My co-worker just asked me to find out what something means. and I don't know.
Does anybody know what 'Y29taW5nIHRvIHRoZSBvZmZpY2UgdG9kYXkg' means?
hint : take a closer look at the charset of the string
Y29taW5nIHRvIHRoZSBvZmZpY2UgdG9kYXkg decodes to "coming to the office today" in Base64 format
Base 64 decoding
I'm digging into a log file of telephony data on a mac, there are a few entries that are intelligible plaintext but most of it is base64 and without knowing what it originally represented I haven't been able to figure out how to decode it into anything meaningful. They're 108-character blocks that I am completely certain are base64 (all the right characters for base64 and none that aren't, end in equals signs), but I am at a loss as to how to get anything useful out of them.
Someone previously was able to use this data productively, but how isn't documented. Does anyone have an idea what it would have been before it was base64 or how to get it back into a usable format?
Why don't you try a Python script?
There is a post that can help you:
Python base64 data decode
Check it out! There is an answer that can really help you.
If you don't know how to use python, here is an official Beginner's Guide:
Download it from here:
I would write a Python program like this:
import base64
file = open('yourlog.log','r')
outputfile = open('result.log','wb')
for line in file:
decoded_line = base64.b64decode(line)
I know this might be rather a simple issue to ask for and we can also set the barcode format to be scanned by Zxing, like this:
(1)intent.putExtra("SCAN_MODE", "QR_CODE_MODE"); //or any other format
if we do this:
(2)intent.putExtra("SCAN_MODE", "SCAN_MODE"); //for all modes`
While doing the #2 mentioned right above this line, the scanner sometimes seems to scan part of the barcode and picks up wrong information. For example if I try to simply scan a UPC barcode, 98% of the times it works beautifully, but sometimes it just returns me a wrong barcode. I think I know whats happening here, I have an idea up in my head, but what is the exact technical explanation for this? (Anyone familiar with barcodes can help) Thanks in advance guys.
SCAN_MODE is not a valid value. It is ignored and you are scanning for all formats.
It is not reading the wrong information from a barcode; it is finding a 'phantom' barcode among all those white and black lines, of another format. The usual culprit is UPC-E, which is the easiest to accidentally see.
This is why it is far better to restrict the scan to the format you are interested in with a correct value of SCAN_MODE.
Is this some kind of encrypted text. If so what is the message? What algorithm do they use to encrypt it.
and this one also
Maybe; have you tried base64 decoding it, etc?
EDIT: yep, or something close to, as it's not all human readable -- if you let us know the context in which you acquired it, someone might be able to guess the format. Otherwise, we'll be making all sorts of guesses.
-887227707ddTextSugan Krishnan!dd5ddImageUrl~/images/Five.jpgdd
Try once more!Visiblegdd_ControlsRequirePostBackKey_ImageButton1²¨\§¤+
(Thanks to this online Base64 decoder).
I have two barcodes that I am working with. They are clearly different, but both scan as code 128. One is weird and one is normal. I have tried to reprint the data for the barcode in every way I can think of to I can see what subset (A, B or C) is being used.
For the normal one I know it is A for the first 10 chars then it changes the encoding to B.
I cannot seem to find out how to see what the encoding is on the other (weird) one.
I am using a symbol scanner. (I turned on the prefix char but that only told me D (Code 128)
Is there any tool to allow me to dig into the barcode symbologies?
I know very little about barcodes and zero about non-european ones, but for weird implementations of Code 128, there is also GS1-128.
This online barcode generator looks quite nice and can generate a lot of formats you might want to check against.
Chiming in late here, but the ZXing library (I'm a developer) reads Code 128. You could have it scan the barcode while you attach a debugger to the code. It would show you exactly what's happening, step by step, in the decoding, including subset changes.
I know the problem is fixed. But here's some more resource in case someone's in need :)
Like Pekka mentioned, a Code 128 have subsets like Code 128A, Code 128B, Code 128C and GS1-128(UCC/EAN-128). Here is more information on Code 128 barcode, with encoding pattern illustration.
Thanks for those that answered and commented.
Turns out the company that made our barcodes had a printing error. That caused the barcode to look different.
How it ever successfully decoded I do not know. Anyway. I am going to award the question to Pekka because he gave me a workable solution.
Anyone know's any good documentation (theorical) about QRCodes?
The QR Code specification is completely explained by ISO/IEC 18004:2006. The bad news is the specification's text is not free. But it is the only complete resource explaining the format.
If that's not what you have in mind, you'll need to explain more about what you are interested in.
The best open source description I've seen is