Bash Script Quits After Exiting SSH - bash

I'm trying to write a Bash script that logs into 2 different linux based power-strips (Ubiquiti Mpower Pros) and turns 2 different lights off (one on each strip). To do this I login to the 1st strip, change the appropriate file to 0 (thus turning off the light), and exit, repeating the same process on the next power-strip. However, after I exit the first SSH connection, the script stops working. Could someone please suggest a fix? My only idea would be to encase this script in a python program. Here's my code:
ssh User#
echo "0" > /proc/power/relay1
# hits the enter key
cat <(echo "") | <command>
ssh User#
echo "logged in"
echo "0" > /proc/power/relay1
cat <(echo "") | <command>

ssh as an app BLOCKS while it's running, the echo and exit are executed by the local shell, not by the remote machine. so you are doing:
ssh to remote machine
exit remote shell
echo locally
exit locally
and boom, your script is dead. If that echo/exit is supposed to be run on the remote system, then you should be doing:
ssh user#host command
^^^^^---executed on the remote machine
ssh foo#bar 'echo ... ; exit'

The commands you're apparently trying to run through ssh are actually being executed locally. You can just pass the command you want to run to ssh and it will do it (without needing an explicit exit)
ssh User# 'echo "0" > /proc/power/relay1'
will do that, and similar for the other ssh command


Shell script on remote server terminates ssh session

I have a shell script written by some vendor and does a lot of low level stuffs under the hood which I have no domain specific knowledge on. I have a manual given by the vendor how to execute this script on the CLI manually. it works as expected if executed on the CLI.
Now I write a script to automate this process, but the ssh session of my script will terminate abruptly when the script is completed and the remote commands after the script within the ssh session will not execute. only the local commands out of the ssh session will continue.
echo "LOCAL: start"
sshpass -p ${PSSWD} timeout 45 ssh -n -q -oConnectTimeout=10 -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null user#$ip '(
function executeFlash(){
echo "remote: executeFlash: start"
echo "remote: executeFlash: end"
echo "REMOTE: start"
cp flashrom /usr/sbin/
cp /usr/lib64/
echo "REMOTE: end"
echo "LOCAL: end"
output is
LOCAL: start
REMOTE: start
remote: executeFlash: start
some logs showing the successful execution of
--- missing remote command for "remote: executeFlash: end" and "REMOTE: end"
LOCAL: end
As shown above, the session seems to be terminated and rest of the remote commands not executed "remote: executeFlash: end"
I have tried to call the script in subprocess like & or ./
but no luck. During Manual execution in the CLI, I do not lose the ssh session which is the expected behavior
After removing "timeout 45" from the ssh command, the issue got resolved

Run remote process asynchronically on bash and get its remote pid, stdout+stderr in a file and exit code

I want to run a remote process asynchronically and get its remote pid, output (stdout + stderr) saved into a file or a variable (I need it for further processing) and exit code.
The remote pid is needed while the the remote process is running, not after it's done.
Also, multiple processes with the same name run on the remote machine, so any solution which uses the process name won't work for me.
What I've got so far:
export SSH="ssh -o ServerAliveInterval=100 $user#$remote_ip"
and "my_test" is the binary I want to run.
To get the remote pid and output I tried:
$SSH "./my_test > my_test_output & echo \$! > pid_file"
remote_pid=$($SSH "cat pid_file")
# run some remote application which needs the remote pid (send signals to my_test)
$SSH "./some_tester $remote_pid"
# now wait for my_test to end and get its exit code
$SSH "wait $remote_pid; echo $?"
bash: wait: pid 71033 is not a child of this shell
The $SSH command returns after echoing the remote pid to pid_file, since there are no file descriptors connected to this ssh socket (
Is there a way to somehow get my_test exit code?
OK, my solution is:
# the part which generates the code on the remote machine
$SSH << 'EOF' &
./my_test > my_test_output &
echo $remote_pid > pid_file
wait $remote_pid
echo $? > exit_code
# since we run the previous ssh command asynchronically, we need to make sure
# pid_file was already created when we try to read it
sleep 2
remote_pid=$($SSH "cat pid_file")
# now we can run remote task which needs the remote test pid
$SSH "./some_tester $remote_pid"
wait $local_pid
echo "my_test is done!"
exit_code=$($SSH "cat exit_code")

Exit from SSH using a sh script

I have a RHEL box (bash) and I have SSH'd to an ESXi (sh) from it.
Now on ESXi I have created a simple script
echo hello
This only exits the script. I want to exit the script + exit the ESXi shell and return to my original RHEL bash.
Thanks much.
If you are only SSHing in for the purpose of running this command, then instead you could just have the ssh run the command for you:
[RHEL]$ ssh user#ESXi '/tmp/'
...and if you needed to interact with the script, or watch it's output, add the -t switch:
[RHEL]$ ssh -t user#ESXi '/tmp/'
Remove the shebang ie do
echo hello && exit
save it as script and then source the script like
. script

Fix ssh line for Xpra bash script

im writting a small script for starting an 'xpra' session with a remote machine. I'm pretty new to bash scripting, so I was wondering if someone could help me clean up the code a bit, concerning best practices.
The ssh line is the one i'm having problems with, as I must CTRL-C on the keyboard for the command to be killed and let it continue to echo "done".
How can I fix that minor issue?
### ###
# syntax: hostmachine command #
## ###
## Wake on LAN host machine.
## Check if online and ssh command.
## Attach xpra client.
while :; do
ping -c 1 $1
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
ssh $1 "xpra start :7 && sleep 2 && ("DISPLAY=:7 $2"&) ";
echo "done";
sleep 5;
echo "attaching";
(xpra attach ssh:$1:7 &);
echo "host offline";
sleep 180s;
Newer versions support starting remote sessions in one command, try:
xpra start ssh://HOST:SSH_PORT/DISPLAY --start-child=xterm
this will
start a new remote session on display DISPLAY
start an xterm in it
then connect your client to this session
It's a lot cleaner than a script that relies on "sleep"...
Either you want the ssh line to finish before moving to the next line, in which case what you have is correct; or you want to move on to the next line while it is still running, in which case you can append a "&" character to the line:
ssh $1 "xpra start :7 && sleep 2 && ("DISPLAY=:7 $2"&) " &
(Main comment I would make about your style is that ending all your lines with ";"'s is unnecessary, and it would be clearer if you indented the parts of your if statement.)
as Adam Liss mentioned in the comments:
ssh -f $COMMAND
will open an ssh session, ask for your credentials, then go into the background as it launches the command on the remote host.

Exit from an SSH session but not script

In my bash script, I do:
cd ~/apple;
echo "Before Exit"
echo "After Exit"
I never see Before Exit or After Exit. I can understand why I may not see Before Exist as my script at that stage is in another console. But I am confused if the Exit mean my script ends and hence why After Exit never gets logged.
Any help appreciated.
To execute a series of commands on a remote host, you need to pass them to ssh on the command line, not execute them after the ssh call. Like this:
ssh '
cd ~/apple
echo "Before Exit"
echo "After Exit"
This uses a multiline string to pass multiple commands. An exit is implicit when the end of the string is reached.
Importantly, the commands in the quoted string are executed on the remote host, while the final echo is executed on the local server. I've indented the remote commands for clarity.
You can use screen for this.
screen -d -m <command>
Use screen -r to attach to that screen again
screen -r <screen ID>
