Add prefix to every line shell - bash

I have a input file
and I need the output:
aaa_1 aaa_bbbbbbbbb
aaaa_2 aaaa_bbbbbb
aa_3 aa_hhhhhh
i.e characters till _ and then a line number in every line.
I have this script file:
while read line
grep $line uniqfiles.txt| sed "s/./$line /"| sed 's/ /_/' >>./final.txt;
done< "$file"
aaa_ aaa_bbbbbbbbb
aaaa_ aaaa_bbbbbb
aa_ aa_hhhhhh
How to add the numbers?

It is more straight forward to use awk:
$ awk -F_ '{print $1""FS""NR, $0}' file
aaa_1 aaa_bbbbbbbbb
aaaa_2 aaaa_bbbbbb
aa_3 aa_hhhhhh
Or, a bit nicer:
awk -F_ '{printf "%s%s%d %s\n", $1, FS, NR, $0}'
That is, set _ as field separator and then print the first field followed by that field separator and line number. Then, a space and the full line.

cat -n <file> | sed 's/^ \{1,5\}\([0-9]*\)\t\(.*_\)/\2\1 \2/'
note: cat's -n adds spaces for the line numbers and is followed by a tab which both have to be removed.

This is using sed as requested:
sed = input.txt | sed 'N;s/\n/ /' | sed 's/^\([0-9]\+\) \(.*\)_/\2_\1 /'


How to print the csv file excluding first column till end using awk

I have a csv file with dynamic columns.
I've tried to use awk -F , 'NF>1' resul1.txt but it still prints all columns.
Since it has dynamic columns.
Its quite difficult to print using print $1 till end.
Try this awk command:
awk -F, '{$1=""}1' input.txt | awk -vOFS=, '{$1=$1}1' > output.txt
Make the 1st field empty
Print out entire line again
try substr function :
substr(string, start [, length ])
Return a length-character-long substring of string, starting at character number start. The first character of a string is character
number one.For example, substr("washington", 5, 3) returns "ing".*
awk -F, '{print substr($0,length($1)+1+length(FS))}' file
You can use cut:
cut -d',' -f2- yourfile.csv > output.csv
-d - setting delimiter to ,
-f - fields to print
2- - from 2 field to end of line
With awk:
awk -F, '{sub(/[^,]+,/,"",$0);}1' OFS=, yourfile.csv > output.csv
With sed:
sed -i.bak 's/^[^,]\+,//g' yourfile.csv
-i - in-place edit

Print last line of text file

I have a text file like this:
I need to print the last non blank line and two line to last as two variable. the output should be:
I tried this for last line:
b=awk '/./{line=$0} END{print line}' myfile
but I have no idea for a.
grep . file | tail -n 2 | sed 's/^ *//;1s/^/a=/;2s/^/b=/'
awk to the rescue!
$ awk 'NF{a=b;b=$0} END{print "a="a;print "b="b}' file
Or, if you want to the real variable assignment
$ awk 'NF{a=b;b=$0} END{print a, b}' file
| read a b; echo "a="$a; echo "b="$b
you may need -r option for read if you have backslashes in the values.

Repeatly replace a delimiter at a given count (4), with another character

Given this line:
If the count of the commas(,) is greater than four, replace 4th comma(,) with ||.
If the count is lesser or equal to 4 no need replace the comma(,).
I am able to find the count by the following awk:
awk -F\, '{print NF-1}' text.txt
then I used an if condition to check if the result is greater than 4. But unable to replace 4th comma with ||
Find the count of the delimiter in a line and replace the particular position with another character.
I want to replace comma with || symbol after every 4th occurrence of the comma. Sorry for the confusion.
Expected output:
With GNU awk for gensub():
$ echo '12,34,56,47,56,34' | awk -F, 'NF>5{$0=gensub(/,/,"||",4)}1'
$ echo '12,34,56,47,56' | awk -F, 'NF>5{$0=gensub(/,/,"||",4)}1'
$ echo 12,34,56,47,56,34,56,78,90,12,12,34,45 | sed 's/,/||/4'
$ echo 12,34,56,47 | sed 's/,/||/4'
Should work with any POSIX sed
For the updated question you can use
$ echo 12,34,56,47,56,34,56,78,90,12,12,34,45 | sed -e 's/\(\([^,]*,\)\{3\}[^,]*\),/\1||/g'
Unfortunately, POSIX sed's s command can take either a number or g as a flag, but not both. GNU sed allows the combination, but it does not do what we want in this case. So you have to spell it out in the regular expression.
Using awk you can do:
awk -F, '{for (i=1; i<NF; i++) printf "%s%s", $i, (i%4?FS:"||"); print $i}' <<< "$s"
if the count is greater than four i want to replace 4th comma(,) with
give this line a try (gnu sed):
sed -r '/([^,]*,){4}.*,/s/,/||/4' file
kent$ echo ",,,,,"|sed -r '/([^,]*,){4}.*,/s/,/||/4'
kent$ echo ",,,,"|sed -r '/([^,]*,){4}.*,/s/,/||/4'
kent$ echo ",,,"|sed -r '/([^,]*,){4}.*,/s/,/||/4'
with awk
awk -F, 'NF-1>4{for(i=1;i<NF;i++){if(i==4)k=k$i"||";else k=k$i","} print k$NF}' filename

Remove space between 2 columns and insert commas - bash

I am using:
cut -f1-2 input.txt|sed 1d
The data is outputting like this:
/mnt/Hector/Data/benign/binary/benign-pete/ fd0977d5855d1295bd57383b17981a09
/mnt/Hector/Data/benign/binary/benign-pete/ fd34c32786aadab513f506c30c2cba33
/mnt/Hector/Data/benign/binary/benign-pete/ fe7d03512e0731e40be628524efbf317
I am trying to get it to output without a space like this and insert a comma between the file path and md5 check sum so excel can separate it properly:
I didn't see your input.txt, but try this line, do the job in one shot:
awk -v OFS="," 'NR>1{print $1,$2}' input.txt
This can make it:
$ tr -s " " < your_file | sed 's/ /,/g'
tr -s " " < your_file removes extra spaces. sed 's/ /,/g' replaces spaces with commas.

how to pick specific words from script and create a new one with them withouth spaces

I'm want to read a string from file
this string is for example
&0001 = 1234 5678 9abc
now I want to take this string and build another string from it which is
I succeeded to read the the string from the end of the file by
read_addr="`awk "END {print}" file.txt`"
echo ${read_addr}
how should I continue to create the string 123456789abc out of the above?
How about this instead:
tail -n 1 file.txt | sed 's/ //g' | sed 's/.*=//'
The tail -n 1 gives you the last line of the file and the sed 's/ //g' removes the spaces.
you can just change your awk line a little bit:
awk -F= 'END{gsub(/ /,"",$2);print $2}' file.txt
this awk line will do the simple task with single process.
