How to restrict a programmer to use a dependency in the pom.xml for spring boot? - maven

For example
Undertow(Spring boot - using Undertow container)
Jetty(Spring boot - using Jetty container)
I wanted to restrict a programmer to use undertow or jetty dependency in their code.


AbstractMethodError org.springframework.boot.context.config.ConfigFileApplicationListener.supportsSourceType with Spring boot 2.2.1

I am trying to setup a Spring cloud stream project with Spring boot starter 2.2.1, spring cloud version Hoxton and cloud stream version 3.0.0.
Below is my pom.xml
<relativePath /> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
When I run the application,I see
java.lang.AbstractMethodError: org.springframework.boot.context.config.ConfigFileApplicationListener.supportsSourceType(Ljava/lang/Class;)Z at org.springframework.context.event.GenericApplicationListenerAdapter.supportsSourceType(
I found out that the same error is thrown while migrating from spring boot 2.0.5 to 2.1.1 and due to dependency mismatch.
In my case, I believe that I am using the right release train versions of Spring boot and Spring cloud and this pom.xml is generated by spring initializr.
However, I tried upgrading spring-core to 5.2.1.release, as the default spring-core (version 5.0.5)threw this error => Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.util.unit.DataSize and this class is introduced in 5.2.1.
Has anyone come across this error with Spring boot 2.2.1 ? Any input is highly appreciated. Thanks.

Where to get the exclusion items in Spring Boot Starter Packages

I'm using Spring initializr to have the necessary package and downloading. Once I download, there are changes that I'm making in the pom.xml like excluding packages like slf4j, logging (when i plan to use log4j2) and excluding tomcat when trying to deploy into standalone server.
I don't know what are the other items that are capable to exclude. Is there any documentation like which package contains additional artifacts? Trying to avoid certain jars while packaging so that I think I can reduce the package(jar/war) size.
All spring boot starter packages can be found here:
They are all just pom.xml files. You can exclude anything you want from any dependency you are using by analyzing the pom's dependencies in the started packages.

Debug log4j Configuration in a spring boot webapplication

I am developing a multimodule webapp with spring boot. My webapplication always takes the log4j config from the dependend submodule, which is not desired. Is there a way to show debug info, which logback or log4j file is used?
You need to exclude default by adding these to pom

Is it possible to configure the spring boot server explicitly?

I've a Spring Boot application where one of the dependencies is using spring and a embedded jetty to start an ad-hoc web server. This causes my spring boot app to start in a jetty instead of a tomcat.
My spring-boot-starter-web:
The dependencies pom:
Is there a possibility to configure the server to use by spring boot explicitly instead of being inferred by the dependency tree?
I investigated the issue a little bit further and created a repo to reproduce the issue:
org.eclipse.jetty.websocket:javax-websocket-server-impl causes spring to start with jetty without any other config required.
The issue is not present anymore in Spring Boot 2.x
I'll deleted the repo mentioned earlier, but here is the dependency setup that caused the issue:
<!-- Comment that in to start spring with jetty-->
Normally, if you have the spring-boot-starter-tomcat on your classpath (through spring-boot-starter-web), it should always select Tomcat since it has priority over other servlet containers. Even if you have the following dependencies, Spring boot will start with Tomcat:
You can programmatically override the chosen servlet container by registering your own ServletWebServerFactory, for example:
public ServletWebServerFactory factory() {
return new TomcatServletWebServerFactory();
You can choose the predefined TomcatServletWebServerFactory, JettyServletWebServerFactory or the UndertowServletWebServerFactory.
This guide may help you:
If you run an mvn dependency:tree and search for jetty you might find that you need to exclude it, e.g:
excluded like in the example:
<!-- Exclude the Tomcat dependency -->
<!-- Use Jetty instead -->
which is favouring jetty over tomcat - but you get the idea hopefully...
Hope this helps.

unable to remove tomcat jdbc dependency

I am building a spring-boot application using an alternative to tomcat related stuff (jetty instead of tomcat and hikariCP instead of tomcat-jdbc) and want to exclude them from my dependencies written in pom.xml
I did that for 2 of the packages as shown below -
But there is some dependency which is including tomcat-jdbc as part of it.
Is there a way to debug that and find out which dependency is including tomcat jdbc as part of it?
mvn dependency:tree
If you run mvn dependency:tree, you will see that there are now a number of additional dependencies.
