I want to make a script to change the default page zoom in Chrome, however I do not know where these options are stored.
I guess that I have to find an appropriate options text file, parse it, and then make a textual replacement there, using powershell in order to apply the changes.
I need to do it every time I plugin my laptop to an external monitor, and it is kinda annowying to do it by hand
Any ideas?
The default zoom level is stored in a huge JSON config file called Preferences, that can be found in the local appdata folder:
$LocalAppData = [Environment]::GetFolderPath( [Environment+SpecialFolder]::LocalApplicationData )
$ChromeDefaults = Join-Path $LocalAppData "Google\Chrome\User Data\default"
$ChromePrefFile = Join-Path $ChromeDefaults "Preferences"
$Settings = Get-Content $ChromePrefFile | ConvertFrom-Json
The default Page Zoom level is stored under the partition object, although it seems to store it as a unique identifier with some sort of ratio value, this is what it looks like with 100% zoom:
PS C:\> $Settings.partition.default_zoom_level | Format-List
2166136261 : 0.0
Other than that, I have no idea. I don't expect this to be a good idea, Chrome seems to update a number of binary values everytime the default files are updated, you might end up with a corrupt Preferences file
Is a special PSdrive that contains many of the SpecialFolder Paths
[Environment]::GetFolderPath( [Environment+SpecialFolder]::LocalApplicationData )
Yield the same result in addition to the rest of Mathias answer.
Please forgive me, I have little experience with PowerShell, but I know in theory what i need to do.
I have been given a list of 21,000 outlook emails and told to delete duplicates. The server uploaded these incorrectly somehow.The subject of the emails is a randomly generate string so is unique. I need to delete duplicates based on email size and manually opening the email to check that the content is the same. Rather than eyeballing them and comparing them manually which will take me approximately 25 years lol, does anyone know how to do this in PowerShell?
E.g. traverse through Outlook files line by line. IF one file size matches the previous, open both emails. AND Compare first line of email with both emails. IF they both match in terms of file size and content,delete one email. Surely this wouldn't be too difficult to do? Please help me, I cannot fathom looking at 21k emails!!
I've got powershell open and I navigated to the directory which hosts the 21k outlook emails. Please can someone help me? I know i am going to need some sort of loop in there and for 21k files it isn't going to be quick, but eyeballing them and doing it manually will take MUCH MUCH longer, the thought of manually doing it is giving me shivers...
Thanks! Much appreciated!
I am in powershell and navigated to the directory which hosts the 21k emails. I now need to find out how to traverse through line by line, find matching sizes and compare content, IF both are true then delete one file. I am not a programmer and I don't want to mess up by randomly winging it.
I'm not sure I understood everything but this might help you:
$Outlook = New-Object -ComObject Outlook.Application
$Namespace = $Outlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")
$Folder = $Namespace.GetDefaultFolder(6) # 6 is the index for the Inbox folder
$Emails = $Folder.Items
$Emails.Sort("[ReceivedTime]", $true)
$PreviousEmail = $null
foreach ($Email in $Emails) {
if ($PreviousEmail -ne $null -and $Email.Subject -eq $PreviousEmail.Subject -and $Email.ReceivedTime -eq $PreviousEmail.ReceivedTime) {
Write-Host "Deleting duplicate email with Subject:" $Email.Subject "and Received Time:" $Email.ReceivedTime
$PreviousEmail = $Email
To run this tho, you need to change the directory to the outlook file locations. You can use "cd C:\PATH" or "Set-Location C:\PATH".
cd C:\Users\MyUserName\Documents\Outlook\
Give it a try and let me know if works or it errors out. You might need to adjust some lines, I don't have outlook on my PC to test.
Also please do a backup/copy of the folder before running the script, in case it does delete emails it shouldn't.
I think the question speaks for itself. I have trouble getting some values out of the registry, and I was hoping someone around here might help me.
I'm stuck at IE9, as it is the only one which has some reasonable CSS capabilities, and does support GetObject().
So right now, lets say I'm trying to retrieve the memory size of a GPU at "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{4d36e968-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0000\HardwareInformation.qwMemorySize" (as far as I know, this should be a universal path & key).
This is where the problem begins. Either I get no output, or some error saying something is different, or what (my system is running in a different language so I cant offer the right translation).
After some research, I seem to have found the issue - the value I'm trying to read is REG_QWORD, and unfortunately I was only able to find very little covering this topic, and most of the solutions did not work for me.
So right now, I am with this code, which, unsurprisingly, also does not work (the code I had since like the beginning):
for Each oItem in colGPUs
memory = oItem.AdapterRAM / 1048576
If memory < 0 Then
If InStr(oItem.Name, "NVIDIA") Then
Set wssx = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
msgbox CStr(wssx.RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{4d36e968-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\000" + GPUID + "\HardwareInformation.qwMemorySize"))
End If
End If
Unfortunatelly it seems like there is no direct way of retrieving the value - within HTA itself.
I was able to get the value, however I did it using Powershell, executed the command, set its output to a specific file and read it.
Anyways, here is the actual solution I came up with specifically for this issue
wshell.Run "powershell (Get-ItemPropertyValue 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{4d36e968-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0000' 'HardwareInformation.qwMemorySize') | Out-File -FilePath C:\temp\gpu_mem.txt", 0, true
Set f = fso.OpenTextFile("C:\temp\gpu_mem.txt", 1, False, -1)
gpu_mem = CStr(f.ReadAll)
With this method Im directly obtaining the integer and passing it to the VBS
In Windows image files can be tagged. These tags can be viewed and edited by right clicking on a file, clicking over to the Details tab, then clicking on the Tags property value cell.
I want to be able to read and write these tags using Python 3.
This is not EXIF data so EXIF solutions won't work. I believe it's part of the Windows Property System, but I can't find a reference in Dev Center. I looked into win32com.propsys and couldn't see anything in there either.
I wrote a program that does this once before, but I've since lost it, so I know it's possible. Previously I did it without pywin32, but any solution would be great. I think I used windll, but I can't remember.
Here is some sample code that's using the IPropertyStore interface through propsys:
import pythoncom
from win32com.propsys import propsys
from win32com.shell import shellcon
# get PROPERTYKEY for "System.Keywords"
pk = propsys.PSGetPropertyKeyFromName("System.Keywords")
# get property store for a given shell item (here a file)
ps = propsys.SHGetPropertyStoreFromParsingName("c:\\path\\myfile.jpg", None, shellcon.GPS_READWRITE, propsys.IID_IPropertyStore)
# read & print existing (or not) property value, System.Keywords type is an array of string
keywords = ps.GetValue(pk).GetValue()
# build an array of string type PROPVARIANT
newValue = propsys.PROPVARIANTType(["hello", "world"], pythoncom.VT_VECTOR | pythoncom.VT_BSTR)
# write property
ps.SetValue(pk, newValue)
This code is pretty generic for any Windows property.
I'm using System.Keywords because that's what corresponds to jpeg's "tags" property that you see in the property sheet.
And the code works for jpeg and other formats for reading (GetValue) properties, but not all Windows codecs support property writing (SetValue), to it doesn't work for writing extended properties back to a .png for example.
I have windows 10 with two languages installed
first one is Polish(i use it as main language in the system) second one is English.
I'm able to open directories in the explorer using english and polish paths ie.
C:\Users\User\Desktop and C:\Użytkownicy\User\Pulpit
I'm trying to figure out if it is problem with SYSTEMINDEX or windows at all.
i have folllwing query to the SYSTEMINDEX
$sql = "SELECT System.ItemFolderPathDisplay FROM SYSTEMINDEX WHERE System.fileExtension
later when i terate through query i do the following
Get-Item $rs.Fields.Item("System.ItemFolderPathDisplay").Value).fullname
But paths stored in the SYSTEMINDEX are localized ones like C:\Użytkownicy\User\Pulpit\file.txt
and Get-Item returns an error
powershell search: Get-Item : Cannot find path 'C:\Użytkownicy\User\Pulpit\file.txt' because it does not exist.
So i wonder if there is some flag which i can set so Paths will be returned in the non-localized form? Or maybe it is some kind of bug in windows?
How could I read about:config entries for firefox version 30.0 using Python ? I tried to use what is pointed by this answer (in JavaScript) but it did not help.
Yeah, that's a problem. Firefox comes with default values for most preferences, and only stores values different from the default in the profile. Added to this, each add-on may come with additional default values and create new preferences at runtime.
The default pref files might be contained within zip files, which complicates matters a little.
Files you'd have to check for default preferences (in a standard Firefox distribution)
While preferences that were overridden from the default reside in $PROFILE/prefs.js.
So first you need to figure out $APPDIR (installation path of Firefox) and then $PROFILE (Firefox user profile path).
Then you need to read some files either in some directories (easy) or in some zip files (hard). A major problem is that you cannot just use zipfile to read omni.ja (and potentially some of the xpi files) because a typical python zipfile implementation is too rigid in the interpretation of the zip structure and fails to open these files. So you'd need your own zipfile implementation that can deal with this.
In the *.js files there are essentially two types of lines (+ blank lines, comment lines):
pref("name", value)
user_pref("name", value)
The pref lines are default preferences, user_pref lines are user preferences (overridden from default).
value is a Javascript expression such as "abc", true, 1 or 2 * 3. The latter is a problem, as you'd need a JS engine to properly evaluate it. But this isn't really a problem in practice, as you won't find expressions computing something in the wild (usually).
Really replicating the preferences system (or about:config) isn't an easy task and full of obstacles. It is probably far easier just reading user pref.js to see what's overridden and knowing the default values.
Example (just prefs.js)
import re
import json
PROFILE = "/path/to/firefox/profile"
def read_user_prefs(preffile):
r = re.compile(r"\s*user_pref\(([\"'])(.+?)\1,\s*(.+?)\);")
rv = {}
for l in preffile:
m = r.match(l)
if not m:
k, v = m.group(2), m.group(3)
rv[k] = json.loads(v)
except Exception as ex:
print "failed to parse", k, v, ex
return rv
with open("{}/prefs.js".format(PROFILE), "rb") as p:
prefs = read_user_prefs(p)
for k, v in prefs.items():
print u"({type:<16}) {key}: {value}".format(
key=k, value=v, type=str(type(v)))
print "Chrome debugging enabled:",
print prefs.get("devtools.chrome.enabled", False)
print "Last sync:",
print prefs.get("services.sync.tabs.lastSync", 0.0)
print "Pref that might not exist:",
print prefs.get("does.not.exist", "default")
Write a firefox-addon that dumps interesting Preferences to a known file, or uses another form of IPC (sockets, whatever) to communicate with your python script.