Windows Service execute logic after OnStart - windows

I have a Windows Service which has several timer jobs in it. In the OnStart method, I am starting all those timers. In effect, it takes a lot of time starting the service from the Services console and most of the time, it reports this:
Windows could not start the 'servicename' service on Local Computer.
The service did not repond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.
I know I could create a timer which encapsulatesthe other timers so I could start them outside the OnStart event. However, I'm looking for other possible solutions as I don't like the idea of having a separate timer which does nothing other than start the other processes.

It isn't generally safe to perform external operations such as web or database calls during OnStart, because you can't predict how long they will take, and an excessively long service startup time can interfere with the system:
The Service Control Manager (SCM) waits until the service reports a status of SERVICE_RUNNING. It is recommended that the service reports this status as quickly as possible, as other components in the system that require interaction with SCM will be blocked during this time. Some functions may require interaction with the SCM either directly or indirectly.
So the proper solution is to move this initialization into a separate thread.
However, if you don't want to do this, you can call RequestAdditionalTime:
The RequestAdditionalTime method is intended to be called by the overridden OnContinue, OnPause, OnStart, or OnStop methods to request additional time for a pending operation, to prevent the Service Control Manager (SCM) from marking the service as not responding.


Advantage of using ThreadPool in Hystrix

What is the advantage of using threadpool in Hystrix?
Suppose we are calling a third party service ,when we call a service or DB that thread goes into waiting state than what is the use of keep creating thread for each call?
So,I mean how short circuited(Threadpooled) method is batter then normal(non short circuited) method?
Lets say when a remote service(any service) is started to respond slowly, but a typical application(service which is making call to remote service) will still continue to call that remote service. So short circuited(Threadpooled) method helps you build a Defensive system in this particular case.
As calling service does not know if the remote service is healthy or not and new threads are spawned every time a request comes in. This will cause threads on an already struggling server to be used.
We don’t want this to happen as we need these threads for other remote calls or processes running on our server and we also want to avoid CPU utilization spiking up. so this prevents resources from becoming blocked if latency occurs. Also Bounded thread pool also gives some breathing room for downstream services to recover.
For detail : ThreadPool in Hystrix

Run background service immediately on registration WindowsPhone 8.1

I have implemented a background service that sends some data to server.
But the service is only triggered after the trigger is fired.
I want the service to fire immediately as and when its registered.
I have tried
SystemTrigger(Internet available/Timezone-changed)
but they all are fired when their conditions are met as documented. Does any one have any idea how to get this work, btw I'm on windows phone 8.1 and C++.
PS. I just want my service to get triggered as it is registered.
AFAIK you can’t do that directly. Microsoft is very strict about what background tasks can and cannot do because battery life depends on it.
There’s a workaround.
Move your server-sending functionality from your background service into a separate DLL. Call that DLL from both background service process, and the GUI process. If you need to, in that DLL you can guard shared resources with a named mutex or use any other IPC mechanism that works across processes.

Can I run Android GeoFencing entirely within a background service?

I have an app which needs almost no user interaction, but requires Geofences. Can I run this entirely within a background service?
There will be an Activity when the service is first run. This Activity will start a service and register a BroadcastReceiver for BOOT_COMPLETED, so the service will start at boot. It's unlikely that this Activity will ever be run again.
The service will set an Alarm to go off periodically, which will cause an IntentService to download a list of locations from the network. This IntentService will then set up Geofences around those locations, and create PendingIntents which will fire when the locations are approached. In turn, those PendingIntents will cause another IntentService to take some action.
All this needs to happen in the background, with no user interaction apart from starting the Activity for the first time after installation. Hence, the Activity will not interact with LocationClient or any location services.
I've actually got this set up with proximityAlerts, but wish to move to the new Geofencing API for battery life reasons. However, I have heard that there can be a few problems with using LocationClient from within a service. Specifically, what I've heard (sorry, no references, just hearsay claims):
location client relies on ui availability for error handling
when called from background thread, LocationClient.connect() assumes that it is called from main ui thread (or other thread with event looper), so connection callback is never called, if we call this method from service running in background thread
When I've investigated, I can't see any reason why this would be the case, or why it would stop my doing what I want. I was hoping it would be almost a drop-in replacement for proximityAlerts...
Can anyone shed some light on things here?
The best thing would be to just try it out, right? Your strategy seems sound.
when called from background thread, LocationClient.connect() assumes that it is called from main ui thread (or other thread with event looper), so connection callback is never called, if we call this method from service running in background thread.
I know this to be not true. I have a Service that is started from an Activity, and the connection callback is called.
I dont know about proximity alerts; but I cant seem to find an API to list my GeoFences. I am worried that my database (sqlite) and the actual fences might get out of sync. That is a design flaw in my opinion.
The reason LocationClient needs UI, is that the device may not have Google Play Services installed. Google has deviced a cunning and complex mechanism that allows your app to prompt the user to download it. The whole thing is horrible and awful in my opinion. Its all "what-if what-if" programming.
(They rushed a lot of stuff out the door for google IO 2013. Not all of it are well documented, and some of it seems a bit "rough around the edges").

How to list Windows Services from within a Service

sc query state= all works as expected from the command line.
From within another Service, sc query state= all doesn't print anything to that sub-process' stdout (captured by the parent, of course).
Is there a permission/privilege that the Service needs in order to list/start/stop the other servies?
A little background: I am making a service that periodically restarts some misbehaving services.
Well, for one don't do that, at least not in a blocking manner. In order for your own service to respond to the SCM (Service Control Manager) in order to return its status, the service has to be able to execute its dispatcher code. This means that if you call this program and wait for it to exit you'll wait indefinitely. One way to mitigate this would be to put this into a separate thread so it's not blocking your dispatching and your service will continue to talk to the SCM.
Alternatively (and probably better) you could use the EnumServicesStatusEx function to talk to the SCM and inquire about the statuses of other services yourself. The function itself doesn't mention anything about being blocking, so you'd have to figure out yourself whether it is and then use a thread again to prevent your service from stopping to talk to the SCM.
One last note: if those misbehaving services are yours, you should more likely fix the respective code. I've had a share of legacy code and had one misbehaving service which got its own helper application as "fault action" (can be configured in service configuration as SERVICE_CONFIG_FAILURE_ACTIONS) that would go about and restart the service whenever it crashed. Once I took that code over, figured out the cause and fixed it, the service was stable again and that application isn't really needed anymore.

How do I code a watchdog timer to restart a Windows service?

I'm very interested in the answer to another question regarding watchdog timers for Windows services (see here). That answer stated:
I have also used an internal watchdog system running in another thread. That thread looks at the main thread for activity like log output or a toggling event. If the activity is not seen then the service is considered hung and I shutdown the service.
In this case you can configure windows to auto-restart a stopped service and that might clear the problem (as long as it's not an internal logic bug).
Also services I work with have text logs that are written to a log. In addition for services that are about to "sleep for a bit", I log the time for the next wake up. I use MTAIL to watch a log for output."
Could anyone give some sample code how to use an internal watchdog running in another thread, since I currently have a task to develop a windows service which will be able to self restart in case it failed, hung up, etc.
I really appreciate your help.
I'm not a big fan of running a watchdog as a thread in the process you're watching. That means if the whole process hangs for some reason, the watchdog won't work.
Watchdogs are an idea lifted from the hardware world and they had it right. Use an external circuit as simple as possible (so it can be provably correct). Typical watchdogs simply ran an timer and, if the process hadn't done something before the timer expired (like access a memory location the watchdog was watching), the whole thing was reset. When the watchdog was "kicked", it would restart the timer.
The act of the process kicking the watchdog protected that process from summary termination.
My advice would be to write a very simple stand-alone program which just monitored an event (such as file update time being modified). If that event didn't occur within the required time, kill the process being watched (and let Windows restart it).
Then have your watched program periodically rewrite that file.
Other approaches you might want to consider besides regularly modifying the lastwritetime of a file would be to create a proper performance counter or even a WMI object. We do the later in our build infrastructure, the 'trick' is to find a meaningful work unit in the service being monitored and pulse your 'heartbeat' each time a unit is finished.
The advantage of WMI or Perf Counters over a the file approach is that you then become visible to a whole bunch of professional MIS / management tools. This can add a lot of value.
You can configure from service properties to self restart in case of failure
Services -> right-click your service -> Properties -> First failure : restart the service -> Second failure : restart the service -> Subsequent failure : restart
