How to arrange data in SQL? - oracle

I am using Oracle SQL Plus.
Please refer to screenshot for reference.
After deletion of data of column sno=4, I want the output of sno to be displayed in serial order ie 1,2,3,4 instead of 1,2,3,5.
Please suggest the SQL query to achieve same.

select ROWNUM as SNO, NAME,DOJ from company order by SNO

If you want the numbering to be persistent, you will need to update the SNO for all the remaining records in the table.
What you have done, by deleting the row is say that "row number 4 no longer exists". If you want to shuffle the remaining rows up, you will need to perform the following:
DELETE FROM company WHERE name='Flipkart';
UPDATE company SET sno=sno-1 WHERE sno>=4;
An alternative, if you don't want to alter the contents of the table itself.. But you want it to display correctly (specifically for this example)
WHEN sno <= 4 THEN sno
ELSE sno-1
END AS sno,
FROM company


Does ordered hint in oracle also decides the order of rows in which they are fetched?

I read that 'The ORDERED hint causes Oracle to join tables in the order in which they appear in the FROM clause.'
But does it also fetch the rows in specific order?
For example: If I have ordered hint on column emp_code which has values as 'A','B' and 'C'[lets consider that more than 2 tables are joined to get emp_code ].
Will the output always have the specific order of rows? For example will 'A' always be the first row and 'C' be the last? does it decides the order of rows? and if yes then how?
No. The only thing that controls the order of rows in the final result set is the use of the ORDER BY clause in the SELECT statement. Hints are to influence the access plan chosen by the optimizer, not ordering of the result set.
select emp_id,
from emp
order by emp_id -- <this is the only thing that controls the order of rows in the result set

Get data from database when u onlw know the row number and column name

how to get data from ms access database when u only know the column name and row number ?
select empID
from table
where row no is x
One way to get the 15th records is to use the TOP command twice. First, get the 15 records order by id asc. Then take the top 1 record order by id. That assumes you know a field in the record (table) that you can order by.
SELECT top 15 *
FROM [Order Details] d
ORDER BY d.[Order Id] asc
) q
ORDER BY d.[Order Id] desc
The above query works fine in MS Access 2007.
I will see if there is some indicator in the MS Access system tables that are not well documented.
While there is a MSysObjects hidden table and LvProp (L-Value Property), it is a long binary data type.
It looks to me that MS Access is storing the data in a binary format. However, there is no DBCC PAGE to view the internal record structure.
In short, I think the solution above using TOP and/or COUNT is the only way to go.

A fast query that selects the number of rows in each table

I want a query that selects the number of rows in each table
but they are NOT updated statistically .So such query will not be accurate:
select table_name, num_rows from user_tables
i want to select several schema and each schema has minimum 500 table some of them contain a lot of columns . it will took for me days if i want to update them .
from the site ask tom he suggest a function includes this query
'select count(*)
from ' || p_tname INTO l_columnValue;
such query with count(*) is really slow and it will not give me fast results.
Is there a query that can give me how many rows are in table in a fast way ?
You said in a comment that you want to delete (drop?) empty tables. If you don't want an exact count but only want to know if a table is empty you can do a shortcut count:
select count(*) from table_name where rownum < 2;
The optimiser will stop when it reaches the first row - the execution plan shows a 'count stopkey' operation - so it will be fast. It will return zero for an empty table, and one for a table with any data - you have no idea how much data, but you don't seem to care.
You still have a slight race condition between the count and the drop, of course.
This seems like a very odd thing to want to do - either your application uses the table, in which case dropping it will break something even if it's empty; or it doesn't, in which case it shouldn't matter whether it has (presumably redundant) and it can be dropped regardless. If you think there might be confusion, that sounds like your source (including DDL) control needs some work, maybe?
To check if either table in two schemas have a row, just count from both of them; either with a union:
select max(c) from (
select count(*) as c from schema1.table_name where rownum < 2
union all
select count(*) as c from schema2.table_name where rownum < 2
... or with greatest and two sub-selects, e.g.:
select greatest(
(select count(*) from schema1.table_name where rownum < 2),
(select count(*) from schema2.table_name where rownum < 2)
) from dual;
Either would return one if either table has any rows, and would only return zero f they were both empty.
Full Disclosure: I had originally suggested a query that specifically counts a column that's (a) indexed and (b) not null. #AlexPoole and #JustinCave pointed out (please see their comments below) that Oracle will optimize a COUNT(*) to do this anyway. As such, this answer has been altered significantly.
There's a good explanation here for why User_Tables shouldn't be used for accurate row counts, even when statistics are up to date.
If your tables have indexes which can be used to speed up the count by doing an index scan rather than a table scan, Oracle will use them. This will make the counts faster, though not by any means instantaneous. That said, this is the only way I know to get an accurate count.
To check for empty (zero row) tables, please use the answer posted by Alex Poole.
You could make a table to hold the counts of each table. Then, set a trigger to run on INSERT for each of the tables you're counting that updates the main table.
You'd also need to include a trigger for DELETE.

Getting count from large tables

I was trying to get the count from a table with millions of entries. My query looks somewhat like this:
Select count(*)
from Users
where status = 'A' and office_id = '000111' and user_type = 'C'
Status can be A or C, User Type can be C or R.
Status, Office_id and User_type are Strings
The result has around 10 million rows, and its taking a lot of time. I just want the total count.
Would appreciate if anyone could tell me why its taking this much time, and workaround if any.
Do let me know in case of any more details required.
The database engine is Oracle 11g
Edit: I Added index for all three columnns. Still theres no improvement. Also tried the below query, but it always returns the total count in the table without checking the conditions.
SELECT COUNT(office_id_key)
FROM Users
WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Users WHERE status = 'A' AND office_id = '000111' AND user_type = 'C')
Why not just simply create indexes on the table on age and place this way your search will be faster then simply scanning the entire table for these values.
CREATE INDEX age_index ON Employee(age);
CREATE INDEX place_index ON Employee(place);
This should speed up the process.
CREATE INDEX status_index ON Users(status);
CREATE INDEX office_id_index ON Users(office_id);
CREATE INDEX user_type_index ON Users(user_type);
You'll want to create the following multi-column index on the Users table to improve the query:
(office_id, status, user_type)
The database can use a "covering" index with COUNT(*). Create the index with the columns in that order, due to cardinality.
After adding the indexes, I think changing where to where exists and a subquery may help as well.
Edit2: removed exists as it was returning all valid, usually the subquery has multiple joins, but I guess the case with one table returns all true. I read that count is optimized to act similar to exists when it has only one table and no where clause, so I treat the results as a table. Hopefully, this will have the same quick results.
select count(1) from
(select 1 from Employee where age = '25' and place = 'bricksgate')
Edit: When you use 'where exists' the db server doesn't load your data into memory and also takes advantage of the indexes because you will be reading values from the indexes not doing costly table lookups. You may also want to change count(*) to count(place) - that way it will limit the fields to an indexed field as well.
In your original query, your data was doing table lookups and then loading them into memory just to be counted.
count(1) works faster than count(*)

select only new row in oracle

I have table with "varchar2" as primary key.
It has about 1 000 000 Transactions per day.
My app wakes up every 5 minute to generate text file by querying only new record.
It will remember last point and process only new records.
Do you have idea how to query with good performance?
I am able to add new column if necessary.
What do you think this process should do by?
Everyone here is really really close. However:
Scott Bailey's wrong about using a bitmap index if the table's under any sort of continuous DML load. That's exactly the wrong time to use a bitmap index.
Everyone else's answer about the PROCESSED CHAR(1) check in ('Y','N')column is right, but missing how to index it; you should use a function-based index like this:
You'd then query it using the same expression:
The reason to use the function-based index is that Oracle doesn't write index entries for entirely NULL values being indexed, so the function-based index above will only contain the rows with PROCESSED_FLAG = 'N'. As you update your rows to PROCESSED_FLAG = 'Y', they'll "fall out" of the index.
Well, if you can add a new column, you could create a Processed column, which will indicate processed records, and create an index on this column for performance.
Then the query should only be for those rows that have been newly added, and not processed.
This should be easily done using sql queries.
Ah, I really hate to add another answer when the others have come so close to nailing it. But
As Ponies points out, Oracle does have a hidden column (ORA_ROWSCN - System Change Number) that can pinpoint when each row was modified. Unfortunately, the default is that it gets the information from the block instead of storing it with each row and changing that behavior will require you to rebuild a really large table. So while this answer is good for quieting the SQL Server fella, I'd not recommend it.
Astander is right there but needs a few caveats. Add a new column needs_processed CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'Y' and add a BITMAP index. For low cardinality columns ('Y'/'N') the bitmap index will be faster. Once you have the rest is pretty easy. But you've got to be careful not select the new rows, process them and mark them as processed in one step. Otherwise, rows could be inserted while you are processing that will get marked processed even though they have not been.
The easiest way would be to use pl/sql to open a cursor that selects unprocessed rows, processes them and then updates the row as processed. If you have an aversion to walking cursors, you could collect the pk's or rowids into a nested table, process them and then update using the nested table.
In MS SQL Server world where I work, we have a 'version' column of type 'timestamp' on our tables.
So, to answer #1, I would add a new column.
To answer #2, I would do it in plsql for performance.
"astander" pretty much did the work for you. You need to ALTER your table to add one more column (lets say PROCESSED)..
You can also consider creating an INDEX on the PROCESSED ( a bitmap index may be of some advantage, as the possible value can be only 'y' and 'n', but test it out ) so that when you query it will use INDEX.
Also if sure, you query only for every 5 mins, check whether you can add another column with TIMESTAMP type and partition the table with it. ( not sure, check out again ).
I would also think about writing job or some thing and write using UTL_FILE and show it front end if it can be.
If performance is really a problem and you want to create your file asynchronously, you might want to use Oracle Streams, which will actually get modification data from your redo log withou affecting performance of the main database. You may not even need a separate job, as you can configure Oracle Streams to do Asynchronous replication of the changes, through which you can trigger the file creation.
Why not create an extra table that holds two columns. The ID column and a processed flag column. Have an insert trigger on the original table place it's ID in this new table. Your logging process can than select records from this new table and mark them as processed. Finally delete the processed records from this table.
I'm pretty much in agreement with Adam's answer. But I'd want to do some serious testing compared to an alternative.
The issue I see is that you need to not only select the rows, but also do an update of those rows. While that should be pretty fast, I'd like to avoid the update. And avoid having any large transactions hanging around (see below).
The alternative would be to add CREATE_DATE date default sysdate. Index that. And then select records where create_date >= (start date/time of your previous select).
But I don't have enough data on the relative costs of setting a sysdate as default vs. setting a value of Y, updating the function based vs. date index, and doing a range select on the date vs. a specific select on a single value for the Y. You'll probably want to preserve stats or hint the query to use the index on the Y/N column, and definitely want to use a hint on a date column -- the stats on the date column will almost certainly be old.
If data are also being added to the table continuously, including during the period when your query is running, you need to watch out for transaction control. After all, you don't want to read 100,000 records that have the flag = Y, then do your update on 120,000, including the 20,000 that arrived when you query was running.
In the flag case, there are two easy ways: SET TRANSACTION before your select and commit after your update, or start by doing an update from Y to Q, then do your select for those that are Q, and then update to N. Oracle's read consistency is wonderful but needs to be handled with care.
For the date column version, if you don't mind a risk of processing a few rows more than once, just update your table that has the last processed date/time immediately before you do your select.
If there's not much information in the table, consider making it Index Organized.
What about using Materialized view logs? You have a lot of options to play with:
SQL> create table test (id_test number primary key, dummy varchar2(1000));
Table created
SQL> create materialized view log on test;
Materialized view log created
SQL> insert into test values (1, 'hello');
1 row inserted
SQL> insert into test values (2, 'bye');
1 row inserted
SQL> select * from mlog$_test;
---------- ----------- --------- --------- ---------------------
1 01/01/4000 I N FE
2 01/01/4000 I N FE
SQL> delete from mlog$_test where id_test in (1,2);
2 rows deleted
SQL> insert into test values (3, 'hello');
1 row inserted
SQL> insert into test values (4, 'bye');
1 row inserted
SQL> select * from mlog$_test;
---------- ----------- --------- --------- ---------------
3 01/01/4000 I N FE
4 01/01/4000 I N FE
I think this solution should work..
What you need to do following steps
For the first run, you will have to copy all records. In first run you need to execute following query
insert into new_table(max_rowid) as (Select max(rowid) from yourtable);
Now next time when you want to get only newly inserted values, you can do it by executing follwing command
Select * from yourtable where rowid > (select max_rowid from new_table);
Once you are done with processing above query, simply truncate new_table and insert max(rowid) from yourtable
I think this should work and would be fastest solution;
