How to access elasticsearch in EC2? - elasticsearch

I am new with AWS, and recently spun up an EC2 instance, and installed elasticsearch on it. I can now access elasticesearch via http://localhost:9200 after ssh into the box, but I am a little stuck on how to access this from external.
What's the best practice if I would like to write some app to access this EC2 instance? And how can I configure it so it can be access externally?
Any help would be appreciated.


How to host Moqui on AWS EC2

Is there a way to host Moqui on AWS? I was trying to host Moqui using a EC2 instance but couldn't figure out a way to connect them.
The Run and Deploy document on has a section for a simple recommended deployment using ElasticBeanstalk and RDS:
With more details about how you want to set things up on AWS the answer to how might vary from this.
For clustered setups things get more involved to get the right settings for Hazelcast AWS discovery and it is best to use an external ElasticSearch server like an AWS ElasticSearch instance and configure Moqui using environment variables to use the Java REST Client mode instead of the Embedded Node mode. Settings for the moqui-hazelcast and moqui-elasticsearch components can be seen in the MoquiConf.xml file in each component.

Amazon EC2 instance not able to access via ssh

I am not able to access my amazon ec2 instance via ssh using putty and git bash. The webpage that it is linked to is working and I am able to connect to it.
The ec2 instance is a ubuntu machine. All the security rules are set properly. I also found that the instance is not listening on port 22. Maybe that is the problem but then how can I access it without using Putty?
Any and all help will be appreciated.....

AWS EC2 Instance OS repair

I have Apache server running on Centos5.4 Ec2 instance. Unfortunately while removing Bash from Centos, it also removed basic shared libraries.
Now afterward I can't SSH to that EC2 instance but Apache server is still running (I can access my site through URL).
Any idea how can I get the SSH access back? or can repair Centos Ec2 instance?
You can always contact the AWS support directly. They are very accommodating. send a message to them and they will recover your access, if it is doable from their end.
You may call, or you may send a message from your AWS account.

Do I need to create an EC2 instance to remotely access my Amazon RDS instance?

Do I need to create an EC2 instance in order to remotely connect to my Amazon RDS instance?
I understand that setting up an Amazon RDS instance automagically creates an EC2 instance 'in the background'. But when looking into my EC2 console I don't see that hidden instance so I can't find the details for the public DNS or Elastic IP, neither the EC2 instance key that I need to connect through SSH.
Yes, an RDS instance creates an EC2 instance to run the database but you don't have direct access to it via ssh, which is kind of the point.
RDS is a service that is managed for you and the idea is to hide the implementation details and simply provide an endpoint to connect to from another EC2 instance. You can find the endpoint name in the EC2 console - just use this as the hostname to connect to from your application and you can treat RDS just like any other database.
Amazon need to maintain a level of control over the server in order to provide it as a service and ssh access would interfere with that. There are a few things you miss out on because of this (e.g. direct access to DB files) but these are far outweighed by having Amazon manage upgrades, backups and replication for you.

Change EC2 External IP Without Restarting?

Hey is it possible to change the external IP address of my Amazon EC2 instance without restarting the thing?
Any help would be appreciated, the reason why I want to do this is because restarting will charge me for the full hour.
Yes, you can associate/disassociate an Elastic IP without restarting the EC2 instance. It can be done from the "Elatic IPs" screen of the AWS Management Console, EC2 section.
