Google Chrome setting different Homepage on Mac and Windows - windows

I have a Mac and 2 Windows 7 machines. I use a local page, which is stored on the hard drive of each system, as the Homepage link.
Since I have the same Google account signed in on all three machines, I am unable to set individual homepage paths (while syncing other settings). On one windows machine I was able force the HomepageLocation attribute through Registry change in the Policy settings (HKLM/Software/Policies/Google/Chrome/HomepageLocation).
But when I tried the same on the other Windows machine, the setting was not listed as an Machine override under chrome://policy
I am not sure what is different on both Windows machines. Please suggest if I am missing something while setting the registry entry, or if there is an easier way to achieve this objective.
Thank you!


Why Inno Setup installer doesn't handle correctly network drive?

When I use an Inno Setup installer in Windows 10, I can't select files from a network drive. For example, in the following picture, I can't access the S: drive and browse its content:
Thank you very much for your help.
Indeed, this problem seems related to the User Account Control (UAC) as explained in this post : Windows 10 and network drive.
Thanks to #StayOnTarget for the answer.
Inno Setup FAQ includes topic
Mapped drives aren't showing up on the Select Destination Location wizard page, or cannot be browsed into:
Your installation requires administrative privileges and is running elevated:
Mapped drives are not available (by default) to any elevated application. This was introduced in Windows Vista.
There is an option to make them available for same user elevation, but this won't help the situation when run from a LUA where the user changes.
Also, see Windows 10 and network drive

Can't Use /LOCALOS Flag with DJOIN

I do laptop provisioning at home and something I use at the end is the DJOIN.exe command so the laptops will be ready for use when connecting on our offices' network.
Typically if I want to do an offline domain join, I will use:
On most laptop models this will execute fine and allow users to login to their Windows accounts once they're on the office network. I'm working with a new model today (thanks supply chain issues!) and even though it is also running Windows 10, I am getting the error message:
/LOCALOS specified but the current OS does not support domain join functionality.
The request is not supported.
Doing a google search for that exact message shows there are no results and most of the other results aren't for offline joining specifically as they include steps on the DC side of things -- which don't apply here since it's an offline join. I tried it without the /LOCALOS flag just to see what happens and it gave me:
/REQUESTODJ only operates on an offline (not running) Windows image
by default. The path supplied [C:\windows] is the current running Windows
installation. To override the default behavior and target the currently
running local operating system also specify /LOCALOS.
The parameter is incorrect.
Has anyone else encountered this and know why/how this happens and how to get past it? I didn't see any hints generated in Event Viewer; hoping to avoid a bunch of tickets down the line asking for domain joins once they've reached the office 😅
MAJOR facepalm here.
Just posting this so there's a reference for others, but this batch of laptops have Windows HOME installed on them, not Pro. Per this page with Home vs Pro features, Active Directory / Domain Joining is not supported on Windows Home. Either install Pro on the laptops or return them and purchase a batch with Pro on them.

Firefox bookmark syncing

I have a client who uses Firefox as their primary browser. We have enabled folder redirection for their Desktop and Documents folders via GPO and I was hoping to do the same with their Firefox bookmarks as all users have a desktop and access to a Windows 2008 R2 RDS session for remote access and a few have laptops.
I understand there's 2 ways to do this:
Enabled Firefox sync. My issue with this is it's all user-driven. They have to sign up for it, manage their password, enable it when using on other machines, etc...
Turn on the Appdata\Roaming folder redirection GPO. However, I've read on several different forums that this can cause issues for various applications, most commonly Adobe Reader, so I'd like to avoid it if possible
Does anyone know of another reliable server-side policy to enable syncing of Firefox bookmarks between multiple machines for users in an AD environment?
Thanks for any insight you may have.
You could sync the AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox directory, if that's an option in GPO.
Otherwise, you could place the Firefox profile folder in a directory that gets synchronized (like Documents), instead of in its default location, and then set up Firefox on each computer (using the Profile Manager) so it looks in that directory for its profile.

Windows 10 - clean out USB enumeration/driver cruft

I'm developing firmware and a PC test application for a custom USB device, using the STM32F072 Discovery board. The device includes Microsoft Windows Compatible IDs (WCIDs) to enable automatic installation of the WinUSB driver on the PC.
The device is enumerated correctly on other Windows 10 hosts, but not on my Windows 10 development PC. My development PC had previously tried to enumerate the device when it had the same VID/PID combo, but with different descriptors/metadata. If I change the PID to some other number (new to my development PC), it does enumerate correctly.
How can I get this to work with my desired VID/PID combo on my development PC?
Is Windows caching USB metadata the cause of the failed enumeration on this one PC?
What are best practices on the (Windows) PC-side for testing/development of USB device firmware, during the stage when device descriptors and metadata are in flux? Is it possible to avoid chewing up PIDs just to avoid the Windows caching?
Because of the way Windows caches USB descriptors and the like from previous enumerations, during firmware development, I was incrementing the device Product ID (PID) in the firmware after each time I made other changes, to ensure that Windows wasn't caching things from previous iterations of the descriptors, and messing up stuff that would otherwise work.
Now I've gotten the device to enumerate successfully on Windows 7, 8, and 10 PCs as a WinUSB device, and I've established communication. But when I change the firmware back to using the VID/PID that I started with, and then connect the device to my development PC, it shows up in Device Manager under "Other devices" with an error icon. I think this is because my (Windows 10) development PC previously had seen this VID/PID combo as having different descriptors, so it's getting confused by some bad cached stuff.
I've tried using regedit to delete the device's registry keys under HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USB\VID_xxxx&PID_yyyy, but the problem persists. (Also, I get an error, because it can't delete the VID_xxxx&PID_yyyy\zzzzzzzzzzzzz\Properties subfolders.) I also tried using USBDeview to uninstall old iterations of the device, but that hasn't made a difference either.
Also of note is that I can no longer pass the device through to Virtual Box virtual machines. I'm not sure what happened there.
Try removing any relevant registry keys of the form:
The MSDN article Microsoft OS Descriptors for USB Devices says:
The operating system creates a registry entry, named osvc, under this registry key that indicates whether the device supports Microsoft OS Descriptors. If the device does not provide a valid response the first time that the operating system queries it for a Microsoft OS String Descriptor, the operating system will make no further requests for that descriptor.
I know the OP has resolved his issues, but for future reference for anyone else having this problem: I had similar issues while developing a USB device with a vendor-specific class. Specifically, (similar to your experience) I was unable to delete the keys from:
so I had to increment the PID every time I modified my device code.
The reason why these keys can't be deleted is that the Properties registry subfolder is owned by the System user, so even running as Administrator you can't delete this subfolder nor change its permissions.
Running Regedit via PsExec (which is part of the SysInternals suite from Mark Russinovich) from an elevated command prompt with: psexec -s -i regedit.exe runs regedit as System user, which means you can delete that pesky Properties subfolder and the parent VID_xxxx&PID_yyyy keys.
I'm confronted with the same issue and uninstalling the device did not help.
Messing around with the registry makes me feel uneasy.
I still don't see a real answer to question #3.
What worked in my case: open device manager, select the non-working device and do "update driver". Select the driver manually from the list of locally available (Microsoft) drivers.
This did not solve all my problems but at least Windows does not ignore my device anymore and I can continue developing.
EDIT: I found a very helpful description on a github project named WCID Devices by Pete Batard. I strongly recommend reading the section Implementation and the following on this page WCID Devices
there are tools for removing hidden traces of USB devices like USBOblivion , USBDeview,...
sources of USBOblivion are here: (
To Remove TrustedInstaller Owned Registry Keys
Unfortunately the old PsExec trick of running RegEdit doesn't always work. In that case try to use:
ExecTI - Run as TrustedInstaller
Run it to open the ExecTI GUI and enter: C:\Windows\regedit.exe
To repair file and registry permissions
You can also try using the very old tool: subinacl.exe
subinacl.exe /subkeyreg HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet\Enum\USB\VID_0000&PID_0002\
Further described here. And has been shown to still work on Win10.

Automating remote desktop connection

We use many remote desktops in our development environment and there are many servers deployed in multiple environments. It is tedious to remember their IP addresses, usernames, and passwords. I want to write a small utility with buttons on it. When clicked, I want to start those remote desktops, automatically fetching usernames and passwords from some list.
I know there is a command line equivalent for MS Remote Desktop: mstsc.
This question suggests to do this as follows:
cmdkey /generic:TERMSRV/"computername or IP address" /user:"username" /pass:"password"
mstsc /v:"computer name or IP"
I run the first line, and it says credential successfully added. Then when I run the second line it simply runs Remote Desktop Connection for the specified IP address and asks for username and password. I would like it to simply open the remotely connected desktop at specified IP address by automatically applying the credential specified in cmdkey.
What's wrong here? Is it possible using such PowerShell script?
Can I invoke this script through an HTML page (since there are many other resources that I will be laying onto the webpage which will serve as one spot links for we developers, so that we will not be wasting time and effort finding them each time we want them)? Is it possible by registering the application to a URI scheme?
Is there another (standard) way?
The problem in your attempt is the parameter /generic.
According to the official website for cmdkey, /generic
identifies the computer or domain name that this entry will be associated with.
In my example, I will call the computer Computer01.
Do you want the credentials associated with TERMSRV/Computer01 ? (Like your example /generic:TERMSRV/"computername or IP address " said)
No, you want it associated to the normal computername Computer01.
Then you have to remove TERMSRV/.
The working result is:
cmdkey /generic:"computername or IP" /user:"username" /pass:"password"
To your other questions:
See the answer above
I don't know if it's possible with HTML only. I don't think so. But I also implement some PowerShell scripts into ASP.NET. This works.
See answer above.
A lot has changed since 2013. Many system operators already suggested to use ready-made tools which does this. Back in year 2013, Windows store wasn't that great a place (*my opinion). But now it's OK.
There is Microsoft's own Remote Desktop application in the store. The application is universal, that is, it runs on PCs, mobile phones, and holographic devices.
What's good? Microsoft has made the same app available on Android. I have tried for PC and Android. Both work great.
So have a try. I am regular user of these applications now.
