Interceptor for http outbound gateway - spring

Has sprint integration http outbound gateway has any configuration property to add interceptor into org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate ?
I want to intercept the httpRequest for adding some security information in request (like interceptor property in ws-ouboundgatewy) ,But I could not see any interceptor configuration option in http outbound gateway?.
Do we have any other option to achieve this functionality ?

You can inject to the <int-http:outbound-gateway> any custom RestTemplate bean using rest-template attribute on the first one.
But from other side I don't see any mentions for interceptor logic in the RestTemplate...


Intercept spring RefreshTokenReactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientProvider for webclient

I am looking for the solution to intercept
AbstractWebClientReactiveOAuth2AccessTokenResponseClient while using spring reactive Oauth2 with authorization grant type client_credentials? I am using hmac-auth-webclient provided here but this example only intercept the ClientRequest sent by webclient created in the configuration. While
ServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction using its own webclient instance to send the token request which doesnt get intercepted with the filters specified in the configuration. How can I force every webclient initiated in the application should use certain headers in the request such as Digest & signature headers?
I am expecting way to intercept webclient instance used AbstractWebClientReactiveOAuth2AccessTokenResponseClient to send some more custom headers with /token request.

Quarkus Custom authorization interceptors or filter

I have a Quarkus microservice doing authentication and authorization with Keycloak using quarkus-oidc and quarkus-keycloak-authorization extensions.
when i use quarkus.keycloak.policy-enforcer, reader & writer interceptors and container request & container response filters and exception mapper (with disable proactive) not working on 401 error. do you have any idea??

Spring Boot HandlerInterceptor not triggered when a request is authenticated

As described in the title, the interceptor is only triggered if the request does not contain the required auth token. With the token, the interceptor does not get triggerd...
How can this be prevented so that the interceptor gets triggerd on all requests?
You need to set the order property to the lowest.
Maybe #Order(Ordered.LOWEST_PRECEDENCE) might do the job.
If not, check this out:

Spring MVC: log all requests, even the resource not founds

How can I log all requests in Spring MVC, even the resource not founds ones?
I guess interceptors can not log resource not found requests. What do you suggest?
Have you tried using implementation of javax.servlet.Filter?
Filter in contrary to Spring's interceptor is part of a Java's standard and is executed by the servlet container for each incoming HTTP request..
Spring MVC use exactly one servlet and that is DispatcherServlet which, as the name suggest, disptach received request to correct controller which process the request futher.
Spring even provide few concrete implementations of Filter that can log incoming request for you such as: CommonsRequestLoggingFilter or ServletContextRequestLoggingFilter.
You can choose one of the above implementations or implement Filter interface by yourself - whatever you decide, by using Filter you should be able to log every single request received by your servlet container.

How to send HTTP post request using spring

What configuration do i need to send HTTP post request through spring. I am using java application , it's not a web project. Can i use spring to send HTTP post request? I google it but most almost all examples are using spring MVC. Can i use just spring to send HTTP post request ?
I found this bean on net but I don't know what to do after it. I am using spring3.2 and this post i think is of year 2008...
<bean id="httpClient" class="org.springbyexample.httpclient.HttpClientTemplate">
<property name="defaultUri">
Any suggestions?
If you are using Spring 3.0+, it will be better to use RestTemplate for sending HTTP requests. Once you wire the RestTemplate (API), you can use different methods in it to send different types of HTTP requests.
You don't need Spring just to issue a HTTP post, see this post: Using to fire and handle HTTP requests
And yes you can use Spring in a non-web application / command line application. Just create an instance of ApplicationContext (eg: ClassPathApplicationContext with path to your beans xml configuration injected)
