>
I'm reaching out to those that would have experience in this area and could offer some possible solutions to my problem. Can someone offer a suggestion as to how to recover from error (shown below)? Or perhaps another approach? Your expertise is most appreciated.


mpg123 and Ruby; "Can't set terminal attributes"

I am playing a sound file stored locally on my computer in small program. The program runs fine, and the audio plays, however, I keep getting a message on my terminal saying "Can't set terminal attributes".
I am using mpg123 and Ruby.
Hope you guys like DBZ :)
play_audio = fork{ exec 'mpg123','-q', '9000.mp3' }
h = { "Goku" => 9001, "Yamcha" => 4029, "Krillin" => 4034, "Piccollo" => 6701 }
puts "Vegeta, what does scouter say about his power level?\n\n"
h.each do |key, value|
if value > 9000
puts "#{key.upcase}'S POWER LEVEL IS OVER 9000!!!"
puts "#{key}'s power level is #{value}"
A picture of the error message
fork { exec 'mpg123','-q', '9000.mp3' }
What is the reason of forking a process here?
The forked process has no terminal and mpg123 fails to set terminal attributes to output what it wants to output.
Possibly shutting it up might help:
fork { exec 'mpg123','-q', '9000.mp3', '>/dev/null', '2>&1' }
But still, just get rid of redundant fork and you are all set.

Is $SAFE = 4 and a timed execution limit enough to prevent eval's security vulnerabilities in Ruby?

Here is my current implementation of a safe eval in Ruby:
$mthread = {}
class SafeEval
def self.safeEval code
$killed = false
$mthread = {
$SAFE = 4
result = begin
eval code
rescue Exception => e
"Error in eval: #{e}"
Thread.current[:evalResult] = result
} {
sleep 3
if $mthread.alive?
$killed = true
Thread.kill $mthread
$killed ? 'Error in eval: Maximum execution time reached' : String($mthread[:evalResult])
It uses $SAFE = 4. From my understanding, and from this post I've read, that's not enough to stop security vulnerabilities. However, if I set a maximum execution time, and kill the thread running the code after the time expires, is that enough for a safe eval?
If not, why isn't it safe? Are there still any vulnerabilites? Is there any way to prevent these vulnerabilities as well?
Of course setting an execution time is not secure. All you're doing then is making the execution path of whatever is executed less predictable.
Security is not about saying 'Oh, no untrusted code can cause trouble if it runs for less than 4s'. Security starts with not letting untrusted code execute anywhere outside of a strict sandboxed environment.
Why are you using eval here? What are you trying to accomplish?
edit- I'm an idiot, ignore, I read that as a timeout, not as a level. :P That said, this works perfectly well on my local machine:
$mthread = {}
class SafeEval
def self.safeEval code
$killed = false
$mthread = {
$SAFE = 4
result = begin
eval code
rescue Exception => e
"Error in eval: #{e}"
Thread.current[:evalResult] = result
} {
sleep 3
if $mthread.alive?
$killed = true
Thread.kill $mthread
$killed ? 'Error in eval: Maximum execution time reached' : String($mthread[:evalResult])
SafeEval.safeEval("`cat /etc/passwd > /Users/usr/development/source/tests/test.txt`")
run that code on a web server that has a mail client or other method of connecting to remote servers, and an attacker can establish the user accounts on your machine and from there engage in social engineering to recover passwords.
Sandboxing is important because it prevents stuff like the above. $SAFE is not enough in and of itself, and this is one of the reasons you never put something like eval() or anything else whose core job is to execute untrusted code in an environment that could be reached by an attacker.
If you consider 'being able to kill the bot' as security vulnerability, then $SAFE = 4 is not safe enough, as we found out while testing it.
People can execute this, without getting the 'unsafe eval' error:
loop { Thread.start { loop{} } }
This starts many threads within 3 seconds, and after enough executions this will have created lots and lots of threads, which has killed the bot while testing.
Or this:
Thread.start { loop { Thread.start { loop {} } } }
It starts a thread which keeps generating other threads. The timeout does not stop this.

What is "return can't jump across threads" error mean?

I have a pair of Puppet custom functions, one of which, namely am_func_cluster, returns a hash of array of currently running instances (reading a file as input) and the second one call that function, iterate over the array and returns the first successful one that listening to port 22. Here is the 2nd function:
module Puppet::Parser::Functions
newfunction(:am_func_head, :type => :rvalue ) do |args|
mCls = function_am_func_cluster(['/opt/running-inst.txt'])
cls = args[0].to_sym if args[0].is_a? String
require 'socket'
require 'timeout'
mCls[cls].each do |dns|
Timeout::timeout(1) {, 22)
return (dns if mCls.key?(cls)) || 'undefined'
rescue SocketError
rescue Timeout::Error
upon running, it returns this error:
Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on
SERVER: return can't jump across threads at
/etc/puppet/manifests/nodes.pp:19 on node
It works just fine, if I comment out the begin ... end bit in the script. Google didn't favor much in this case, so far. Does anyone one know what that error means or what am I doing wrong. Still don't find myself very efficient understanding the errors returned by Ruby. Any pointer much appreciated. Cheers!!
As it says, you cannot use return there. Use break to escape from the timeout block:
require "timeout"
Timeout.timeout(3){break "foo"}
# => "foo"
and you should not use break outside of it.
As a general tip, it is easy to confuse return, break, and next. If one of them does not work, try another.

Ruby TCPServer: Accepting a known socket

I have a circumstance where my server may close TCPServer and restart, saving all the users to a file, and immediately reloading them; their connections do not sever.
The problem is I can't seem to reinitialize their streams.
When we restart (and attempt to maintain connections), I reinitialize TCPServer, and load my array of connected users – Since these each have an existing socket address, stored as <TCPSocket:0x00000000000000>, can I reinitialize these addresses with TCPServer?
Normally, each user connects and is accepted:
$nCS =, PORT)
while socket = $nCS.accept socket ) do |sock|
d =
while sock.gets
szIn = $_.chomp
DBG( "Received '" + szIn + "' from Client " + sock.to_s )
d.parseInput( szIn )
rescue => e
$stdout.puts "ERROR: Caught error in Client Thread: #{e} \r\n #{e.backtrace.to_s.gsub(",", ",\r\n")}"
sock.write("Sorry, an error has occurred, and you have been disconnected."+EOL+"Please try again later."+EOL)
rescue => e
$stdout.puts "ERROR: Caught error in Server Thread: #{e} \r\n #{e.backtrace.to_s.gsub(",", ",\r\n")}"
To give it a command to hot reboot, we use exec('./main --copyover') to flag that a copy over is occurring.
If $connected holds an array of all users, and each user has a socket, how do I reinitialize the socket that was open before the restart (assuming the other end is still connected)?
I suspect that using exec("./main", "--copyover", *$nCS, *$connected) is getting me closer, since this simply replaces the process, and should maintain the files (not close them).
You can't. The socket is only valid for the lifetime of the process: it is closed by the OS when the process exits. That in turn invalidates the connection, so the other end is not still connected.
How to Hot-Reboot a TCPServer in Ruby
Hot-Rebooting (aka Copyover) is a process by which an administrator can reload the application (along with any new changes made since last boot) without losing the client connections. This is useful in managing customer expectations as the application does not need to suffer severe downtime and disruption if in use.
What I propose below may not be the best practice, but it's functioning and perhaps will guide others to a similar solution.
The Command
I use a particular style of coding that makes use of command tables to find functions and their accessibility. All command functions are prefixed with cmd. I'll clean up the miscellany to improve readability:
def cmdCopyover
#$nCS is the TCPServer object
#$connected holds an array of all users sockets
#--copyover flags that this is a hot reboot.
connected_args = $ do |sock|
sock.close_on_exec = false if sock.respond_to?(:close_on_exec=)
exec('./main.rb', '--copyover', $nCS.fileno.to_s, connected_args)
What we're passing are strings; $nCS.fileno.to_s provides us the file descriptor of the main TCPServer object, while connected_args is a comma-delineated list of file descriptors for each user connected. When we restart, ARGV will be an array holding each argument:
ARGV[0] == "--copyover"
ARGV[1] == "5" (Or whatever the file descriptor for TCPServer was)
ARGV[2] == "6,7,8,9" (Example, assuming 4 connected users)
What To Expect When You're Expecting (a Copyover)
Under normal circumstances, we may have a basic server (in main.rb that looks something like this:
puts "Starting Server"
$connected =
$nCS ="",9999)
while socket = $nCS.accept
# NB: Move this loop to its own function, threadLoop() socket ) do |sock|
while sock.gets
szIn = $_.chomp
#do something with input.
rescue => e
puts "ERROR: Caught error in Client Thread: #{e}"
puts #{e.backtrace.to_s.gsub(",", ",\r\n")}"
sock.write("Sorry, an error has occurred, and you have been disconnected."+EOL+"Please try again later."+EOL)
rescue => e
puts "Error: Caught Error in Server Thread: #{e}"
puts "#{e.backtrace.to_s.gsub(",", ",\r\n")}"
We want to move that main loop to its own function to make it accessible -- our reconnecting users will need to be reinserted in the loop.
So let's get main.rb ready for accepting a hot reboot:
def threadLoop( socket ) socket ) do |sock|
while sock.gets
szIn = $_.chomp
#do something with input.
rescue => e
puts "ERROR: Caught error in Client Thread: #{e}"
puts #{e.backtrace.to_s.gsub(",", ",\r\n")}"
sock.write("Sorry, an error has occurred, and you have been disconnected."+EOL+"Please try again later."+EOL)
puts "Starting Server"
$connected =
if ARGV[0] == '--copyover'
$nCS = TCPServer.for_fd( ARGV[1].to_i )
$nCS.close_on_exec = false if $nCS.respond_to?(:close_on_exec=)
connected_args = ARGV[2]
connected_args.split(/,/).map do |sockfd|
$connected << sockfd
$connected.each {|c| threadLoop( c ) }
$nCS ="",9999)
$nCS.close_on_exec = false if $nCS.respond_to?(:close_on_exec=)
while socket = $nCS.accept
threadLoop( socket )
rescue => e
puts "Error: Caught Error in Server Thread: #{e}"
puts "#{e.backtrace.to_s.gsub(",", ",\r\n")}"
My actual usage was a lot more ridiculously complicated, so I did my best to strip out all the garbage; however, I was realizing when I got the end here that you could probably do without $connected (it's a part of a larger system for me). There may be some errors, so please comment if you find them and I'll correct.
Hope this helps anyone who finds it.

Element not found in the cache - perhaps the page has changed since it was looked up in Selenium Ruby web driver?

I am trying to write a crawler that crawls all links from loaded page and logs all request and response headers along with response body in some file say XML or txt. I am opening all links from first loaded page in new browser window so I wont get this error:
Element not found in the cache - perhaps the page has changed since it was looked up
I want to know what could be the alternate way to make requests and receive response from all links and then locate input elements and submit buttons form all opened windows.
I am able to do above to some extent except when opened window has common site searh box like one on this in the upper right corner.
What I want to do is I want to omit such common boxes so that I can fill other inputs with values using i.send_keys "value" method of webdriver and dont get this error
ERROR: Element not found in the cache - perhaps the page has changed since it was looked up.
What is the way to detect and distinguish input tags from each opened window so that value does not get filled repeatably in common input tags that appear on most pages of website.
My code is following:
require 'rubygems'
require 'selenium-webdriver'
require 'timeout'
class Clicker
def open_new_window(url)
#driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox
#url = #driver.get " "
#link =, "a"))
#windows =
#link.each do |a|
a = #driver.execute_script("var d=document,a=d.createElement('a');'_blank';a.href=arguments[0];a.innerHTML='.';d.body.appendChild(a);return a", a)
i = #driver.window_handles
i[0..i.length].each do |handle|
puts #driver.current_url()
inputs =, 'input'))
forms =, 'form'))
inputs.each do |i|
i.send_keys "value"
puts i.class
rescue Timeout::Error => exc
puts "ERROR: #{exc.message}"
rescue Errno::ETIMEDOUT => exc
puts "ERROR: #{exc.message}"
rescue Exception => exc
puts "ERROR: #{exc.message}"
forms.each do |j|
j.send_keys "value"
rescue Timeout::Error => exc
puts "ERROR: #{exc.message}"
rescue Errno::ETIMEDOUT => exc
puts "ERROR: #{exc.message}"
rescue Exception => exc
puts "ERROR: #{exc.message}"
#Switch back to the original window
ol =
url = ""
Guide me how can I get all requeat and response headers with response body using Selenium Webdriver or using http.set_debug_output of ruby's net/http ?
Selenium is not one of the best options to use to attempt to build a "web-crawler". It can be too flakey at times, especially when it comes across unexpected scenarios. Selenium WebDriver is a great tool for automating and testing expectancies and user interactions.
Instead, good old fashioned curl would probably be a better option for web-crawling. Also, I am pretty sure there are some ruby gems that might help you web-crawl, just Google search it!
But To answer the actual question if you were to use Selenium WebDriver:
I'd work out a filtering algorithm where you can add the HTML of an element that you interact with to an variable array. Then, when you go on to the next window/tab/link, it would check against the variable array and skip the element if it finds a matching HTML value.
Unfortunately, SWD does not support getting request headers and responses with its API. The common work-around is to use a third party proxy to intercept the requests.
Now I'd like to address a few issues with your code.
I'd suggest before iterating over the links, add a #default_current_window = #driver.window_handle. This will allow you to always return back to the correct window at the end of your script when you call #driver.switch_to.window(#default_current_window).
In your #links iterator, instead of iterating over all the possible windows that could be displayed, use #driver.switch_to.window(#driver.window_handles.last). This will switch to the most recently displayed new window (and it only needs to happen once per link click!).
You can DRY up your inputs and form code by doing something like this:
inputs = []
inputs << #driver.find_elements(:tag_name => "input")
inputs << #driver.find_elements(:tag_name => "form")
inputs.each do |i|
i.send_keys "value"
rescue e
puts "ERROR: #{e.message}"
Please note how I just added all of the elements you wanted SWD to find into a single array variable that you iterate over. Then, when something bad happens, a single rescue is needed (I assume you don't want to automatically quit from there, which is why you just want to print the message to the screen).
Learning to DRY up your code and use external gems will help you achieve a lot of what you are trying to do, and at a faster pace.
