I'm not asking for a solution but for an explanation.
Here is the point : i got blank page with GWT 2.7 using IE8. This problem appears after 2.4 to 2.7 gwt migration.
I solve it ticking the internet explorer option Tools > Internet Options > Advanced, scrolling down to security and ticking the box next to Enable Native XMLHTTP Support.
Does someone has an idea of what should have change between GWT 2.4 and 2.7 to create this problem ?
Thanks for your help.
I have a problem with ajax components hx:ajaxRefreshSubmit and hx:ajaxRefreshRequest on IE11. Both of them are working only on the first submit - request.
I use the latest version of JWL and Portlet Bridge (jsf-ibm.jar v 3.1.20, jsf-portletbridge.jar v 3.1.19).
Ajax works on all browsers (IE9, IE10, latest Chrome, latest Firefox, Microsoft Edge) except on IE11.
Has anyone managed to solve the problem?
Our JSF1.2/JWL project has also been pushed onto IE11. Running the page in compatibility mode seems to solve our issues.
I also found a solution which involves changing the JSP with a directive to work as IE<11 on this page IBM Developer Works although I haven't tried it yet.
Im using Joomla 2.5 with gantry framework and my template doesn't working on IE9. The logo is the only part loaded.
The problem:
Does anyone know what can be?
The problem is with the slideshow the console showing a few errors:
Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL http://www.wmi9.com.br
from frame with URL http://player.vimeo.com/video/2203727?wmode=transparent.
Domains, protocols and ports must match.
Try to remove the VIMEO and YOUTUBE slides.
Load perfectly in IE 9.0.8 on 64bit.
Interestingly enough, I have had an issue where the problem is not with IE itself. But with all the plugins and toolbars installed that it affects the page.
I am using uploadify component (http://www.uploadify.com) in ASP.NET MVC 3. uploadify works fine with all browser (IE 8, Google Chrome). However, Mozilla Firefox does not display upload file button.
I have spent almost one day to troubleshoot and I still have not solution. Could you give some idea?
I just got a new computer and installed firefox (V8.0.1) yesterday. I've just experienced a similar issue (i.e. not seeing the uploadify button in firefox, though I do in chrome - both in the site I'm developing and http://www.uploadify.com/demos/). Using firefox I've browsed to http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/plugincheck/. There I'm told "For your safety, Firefox has disabled your outdated version of Flash. Please upgrade to the latest version.". I've upgraded the version of Flash and now when I visit the uploadify demo page I can see the "Select Files" button, as expected.
Install adobe flash player...it will work properly....
Hope anyone has come across this. I have been using imacros plugin to record/replay web pages on firefox. It works very well except for GWT pages. For a GWT and smart gwt based webpage, imacros simply clicks on the row and does nothing.
Any suggestions or alternatives would be very helpful.
update: also tried dejaclick plugin for firefox which seems to work partially.
Try using Selenium if you are trying to automate testing. It also comes with a simple record/play firefox plugin.
Selenium Firefox plugin - http://seleniumhq.org/projects/ide/
Selenium 2 Driver by coding sample - http://c.gwt-examples.com/home/testing/selenium-testing
How can I downgrade from IE8 to IE7 on Vista?
I want to downgrade because my Flex Builder does not correctly close the browser when debugging Flex Applications. I'm sure this may be fixed in some future release of Flex Builder or IE8, but for now, I'd like to downgrade in order to debug more effeciently.
Yet another option, just click the "Fix it" button on this page:
You can remove updates in the "Uninstall program" dialog. In the task pane on the left is a link to installed updates where you can uninstall "Windows Internet Explorer 8".
I am suggesting a standalone IE7 as an option. See if you can use your flex builder with this.
Here's how you uninstall it, in either Vista or XP. Go to Start > Run, and then type in (carefully), the following line:
I know that the question specifically mentions downgrading to IE7, but I just thought I'd mention that after successfully removing IE8 by following the instructions mentioned in PQW's link (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/957700/en-us) on my Windows Server 2003 machine I was left with a fully working version of IE6 and therefore didn't need to reinstall IE7.