How-to send HTTP message to Bing Image Search API? - bing-api

Try to use Bing Image Search API, like how-to explained here. But I get an error.
Parameter: Query is not of type String Any idea?
me: (in the popup both for username and password I set the Primary Account Key) Tried without %27, ay you see I did not set any header field, hopefully it is not problem.


Pinterest API for Conversions

I'm trying to request access to this API by following their instructions:
Note, that the location in the help does not exist. I went for "Pinterest API and Developer Tools > API Access".
However, the response from filling in the form was:
Hello there, we could not complete your request because '' appears to be an invalid
advertiser ID. Please enter the correct ID in the Advertiser ID field in the left-hand pane on this page and then
change this ticket back to OPEN.
The form I filled in did not ask for an "advertiser ID" and it is not relevant. There was no link for "this page", and there seems to be no way to find the "ticket".
Has anyone managed to make a request for access? If so, how?
Or does anyone know how to find their tickets?

creating URL for member profile using API

The MailChimp GUI uses the following URL format for displaying a member's profile (you must be logged in as the list admin):
I'd like to construct the URL programmatically.
I can retrieve the member's data using the API (GET /lists/{list_id}/members/{subscriber_hash}
), but none of the returned parameters seems to related to the id required for the URL (nnnnnnnnn). The candidates would be "id" and "unique_email_id", but neither one has the right value.
I see that the subscriber list API has a parameter called "web_id". Perhaps the equivalent parameter is just missing from the member response, and there's no way around it?
The closest I'm able to get to this goal is to display the web page intended for the subscriber to update their preferences. (e.g., In this URL, the member's ID is the one returned by the API.
The API now has the web_id parameter in the response. I tried it and it works!

how to get email label from email id with gmail API?

i have a problem how to get label email (promotions, updates, forums etc) with Gmail API with low cost computational.
my app used IMAP-idle for getting a new email.
a was search and get that IMAP not support label (promotions, update etc)
the other way is using Gmail API
i know i can get a list of email id by label
but that too much computational
'new id from IMAP -> search that id in every list of label (4 label)->get the label'
it's that possible to get the label of the message with one call?
In the gmail web app you can search for lables label:friends in the Gmail api you can also search for messages
the message.list method will then return all the messages within that label. If you have the message id which i am not sure is the same from imap to the gmail api you then you can do a message.get which will return the label as well

Google People API Field parameter not working

There seems to be issue with the google people api.
If you go to the following link to test out the api,
The results does not display the email address of the contact even thou it is specified in the fields.
You want to supply the requestMask parameter and ask for the email addresses and names explicitly:
This updated query should work:,person.names&fields=connections(emailAddresses%2Cnames)&key={YOUR_API_KEY}

How to get the old username field with Youtube Data API V3

As noted in a similar question (How to get current user's profile information in YouTube Data API v3) there can be a difference between a youtube user's username (found at{the username}) and their channel title. The channel title can be retrieved through the channel/list resource, however that channel title may not be equal to the username that owns that channel. The problem here is that where the username is unique, the channel title may not be and this causes great confusion inside our app (as we have no way of differentiating between user accounts).
Is there any way in the V3 Data API to get the username?
There's a human-readable display name under channel.snippet.title
