Make runs target with variable name regardless of whether file exists - makefile

I'm using GNU make to work with some data. When I try to run a target with a variable name, make will run that target, regardless of whether the target file already exists. Consider the following Makefile:
.PHONY : all
all : $(PG_DB).db
$(PG_DB).db :
createdb $(PG_DB) -U $(PG_USER)
touch $#
where contains:
MAKEFLAGS += --warn-undefined-variables
SHELL := bash
.SHELLFLAGS := -eu -o pipefail
When I run make, make creates the Postgres database, and then touches the file foo.db. However, when I run make again, the output is:
createdb "foo" -U foo
createdb: database creation failed: ERROR: database "foo" already exists
make : *** ["foo".db] Error 1
This shouldn't have happened! I would expect make, in this situation, to check the prerequisites for the phony target all, see that foo.db already exists, and exit immediately without doing anything.
Strangely, this is exactly what happens when I get rid of the variables in the target names:
.PHONY : all
all : foo.db
foo.db :
createdb $(PG_DB) -U $(PG_USER)
touch $#
When I run make with this modified Makefile, I get:
make: Nothing to be done for `all`.
Which is exactly what I expect.
What's going on here?

The problem does not come from the variable, it comes from the quotation mark in the variable value. make does not remove the quotation mark before checking the dependency. So it is checking for the file "foo".db with the quotation mark included. While the command touch "foo".db gets interpreted by the shell that removes the quotation marks. So for make, the file will never be there and you will always have the same problem. When you put the dependency explicitly, you put it as foo.db that does not include the quotation mark. It makes all the difference.
in, turn
it should work. I guess createdb is a normal shell command that will not care about the quotation marks. Otherwise you will need to add it before calling the command.


Makefile if statement causing some weird behavior

In my makefile, the user supplies an argument called EXEC (make target EXEC=something). I want this to happen:
if EXEC equals "server"
make the variable NOT equal to "client"
if EXEC equals "client"
make the variable NOT equal to "server"
I tried doing this:
ifeq ($(EXEC),server)
NOT := client
ifeq ($(EXEC),client)
NOT := server
I run this by saying make -f EXEC=server
the output is:
NOT := client
make[2]: NOT: No such file or directory
Why is this error happening?
It seems you've indented the variable assignment with a TAB character. That means that line is considered part of the recipe for the previous target.
Since you haven't provided the entire makefile, or at least the section of the makefile before/after this, we can't say more than that.
However, in general in a makefile you should never indent any lines with TAB characters unless they are intended to be a part of a recipe.

Makefile passing additional arguments to targets command from make command

I have a Makefile that defines docker-compose project.
It essentially assembles me a command:
COMMAND := docker-compose --project-name=$(PREFIX) --file=$(FILE_PATH)
$(COMMAND) up -d
I would like to add a target named dc to which I would be able to pass any arguments I want.
I know there is one solution:
And then call it with make target ARGS="--help" for example.
But isn't there an easier way like in bash $# ? I would like to skip the ARGS=... part and send everything to the command after target name.
Not really. The make program interprets all arguments (that don't contain =) as target names to be built and there's no way you can override that. So even though you can obtain the list of arguments given on the command line (via the GNU make-specific $(MAKECMDGOALS) variable) you can't prevent those arguments from being considered targets.
You could do something like this, which is incredibly hacky:
.DEFAULT: ;: do nothing
(untested). The problem here is you have to keep KNOWN_TARGETS up to date with all the "real" targets so you can remove them from the list of targets given on the command line. Then add the .DEFAULT target which will be run for any target make doesn't know how to build, which does nothing. Reset the .SUFFIXES meta-target to remove built-in rules.
I suspect this still will have weird edge-cases where it doesn't work.
Also note you can't just add options like --help to the make command line, because make will interpret them itself. You'll have to prefix them with -- to force make to ignore them:
make target -- --help
Another option would be to add a target like this:
Then you can run this:
make "target --help"
But you have to include the quotes.
In general I just recommend you reconsider what you want to do.
You could write a bash wrapper script to do what you'd like:
make target ARGS=\"$#\"
The reason you don't want to do it in make, is that make parses the command line parameters before it parse the makefile itself, so by the time you read the makefile, the targets, variables, etc have already been set. This means that make will have already interpreted the extra parameters as new targets, variables etc.
A target that re-run make containerized
.PHONY: all containerized
ifeq ($(filter containerized,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),containerized)
.NOTPARALLEL: containerized
containerized: ## Build inside a container
#docker run image_with_make make $(MAKEOVERRIDES) $(filter-out containerized,$(MAKECMDGOALS))
# other targets here
all: xxxx
make containerized all runs make all in container
The first answer is correct, no passthru of args. However, here is a plausible path for experimentation, use of branch by include selection:
# Makefile:
# '-' important, absence of LOCAL_MK is not cause for error, just run with no overrides
- include $(LOCAL_MK)
Now see how you add branching with env:
echo "ARGS=--help">>
# make target
And the other cli controlled branch
echo "ARGS=--doit">>
# make target

OpenCobol Makefile

I am trying to compile an OpenCobol program using make. I am always getting "make: Nothing to be done for test1.cob". Here is my makefile. I had put a TAB before cobc. But still I am getting that message. Please help.
%: %.cob
cobc $(COBCWARN) -free -x $^ -o $#
And here is my cobol program.
DISPLAY 'Hello world!'.
Your makefile contains no actual targets. You have defined only a pattern rule which tells make how to build targets that match the pattern. But make doesn't go looking for targets out on the filesystem that could match the pattern, it only checks the pattern against targets that have been specifically requested.
You don't have any specific targets (files) listed in your makefile, so the only way make can know about a target is if you give the target to be built on the command line.
You are running this command from within vim, using the % special token, which expands to the name of the file currently being edited. That means you are running the command:
make test1.cob
because you are editing the file test1.cob. So, you are telling make "please try to create the target (file) test1.cob". But, that file already exists (it's the file you're writing). So make says "nothing to do".
If you run make and ask it to create the target you really want created, it will work:
make test1
Now the file test1 doesn't exist, and make can find a pattern rule that knows how to build it, so make will run that rule.
Alternatively, you can edit your makefile to add the specific target, like this:
test1: test1.cob
%: %.cob
cobc $(COBCWARN) -free -x $^ -o $#
Then you can run make with no arguments at all. Without any command line arguments, make will look in the makefile for explicit targets and find test1 as the first one. It sees that there is a rule (the pattern rule) that matches that target, so it will build that target.
If you want to allow a simple command make to build multiple programs, write your makefile like this:
all: test1 test2 test3
.PHONY: all
%: %.cob
cobc $(COBCWARN) -free -x $^ -o $#
Now from vim you can just say :!make and that's it.
If you run make with no arguments then it will find the first explicit target in the makefile and build that. In this example the first target is all, and its prerequisites are the possible programs to build. To build each one make sees that it can apply the pattern rule, and so it will do so (if the .cob file has been modified since the last time the program was built).

How to prevent make from communicating any variable to a submake?

I am unable to prevent make from communicating any variables to a submake. I've read the manual and I've followed their advice (resetting MAKEOVERRIDES and MAKEFLAGS) but it's still not working has I think it should.
Consider the following prototype Makefile:
${warning $(MAKEOVERRIDES)}
${warning $(MAKEFLAGS)}
${warning $(VAR)}
echo done!
If I make VAR=10 none, I get the following:
Makefile:2: VAR=10
Makefile:4: 10
make -f Makefile MAKEOVERRIDES= MAKEFLAGS= all
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/adriano/sandbox/makes'
Makefile:4: 10
echo done!
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/adriano/sandbox/makes'
Meaning that make is communication VAR to the submake. Is this the correct behaviour?
I've tried unexport VAR and bash -c make ... without any luck.
EDIT: I've modified none's recipe to: bash -c "echo $$MAKEOVERRIDES $$MAKEFLAGS $$VAR" ; make ...
This way I found out that VAR is actually being passed through the environment that make creates for the commands to be executed and not through the other variables (the other variables are also passed this way to make).
I think my question now is: how can I create a fresh shell/environment to run my sub make?
EDIT: Someone asked why am I trying to this; I'll try to answer to that here.
I have a "module" which uses a variable named CONFIG. In order to build this module I need to build another partially unrelated "module" which also uses CONFIG, but with a different value. The problem is that when I try to build the "sub-module" CONFIG contains the value of the "super-module." I could specify CONFIG when making the "sub-module" however both modules use many variables with the same name and trying to specify them all would make the modules tightly coupled which is something I cannot afford.
How can this be so difficult...
This is wrong:
These variables (MAKEOVERRIDES and MAKEFLAGS) are set in the environment by the parent make to be passed down to the sub-makes. Setting overrides on these values inside the recipe won't help, because make has to set the environment for the recipe before it actually starts the commands in the recipe (of course).
You have to override/remove these values in the parent makefile, so that those changes are seen by the parent make before it constructs the sub-make's environment:
$(MAKE) -f Makefile all
There's no perfect way to do this. However, you can play a trick that will work most of the time:
unexport $(shell echo '$(MAKEOVERRIDES)' | sed 's/=[^ ]*//g')
The first line tries to unexport all the variables in MAKEOVERRIDES and the second line resets MAKEOVERRIDES. There are a few issues with this. One is that if MAKEOVERRIDES is empty, it will use "unexport" by itself which unexports everything. That can be easily worked around by sticking some bogus variable before the shell function. The other is that if any variable's value contains whitespace, the expansion will consider it a variable to be unexported. That's probably OK, but it's odd.
I can't think of any better way to do it.
You don't really say why you want to do this. Have you considered doing something different, such as running the commands where you want to have a "vanilla" environment using env; for example if you want to run a command with a limited and specific set of env vars, you can run:
env -i PATH='$(PATH)' LANG='$(LANG)' runMyCommand --with --my arguments
Unfortunately some versions of env use - instead of -i; check your man page.
Alternatively, you can try to start a login shell which will re-read the user's shell setup environment from scratch:
/bin/sh -lc 'runMyCommand --with --my arguments'
EDIT: It's difficult because what you're asking to do (restrict the environment of the sub-make) is tricky.
Luckily based on your description, it doesn't seem necessary. Make has a hierarchy of importance for finding variable values. The command line is the highest level (well, there's override but we'll ignore that). After that comes variables set in the makefile itself. And last and lowest comes variables imported from the environment (well, default variables are even lower but we'll ignore that too).
So if your goal is to allow the variables in the sub-makes to not be affected by command line variables given to the upper-level makes, then all this rigmarole of getting the variables out of the environment is not necessary. Variables set in the sub-makefiles will take precedence over the values in the environment. So all you have to do is get rid of the variables set on the command line, which I've already shown how to do above, by setting MAKEOVERRIDES.

Passing Variable to make from the command line?

I'm trying to pass variables to make from the command line. My command is below
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=/my_dir/bin/arm-openwrt-linux-g++
The error I received is
g++: error: arm: No such file or directory
But the file 'arm-openwrt-linux-g++' does exist.
I think the problem is I need to pass varibale to sub-make files. Can some help with an example of how to pass varialbes to sub-makefile from the command-line. I have tried using the -e and export options for make, but can't seen to get anything to work.
Content of makefile:
# GNU Make solution makefile autogenerated by Premake
# Type "make help" for usage help
ifndef config
export config
PROJECTS := json openjaus
.PHONY: all clean help $(PROJECTS)
all: $(PROJECTS)
#echo "==== Building json ($(config)) ===="
#${MAKE} --no-print-directory -C .build -f json.make
openjaus: json
#echo "==== Building openjaus ($(config)) ===="
#${MAKE} --no-print-directory -C .build -f openjaus.make
So, your problem is not related to sending variables over the command line.
Your problem is that in one of the makefiles in your sub-directories, which you haven't shown us, you're using the variable $(ARCH) in an incorrect way such that the expansion of the command line is not a legal g++ command line.
Based on the error message, most likely you're adding a space somewhere where it shouldn't be, so instead of something like -fmarch=arm you're getting -fmarch= arm. Obviously this is just an example because you didn't provide nearly enough information.
One other note: we can't know how your makefiles work but typically makefiles that support a variable like CROSS_COMPILE expect it to be set to just the prefix of the cross-compilation command; in your case it would be CROSS_COMPILE=/my_dir/bin/arm-openwrt-linux-. But, your makefiles might be different.
When asking questions, it's best to if you don't immediately jump to a guess about what the answer is. First describe the problem, and that includes showing the error line as well as a few lines before it. For example in this case you're getting an error from g++ so the command line that make printed out showing you how it invoked g++ would have helped greatly.
Once you've given the underlying detail, then if you think you have an idea about what the problem is go ahead and suggest it, and/or ask about it.
If you provide the rule that invokes g++ and/or the output from make showing the g++ command line, then we can help more.
Here's what I think needs to happen:
You need to make sure that your sub-makefiles actually respect the $(ARCH) and $(CROSS_COMPILE) variables. Are they also generated by Premake? If so, is that how it handles cross-compilation? Check the docs.
In my test (below), I found that variables set on the command line are propagated to sub-makes, which makes me think that your sub-makefiles aren't respecting $(ARCH):
$(MAKE) -C z
#echo "MAKE=$(MAKE)"
#echo "ARCH=$(ARCH)"
Running make with no arguments:
$ make
make -C z
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/foo/test/z'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/foo/test/z'
Running make ARCH=bar:
$ make ARCH=bar
make -C z
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/foo/z/z'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/foo/z/z'
