Create symlink to other paths from babun home directory - windows

I just installed babun on my Windows 7.
babun's ~/home/xxx is located at C:\Users\Admin\.babun\cygwin\home\xxx on windows file system.
xxx is my user name on windows
Let's say my worked files are stored in D:\work, how can I create symlink to link to D:\work?, so I can easily use cd mysymlink to change the working directory from babun's home directory.
Please help.

Try to create a link in / like this:
ln -s /cygdrive/d/work /myworkdir
Then you should be able to cd /myworkdir to your disired directory.
Another option would be to create an alias in your .bashrc:
echo "alias gtw=\"cd /cygdrive/d/work\"" >> ~/.bashrc
After that you could simply write gtw.
Note: gtw means go to work :) but you can choose whatever you like...
Edit: Oh, sorry you added the zsh tag, I didnt see then the second option must be like this:
echo "alias gtw=\"cd /cygdrive/d/work\"" >> ~/.zshrc


Change directory in bash script in windows

How can I change my working directory in bash script in windows. I have
~dp0 = C:\test\docker\windows and I want to change my directory to C:\test\build
So it means 2 levels up and then int o build folder
Since C:\ is mounted by default into /mnt/c this will work.
Create a .bashrc in your home path by following command:
echo "BUILDDIR=/mnt/c/test/build" >> ~/.bashrc;source ~/.bashrc
# Do your work below for example ./configure.
On my system in Git bash the C:\ root is just /c/ and other dirs from there are whatever they are, so it would be cd /c/test/build/.
You could also still say cd ../../build/.
Good luck.
To change the directory using a bash script is just like you would using normal bash.
cd "C:/test/build"
echo "You're now in the folder, do what you will."
Save the file as .sh and it can be used as such.
Note, when navigation your folders using a bash script remember the directory you'll be starting from is always the home directory.

Unable to install modman, .profile is missing
I am trying to install modman.
First I install via:
bash < <(curl -s -L
modman is created at User/Username/bin/modman
I got lost on the next part:
source ~/.profile
I don't have .profile in my directory, so i created one in my user root and I added
export PATH=$PATH:/Users/Username/bin/modman
I am not sure if that is correct, when I cd to my project directory and
do modman init it returns modman: command not found
Why am I getting this message?
You add directories to PATH, not individual binaries.
export PATH=$PATH:/Users/Username/bin
Note the line from the installer that would have updated .profile for you:
echo -e '\nPATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH"' >> $HOME/.profile
(Typically, you might add $HOME/bin to the beginning of the path so that you can override system binaries, but in your case, it doesn't matter since you don't have modman installed outside your home directory.)

Terminal redirection command

I have been working on a couple of projects now. Always as I am firing up my terminal, in mac, I start at the root folder, which is fine for most of the times. But I was wondering if there is a possibility to make a file which redirects you instantly to a map. Say for instance I have to type:
cd Desktop/justamap/justanothermap/andamap/etc.
Would it be possible to create a command file in the rootfolder, containing the full adress of the designated map, which would take me to the selected map just by for instance running it?
This could save me a lot of time when working on projects with time between them.
I am truly sorry if I am reposting a question but I just couldnt find something with my keywords.
Thx in advance, your help is appreciated!
Kipt Scriddy
You can create a simple sh file (for instance ./anything_here) and run it:
cd Desktop/justamap/justanothermap/andamap/etc
$ chmod +x ./anything_here
$ ./anything_here
You can also create a symlink to the folder, and then cd into the symlink (this will act like the folder is, in fact, ./anything_here):
$ ln -s ./anything_here Desktop/justamap/justanothermap/andamap/etc
$ cd ./anything_here
Or you can create an alias, and write it on the console, putting this on your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile file:
alias anything_here="cd Desktop/justamap/justanothermap/andamap/etc"
$ anything_here
Try using
vi ~/.bash_profile
it will open in vim u can use mate or anyhing else
alias project='cd Desktop/justamap/justanothermap/andamap/etc.'
close your terminal and restart it. Bingo should work for you.
Working Great for me :)

How can I cd to an alias directory in the Mac OSX terminal

Is there a way to get into an alias directory from shell with the command "cd" ? It always returns that "htdocs" isn't a directory.
Edit: I made the shortcut with the OS GUI -> rightclicked the htdocs directory and chose "Alias..." (i'm using a german OS if it's not alias maybe it's called shortcut in english?) then i moved it to my home directory (because my terminal starts from there when i open it).
All i want is to open my terminal and type "cd htdocs" so that i can work from there.
you can make symbolic link to it.
ln -s ~/Documents/books ~/Desktop/
Enter into a directory through an alias in Mac OS X terminal
All i want is to open my terminal and type cd htdocs so that i can work from there.
The easier approach is probably to ignore the links and add the parent directory of your htdocs directory to the CDPATH environment variable. bash(1) will check the contents of the CDPATH environment variable when you type cd foo to find the foo directory in one of the directories listed. This will work no matter what your current working directory is, and it'll be easier than setting symbolic links.
If the path to your htdocs is located /srv/www/htdocs/, then you could use CDPATH=/srv/www. Then, cd foo would first look for /srv/www/foo/ and change to it if it exists; if not, then it would look for foo in the current working directory and change to it if it exists. (This might get confusing if you have multiple htdocs directories on your system; in that case, CDPATH=.:/srv/www would let you change into a child directory easily but still use the /srv/www/htdocs/ version if no ./htdocs directory is present.)
You can add the CDPATH=/srv/www line to your ~/.bashrc file so it works every time you start a terminal.
I personally use this to quickly work in the directory which is present deep inside one of my Volumes in my Mac.
Open your ~/.bash_profile, create an alias to the directory by adding this:
alias cdh="cd /Volumes/Haiku/haiku/src/apps/superprefs"
Save it, restart your terminal. Now on typing cdh in your terminal should change the working directory to the one mentioned as the alias.
I am not sure how OSX exposes Alias links but since you are using bash you can just create a variable in your .bashrc file.
On its own line put:
Once you have restarted bash you can just type cd $htdocs
There is a old hint on macworld to do this in a way that is integrated with BASH: Enable 'cd' into directory aliases from the Terminal
Plus, here is an answer that uses this solution on superuser.
You may be able to use osascript to do this -- this command seems to work:
cd "`osascript -e "on run aFile" -e "set aFile to POSIX file aFile as alias" -e "tell application "\""Finder"\"" to return POSIX path of ( ( original item of aFile ) as text ) " -e "end run" path_to_my_Finder_alias 2>/dev/null`"
Basically this command is running an AppleScript that finds the destination path of the argument (path_to_my_Finder_alias) in a subshell, then wraps it in double quotes, and changes the directory to it.
Maybe someone with a little more bash expertise can turn it into a bash alias or function.
alias cdgo=`echo cd /root/go/`
cdgo will run, then get command "cd /root/go/" and enter, and it will change your directory in current terminal process
It works on my centos, no test with osx

How to default to other directory instead of home directory

I am developing on a windows machine. The only place I need for linux command line is Git Bash. The problem is: When I open it, I am in the home directory. I have to change the directory to my workspace, like:
cd ../../../d/work_space_for_my_company/project/code_source
Can I wrap this in a .sh file so I don't have to hand-type it anymore? This should be simple but I have zero knowledge about Linux command line. I am really appreciated If you can walk me
through how to create that .sh file.
Here's a more Windows-ish solution:
Right click on the Windows shortcut that you use to launch git bash, and click Properties. Change the value of "Start In" to your desired workspace path.
Edit: Also check that the Target value does not include the --cd-to-home option as noted in the comments below.
Just write that line to a file "", then do this from your shell prompt:
. ./
Or you can create an alias or function in your $HOME/.bashrc file:
foo() { cd /d/work_space_for_my_company/project/code_source ; }
If the directory name includes spaces or other shell metacharacters, you'll need quotation marks; it won't hurt to add them even if they're not necessary:
foo() { cd "/d/Work Space/project/code_source" ; }
(Note that I've omitted the ../../..; you don't need it.)
EDIT: If you add a line
to your .bashrc after the function definition, your shell will start in that directory. Or you can just use the cd command directly in your .bashrc if you aren't going to need to use the function later.
(The name foo is just an example; you should pick a more meaningful name.)
Add the line to the .bashrc file in the home directory (create the file if it doesn't exist):
cd ~
touch .bashrc
echo "cd ~/Desktop/repos/" >> .bashrc
I use ConEmu (strongly recommended on Windows) where I have a task for starting Git Bash like
Note the button "Startup dir..." in the bottom. It adds a -new_console:d:<path> to the startup command of the Git Bash. Make it point to wherever you like
This may help you.
Right click on git bash -> properties
In Shorcut tab -> Start in field -> enter your user defined path
Make sure the Target field does not include --go-to-home or it will continue to start in the directory specified in your HOME variable
Thats it.
I also just changed the "Start in" setting of the shortcut icon to: %HOMEDRIVE%/xampp/htdocs/
(Please read warning below)
Really simple way to do this in Windows (works with git bash, possibly others) is to create an environmental variable called HOME that points to your desired home directory.
Right click on my computer, and choose properties
Choose advanced system settings (location varies by Windows version)
Within system properties, choose the advanced tab
On the advanced tab, choose Environmental Variables (bottom button)
Under "system variable" check to see if you already have a variable called HOME. If so, edit that variable by highlighting the variable name and clicking edit. Make the new variable name the desired path.
If HOME does not already exist, click "new" under system variables and create a new variable called HOME whose value is desired path.
NOTE: This may change the way other things work. For example, for me it changes where my .ssh config files live. In my case, I wanted my home to be U:\, because that's my main place that I put project work and application settings (i.e. it really is my "home" directory).
EDIT June 23, 2017: This answer continues to get occasional upvotes, and I want to warn people that although this may "work", I agree with #AnthonyRaymond that it's not recommended. This is more of a temporary fix or a fix if you don't care if other things break. Changing your home won't cause active damage (like deleting your hard drive) but it's likely to cause insidious annoyances later. When you do start to have annoying problems down the road, you probably won't remember this change... so you're likely to be scratching your head later on!
This will do it assuming you want this to happen each time you open the command line:
echo cd ../../../d/work_space_for_my_company/project/code_source >> ~/.bashrc
Now when you open the shell it will move up three directories from home and change to code_source.
This code simply appends the line "cd ../../../d/work_space_for_my_company/project/code_source" to a file named ".bashrc". The ">>" creates a file if it does not exist and then appends. The .bashrc file is useful for running commands at start-up/log-in time (i.e. loading modules etc.)
Right-click the Git Bash application link go to Properties and modify the Start in location to be the location you want it to start from.
From a Pinned Start Menu Item in Windows 10
Open the file location of the pinned shortcut
Open the shortcut properties
Remove --cd-to-home arg
Update Start in path
Re-pin to start menu via recently added
Thanks to all the other answers for how to do this! Wanted to provide Win 10 instructions...
For windows: Follow these steps-
Go to windows home> Right click on "Git Bash" application.
Properties> Shortcut
Change these two settings:
(a) Delete --cd-to-home from target
(b) Type folder path you want to start with git in "Start in".
This worked for me:)
If you want to have projects choice list when u open GIT bash:
edit ppath in code header to your git projects path, put this code into .bashrc file and copy it into your $HOME dir (in Win Vista / 7 it is usually c:\Users\$YOU)
cd $ppath
echo -e "projects:\n-------------"
for f in *
if [ -d "$f" ]
echo -e $((++i)) "- \e[1m$f\e[0m"
if [ ${#PROJECTS[#]} -gt 1 ]
echo -ne "\nchoose project: "
read proj
case "$proj" in
[0-`expr ${#PROJECTS[#]} - 1`]) cd "${PROJECTS[proj]}" ;;
*) echo " wrong choice" ;;
echo "there is no projects"
you may want set this file as executable inside GIT bash chmod +x .bashrc (but its probably redundant, since this file is stored on ntfs filesystem)
My Git Bash shortcut on Windows complained when I put the cd to my work directory into ~/.bashrc
WARNING: Found ~/.bashrc but no ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login or ~/.profile.
This looks like an incorrect setup.
A ~/.bash_profile that loads ~/.bashrc will be created for you.
So git created this .bash_profile:
$ cat ~/.bash_profile
# generated by Git for Windows
test -f ~/.profile && . ~/.profile
test -f ~/.bashrc && . ~/.bashrc
Which does the job.
Alternatively, you can just remove the .bashrc again and put the cd command into .bash_profile:
$ rm ~/.bashrc
$ echo "cd Source/Repos" >~/.bash_profile
$ cat ~/.bash_profile
cd Source/Repos
Once this is done you can close the Window and re-open it using your desktop shortcut and the prompt will tell you that your location is now where you wanted it - looks like this is my case:
Administrator#raptor1 MINGW64 ~/Source/Repos
If you type this command:
echo cd d:/some/path >> ~/.bashrc
Appends the line cd d:/some/path to .bashrc. The >> creates a file if it doesn’t exist and then appends.
it must be cd d:/work_space_for_....
without the : it doesn't work for me
Another solution for Windows users will be to copy the Git Bash.lnk file to the directory you need to start from and launch it from there.
