MVVM-KendoNumericTextBox restore previous value without triggering 'change' twice - kendo-ui

I'm using Kendo MVVM and I have a kendo numerictextbox bound to a kendo observable.
All I want is: when the user changes value, a confirm should pop saying something like 'are you sure?' if yes -> no problem, go on.
if no -> NOTHING should happen!
In theory it sounds simple as that... but I found 3 major issues:
1) numerictextbox only got 2 events: spin and change... so any idea of using keypress/focus/or any other event is discarded.
2) So tried using the change event... but I can't preventDefault! Another try was to save previous value and restore it back in case of 'no answer' but this brings me to trigger event change TWICE!
3) Any other model field who is 'observing' the numerictextbox will change before I even answer the confirm box... And I absolutely don't want this!
P.S. I also got a dropdownlist and a datepicker that must work in the same way!
Help please!
Provided a fast example:
Here you can see how the numericbox2 (who is observing numericbox1 and is computed) changes itself before the user answer yes/no (problem 3)
and keypress/focus/preventDefault doesn't work.

here is an answer about binding events not supported by default:
Kendo MVVM and binding or extending custom events
For preventDefault (or "reverting" the value). I tried to store the previous value as you suggested and it is does not fire twice:
var viewModel = kendo.observable({
myItem: {
// fields, etc
myNumericBox: 10,
myNumericBox2: function () {
return viewModel.get("myItem.myNumericBox")*2;
tmp: 10
onChange: function (e) {
if ( confirm("are you sure?")) {
viewModel.set("myItem.tmp", viewModel.get("myItem.myNumericBox"));
else {
viewModel.set("myItem.myNumericBox", viewModel.get("myItem.tmp"));
tryf: function () {
alert("hello!"); // doesn't trigger
tryk: function() {
alert("hello2!"); // doesn't trigger

I solved with a custom binding that ask you a confirm between html widget change -> model update. ={
init: function (widget, bindings, options) { // start, widget.element[0], bindings, options);
this.widget = widget;
this._change = $.proxy(this.change, this);
this.widget.bind("change", this._change); // observe
refresh: function () { // when model change
if (!this._initChange) {
var widget = this.widget;
var value = this.bindings.valueConfirm.get(); // value of the model
if (widget.ns == ".kendoDropDownList") { // for the dropdown i have to use select (d) {
return ==;
else widget.value(value); // update widget
change: function () { // when html item change
var widget = this.widget;
if (widget.ns == ".kendoDropDownList") var value = widget.dataItem(); // for dropdown i need dataitem
else var value = widget.value();
var old = this.bindings.valueConfirm.get();
this._initChange = true;
// I want to bypass the confirm if the value is not valid (for example after 1st load with blank values).
if (old == null || old == 'undefined' || old == 'NaN') this.bindings.valueConfirm.set(value); // Update the View-Model
else {
if (confirm("Are you sure?")) {
this.bindings.valueConfirm.set(value); // Update the View-Model
else {
this._initChange = false;
this.refresh(); // Reset old value
this._initChange = false;
destroy: function () { // dunno if this is useful
this.widget.unbind("change", this._change);


failing to reset language selection after sync

I am facing a problem which I am not aware how to resolve. Let me describe elaborately below:
I have a commonViewModel kendo class where event like save, cancel are written. I am facing problem with the save event of this class.
save: function () {
var that = this;
var routeLanguage = "";
that.set("isFormSubmitted", true);
console.log("form is valid, sending the save request!");
if (vm.get("languageTabsVm.selectedLanguage")) {
routeLanguage = "/" + vm.get("languageTabsVm.selectedLanguage");
else if (that.get("model.Languages") && that.get("model.Languages").length > 1) {
that.get("model.Languages").forEach(function (lang) {
if (lang.get("IsActive") === true) {
//sätt cv-visning till det språk jag senast redigerade på detta item
routeLanguage = "/" + lang.LanguageId;
//if i call the function _loadDefaultLanguageSelection here, it
// works. because, the datasource is not synced yet.
//Make sure the datasource are syncing changes to the server (includes all crud)
return that.dataSource.sync().fail(function (e) {
//i need to do something here to be in the same language tab. But
//as i am changing directly in to model, it is not possible. But
//saving directly to model is essential because that model is
//shared to other viewmodel for language tab synching purpose.
that.set("isFormSubmitted", false);
console.log("form rejected");
}).done(function () {
if (that.get("isPersonaldetail")) {
var name = that.get("model.Name");
if (name.length > 12)
name = name.substring(0, 11) + "...";
that.set("isFormSubmitted", false);
that.set("isSelected", false);
// it is called from here right now. but it is failing because
// model is updated but not synced in that function
router.navigate(that.nextRoute + routeLanguage);
_loadDefaultLanguageSelection: function () {
var that = this;
if (that.get("model.Languages") && that.get("model.Languages").length > 1) {
that.get("model.Languages").forEach(function (lang) {
if (!that.get("isPersonaldetail")) {
lang.set("IsActive", lang.get("LanguageId") === vm.get("languageTabsVm.selectedLanguage"));
So, my question is, how can i resolve this problem. one solution is i will have to sync twice. that is not nice. So, I am looking for efficient solution.

Jquery validation: call equalTo method from a custom validation method

I want a validation method which will check that two fields are equal then hide one of them. At the moment I use equalTo to check they are equal. So I planned to add a validation method which delegates to equalTo and hides the field depending on the result.
The problem I have is that I cannot work out how to call equalTo on the correct instance of the validator. When I call it, I always see an error in equalTo, "this.settings is not defined". This is equalTo
equalTo: function( value, element, param ) {
// bind to the blur event of the target in order to revalidate whenever the target field is updated
// TODO find a way to bind the event just once, avoiding the unbind-rebind overhead
var target = $(param);
//error here
if ( this.settings.onfocusout ) {
target.unbind(".validate-equalTo").bind("blur.validate-equalTo", function() {
return value === target.val();
Here is my code.
// validate form
$.validator.addMethod("equalToAndHide", function(value, element, param) {
//this does not work
var result = $, element, param);
if(result === true){
return result;
}, $.validator.format("Values must be equal_???"));
rules : {
confirmEmail : {
equalToAndHide : utils.byId("alternateEmail")
submitHandler : function(form) {$(form));
I would prefer to leave equalTo as it is rather than override it and amend the call to this.settings, if possible.
You don't need to call the original equalTo from within your custom method... just write a whole new function using the original as your basis.
This is the default equalTo function...
function( value, element, param ) {
var target = $(param);
if ( this.settings.onfocusout ) {
target.unbind(".validate-equalTo").bind("blur.validate-equalTo", function() {
return value === target.val();
Put it inside your custom method and tweak it to suite your needs...
$.validator.addMethod("equalToAndHide", function(value, element, param) {
var target = $(param);
if ( this.settings.onfocusout ) {
target.unbind(".validate-equalTo").bind("blur.validate-equalTo", function() {
return value === target.val();
}, $.validator.format("Values must be equal_???"));

Bootstrap typeahead suggestions replaced when navigation

I'm using Bootstrap Typeahead to suggest som search results. The results are returned from a ajax ressource, and since this resource creates a delay, I'm experiencing a unfortunate effect.
If typing a 4 letter word, the suggestions will appear after 2 letters, I can then go through the results with the keys up/down, but suddenly the suggestions will reload because the last request has finished.
Is there any way to "cancel" any remaining, if user is currently using the keys up/down to go through the suggestions?
items: 4,
source: function (query,process) {
map = {};
$.getJSON('/app_dev.php/ajax/autosuggest/'+query, function (data) {
vehicles = [];
$.each(data, function(i,vehicle){
map[vehicle.full] = vehicle;
updater: function (item) {
// do something here when item is selected
highlighter: function (item) {
return item;
matcher: function (item) {
return true;
I think the following will satisfy your needs (its hard to reproduce exactly) :
There is no easy way to abort a delayed response, but you could extend typeahead as I figured out here (without modifying bootstrap.js)
The concept is to catch keydown, detect if the event is KEY_UP or KEY_DOWN, set a flag is_browsing, and then abort process if is_browsing is true (that is, if the user has hitted KEY_UP or KEY_DOWN and no other keys afterwards).
Extending typeahead :
// save the original function object
var _superTypeahead = $.fn.typeahead;
// add is_browsing as a new flag
$.extend( _superTypeahead.defaults, {
is_browsing: false
// create a new constructor
var Typeahead = function(element, options) {
_superTypeahead.Constructor.apply( this, arguments )
// extend prototype and add a _super function
Typeahead.prototype = $.extend({}, _superTypeahead.Constructor.prototype, {
constructor: Typeahead
, _super: function() {
var args = $.makeArray(arguments)
// call bootstrap core
_superTypeahead.Constructor.prototype[args.shift()].apply(this, args)
//override typeahead original keydown
, keydown: function (e) {
this._super('keydown', e)
this.options.is_browsing = ($.inArray(e.keyCode, [40,38])>-1)
//override process, abort if user is browsing
, process: function (items) {
if (this.options.is_browsing) return
this._super('process', items)
// override the old initialization with the new constructor
$.fn.typeahead = $.extend(function(option) {
var args = $.makeArray(arguments),
option = args.shift()
// this is executed everytime element.modal() is called
return this.each(function() {
var $this = $(this)
var data = $'typeahead'),
options = $.extend({}, _superTypeahead.defaults, $, typeof option == 'object' && option)
if (!data) {
$'typeahead', (data = new Typeahead(this, options)))
if (typeof option == 'string') {
data[option].apply( data, args )
}, $.fn.typeahead);
This typeahead-extension could be placed anywhere, eg in a <script type="text/javascript"> -section
Testing the extension :
<input type="text" id="test" name="test" placeholder="type some text" data-provide="typeahead">
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var url='typeahead.php';
items : 10,
source: function (query, process) {
return $.get(url, { query: query }, function (data) {
return process(data.options);
A "serverside" PHP script that returns a lot of randomized options with forced delay, typeahead.php :
header('Content-type: application/json');
sleep(3); //delay execution in 3 secs
for ($count=0;$count<30000;$count++) {
if ($JSON!='') $JSON.=',';
//create random strings
$JSON='{ "options": ['.$JSON.'] }';
echo $JSON;
It really seems to work for me. But I cannot be sure that it will work in your case. Let me now if you have success or not.

Kendo Grid - row expand animation

I'm using a kendo grid.
I want to add a slide-down animation - when I click on a row in the grid it expands with animation
(the expansion happens with grid.ExpandRow function - kendo inner).
I think that I need the animation on k-detail-row element.
But I still cant find the proper place/way to do that.
Anyone did that already, and can help me with that.
Unfortunately animations are not supported for table rows. Here is a related question: How to Use slideDown (or show) function on a table row?
I had the same question, and although this is an old post, I figured someone might need it.
Unfortunately Kendo does not support this functionality as yet, however there is a solution.
Kendo uses the jquery toggle() to show and hide the detail row, thus by performing a conditional override on the jQuery you can insert animation.
jQuery(function($) {
var _oldShow = $;
var _oldHide = $.fn.hide;
$ = function(speed, oldCallback) {
return $(this).each(function(index, item) {
var obj = $(item);
_oldShow.apply(obj, [speed, oldCallback]);
if (obj.hasClass("k-detail-row")) {
obj.find(".k-grid.k-widget").each(function () {
var grid = $(this);
$.fn.hide = function (speed, oldCallback) {
return $(this).each(function () {
var obj = $(this);
if (obj.hasClass("k-detail-row")) {
obj.find(".k-grid.k-widget").each(function () {
$(this).slideUp(300, function () { _oldHide.apply(obj, [speed, oldCallback]); });
} else {
_oldHide.apply(obj, [speed, oldCallback]);
I ran into this issue today and managed to solve it using the detailExpand function of the grid. You can then use the Kendo Fx slidedown effect to make the detail row slide down. For example:
detailExpand: function (e) {
var detailRow = e.detailRow;
setTimeout(function () {
}, 0);
For more information, please check:
Detailexpand documentation
Kendo Fx documentation

.bind() statement not working in jQuery Easy Confirmation plugin

Did anyone who used jQuery Easy Confirmation plugin run into this issue - the button upon which the confirm box is bound loses its original click event after the first click? I had to change the plugin code to this to make it work. The difference here is between .bind and .click. Can anyone explain why? Pls. let me know if my question is not clear. Thx!
Original plugin code:
// Re-bind old events
var rebindHandlers = function () {
if (target._handlers != undefined) {
jQuery.each(target._handlers, function () {
//this is the difference
$target.bind(type, this);
Changed (working) code:
// Re-bind old events
var rebindHandlers = function () {
if (target._handlers != undefined) {
jQuery.each(target._handlers, function () {
//this is the difference
if(type == 'click')
else {
$target.bind(type, this);
Try using some alerts to see what's happening...
// Re-bind old events
var rebindHandlers = function () {
if (target._handlers != undefined) {
jQuery.each(target._handlers, function () {
if(type == 'click')
alert('$' + this + ');');
else {
alert('$target.bind(' + type + ', ' + this + ');');
//$target.bind(type, this);
