Oracle Scheduler run time time-zone dependent? - oracle

If I change the time zone of my local machine, will it affect the Oracle Scheduler's next run time??

schedule jobs run from the time on the system clock of the server, so changing the timezone changes the system clock and therefore the next scheduled time

From my experience, Oracle scheduler takes the timezone from the session, unless you specify a start date (TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE). If you want to change the timezone of a scheduled job, use dbms_scheduler.set_attribute and give a new start_date with the timezone you want. Check by looking at the next run date in DBA_SCHEDULER_JOBS, which is also of type TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE.


Changing timezone redis server (time)

The time command on the redis-cli returns the current server time. How can I change the timezone on the redis server?
Note that redis gives me UTC+0300 timezone, whereas date on the Linux server shows me UTC+0700, which is my correct timezone.
Restarting the Linux server doesn't help.
Restarting the Linux server and restart redis-server doesn't help.
The Redis TIME command returns two values:
A Unix timestamp, in terms of seconds
A number of microseconds already passed within the value given by the first number
For example:
redis> TIME
1) "1674676800"
2) "123456"
That result represents 2023-01-25 20:00:00.123456 UTC.
Unix timestamps are always in terms of UTC, because they are defined as the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
Thus, time zone is not reflected by the output of the TIME command at all. The number you see is not UTC+3, nor should it be UTC+7, it is just UTC.
If you are actually seeing a value that is three hours ahead of UTC, then your system's clock is set incorrectly - not your system's time zone. You should sync your clock with an NTP server to correct it.
You can check the UTC time on your Linux server from a bash prompt with date -u. You can also call date +%s to get a Unix timestamp, which should approximately match the first number returned by Redis.

How to migrate existing MariaDB timestamp columns from local Timezone to UTC

Currently my laravel config time zone is set to '+6:00' and MariaDB database time zone is set to SYSTEM, which is +6:00 as well. Now that I need to accommodate users from different time zones, I need to migrate all timestamp values to UTC to avoid any unintended time-related issues.
In MariaDB documentation it is stated that:
If a column uses the TIMESTAMP data type, then any inserted values are
converted from the session's time zone to Coordinated Universal Time
(UTC) when stored, and converted back to the session's time zone when
Now, this is where I am getting confused. What I understand from the above statement that I do not require to change anything in the database as timestamps are always stored in UTC no matter what is my session time zone is at the time of saving the data. Therefore, later on if I update my time zone to UTC in Laravel config, I should get the corresponding UTC value. But after changing the Time zone to UTC in Laravel config I am still getting the time in +6:00 format from eloquent model.
I think I am missing something here and would really appreciate any suggestion regarding this. Thanks in advance.

Time zone used for Oracle Date field

TL;DR - am I correct in thinking there is no way to determine the timezone used for a given record of a Date field when the server's time zone was changed at some point in the past?
A factory control system was designed to use UTC server (not Oracle) time so all Date columns were UTC. At some point in the past they changed the server time to local. Now years later, they would like the apps to display the correct date. Without knowing the date the change occurred, is there a way to SELECT so all Date records would be correct? I think I can either make the "modern" records correct or the pre-change records correct but not both unless I know when that happened. Since it was a Windows OS change, I don't think even the alert log would help assuming they haven't trimmed it at some point, but it's not easy to get any info or server access from them anyway. It had been 10g and is now 12c.
Correct. Oracle's DATE datatype is timezone agnostic. If you want to store timezone info in the database, use TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE datatype.

How to run cron job at users time zone using spring boot

We have users from all over the world using application. Our requirement is to run cron job at 12 am daily at users time zone and only for users in that time zone.
How can this be achieved using spring boot??
In #Scheduled notation you can pass Zone but only single time zone so you need to manage it with custom logic.
I believe your user record has included with time zone so to order to achieve it, You will need to set the cron job to run every half an hour(cover all time zones to include + 1/2 an hour), Get all timezones which has midnight then get users in those time zones to run logic for them..
You have to convert all the cron job times (12 am) in the user's time zones, to the equivalent times on your server, by adding or subtracting hours to compensate for the time difference. With the server time zone equivalent of the cron job times, you can schedule all the cron jobs.

how can i shedule an event when there is a dst update in a timezone

we have iot devices deployed on customer locations of different parts of the world. it should give some printed monitoring data in Daily weekly and monthly reports in our web dashboard. the issue is some timezones have day light savings, so these customers demand it should be based on dst.
what we want to try is
get a list of timezones we use
whenever there is a dst update in the timezone update the time on the device
but we can find how to fire an event for dst updates in different timezones, we can use python, ruby or shell or any command line tools that helps.
based on #rici 's answer i googled about zdump and found this
this answer will give when DST starts and ends.
what i now do is manually set crontab based on these data.
how can i automate scheduling tasks?
You can use the zdump utility to print the current time in a liat of zones. If you do that every hour, and check the DST indicator against the previous output, you will see which zones have changed.
I have no idea how you can figure out which tmezones are important or how you identify which devices​ are in which time zone.
