Which Plug-in Version Comes After 1.17.0 - maven

This might be a bit of a weird question, so bear with me.
I've got a Tycho/Eclipse plug-in that only contains a lib folder containing a third-party-library. The library has version 1.17.0, so in an attempt to make the process more transparent, the plug-in has, too.
It exports all the packages of the lib and everything is fine. At least it was, because now I realized it would have been much, much better if I exported the packages with a version. Plug-in 1.17.0 is already released (I know, Tycho doesn't normally release, just assume I don't want to re-use a version that has been stable for a year).
As an OSGi bundle, I am not allowed to take the version or 1.17.0B or something, but I can't just use the version 1.17.1, because it would imply the third-party library is 1.17.1 as well, and it isn't. Updating the third-party library is not possible at the moment, because time is critical.
I tried 1.17.01 just now and nobody complains, but I'm not sure how Maven and OSGI sort this version relative to 1.17.0 and 1.17.1. The Maven manual does not really talk about zeros, but I guess it would force the string comparison, yielding in completely screwed up version sorting.
So... what version can I use safely?

You could just use something like "1.17.0.p1" which indicates a "patch 1" - it should be ok with OSGi as "the qualifier can be any string, sorted lexicographically" (quote taken from your OSGi link). "p1" is similar to qualifiers like "beta1" or "RC1" or...
This should work for Maven as well. Moreover, we can assume that you would not provide a series of more than ten patches (at least I assume).
Personally, I would avoid leading zeros, as this looks quite odd to me. A series of HotFix or Patch versions should lead to an increment of a higher version number once in a while.

I'm not sure about Tycho but the OSGI framework treats the first three parts of the version as numbers and converts them to int using Integer.parseInt (see org.osgi.framework.Version).
So '01' will be treated exactly the same as '1'.

For the new bundle version, you need to make sure that is is larger in terms of the OSGi semantics - the Maven semantics don't really matter here. So you either need to increase the numeric value of one of the first three segments (e.g. 1.17.1) or add a fourth segment. The fourth segment, the so-called qualifier, is a string, and OSGi considers a version with qualifier to be larger than the same version without a qualifier. So you could e.g. use 1.17.0.a.
One word of warning for the change that you want to introduce with the new bundle version, which is to add versions to the exported packages. It absolutely makes sense to export the packages with a version, but is is crucial that you pick the right version for the packages.
Experience has shown that using the library version as package version is a bad idea: When we built an OSGi wrapper for javax.mail 1.4.1, we also used the version 1.4.1 for the exported packages. But when Sun released javax.mail as OSGi bundle in version 1.4.2, they decided that the packages fulfill the 1.4 API contract and hence exported them as version 1.4. So our older version of the library pretended that its exported packages were better, and the OSGi resolve would therefore prefer it over the newer library version.
To make things worse, we in the meantime also had lots of other bundles that required the javax.mail packages with a minimum version of 1.4.1, so they couldn't even be forced to use the newer library version. In the end, it took us more than a year to clean up the mess we had gotten ourselves with the bad choice of package version in the OSGi wrapper.
Conclusion: Only use very small package version numbers when converting a library that you don't own to an OSGi bundle. When using package version numbers with zero as major version, e.g. 0.1.17, you should be on the safe side that the versions that you invented yourself are smaller than all future "official" version.


Gradle dependency library updated by another library

My gradle has for some time had a dependency on the (amazing) Android library Picasso. It has always been set to version 2.5.2
implementation 'com.squareup.picasso:picasso:2.5.2'
I recently updated all my Firebase libraries from a fairly old version to the latest. At which point something odd happened.
My Picasso method calls began to error
Which I know from this SO article results from a change to Picasso.
cannot find symbol method with() using picasso library android and I need to change to
OK not a big deal, but it got me wondering. Obviously Firebase uses the latest version of Picasso and is making my project use the latest version as well. My question is why is my local gradle file ignored and the newer version of Picasso defaulted to?
Off the top of my head: Since you declare a specific version that requirement is not flexible. To allow for a newer version if available a + declaration is required. My guess is that another dependency is also dependent on Picasso after the updates. Gradle, when given a redundant dependency, will select the newer version.
This is in alignment with what you said, if I understand correctly. If Firebase uses a newer Picasso version, because it requires that version, then Gradle is given two versions to choose one from. This will always result in the newer version being chosen. At least this is default behavior afaik.
It seems to me that you already know Picasso is used by Firebase. If you want to see where which dependency comes from however, you can look into build scans:
gradle build --scan
A little bit more advanced dependency management:
1) Set Gradle behavior on dependency conflict:
2) Declare version constraints (see Rich version declaration):
You can check the official doc:
Gradle resolves version conflicts by picking the highest version of a module. Build scans and the dependency insight report are immensely helpful in identifying why a specific version was selected.

Ordering when using dynamic versions in gradle + beta versions

In a gradle file it's possible to specify a dependency with a dynamic version, like:
compile 'some.dependency:name:1.+'
This is documented to resolve the "newest" matching version. I have two questions:
[1] What does "newest" mean? Suppose the available versions are:
Is the "newest" one 1.1-beta or 1.1? Does it depend at all on when the versions were published, or is it purely based on the version strings? If purely based on the strings, what ordering is used, because if it's just alphabetical then I think 1.1-beta would end up being "newer" than 1.1.
[2] As a publisher of a module, is there a sensible way of publishing a beta build such that developers who are depending on your module and using dynamic versions wont automatically pick it up? Is there a standard or recognized way of doing this?
[I'm aware using dynamic versions is discouraged. These questions are from the point of view of someone providing a module, and wanting to ensure that developers who do use it and ignore this advice still don't end up pulling in something unexpected]
I' m guessing you are publishing to maven, and as I know, there should be an xml file named maven-metadata.xml which holds the information of the latest upload to the corresponding artifact. So I guess it does not depend on your naming convention but what you upload the latest. If you would upload the latest then it would be downloaded not 1.1-beta or 1.1 versions.
For more info check here.

Make sure bundles use same dependencies versions

I am looking for a way to ensure that all the features I deploy in Karaf require dependencies that are of the same version. The project is composed of more than 40 bundles which makes it difficult to verify manually.
I am thinking of developping a Maven plug-in that would make the check, but before I would like to be sure that such a solution do not exist yet.
If you want to be sure you use the same versions then create a parent project and define versions of dependencies only there. So you can be sure all your modules have the same dependencies. Of course this only makes sense if all these modules are very closely related (e.g. belong to the same application / release unit).
Why would you even want to do this? Each bundle should depend on the versions of the package it needs, and that dependency should be a range. So if you compile against and API package version 1.0.0, and you are a consumer of that API, then you should import with the range [1.0.0, 2.0.0). Refer to the OSGi Core Release 5 specification, section 3.7.3 ("Semantic Versioning") for details.
At runtime the OSGi Framework will ensure that your bundle is wired to a package version that is within its permitted range. Obviously if you have non-overlapping version ranges from different importers then the Framework will not be able to satisfy them with a single exporter.

OSGi bundle picks up the system bundle over the specified bundle

One of our bundle has 'imports' on joda-time/2.2.0 but when I start it,it always picks up the joda-time/1.6.2 available in the system folder of Karaf. I am not sure how can that happen? is there a way to tell the karaf not to pick the system bundle over the one specified by us? please note that we drop bundles to deploy folder to get them installed.
First of all, make sure you really need two versions of this bundle. Yes, you can make that work but in general, unless you really need different versions of bundles to be present within your application, avoid it. Check what bundles consume joda-time and what version ranges they specify in their Import-Package statement.
I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but if you import a package, you always, either implicitly or explicitly specify a version range you are compatible with:
If you don't specify any version, you effectively state you're compatible with a version range from zero to infinity.
If you specify only one version, you state you're compatible with that version and anything higher than that, up to infinity.
If you specify two versions, you state you're compatible with that range and you can either use square or round brackets to state if this includes or excludes the borders.
Not specifying a range explicitly is considered bad practice. OSGi has a whitepaper on semantic versioning that explains this in more detail.
So, make sure you understand what versions your bundles that consume joda-time use, see if you can deploy just one implementation of joda-time and ensure that your own bundle also uses a version range that is compatible with that.
Just add the version you need to import after the package you are importing like this.
Import-Package: org.xx.xx;version=1.5.0
Refer this

what is the relation between package and bundle version in OSGi

In OSGi bundles packages are exported and imported with a version number. Still bundles have a version defined. This seems redundant to me.
What is the point of versioning both the bundle and the packages contained in it? I understand that bundles/jars might be versioned for using it in non-OSGi systems (for maven, for example). Is there any other reason for this?
I am a bit confused about these two levels of versioning. Are these two version numbers dependent or independent to the package versions they contain? If dependent, what are the rules to version the bundle?
In OSGi, packages define the contracts that are used to let bundles collaborate. Bundles are JARs that hold the code.
The purpose of a package version is to make sure that bundles only depend/use contracts that they are compatible with. Packages use semantic versioning to signal minor, micro, and major changes. A bundle can export and import any number of packages and does provide and consume any number of contracts.
The purpose of a bundle version is to have a unique identifier for each JAR so it can be handled during the development life cycle. A SHA code would work as well but would be less convenient. Some organizations bump the bundle version based on the highest change in any of its packages. I.e. if its contained packages only had minor changes,the bundle would be bumped with a minor change. If one package had a major change, the bundle would be bumpled major.
