save emacs user activity to disk - events

I would like to move much more of my office work into Emacs.
I want to append the following information to %APPDATA%\log.csv file each time when I save buffer,
move focus to another application / buffer or quit Emacs
timestamp (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm) TAB event(saving, closing, focus) TAB
location (p.ex. line number in buffer but the best would be the text
in current branch entry of org-mode file ) EndOfLine
other processes record similar information to the same file so appending
to the file must be sure warn in case of a problem.
Anything specifically for that would be great help.
I currently have two issues that I give at the end of this text.
emacs stores information using the following code
(defun monthly-log-file ()
(let ((monthly-name (format-time-string "%Y%m")))
(find-file (expand-file-name (concat (getenv "AppData") "/OooData/log" monthly-name ".csv")))))
(defun append-string-to-file (string filename)
(append-to-file (concat string "\n") nil filename))
(defun save-log-after-save-hook ()
(setq user-test-file
(expand-file-name (concat (getenv "AppData") "/OooData/log" (format-time-string "%Y%m") ".csv")))
(append-string-to-file (mapconcat 'identity
(list (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" (current-time))
"emacs" buffer-file-name "fix org branch") "\t") user-test-file ))
(add-hook 'after-save-hook 'save-log-after-save-hook)
(when (>= emacs-major-version 24.4)
(add-hook 'focus-out-hook 'save-log-after-save-hook))
But sometimes recording is not possible and I get the following warning:
opening output file: permission denied, c:/Users/jerzy/AppData/Roaming/OooData/log201509.csv
when saving from OpenOffice I am using 4 loops, which virtually eliminates any similar situation
sub appendTextLigneToFile(s$)
'calls: fnGetLogFileUrl
Const CN = "appendTextLigneToFile"
dim CRLF : CRLF = chr(13) & chr(10)
dim EOL : EOL = chr(10)
dim sURL$ : sURL = fnGetLogFileUrl
dim sfa as object, tos as object
sfa = CreateUnoService("")
tos = CreateUnoService("")
dim size&
if FileExists(sURL) then size = sfa.getSize(sURL)
dim stream
dim i&
for i = 0 to 3
on error resume next
stream = sfa.openFileReadWrite(sURL)
if not isEmpty(stream) then exit for
on error goto 0
wait 500
if isEmpty(stream) then goto ExitWithInfo
dim ios as object
on error goto errorhandler
ios = stream.getInputStream()
'oOutputStream.setEncoding( "UCS2" )
ios.setEncoding( "UTF-8" ) '
tos.writeString(s & EOL)
If (err <> 0) Then MsgBox Error, 16, CN
on error Resume Next
if not isNull(tos) then tos.closeOutput()
if not isNull(ios) then ios.closeInput()
If (err <> 0) Then MsgBox "obj closing problem", 16, CN
Exit Sub
MsgBox "File " & convertfromurl(sURL) & " is locked and timeout was exceeded.",48
end sub
I'm not a lisp programmer but I'm trying to resolve the following two issues:
modification of the function append-string-to-file when writing to the file to eliminate possible problem with permission denied (of course if the file is not longer blocked)
get some text from branch line when in org-mode to pass it to above mentioned function


How to read a specific line in txt file vb 6

I would like to read a specific line in a .txt file in a vb 6.0 program. My intrest is where a particular line where a certain text appears. I am trying to apply this code which I got from another project.
Dim strLine As String
Open "E:\Projects\VB\Ubunifu\MyList.txt" For Input As #1
Line Input #1, strLine ' read one line at a time vs entire file
lblCurrent.Caption = strLine
Line Input #1, strLine
lblO.Caption = strLine
Close #1
however this doesnt seem to be working it says "input past end of file"
You can try this:
Private Sub Form_Load()
Text1.MultiLine = True
Open "E:\Projects\VB\Ubunifu\MyList.txt" For Input As #1
Text1.Text = Input$(LOF(1), #1)
lblCurrent.Caption = udf_ReadLine(Text1.Text, 1) ' read line #1
lblCurrent_i.Caption = udf_ReadLine(Text1.Text, 2) ' read line #2
Close #1
End Sub
Private Function udf_ReadLine(ByVal sDataText As String, ByVal nLineNum As Long) As String
Dim sText As String, nI As Long, nJ As Long, sTemp As String
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
sText = ""
nI = 1
nJ = 1
sTemp = ""
While (nI <= Len(sDataText))
Select Case Mid(sDataText, nI, 1)
Case vbCr
If (nJ = nLineNum) Then
sText = sTemp
End If
Case vbLf
nJ = nJ + 1
sTemp = ""
Case Else
sTemp = sTemp & Mid(sDataText, nI, 1)
End Select
nI = nI + 1
If (nJ = nLineNum) Then
sText = sTemp
End If
udf_ReadLine = sText
Exit Function
udf_ReadLine = ""
End Function
I just added a function to read line from a string, and you can keep using the LOF function as you wish, also all of the concept from your original code.
First, if you had searched for your error you would have found the cause,
Second, you need to do something to ensure there is anything in the file to read.
Finally, use a loop to read lines from the file. It appears you want the first line displayed in one label and the second line displayed in another. The code below reads one line at a time from the file, decides if it is reading an odd line number (first line) or even line number (second line) and displays the line in the label. After each line is read it looks for "a certain text" whatever that may be, and if found it exits the loop and closes the file.
Open "E:\Projects\VB\Ubunifu\MyList.txt" For Input As #1
Do While EOF(1) = False
Line Input #1, strLine ' read one line at a time vs entire file
lngLineNum = lngLineNum + 1 'Am I reading an odd or even line number
If lngLineNum Mod 2 <> 0 Then
lblCurrent.Caption = strLine
lblO.Caption = strLine
End If
If InStr(1, strLine, "a cetain text", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
Exit Do
End If
Close #1
Note that I did not check that strLine contained anything before calling InStr. If it is empty the InStr function will cause an error. You should add some defensive coding. At the very least an error handler.

Editing Text File In vb6

I Have Displayed text file in richtextbox.
and onclick on command button value of textbox1 is being replaced in text file.
but How to keep both data . previous one and another which is entered new in textbox
Open "D:\chat.txt" For Output As #1
a = Text1.Text
Print #1, a
Close #1
Change For Output to For Append, and it will add the new text to the end of the file instead of overwriting it.
Additional note
Since I'm not able to add a comment to Boann's answer (the one marked as accepted).
The Append access mode used with the Print statement automatically appends a new line at the end of the file. This is fine in almost all cases, but for anyone reading this that wants to avoid this behavior, just add a semicolon at the end of the Print statement (this is the only instance I've seen the semicolon used in VB6).
a = Text1.Text
intHandle = FreeFile
Open "D:\chat.txt" For Append As intHandle
Print #intHandle, a; ' Notice the semicolon; prevents a new line after this output.
Close #intHandle
I'm sure the code you posted originally was just for the sake of getting an answer and is not what your code actually looks like. Otherwise:
To you or any future readers, here's a simple AppendToFile() function which will make repeated calls easier, ensures the file gets closed even if a run-time error is encountered, and shows useful debug information upon failure (i.e. with an invalid filename):
How your original code would be written when putting my below function in your code:
AppendToFile "D:\chat.txt", Text1.Text
And here's the function:
Private Function AppendToFile( _
ByRef FilePath As String, _
ByRef Text As String, _
Optional ByVal AppendNewLine As Boolean = True _
) As Boolean
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim intHandle As Integer
' Get an available file handle to use.
intHandle = FreeFile
Open FilePath For Append As intHandle
' Only use semicolon at end if we do NOT want to append a new line.
If AppendNewLine Then
Print intHandle, Text
Print intHandle, Text;
End If
Close intHandle
intHandle = 0
AppendToFile = True
Exit Function
' Ensure that file is indeed closed.
If intHandle <> 0 Then
Close intHandle
End If
' Show error in debug window (CTRL+G)
Debug.Print _
"Error (#" & CStr(Err.Number) & ") in " & _
"TextToFile( _" & vbCrLf & _
"`" & FilePath & "`, _" & vbCrLf & _
"`" & Text & "`, _" & vbCrLf & _
IIf(AppendNewLine, "`True`", "`False`") & vbCrLf & _
"): " & Err.Description & IIf("." = Right$(Err.Description, 1), "", ".") & vbCrLf
Exit Function
End Function

How to extract context informationm the equivalent of __LINE__, __FILE__,etc., in VBSCRIPT

I'd like to know how to get the line number of a line in vbscript programmaticly either at the point of the code like __LINE__ or more ideally a way to get the line number of where the current function was called like python's stack module so I can write a reusable debugging function(and the file the code is located in) and no I don't want to know how to turn on line numbers in my editor.
Also I'd like to now any similar useful information that can be extracted such as calling function, variable type as string, etc.
Unfortunatly that doesn't work the way like in Ruby and Python. The next best thing i worked out is putting a call to a errorhandling function everywhere where things could go wrong. The numbers in the parameter of this function are adapted each time i execute a macro in my editor (i use textpad, the \i is autonumbering in a Regular Expression). If your editor doesn't support this you could write a script that does this. So when an error occurs, it is logged with the number the errorhandling function was called and you can easily find it back in the source by looking for #number#.
This is usable for both asp and vbs but for vbs there is an easier way.
Some editors like textpad or sublimle text let you execute a vbs script, show the output in a tab and if an error is produced let you double click the line with the errormessage which opens the script at that line. This is also done by a regular expression. Let me know if you need the one for textpad.
on error resume next
'initialize constants DEBUGLEVEL and LOGFILE
'initialize strHostName
'some code
if not LogError("#1#") then
'do the things if successfull, otherwise log error with number
end if
'again some code
if not LogError("#2#") then
'do the things if successfull, otherwise log error with number
end if
'the debug and log functions
function LogError(errornumber)
'LogError\(\"#[0-9]+#\"\) replace by LogError("#\i#")
if err.number <> 0 then
call debug("<name of script>/Logerror","","","Errornumber:" _
& errornumber & " " & err.number & " " & err.description & " " _
& err.source)
LogError = True
errors = errors+1
LogError = False
end if
end function
function Debug (pagina, lijn, varnaam, varinhoud)
if DEBUGLEVEL > 0 then
const forReading = 1, forWriting = 2, forAppending = 8, CreateFile = True
dim fs,f, var, strHostName
set fs=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
strHostName = fs.GetFileName(WScript.FullName)
if fs.FileExists(LOGFILE) then
set f=fs.OpenTextFile(LOGFILE, forAppending)
set f=fs.OpenTextFile(LOGFILE, forWriting,true)
end if
var = now & " " & pagina & ":" & lijn & ":" & varnaam & ":" & varinhoud
f.WriteLine var
if LCase(strHostName) = "cscript.exe" then 'debugging
if DEBUGLEVEL > 1 then
wscript.echo var
end if
end if
set f=Nothing
set fs=Nothing
end if
debug = true
end function
VBScript doesn't expose that information, so you can't access it programmatically from within the script (edge cases notwithstanding). You're going to need a debugger for extracting this kind of information. Or you could have another script interpret the first one and keep track of line numbers (like this). I wouldn't recommend the latter for any kind of production environment, though.
As long as it's happening outside of a function, the following works.
Automatic error-handling is turned off at the start of the script by On Error Resume Next, so that the script doesn't just exit before you can do anything. BUT, you can then turn error-handling back on using On Error GoTo 0 and Raise an exception yourself. That will output the line number in addition to any of your debugging messages.
For example:
On Error Resume Next
server = WScript.Arguments(0)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo("Need to pass in an argument!")
On Error GoTo 0
End if
If you run this without any arguments, you get the following output:
Need to pass in an argument!
C:\script.vbs(6, 5) Microsoft VBScript runtime error: Unknown runtime error
The "6" refers to the line number where the exception was raised.
This way you can print custom output, and also you'll know what line the error happened at.
There is a way to get the exact error line number, but it's HUGLY, as we are talking about an ancient programming tool....
And yes, it is worth it, especially if your code is going to run in front of many users. That way you can get past isolating and reproducing the bug, right to solving it.
Take a close look at the last variable "Erl" in the line of code below. It is an undocumented global variable the VB script processor holds.
Dim sErrorMsg as String
sErrorMsg = Err.Description & "(" & Err.Number & ")" & vbNewLine & "Source: " & Err.Source & vbNewLine & "At line number: " & Erl
In order to get anything from that global "Erl" variable you need to (manually)** set its value at the beginning of each line of code as shown below. Beware, you set the line number, if you forget to set the number for a specific line, Erl will report the last set value. See the division by zero error line, it reports the line number set above because I did not set a line number value at the beginning of the line that caused the error.
I have not figured out the inbuilt call stack, though I know there is one. Please let me know if you figure that one out, for now I use a module level variable to build the stack.
More tips at the very end, below this code sample
Sub WhatEverSub ()
2 Const iColIdxPageNbr As Integer = 2
3 Const iColIdxDefinition As Integer = 3
5 Dim oDoc_Source As Document
6 Dim oDoc_Target As Document
10 Dim oTable As Table
11 Dim oRange As Range
12 Dim n As Long
13 Dim strAllFound As String
14 Dim Title As String
15 Dim Msg As String
On Error GoTo PrepErrorHandler
Dim xyz As Long
xyz = Rnd(3) / 0
17 Title = "Evil Finder - This program is about doing something important for the world"
19 'Show msg - stop if user does not click Yes
20 Msg = "This macro finds all evil things consisting of 2 or more " & _
"uppercase letters and extracts the hex representation to a table " & _
"in a new document." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
"Do you want to continue?"
21 If MsgBox(Msg, vbYesNo + vbQuestion, Title) <> vbYes Then
22 Exit Sub
23 End If
(... whatever code ...)
820 Application.ScreenUpdating = True
830 If n = 1 Then
840 Msg = "No evil things were found. Need to find better detection tool"
850 oDoc_Target.Close savechanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges
860 Else
870 Msg = "Finished extracting " & n - 1 & " evil thing(s) to a new document."
880 End If
890 MsgBox Msg, vbOKOnly, Title
'Clean up
1000 Set oRange = Nothing
1010 Set oDoc_Source = Nothing
1020 Set oDoc_Target = Nothing
1030 Set oTable = Nothing
Exit Sub
Msg = Err.Description & "(" & Err.Number & ")" & vbNewLine & "Source: " & Err.Source & vbNewLine & "At line number: " & Erl
Resume PrepErrorResumeLine
End Sub
**Some more tips:
As for setting the error line number values manually, I wrote a utility (more than a decade ago) to automate the addition or removal or renumbering of all lines in a module by working directly on the VB project files (or standalone .vbs files), but the below will take care of the basic, with a few manual adjustsments remaining...
Set up VB code line #s using MS Excel
a) paste code in column C
b) set column A's first cell value to 10, and second to 20 and drag copy down to auto increment until you reach the last line/row of code in column B
c) in column B paste in the following formula and drag copy down =A1 & REPT(" ", 8 - LEN(A1))
d) copy columns B and C back into the VB code pane et voila!
Strip out the line numbers to do major edits using Word
Paste the code in,
Hit CTRL + H and make sure wildcards is checked (click the "more" button)
Fill in the following settings
[^13][0-9 ]{4}
number each line in increments of 10 at least so you can wedge in a few lines at the last minute without having to renumber each line below your change
3) On Error Resume Next is evil and will cost you a lot of debugging hours!
At least 90% of the time, one should use a specific handler, or nothing. If you do not already know how to recover from an error, do not use RESUME NEXT to silence it, instead, log all the details (using Erl) and learn from the run time logs and use GoTo 0 'Zero, not the letter O to let the rest of the errors bubble up the call stack.
On Error GoTo MyErrorHandlerSection
(... write your risky code here ...)
On Error GoTo 0
'the line immediately above disables all error handling in the current function, if any error happens, it will be passed to the calling function
Nothing prevents you from adding another handling section in the same function if you have another chunk of risky code using
On Error GoTo MySecondErrorHandlerSection

Shell process' standard output reading in Visual Basic 6

First, let me say that I'm not a Visual Basic 6 expert...
My need is to:
launch from a VB6 client code an exeternal .exe file
wait for the process to finish and - during its execution - read the messages coming from its standard output "on the fly" (so that I can print it on a text-filed widget or similars).
I'm wondering if it is even possible to do that in VB6...after a long search on the Internet I didn't come up with anything. Found a lot of examples of how to use the Shell function, but it seems to force me to read the stdout all at once when the process' execution is over, but I want to poll the process for "fresh" messages as they become available.
Any code snippets/suggestions/references are really appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
Use CreatePipe() to create an anonymous pipe that you can pass to CreateProcess().
You can then read from this pipe as required (either using polling or overlapped/async I/O.
This should give you enough info to find a good example.
You can always use Exec method of WshShell to do the job.
I prefer to use a home-grown API based solution cExec.cls much simpler than Bob Riemersma's user control (but not as versatile).
You can also create a batch file that has all the commands that you need to run, and then from VB6 call the batch file by executing
Shell "C:\YourPath\BatchFileName.bat > OutputFileName.txt" 'Overwrites OutputFilename.txt everytime
once you execute that, then open OutputFileName.txt and you will find all of the messages and output that was generated during the batch process. You can then read it in VB6 in a simple open "filename" for input as #1
You should also notice that if you use double GreaterThan symbols, the the output file will not be overwritten every time the batch runs. Instead, it will get appended with the new lines of output.
Shell "C:\YourPath\BatchFileName.bat >> OutputFileName.txt" 'This will append to OutputFileName.txt
Here is the function you want. The exercise of declaring the API (CreatePipe, CreateProcessA, CloseHandle, etc), the types (PROCESS_INFORMATION, STARTUPINFO, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES) the constants (STARTF_USESTDHANDLES, STARF_USESHOWWINDOW, etc) are left to the reader.
Public Function ExecuteCommand(ByVal CommandLine As String, Optional bShowWindow As Boolean = False, Optional sCurrentDir As String) As String
Dim proc As PROCESS_INFORMATION 'Process info filled by CreateProcessA
Dim ret As Long 'long variable for get the return value of the
'API functions
Dim start As STARTUPINFO 'StartUp Info passed to the CreateProceeeA
Dim sa As SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES 'Security Attributes passeed to the
'CreateProcessA function
Dim hReadPipe As Long 'Read Pipe handle created by CreatePipe
Dim hWritePipe As Long 'Write Pite handle created by CreatePipe
Dim lngBytesRead As Long 'Amount of byte read from the Read Pipe handle
Dim strBuff As String * 256 'String buffer reading the Pipe
'if the parameter is not empty update the CommandLine property
If Len(CommandLine) > 0 Then
mCommand = CommandLine
End If
'if the command line is empty then exit whit a error message
If Len(mCommand) = 0 Then
ApplicationEventLogError "Command Line empty in procedure ExecuteCommand of module modPipedOutput."
Exit Function
End If
'Create the Pipe
sa.nLength = Len(sa)
sa.bInheritHandle = 1&
sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = 0&
ret = CreatePipe(hReadPipe, hWritePipe, sa, 0)
If ret = 0 Then
'If an error occur during the Pipe creation exit
Debug.Print "CreatePipe failed. Error: " & Err.LastDllError & " (" & ReturnError(Err.LastDllError)
Exit Function
End If
'Launch the command line application
start.cb = Len(start)
'set the StdOutput and the StdError output to the same Write Pipe handle
start.hStdOutput = hWritePipe
start.hStdError = hWritePipe
' start.hStdInput = hInReadPipe
If bShowWindow Then
start.wShowWindow = SW_SHOWNORMAL
start.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE
End If
'Execute the command
If Len(sCurrentDir) = 0 Then
ret& = CreateProcessA(0&, mCommand, sa, sa, 1&, _
NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, 0&, vbNullString, start, proc)
ret& = CreateProcessA(0&, mCommand, sa, sa, 1&, _
NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, 0&, sCurrentDir, start, proc)
End If
If ret <> 1 Then
'if the command is not found ....
Debug.Print "File or command not found in procedure ExecuteCommand"
Exit Function
End If
'Now We can ... must close the hWritePipe
ret = CloseHandle(hWritePipe)
' ret = CloseHandle(hInReadPipe)
mOutputs = vbNullString
'Read the ReadPipe handle
ret = ReadFile(hReadPipe, strBuff, 256, lngBytesRead, 0&)
mOutputs = mOutputs & Left$(strBuff, lngBytesRead)
'Send data to the object via ReceiveOutputs event
Loop While ret <> 0
'Close the opened handles
Call CloseHandle(proc.hProcess)
Call CloseHandle(proc.hThread)
Call CloseHandle(hReadPipe)
'Return the Outputs property with the entire DOS output
ExecuteCommand = mOutputs
End Function

exe with accepting runtime parameter

how o write vb code which can except parameter at runtime
ex. My exe is "readfile.exe" and if i want to give file name rom command line the command to be executed will be
readfile.exe filename
it should take the file name parameter and perform the action
Look at the Command function, that should give you all the parameters that were passed in.
I can't find the VB6 docs for it online, but MSDN have the docs for the VBA version, and that's usually the same so I'd suggest looking here for more info. And it even has a full sample here.
You can do something like this:
Sub Main()
Dim a_strArgs() As String
Dim blnDebug As Boolean
Dim strFilename As String
Dim i As Integer
a_strArgs = Split(Command$, " ")
For i = LBound(a_strArgs) To UBound(a_strArgs)
Select Case LCase(a_strArgs(i))
Case "-d", "/d"
' debug mode
blnDebug = True
Case "-f", "/f"
' filename specified
If i = UBound(a_strArgs) Then
MsgBox "Filename not specified."
i = i + 1
End If
If Left(a_strArgs(i), 1) = "-" Or Left(a_strArgs(i), 1) = "/" Then
MsgBox "Invalid filename."
strFilename = a_strArgs(i)
End If
Case Else
MsgBox "Invalid argument: " & a_strArgs(i)
End Select
Next i
MsgBox "Debug mode: " & blnDebug
MsgBox "Filename: " & strFilename
End Sub
