How to bring down your namenode? - hadoop

How to bring down your Namenode in Hadoop 1.2.1 on CentOs and swap your namenode with a Datanode instance, also I have to make sure no data is lost during the process.
I am using Hadoop 1.2.1 with master, slave 1 and slave 2 nodes.
I am looking for the Unix commands or the changes I need to make in the configuration files.
Please ask for any particular details if needed!

You can take a back up of namenode metadata and kill namenode. Install namenode packages on other node of interest and put the backup copy of metadata in namenode data dir. Now start namenode this should pick up your old metadata. Remember to change namenode details in all config files.


How to restore version file for datanode after formatting namenode

I have executed hadoop namenode -format command. Namenode runs just fine, but the datanode cannot start. Version file for datanode shows that it's a NAME_NODE. Before formatting I have deleting everything from /hadoop/hdfs/namenode/* and /hadoop/hdfs/data/*
Now everytime I try to delete everything and re-format the namenode, datanode doesn't get start because of the incorrectly generated VERSION file. Googling didn't yield much.
It sounds like your version number doesn't match the name node. The version file is used to see what namenode that the datanode belongs to. Once they no longer match the datanode doesn't want to join the name node as it believe it belongs to a different namenode.
Here's a good explanation here of what you need to do.

Hadoop HDFS start up fails requires formatting

I have a multi-node standalone hadoop cluster for HDFS. I am able to load data to HDFS, however everytime I reboot my computer and start the cluster by, I don't see the dashboard until I perform hdfs namenode -format which erases all my data.
How do I start hadoop cluster without having to go through hdfs namenode -format?
You need to shutdown hdfs and the namenode cleanly (stop-dfs) before you shutdown your computer. Otherwise, you can corrupt the namenode, causing you to need to format to get back to a clean state

Hadoop : swap DataNode & NameNode without losing any HDFS data

I have a cluster of 5 machines:
1 big NameNode
4 standard DataNodes
I want to change my current NameNode with a DataNode without losing the data stored in HDFS, so my cluster could become:
1 standard NameNode
3 standard DataNodes
1 big DataNode
Does someone know a simple way to do that?
Thank you very much
Decomission data node where namenode will be moved.
Stop the cluster.
Create a tar of from current namenode.
Copy all hadoop config files from current NN to target NN.
Replace the name/ip of target namenode by modifying core-site.xml.
Restore tarball of Make sure that full path is same.
Now start the cluster by starting new namenode and one less datanode.
Verify that everything is working perfectly.
Add old namenode as datanode by configuring it as datanode.
I would suggest to uninstall and then install hadoop on both the nodes so that previous configuration does not cause any problem.

How to read Hadoop HDFS 64b compressed files from one Hadoop cluster on another Hadoop cluster

I have 64 b compressed Hadoop HDFS files(FSImage, edit logs, blk_*.meta files etc) of one Hadoop cluster and I want to read them on my local VM. As an option I'm thinking like:
Taking backup of my DataNode, NameNode and SecondaryNameNode
Format the DataNode, NameNode and SecondaryNameNode
Copy the files into respective location
Map the configuration properties
Restart the HDFS.
This might be the one of the way. Please help me to figure out if there is any alternative for the above approach. My apologies that i can not share the data.

How to Switch between namenodes in hadoop?

Pseudomode Cluster:
Suppose first time I created a namenode on Machine "A" with name "Root1".
This will create a HDFS on tha machine.
Now i copy some file to HDFS using copyFromLocal and do some mapreduce.
Now i need to change some /conf files.
I'll change config file and to make them effective I formatted namenode with name "Root2".
If i browse the HDFS , it will be empty (means it will not contain those which copied earlier for "Root1").
If I want to see old file (for "Root1"), is there any way to switch to that HDFS or namenode (Root2 to Root1 ) ??
To be clear. Did you launch the another namenode on your machine ?
Type sudo jps in console or http://localhost:50070 in browser and check if you have more than one datanode. If there is just one node you lost your data from HDFS. If you have two namenodes you can check the filesystem in Internet browser on http://localhost:50070.
Here is instruction how to launch more than one datanode on one machine.
