Hortonworks Hive Username password configuration - hadoop

I am attempting to get a connection to the hive server and keep getting:
HiveAccessControlException Permission denied: user [hue] does not have [CREATE] privilege on [default/testHiveDriverTable]
Not sure what username/password combination I should use.
I have Hortonworks running on a virtual machine. The code I am attempting to use to connect to the Hive server is:
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(“jdbc:hive2://”, “hue”, “”);
I have also tried connecting via the "root", "Hadoop" username, password configuration.

By the look of the error message, the Connection is OK, but you lack privileges to execute the Statement just below... because that "testHiveDriverTable" label smells like you did a copy/paste on some dummy code example such as:
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:hive://", "", "");
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
String tableName = "testHiveDriverTable";
stmt.executeQuery("drop table " + tableName);
stmt.executeQuery("create table " + tableName + " (key int, value string)");
The "no [CREATE] privilege on [default/testHiveDriverTable]" message is a good fit for a create table testHiveDriverTable attempt in database default.
Bottom line: congratulations, you actually could connect to Hive. Now you can work on how to configure the "default" database so that you can actually create tables :-)

Have you tried connecting without giving username and password? I have the following connection string on my cloudera virtualbox which works
Connection con = DriverManager.getconnection(jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/default,"","");
Here default is the DB name.


How to install JDBC driver on Databricks Cluster?

I'm trying to get the data from my Oracle Database to a Databricks Cluster. But I think I'm doing it wrong:
On the cluster library I just installed the ojdbc8.jar and then after that I opened a notebook and did this to connect:
CREATE TABLE oracle_table
USING org.apache.spark.sql.jdbc
dbtable 'table_name',
driver 'oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver',
user 'username',
password 'pasword',
url 'jdbc:oracle:thin://#<hostname>:1521/<db>')
And it says:
java.sql.SQLException: Invalid Oracle URL specified
Can someone help? I've been reading documentations but there's no clear instruction on how I should actually install this jar step by step. I might be using the wrong jar? Thanks!
I have managed to set this up in Python/PySpark as follows:
jdbcUrl = "jdbc:oracle:thin:#//hostName:port/databaseName"
connectionProperties = {
"user" : username,
"password" : password,
"driver" : "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"
query = "(select * from mySchema.myTable )"
df = spark.read.jdbc(url=jdbcUrl, table=query1, properties=connectionProperties)
I am using the Oracle JDBC Thin Driver instantclient-basic-linux.x64-, as available on the Oracle webpages. The current version is 21.7 I think, but it should work the same way.
Check this link to understand the two different notations for jdbc URLs

ODBC Data Source Connection Successful but TNS Unresolved in VBScript

I am trying to make a connection to Oracle DB from VBScript. I've added all the environment variables and the code can locate the file of TNSNAMES.ora but cannot resolve the connection.
When I test the connectivity from the ODBC Data Source Administrator, I get a 'Success' result, but I still cannot access this from the code.
con.ConnectionString = "DSN=DATA;Uid=wh;Pwd=pwd;"
con.Open 'This is where it fails
I have tried many connection strings but all fail
OracleConnString = "Driver={Oracle in instantclient_18_3};server=server;database=db;trusted_connection=Yes;"
DB_CONN_STRING = "Driver={Oracle in instantclient_18_3}; " & _
"(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = host)(PORT = port)" & _
CONN_STRING = "CONNECT wh/pwd#//host/db"
How can I connect to the database from the script?
You mix several topics.
You hide the DSN name and the "Data Source Name", this makes it impossible for use to provide you the correct connection string.
If you like to use the ODBC DSN then the connection string must be
However, you must create a System DSN, not a User DSN (see ODBC DSN). However, typically you don't use the ODBC DSN because you have to create the DSN on the target machine which is additional configuration work.
Connection string without DSN would be
Driver={Oracle in instantclient_18_3};Dbq=?????;Uid=myUsername;Pwd=myPassword;
Driver={Oracle in instantclient_18_3};Server=?????;Uid=myUsername;Pwd=myPassword;
see https://www.connectionstrings.com/oracle-in-oraclient11g_home1/
If you use full DB name like (DESCRIPTION=... then you don't need any tnsnames.ora file. The purpose of this file is to resolve an alias to this full DB name.
Ensure that the ODBC driver is the same architecture, i.e. 32-bit or 64-bit as your VBS environment.
Either use %windir%\system32\odbcad32.exe + %windir%\system32\cscript.exe
or %windir%\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe + %windir%\SysWOW64\cscript.exe

How to do configuration of PostgreSQL database in DHIS2?

I've downloaded and executed DHIS-2 in the Windows operating system. I want to connect with a PostgreSQL database. I'm trying the below configuration settings in the dhis.conf file but it's not working.
connection.dialect = org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect
connection.driver_class = org.postgresql.Driver
connection.url = jdbc:postgresql:dhis2
connection.username = dhis
connection.password = dhis
connection.schema = update
encryption.password = abcd
It's showing me following error message.
Problem accessing /. Reason:
Service Unavailable
Please verify that the database name, username and password is correct.
You can test this on the command line / terminal with the following command:
psql -d dhis2 -U dhis -p
Then enter your password. If you cannot connect, one or more of database name, username and password are incorrect.

cx_Oracle connection by python3.5

I've tried several attempt to connect Oracle DB but still unable to connect. Following is my code to connect. However, I could connect Oracle DB through the terminal like this:
$ sqlplus64 uid/passwd#
My evironment: Ubuntu 16.04 / 64bit / Python3.5
I wish your knowledge and experience associated with this issue to be shared. Thank you.
import os
import cx_Oracle
# 1st attempt
ip = ''
port = 1521
dsn_tns = cx_Oracle.makedsn(ip, port, SID)
# dsn_tns = cx_Oracle.makedsn(ip, port, service_name=SID)
db = cx_Oracle.connect('uid', 'passwd', dsn_tns)
cursor = db.cursor()
# 2nd attempt
db = cx_Oracle.connect(conn)
cursor = db.cursor()
# ERROR Description
cx_Oracle.InterfaceError: Unable to acquire Oracle environment handle
The error "unable to acquire Oracle environment handle" is due to your Oracle configuration being incorrect. A few things that should help you uncover the source of the problem:
when using Instant Client, do NOT set the environment variable ORACLE_HOME; that should only be set when using a full Oracle Client or Oracle Database installation
the value of LD_LIBRARY_PATH should contain the path which contains libclntsh.so; the value you selected looks like it is incorrect and should be /usr/lib/oracle/12.2/client64/lib instead
you can verify which Oracle Client libraries are being loaded by using the ldd command as in ldd cx_Oracle.cpython-35m-x86_64-linux-gnu.so

Connecting to Oracle DB using Ruby

I am stuck with connecting to Oracle DB, have read lots of stuff but no help on result.
I have remote Oracle DB, I am connecting to it using DBVisualizer setting connection like this:
DB Type : Oracle
Driver (jdbc) : Oracle thin
Database URL: jdbc:oracle:thin:#
UserIdf: SomeUser
Pass: SomePass
Connection works ok.
What I do in Ruby is :
require 'oci8'
require 'dbi'
conn = OCI8.new('SomeUser','SomePass','//')
What I get is:
ORA-12545: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist
oci8.c:360:in oci8lib.so
the third parameter needs to be the TNS hostname, if you use SQL plus it is also the third parameter in the connectstring, you can find it also in the tnsnames.ora file in the oracle maps
in SQLPlus : connect user/password#hostname;
in oci8 : conn = OCI8.new('SomeUser','SomePass',hostname)
Here a working sample, obfuscated the parameters of course
require 'oci8'
oci = OCI8.new('****','***','****.***')
oci.exec('select * from table') do |record|
puts record.join(',')
